It was a sunny late morning at the Tristain Academy for magic, and the second years students were all gathered outside at Vestry field where they were performing a sacred spell that all mage nobles performed at their age. Each one would perform the summoning spell and meet their lifelong familiars.

Louise De La Valliere, a proud daughter of a duke, was nervously standing away from the center of the crowd of magic students. She was hoping not to be spotted by her professor.

Kirche von Anhalt Zerbst, a daughter of the Zerbst Family from Germania, had completed her spell and had summoned a very large fire breathing salamander.

" At the end, you obtained quite the familiar, Ms. Zerbst." Professor Colbert said to his student.

".It fits my byname, Kiriche the Fever." Kirche replied with a smile.

" Now, was that every one?" Mr. Colbert asked to the group as he looked around.

" No, We are still waiting on Ms. Valliere." Kiriche said with a sly smile. Her gaze fell upon Louise who was still hiding behind the group. Anger was evident on her face.

"Well then, Miss valliere, please step up." Mr. Colbert siad as he motioned to Louise to come forth. Louise gave Kirche her ugliest scowl.

Ugh that Zerbst! She thought to herself.

Morning, near Trost district.

Eren was in his room in the basement of an old castle fort. He had finished cleaning his room to Captain Levi's specifications, which were almost as brutal as the training he was going through for the Survey Corps. It wasn't too long ago he was a trainee that was thrust into a surprise attack by the titans on Wall Rose which lead up to Eren's involvement in taking back Wall Rose and a trial that decided his fate as a titan shifter, but it felt like an eternity since he had seen any of his friends.

Today, Levi wanted to train Eren on deploying his ODM Gear from horseback. It was something Eren had some difficulty with but was getting the hang of after a week of training. The Bruises still hurt, but he was getting closer to being a real Scout.

"Eren! Hurry Up!" Gunther called from the top of the steps leading into the basement.

" Almost Ready, checking my gear!" Eren replied. He was in the final stages of checking his ODM Gear, which was strapped to his body.

Louise stood at the center of her classmates, each one either dawning a look of humor or a look of concern. She chose to zone them out as she needed to concentrate.

" I'm looking forward to seeing your beautiful and powerful familiar Louise." Kiriche taunted .

" It will be better than your lousy lizard!' Louise huffed as she faced the professor again.

Come on, Please work! She thought inwardly. She gripped her wand tight and then began to chant,

" My servant that exist somewhere in this universe…"

Eren walked out the front of the Castle towards the stables where his squad was now assembled.

Captain Levi was mounted on his horse while the others were getting theirs ready. Levi saw Eren first and frowned at him.

" You're Late Cadet!" He said. Eren immediately stopped and gave Levi a salute with his hand to his heart.

" I'm sorry captain, it won't happen again!" Eren said. He knew it was early but didn't want to say anything less Levi would punish him.

" Get your horse ready, I want you to get comfortable with him as soon as possible." Levi ordered Eren. Eren said,

" Yes Sir!" Eren's horse was a chestnut brown stallion that was a little temperamental, at least when Eren rode him. It was a shaky relationship, but one that was now starting to work out.

Eren walked over to the last stable to retrieve the reins of his horse, who was currently chewing on some straw. As he was walking to it, there was a sound of chimes that rang through the air. Eren looked around for the source but couldn't find it. What was even more weird was no one else seemed to have heard it. When Eren turned to say something to Levi, he noticed a strange green floating orb. It was floating above the ground and emanated light. No one seemed to notice the orb either.

Eren was completely creeped out, yet he had the urge to go over to the floating orb and touch it. His fingers seeped in and ripples spread from his point of contact. Feeling more curious, he stuck his hand in further, immediately the orb began sucking his arm in. Eren struggled to pull his arm out but to no avail.

