So close, she muttered, so close as the rope slid in and out like a coiling serpent ensnaring her wrists together, she gave one last final tug and, THERE! It wasn't great, but it was her first double wrist tie, Ruby was so proud of herself she had to contain her excitement to a simple grin or else she'd draw the attention of students in the hall. But what could she say, she was happy, she'd managed to buy the rope herself, no easy feat mind you, carefully find the tutorial on her scroll without Yang finding out, follow it to the T and now, her wrist were bound. God she could feel the warmth hit her face as she chewed her bottom lips and squirmed on her bed, the covers writhing among her as she twisted and turned her body, A hot flash exploded across her cheeks as her bound wrists start crease the edges of her skirt, maybe she should…

But before she could plan her evening, the door to dorm room started to creak open, Ruby's eyes blew up wide darting to the source of the sound, she needed to think fast! How was she gonna explain what innocent old ruby was doing or about to do, if they caught her? Quickly flattening herself against her mattress she pulled the covers over herself and tried her hardest to pretended that she was asleep as her hands darted under her pillows to hide her evidence.

"RUBY! WE'RE BAAAAAACK" As her fire cracker sister ignited loudly as she slammed her way into the dorm room with careless disregard, before she stopped to puzzle at the seemingly empty dorm room, until the sight of a mound under her sister's sheet gave light to her sisters location, causing her to sulk "Aaaaw, she went to bed" Yang groaned disappointed, as the blonde made her way up to her sister's bed and started to poke her younger sibling, to see how deep asleep she was, maybe she'd only just started and Yang could prod her awake. Said younger sister sweated nervously as she was prodded and poked by her elder sibling, god why did Yang have to be so, troublesome, she thought, as she continued to try and play possum.

"Yang leave her be" The darkest haired faunus said as she placed firm hand on her partner's shoulder. "If she's tired, she's tired, we've got to let her rest" Blake smiled sincerely, as the Yang stopped her poking, making her way back to her bed flopping down with a huff, but her sulking quickly came to an end as she pulled out her scroll and focused on playing video games. While the other two members of her team went about studying and reading books enjoying the rest of their evening., as for their fearless leader, she tried to contain her sadness, she knew she'd be trapped here for awhile now, it be several hours until those three went to bed and she could sit up to undo her bindings, chucking them against the wall in frustration.

She hated this, she really did, but what choice did she have? Everyone at Beacon new Ruby as the child like innocent and sweet leader of team RWBY, if they found out she was into bondage, let alone..., wanting to dominate someone, what would they say! How would they view her, they'd probably blame Yang for one, which wasn't entirely false, but it was still her choice! but they'd definitely have trouble accepting this truth about her, saying it had to be outside influence, that the 'innocent' Ruby couldn't be this.., this perverted, Well you know what, she was! She was into latex and crops, she wanted to control to dominate, to see women look her in the eye and beg, YEAH SHE WAS INTO WOMEN DAD! she chuckled as her thoughts consumed her. Because sadly, she couldn't ever show it and if today had proved anything, she never will be able to, with a heavy sigh, she knew what she had to do.

Waiting until deep into the night, when she was sure her team was soundly asleep, the chorus of snores came to her ears, specially Yang's, How did Blake not stay awake screaming?, Ruby threw off her sheets off herself and steadily started to climb down out of her bed, careful not to wake Weiss as she walked to the rope she had discarded before, and gathered them up in her hands, she examined her own wrists.. they'd become red and sore from the rope being left on too long, but it wouldn't matter, she thought and carefully made her way out of the dorm, careful not to creak the door too loudly, she really didn't want to wake the kitten! Happy no one was awake, Ruby started to slowly make her way down several corridors, twisting and turning here, there making sure her route was not predicted, when she was sure that she was far enough away from her Team's dorm as she could possibly be, She double and tripled checked that no teachers or students were around, she admired she wasn't being as careful as she could be, after all the nerves were getting to her and as wanted this whole day to be gone. The young leader dumped the rope into a bin, mournfully looking as she headed back with a second glance, before making her way back to her dorm so she could actually sleep, little did she know, she was not alone in that hallway.

