This story starts at the beginning of season 3. I only own Charley up to know.

The tension at Firehouse 51 was impenetrable. Charlotte could feel it from the car park outside. You could see the still raw pain etched on the faces of the people inside. Charlotte wasn't sure how she would be received. After all this was a fire house still torn apart from the loss of one of their own. She didn't want to step on anyones toes. But nonetheless she stepped out of her black ford, wearing grey Dicker boots, black skinny jeans that skimmed above the ankle, a loose white tee tucked in partially and a pair of black sunnies. She carried a bottle of mineral water into the station with her. As she walked in she saw Matt chatting to Gabriela. Matt looked up when he felt a presence looming.

"Char, what are you doing here?' asked Matt.

"Nice to see you too Matty." she laughed.

"You know I love to see my baby sister." he said as he pulled her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, and squeezed him tight. Glad she was able to still feel him in her arms, as she knew all to well how quick he could be taken from her. She thought back to Matts best friend Andy, she'd thought of him as her brother and it had almost killed her when he was taken from them. They stood like that for a while, before she moved over to hug Gabby.

"Hey Gabs."

"Charley, good to see you." replied Gabby s she gave Charlotte a brief hug.

"If it isn't baby Casey" shouted Hermann, gathering the attention of the others.

"Less of the baby, Chris." chuckled Charlotte. "I have some good news." she looked around to make sure she had everyones attention. "I passed!"

She heard whoops from the guys and matt pulled her into another hug.

"i'm so proud of you Charlotte."

"Thanks Matty." Matt saw the sadness in her face and he knew what she was thinking about.

"Andy would be proud, don't you doubt it." he tilted her chin up "He wouldn't want you to be sad Char."

"Doesnt stop me thinking about him."

He hugged her again.

"So I gather Charlotte has given you the good news." came Boden's voice in the background. "the bad news is you're all going to be seeing a lot more of her. Dawson meet your new partner Paramedic Charlotte Casey."

"Seriously?" asked Gabby, smiling. Boden nodded "Now go get yourself ready for duty Casey"