" Hey, Help me! Petra!" Eren screamed as he reached for Petra who was standing just out of reach. She continued to feed her Horse grain, oblivious to Eren's plyte. Eren then turned his body and grabbed the left sword grip to shoot a hook out at a nearby tree, but it was too late he was already fully sucked in. He fell into a black void which continued to encapsulate his world.

Louise finished her summoning spell and immediately an explosion occurred. Everyone screamed as they backed away from the explosion and smoke. Once the smoke cleared there were gasps. One blond girl pointed to a body that had appeared in front of Louise. Louise stood there trembling with an eye twitch as she laid her eyes on a human boy who she had summoned. The whole thing was strange and not even her worst case scenario could have equated to the overtly embarrasing figure that was now her Familiar; Her life long familiar. Clearly this was a mistake.

" This is my beautiful, amazing and powerful familiar?" she asked herself.

Eren's body was wracked with pain and his air had been knocked out. All he could do was moan as he laid stomach down with his head in the grass that tickled his face and hands. All around him he could hear people murmuring and some even laughed. Clearly he wasn't too injured since no one from his squad was trying to help him up. He must have taken a fall during ODM gear practice.

He tried moving his arms in a position to allow himself to get up, but he felt his body protesting. He then tried the next best thing, he slowly turned his head to the right, feeling his face scrape against the grass. The grass felt short like it was cut; trimmed grass was a privilege mostly found in the inner wall.

Am I in the inner district? Eren thought to himself. A stick poked at his side, this made Eren turn his head harder to the right. All he could see was feet, one pair close to his face. The shoes seemed like they were made of expensive leather.

"Yeah, inner District for sure. He thought to himself flatly. He could hear a girl arguing, yet he couldn't understand her. It was like she was speaking in eccos, He could also hear an older man arguing back sternly.

Eren shifted his eyes as far up as he could to look at the girl standing near him. What he saw shocked him a little. His Eyesight was a little blurry but he could see that she was wearing strange clothes that looked very expensive. What was most shocking was her hair; it was pink.

Eren pushed himself to roll over on his butt. He felt him sell roll over the left blade holster of his ODM gear. Looking around he saw more people in strange clothes. The girls wore very short skirts exposing their legs and the guys wore expensive clothes. All had Cloaks that were black. His heart raced as he wondered who the were.

They are definitely from the inner wall, but who are they? Are they some sort of cult? He wondered.

Louise had a look of shock on her face as Professor colbert gave her a stern look and said,

" If you want to continue your studies here, you are to complete the summoning spell properly!" Louise pouted but then resigned herself to the task. She sighed and turned to the strange boy pesant ( she wasn't sure if he was a peasant) in what looked like military cloths and said to him,

" you better be grateful a noble would even consider doing this with you." Louise had a look of determination. She looked the boy in his Green, worried eyes. He said something but his words sounded foreign.

" Calm down, this will only take a moment." She said to him, not knowing if he even understood. Her Classmates mockingly cheered her on which made her blush with embarrassment.

Eren looked the strange girl in her pink eyes, He could feel his heart pound as she knelt closser to him. He wasn't sure what she was up to but he could clearly see her blushing cheeks.

" Wait! Hold on!" He said, but his words fell on deaf ears as she lean in and kissed him. It was a small peck, but a whirlwind of emotions flowed though Eren. He had never kissed a girl before. She broke away, standing up and her locks of hair swished around her head.

" The spell is complete familiar. Now the contract will begin. It will only hurt a little bit but it will be over. I hope you can understand me." She said almost somberly. Eren Looked at her confused since he couldn't understand one word she said.

" What the Hell was that all about!" He demanded. Once again, she didn't' appear to understand him. Suddenly he felt a warmth, it spread from his hand up his arm and into his body. The heat grew more intense until he was burning. His hand took the brunt of the burning sensation as he grabbed it.

" Ahhhgg!" he screamed. The girl looked down on him with worry but she didn't move. Eren struggled to get up but he fell down again on his face. The pain was unbearable and he fell unconscious.