At breakfast each member of the team gave off wary glances at their red hooded leader as an uncertain uncomfortable feeling swirled in their stomach, Said leader in question was glancing off into nothingness as her fork pushed her meal around it's plate, mushing and squishing it together in a fine paste, it slowly becoming less and less appetising to look at, but it wasn't just the lack of eating a meal that concerned them, Ruby hadn't even gotten herself a desert, not even a double desert, the tray had a very apparent lack of sugary delights, causing the team to pipe up.

"Ruby? Are you okay" Blake's ember eyes tried to to gaze into the silver pools of her younger teammate's causing her to glance away with a mild blush, not wanting her faunus friend to read her like an open book with one glance.

"I'm okay Blake, I'm just…, not hungry" She lied with a cheerful smirk, but the cat could tell that she was lying and it hurt, But Ruby was still thinking of her late night actions, and having to give up something so close and important to her, not as important as being a huntress but, it was a different kind of her important, another part of her identity, but she needed to tell herself that she just had to accept her reality, there was not way she could indulge herself in this current state.

"She doesn't have a fever" Yang commented as she suddenly slapped her palm upon her young siblings head, feeling for a rise or drop in temperature, causing the the young rose to frown as she pushed Yang off herself.

"YANG! I'm not a kid" She snarled, giving Yang pause.

"Woah hey, sorry, we're just worried" Yang smiled, trying to not make the situation worse seeing that there was something clearly troubling her sister, but didn't was to anger her further, the agitated Ruby sighed, she knew her sister and team were just worried at her, but, she bit her lip, no one could understand, all three of them were beautiful and sexy, they could be as flirty or as cute as they wanted and no one would bat an eye, no one would care, it hurt so much.

"It doesn't matter" she continued to push her meal around, before deciding to give up altogether as her fork dropped on her plate with a loud clatter, Blake slowly parted her lips to speak, when a shadow cast itself over their entire group.

"Hey foxy ladies" A familiar fashionista smiled, adjusting her glasses to make eye contact with the members of team RWBY.

"OH hey Coco" Yang spoke up with a flirty grin. "Whats up?

"Hey there sexy, actually, I was wondering If I could snag Ruby?" Said girl turned to the gun toting mall rat with a puzzled expression. "I need to borrow her to help me in my dorm."

"Oh what do you need?" Ruby brightened, she needed to stay positive, it was one thing for her team to worry, if everyone started to, it could get out of hand, as Coco returned the girl's enthusiasm with a sly grin.

"Was wondering if you could 'show me the ropes' with some weapon modifications, I heard you are just great and getting every part to work nice and 'tightly'" The dark brunette winked, causing the smaller women's face to fluster, SHIT, she screamed mentally, Coco's knows, how does she know, when did she know, can I buy her silence? No, she's a mall girl, she's rich, it never work! Ruby's eyes glanced back and forth in her head before smiling slightly.

"S-sure, yeah I can help you with that, right now?" Her voice breaking ever so slightly from worryingly.

"The sooner the better" Coco shrugged.

"HEY WAIT!" Blake quickly rose in time with her beloved leader, extending an arm out to intercept her path to Coco. "Ruby? Are you sure want to go? I mean you haven't eaten and-"She was cut off with Ruby raising her hand to her, asking for silence.

"It's okay Blake, I'm fine, I'm wasn't even hungry like I said, I'll see you guys later today" She smiled, trying to hide her nerves as exited the hall slowly following closely behind Coco, the rest of the team watched as two left before looking back at each other with both confusion and worry.

"So, what do you think Coco, REALLY wants Ruby?" Weiss asked first, being skeptical of Coco's motivations but was quickly shot down her on and off again lover.

"She told us, weapon modifications" Yang said simply.

"Come on Yang, you really think that's why she wants Ruby? Those two have hardly ever spoken to one another and plus Ruby has been acting very strangely, what if its connected!" The Ice queen questioned her.

"Look, if Ruby REALLY has a problem, she'll tell us in her own time, if we continue to push her for answers, she'll only be less likely to give them to us, you saw how she was! And besides, it will probably be better tomorrow, if it gets worse, then we can question her, so 'CHILL' Ice queen" She smirked at Weiss who only turned her head to sulk. Blake on the other hand continued to stare at the door, wondering if she should have followed.

