A/N Okay, so this one is a bit depressing, and may be slightly OOC, but Doug does have the potential to be a serious guy. He's just... Not. Plus, Doug and Dylas = frienemies/ bromance in the highest form. Gotta love 'em. And I am not implying DylasxDoug here. They're just best bros.

The red-headed dwarf rubbed some sweat off his forehead, hefting a bag of flour over his shoulder. "Where do you want this one, Granny Blossom?" he called. The elderly woman glanced over at the young man. "Flour... Oh, that reminds me." She pulled out a piece of paper from beneath the counter and handed it to him. "The restaurant put in an order for two bags of flour, would you mind taking them over there, Doug?"

Doug nodded, his wide, trademark grin stretching across his face. "Sure thing. I'll take them over right now." With a grunt, he slung another bag of flour over his shoulder and headed out. Man, I'm tired. These extra hours are killing me.

Entering the restaurant , Doug tossed the flour onto the counter and leaned against it, eyes closed. Just... A few seconds...

"Hey, peabrain! You can't sleep there!"

He groaned and pried open his eyes. Dylas's angry face towered over him. "Buzz off, nag," he muttered. The waiter's face softened slightly in concern. "Are you okay, dwarf? You don't look so good." Doug stood back up with a sigh. "Just... Pay me for the flour, okay?"

Dylas counted out the coins in his palm before handing them over. "There you go. That should cover it." He nodded. "Alright. See you later, Dylas." Doug turned to go, when a strong hand clamped on his shoulder.

Dylas scowled darkly. "Okay, that's it. What's wrong with you, dwarf?" The shorter man shrugged away from him. "Nothing, why?" "You called me by my actual name. Something is wrong." Doug ran a hand roughly through his vivid hair and down his face. "I've just... Been working a lot of hours, okay? I'm saving up to buy that vacant house over on Melody Street. I love Granny Blossom, but Stella is getting older, and we need our own place."

His old rival nodded slowly, looking off into space. "I still don't get why you didn't stay in the castle, after..." He paused.

"I was going insane, being there without her, plus, those quarters legally belong to Arthur. It all felt wrong. I'm almost there, alright? I can't stop now." Doug muttered. He walked to the exit.

"You had better slow down, at least, for Stella's sake. When was the last time you hung out with your kid?"

The dwarf looked at Dylas with a weak smile. "Too long ago."

Dylas watched his friend go with a frown. Doug was going to work himself into the ground at this rate. Not if I can help it. "Hey, dwarf! Wait up!" This ends now.

Doug had never felt more grateful to the ex-Guardian in his life, not that he would admit it. The redhead stretched out on the blanket lying beside Dragon Lake like a content cat. Feeling a poke on the top of his head, he hid a smile and ignored it.


Continuing to ignore it, Doug exaggerated snores.


The grin finally breaking free, he pulled a crimson haired girl down beside him, making her squeal. "Can't you see I'm sleeping? Never interrupt a nap. Have I taught you nothing?" he teased.

"You weren't really asleep! You were just pretending!"

Doug laughed. "Ah, got me there, Stella. Hey, make sure you say thank you to Uncle Dylas tomorrow, okay? We wouldn't be able to do this if he hadn't taken my shift for me today."

His daughter smiled her crooked smile and nodded. "Okay! Can you show me some more fighting stuff later?" Her dad's grin became a bit pained. "I can try, but you're advancing so quickly. I'm not the best fighter, you know. All your skills are from your mom."

"B-but you're strong! You're really strong!" Stella protested. Well, at least she thinks so.

"Alright then. But first, let's eat!"

Father and daughter sat side by side, watching the ripples in Dragon Lake, while they ate their onigiri. One thought excitedly of new techniques she could learn. The other thought of lost love.

And how lucky he was to have a friend like Dylas.