Mr. Colbert looked on with concern as well as curiosity. Never in the history that he was familiar with, has a mage ever summoned a human familiar, let a lone, a human this strange. The boy seemed to be from some sort of military and he wore a strange metal device on him. Connected to the device were two very strange handles with triggers and switches. The device itself wasn't very obvious in it's function but looked completely utilitarian. Once his student had completed the contract Colbert noticed a rune burn onto the boy's left hand which looked very odd.

I'm gonna have to research that rune, it looks… familiar. he thought to himself.

Kirche walked over to Louise who looked very disappointed. She was prepared to make fun of Louise when she started to notice the boy's …. physique. Looking at his face he was as young as her classmates, but his uniform showed he was from a military unit of some sort. She also noticed his toned body. Clearly he was very fit, more so than the average boy. Her cheeks began to flush red.

" Great, he's unconscious, Now I have to drag him all the way to my room. " Louise said with annoyance.

" What a weird familiar to summon." Guiche, a noble and son of a general, said. " What is that he's wearing?."

" Very strange…" Tabitha, a blue haired girl with glasses said. She pointed at the crest that was on Eren's back.

" Ms. Valliere, it looks like the ritual is complete, you better take the rest of the day off and attend to your familiar." Mr. Colbert said.

" Of course Professor Colbert." Louise said flatly. She looked up at Guiche.

" Guiche can you help me take him back to my room?" Louise asked.

" Of course, I would never let a lady struggle if I can help it." Guiche replied with a bow. He then took his rose wand out and with a flick of his wrist and a simple chant, Eren's body began to float up and followed Louise, Guiche and Montmorency, ( Guiche's girlfrend) towards the dorms.

Later that night

Eren's eyes opened slowly, His body was stiff and his muscles ached. He slowly lifted his arm up to rub his eyes to clear his vision. He could feel straw under his back and a canvas sheet that covered him. He could also feel his gear was not attached to him and all he had on was his shirt and pants. Not even the straps for his gear were still on.

Eren shot up as quickly as he could and looked around franticly. He could see he was inside the fort again, except, it didn't look like the fort. It looked more like a girl's room in the inner district, at least that's what he thought it looked like. There was a vanity on one wall and a four post canopy bed with more pillows and comforters that Eren had ever seen. There was also a rug and nightstand. Maybe he really was in the inner district, by why would he be there? Eren looked around the room more until his eye sight fell on a girl with pink hair, who was sitting on the opposite side of the room, facing him.

By the walls! It wasn't a bad dream! He thought to himself. The girl frowned at Eren with her legs and arms crossed. She didn't say anything. Eren Slowly got up but his legs gave out as they were pretty sore.

" Finally you're up.. I wasn't expecting you to sleep in so late." Louise said to Eren coldly. She shifted in her seat and Eren looked away from her legs. Eren still couldn't understand her as she sounded foreign.

" I've been Thinking about this for a while, and as much as I hate this, you are now my familiar. You should be grateful" Eren didn't say anything, but gave her a confused look.

" Can you understand me Present?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, however Eren still didn't say a word. He just sat there confused

" Uh My familiar can't even understand me," Louise said to herself. She stood up. Eren, being confused and angry, decided to ask his own questions. He wasn't positive that she didn't understand him.

" Who the hell are you, where am I, and where's my gear!" Eren demanded, but of course, Louise couldn't understand him either.

" Ugh why do you keep talking if you can't speak my language? I can't understand you!" She yelled at Eren. Eren grew angrier.

"What are you saying? Why can't you understand me? Look, I don't know who you are or how i got here, but..." His voice rose in volume. Louise had enough as she put her hand to her ears, wishing for him to shut up. Then an idea popped into louise's head.

I can just cast a silence spell on him. That should shut him up! She thought to herself. Eren continued to vent his frustration on her about how she was so annoying. Louise pulled her wand out and began to chant.