Two walked in silence for sometime, their footsteps echoing down the halls as the passed teachers and students, Ruby kept her head low, worried that if she spoke out of line Coco would reveal her secret, how much did she even know? When had she known? What was this girl keeping from her.

"So, um.." Ruby's throat was dry, her voice sore and her knees quaking in panic with each step. "W-what do you need me for, um, really?" She glanced to her travel companion with worry and, if she was being truly honest, arousal.

"Not here buttercup, wait untill we get to my dorm, then we can have more..." Coco chewed her lip "privacy~" giving Ruby a sultry wink, As the younger leader swallowed hard her face turned as bright as her hood. The trip to Team CFVY's dorm was AGONISING for her the silence between the two made Ruby's spine on end, her thoughts betrayed her in a nervous paranoid and tiny bit horny storm of ideas and possibilities, what was she planning, what did she want? Did she even really know? Of course she did, she wouldn't of dropped such an un-subtle line if she didn't, then what was she planning? Oh god, what if she was going to blackmail her into being a sex slave or something! Ruby had probably unloaded several buckets worth of nervous sweat on the corridor alone by the time the reached Team CFVT's door and Coco unlocked it.

"In here red" the fashionista gestured for her travel companion to enter the room first, as the door slammed shut behind her sending a high pitched squeak out of her, as Coco grinned.

"So..." Coco strutted around to face her guest, as she started to pull a long strand of familiar red rope from her pocket, causing Ruby's eyes to double in size. "I found this last night, I was surprised when I saw such high quality bondage material being discarded, but someone like you~" She chuckled

Oh no, Ruby thought, dropping to her hands and knees as her heart sank. "I-I knew I should of checked more carefully, I KNEW IT!"

"What I don't understand is why would someone go to such trouble to buy high quality work like this, only to chuck it away?" The older girl questioned "This must of cost you some Lien"

It was round this time something, snapped in Ruby, she didn't know what it was, but something just snapped and all the safeguard she had built up was gone, as she shot up and started a rant about her misfortune. "IT DID! LIKE SO MUCH LIKE, SO MANY YEARS OF SAVINGS GONE! AND WHY, BECAUSE I'M HERE AND I'M ME. I'M ~Sweet Innocent Ruby, Does nothing wrong Ruby~ only the purest and sweetest thoughts" She danced mockingly "BAH, NO ONE KNOWS ME, I HUNGER! I-I WANT TO KISS GIRLS, I WANT TO STRADDLE THEM AS THEY LOOK AT ME WITH FEAR AND AROUSAL, I WANT THEM TO BEG, BUT I CAN'T HAVE THAT!" She sobbed, as she dropped to her knees again. "I-I can't, b-because it ruin my life if people found out, n-no one would accept th-this side of me, h-how can I practice dominating, if I-I can't do it in peace"

Coco's expression softened to one of cocern as she felt a sense of kinship with the young huntress, despite her looks and personality, if her family found out about her own hobbies, they'd probably disown her, worse if a certain bunny found out, quickly dropping to her knees, she lifted the huntresses sad chin and wiped away her tears. "Well then, today's your lucky day pumpkin, cause I know a special little place when you can indulge your deviant nature to your hearts content and none shall be the wiser.

There was a pause from the young girl, like she was processing everything Coco had just said. "C-come again?"

"Are you free tomorrow?" The older girl asked.

"YES!" Ruby shot into Coco with a large hug, quickly backing off as she readjusted herself. "I mean, I um, I have one or two things to do, classes, study with Weiss and the Books with Blake, BUT THEN I AM ALL YOURS" Blushing as she realised how that sounded.

Coco just chuckled with a sly grin. "Well then Red, tomorrow, You and me, are heading into Vale, and then.., all your dirty little dreams will come true~" The smile stretched across her face, same with the other leader, Ruby couldn't contain herself, if Coco was being truthful, then she'd be free, finally free to express herself completely, she only had one question to herself, what and where was this place that Coco new?