" Ansur Ver Ang…" Eren continued to rant until Louise finished her chant and her spell exploded in Eren's face. This sent him reeling back onto the straw. Louise stood silent.

" What the hell was that? I'm tired of this shit! I swear if you do that again I'm gonna…" Eren began ranting again after he got up and rubbed his face. Black scorch marks marred his face. Louise cut him off.

" I heard you!" She said almost enthusiastically. Eren stopped and looked at her with surprise. Finally he could understand her.

" You can understand me?" he asked.

" Yes." she replied. A silence washed over the two as Eren studied Louise for the first time. His eyes moved about the room as well, taking in everything in detail.

To Louise, he was a strange boy indeed. She watched his green eyes dance around. They weren't arrogant or perverted like the noble boys in her school and his face was layered with different emotions. overtly , he was confused with a hint of fear, but underneath she could catch glimpses of a naive determination. She hadn't really taken the time to really look at him since she was preoccupied with what she was going to do with him but now she was noticing more about him. His clothes and gadgets were certainly strange, but she could tell he was a soldier of some kind. His boots and tight pants were of equestrian style and his leather jacket was short to accommodate the strange metal pieces that were attached to his back via leather straps which wrapped around his torso and legs. Of course the only things he was wearing at the time were his boots, pants and his under shirt. His shirt was loose but it still fit the shape of his body along with his pants and a strange leather skirt like piece. She still wondered about the blue and white wing crest that was on his jacket and green cloak.

" what is your name?" Louise asked. Her calm yet assertive tone broke Eren out of his thoughts.

" My name is Eren Yeager." Eren said " What's your name?" he then asked.

" Louise, Louise De La Valliere." Louise replied proudly.

" Ok Louise, Where am I? " Eren asked. Louise looked him in his eyes.

" You are in my room at the Tristain Academy for magic." Louise replied.

" The Tristain what for….. Magic?" Eren haphazardly repeated.

" It's a school for nobles to learn magic!" Louise scolded, She thought he was being dense.

" what the hell are you talking about? Magic?" Eren was getting further annoyed. Maybe she is part of a crazy cult. He thought to himself.

" Yes! Magic! And you are my familiar! Doesn't any of this make sense?" Louise asked annoyed.

" NO!" Eren shouted.

" What do you mean NO!" Louise shouted back.

" You're not making sense at all!" Eren shouted in defense. His patience was growing thin.

" But this is basic knowledge! How can a familiar not know he is a familiar!" Louise gestured wildly.

" I'm not your familiar! And What's a familiar any way?" Eren shouted.

" ERGh!" Louise gritted in annoyance. Eren put his forefinger and thumb to the bridge of his nose and began to breath to calm down. He was done with this crazy girl, even if she was kinda cute. It was clearly late and he needed to get back to the scout regiment by trost.

" Where is my gear?" Eren asked calmly.

" Your what?" Louise asked confused.

" My ODM gear, I need it." Eren looked her in her eyes.

" Oh is that what you call that strange contraption?" She asked.

" Strange contra…." Eren trailed off before replying, " Yes that " strange contraption" is my omni directional movement gear and i need that so i can get back to trost. I'm part of the scouts regiment as you probably already know." Eren said as a matter of fact.

" No I don't know what this scouts regiment is and I've never heard of any place named trost." Louise said in annoyance.

" How do you not know where trost is and how do you not know what the scouts are?" Eren shouted in disbelief.

" Besides you're not going anywhere, you're my familiar!" Louise replied.

" I Told you already, I'm not your familiar!" Eren was on the verge of rage.

" Yes you are and I demand that you begin acting as such!" Louise shouted in full rage. Her sharp outburst made Eren take a step back.

" I don't even know what a familiar does!" he explained.

" You stupid animal! You're supposed to do whatever I say!" she shouted even louder.

" You're insane if you think i'm gonna do anything you tell me! I don't know who you think you are but I could care less! I need my gear, it's a matter of duty!" Eren was now raging back.

" Ugh you stupid dog, You're gear almost shot a wire thing in my face when i took it off you! Good luck finding you way back to your stupid town cause you are miles away from it wherever it is!" Eren was shocked, He began to remember what had happened to him earlier that morning. He remembered going down to the stables for training and encountering a floating green orb. He also remembered taking the safety off of his left handle to shoot a hook into a tree to stop him from getting sucked into the green orb. That made him responsible for a civilian almost getting hurt by his gear.

" I… Im sorry." Eren said in a calmer voice.

" I can't believe you are my familiar!" Louise continued to shout. This brought Eren back to his feelings of anger towards her.

" Thats it, Im out of here!" Eren said as he knelt down to grab his gear which he could see was under her bed. It was a tangled mess of straps.

" Oh no you don't!" Louise screamed.

" Oh yeah, What are you going to do, stop me?" Eren quipped.

" Of course, and I'm going to punish you for being disobedient!" Louise grabbed her wand and pointed it at Eren. Eren saw her do this and he moved to grab it.

" That's enough of that!" he said as he tossed it to the other side of the room. It wedged itself in the wall. Louise ran over to it and Eren retrieved his gear. Eren rushed through the open door into the hallway and raced down the corridors. Louise pulled her wand out from the wall and turned. Eren was long gone so she ran out the door after him.

" When I get my hands on that familiar i'm going to ring his neck." She stopped at her door to listen. She could hear someone down the right so she charged down the hallway. After a moment, Eren emerged from behind a pillar that Louise ran past. He had his gear in his arms and was frantically trying to untangle the straps. He would have to adjust everything as he went.

" What a crazy girl!" Eren said to was starting to untangling his gear.

Louise continued to run until she saw tabatha reading a book. Louise ran up to her.

" Tabatha, did you see my familiar run through here?" She asked desperately. Tabatha shook her head.

" No. I've been here for a while." she said calmly with little emotion.

"Ergh! He went the other way!" Louise turned and began running back the way she had come. Tabatha looked on with curiosity before she closed her book and grabbed her staff.

Eren had almost finished getting his gear on and was checking to see if everything worked. He had all his blades and his tanks were ever, for some reason his gear felt lighter than usual and he felt a stang connection to them as if he somehow knew them more intimately. It was a strange sensation but he didn't have time to dwell on it as he then heard Louis coming back the other way.

" You Dog!" She screamed from down the hall.

"Crap, she caught on!" Eren holstered the hilts when Louise came into view. Her face was full of rage. Eren sprinted down the hallway past other girls who were opening their doors to investigate the commotion. He was missing his jacket but that wasn't much of a concern.

Louise was struggling to keep up with Eren but her anger fueled her energy so she wasn't too far behind him.

" Hey, isn't that Louise's familiar?" some of the girls would say. This situation was turning very embarrassing for her.

" I'm going to kill that dog when i get him!" she screamed to herself. Eren could hear her and was now beginning to feel afraid.

Please don't let her catch me! He thought to himself. He spotted a staircase leading down. Maybe if I get to the bottom level I can find a way out of here! He thought as he bolted for the stairs and grabbed the wall to sling himself into the staircase. He was more agile and accurate with his movements which was a surprise to him. Still his gear clanked against the stares on his way down.

"These corridors are too small for odm gear. I need get outside!" He said out loud. Louise was at the top of the stairs and was making her way down them as fast as possible. Eren could hear the clicks of her heels as she descended the stairs.

" Just wait till I can get a hold of you!" She screamed after him. Eren wasn't about to let that happen, He wasn't entirely happy with the idea of having to fight her and possibly hurt her.

Suddenly as he got to the bottom there was a couple standing in the way. Guiche was talking with another girl about his feeling for her and how he would never lie to her about them.

" Out of the way!" Eren shouted as he jumped over them and pushed off the wall in a running motion with his feet. The girl watched as Eren performed this feat over her. His motions were graceful and exact. Eren landed on the other side of them and began running down the corridor again.

" who… whos that?" The brown haired girl in a first year cloak asked.

" I… I think that's Louise's familiar. How wreckless!" Guiche said. Then Louise made it to the bottom.

" Guiche! Help me catch that imputent Dog!" She demanded.

" Well now, Seems your familiar is causing more of a stir around here!" Guiche said accusingly.

" Then help me get him back!" Louise demanded as she pushed past Guiche and continued to run after Eren.

" Very well then!" Guiche said as he ran after Louise.

In the main Foyer, Kirche was seated with one of her many male interests at a water fountain and was cuddling up with him. Her red locks fell down the back and front of his left shoulder as her head leaned up against his.

" Being alone with you like this, is a dream for me." Said the boy.

"I guess tonight won't end with just a fever." She replied as she snuggled into him more.

Just then Eren ran into the foyer, He came to a stop as he scanned the room and was relieved to find an open door leading outside.


" Finally!" he said excitedly. He began to run for the door but caught site of Kirche. His pace slowed as she eyed him with surprise.

Kirche stared Eren in his green eyes. She immediately recognised the boy as she never forgets those whom she finds attractive. She didn't get a chance to see his eye color from earlier and now she was finding him even more attractive. Eren didn't know why she was taking so much more interest in him than the other strangers he saw in the school, but he wasn't willing to stop and figure it out. He just faced the door and ran for it. Louise and Guiche ran into the foyer and were hot oh Eren's heels.

" Louise? What are you guys all doing?" Kirche asked.

" You won't believe this but Louise's familiar ran…." Guiche replied but was cut off by Louise.

" Forget about it just help me catch him!" Louise shouted. Guiche, realising Eren was getting away ran past Louise to the door.

Eren had made it outside and was poised to equip his ODM gear when he noticed something very, very strange. His eyes were wide with shock and fear as he stood there. Hung high up in the night sky was a pair of moons; one blue and one pink. Eren couldn't make any sense of this site but he knew what he was seeing was real. Suddenly he was picked up in the air, it was a strange feeling, not like how he felt when propelled through the air with his ODM gear, but like he was picked up by a very gentle titan. Eren snapped out of his shock and looked around to see what was happening but instead he saw that nothing was holding him.

" What the hell?" Eren shouted.

" Hey there Familiar, You've been causing a lot of trouble, this is the second time I had to levitate you today!" Giche said as he waved his rose wand . Eren twisted his head to see Guiche and made the connection. The boy was somehow keeping him up with the wand. Before Eren could ponder about it, he was flung side to side. He could hear Guiche laugh. Louise was standing next to him and two other students ran outside to them.

"Oh this is priceless. Your familiar that you made a contract with has fled from you! How appropriate!" Kirche taunted Louise and laughed.

" Hey! Ugh! Put me down!" Eren demanded. Guiche just continued to laugh as he made Eren float side to side. Eren was getting sick of this. He wasn't about to let this guy do what he wanted so Eren twisted his body in the air to face the castle and equipped his gear. Taking the safeties off he aimed his hooks at the wall behind the students and fired them . The sound was loud and startled everyone. Guiche lost his concentration and the spell failed. Eren could feel the magic relinquish and his body began to fall, This was his moment and he retracted the cables which sent him forward towards the building. At the same time air shot out of the back of his harness and he flew up over the wall onto the roof. The cables fully retracted and Eren landed. He turned to face the four students on the ground. He stared at Louise who looked to be on the verge of tears. His thoughts were cluttered and he couldn't make any sense of his situation. He decided he needed to find a place to think. He turned and fired his hooks at another wall and sailed into the night, out of Louise's sight.

" wha… what was that?" Guiche asked staring at the place Eren was standing.

" You…. You let him go!" Louise screamed at Guiche.

" It's not my fault, that was very startling!" Guiche defended himself. Kirche stood there quite. She continued to stare in the direction that Eren left.

" It looks like he's gone." Louise said with tears rolling down her face. She started walking towards the entrance, she was headed to bed.

Guiche put his hand up to say something to her but he was silent. He felt he failed a lady, even if it were only Louise the zero, he still failed her. He turned to the enterance to go back inside.

Eren Propelled himself up to the top of the highest tower of the school and landed on the top of the roof. He holstered the controls and sat down. The night had a slight breeze and the air was cool. It was a perfect night. It was easy to maneuver since there was light from two moons and everything was illuminated. Still he was troubled by the two moons.

" Where am I?" He asked to himself quietly. He looked to the horizon and felt his heart sink further. It was clear to him that he wasn't inside the walls anymore as there were no walls on the horizon. The school was the only building for miles yet the people inside were dressed like they were from inside wall Sina. And there was the fact that there was a mysterious force called magic in this land. He really was far from home. His squad wouldn't know where he was and his friends would be worried.

"Mikasa, Armin, Captian Levi…" Eren said to himself. Mikasa would definitely be freaking out if she found out he was missing.

"What is this place?" He asked quietly.

" My Home," Said a voice from behind him. Eren shot a glance to the direction the voice came from. A girl with blue hair and a black cloak floated down onto the roof with Eren. Eren was shocked and was about stand up when the girl motioned him to sit. She walked over to him and sat next to him. Eren didn't' feel threatened.

"Your home?" Eren asked

" For now." She replied. " what's your name?" she asked. Her eyes staring into his.

" Eren, Eren Yeager." He replied. "What's your name?" He asked

"Tabatha." she replied back.

" Your cloak?" she asked. Eren wasn't sure what she was asking until he realised he also didn't have his cloak.

"Louise has it." He replied. He seemed even more down.

" what was that symbol on it? The wings?" She asked.

" The wings of freedom. It's the symbol of the Scouts Regiment, the unit i'm assigned to." Eren replied with a hint of pride.

" You're a soldier?" Tabatha asked. " What country are you fighting for?"

" Country? I fight for humanity against the titans." Eren said as he pointed to his swords.

" What are titans?" Tabatha asked.

" You don't know what titans are?" Eren asked in shock.

" No." she replied. Eren stared into her eyes with shock. He couldn't believe it but this world had no titans…. Well it had one but he wasn't going to eat anyone anytime soon.

" they are giant human like creatures that are trying to eradicate humanity… well at least where i come from that is." Eren said somberly. Tabatha put her hand on Eren's shoulder.

" We don't have titans." she said. Eren looked up at her.

" That's good." he replied with a smile. They shared a silence before Tabitha asked.

" Are you going back to Louise?" Tabitha asked.

"To that arrogant brat? I don't think so!" Eren said with an undertone of anger.

" She's sad." tabatha said with a scowl.

" She's treating me like a slave." Eren rebutled.

" She's only like that because she's trying too hard." tabatha said.

" what do you mean?" Eren asked. His disdain for her was great. He was remembering the time when he saved Mikasa from the slavers.

" Louise is proud and wants to be accepted by everyone. She tries really hard but her magic always fails. You are the only thing she's done right. You are not a slave, but a servant to her and she needs you. Also where else are you going to get a place to stay and food to eat?" Tabatha said. Eren looked surprised at Tabatha, what she said made him feel sorry for Louise a little bit.

No wonder she is easily upset.

" Maybe you can help her until you find a way home." Tabatha offered. Eren moved closer to tabatha suddenly and put his hands on her shoulders.

" I can get home?" he asked suddenly. His eyes were full of excitement.

" Not sure. You were teleported from very far away. But you must have hope." she offered. Eren's smile disappeared, but he was thinking about it. His situation sounded grim and he definitely wanted to go home. But it seemed that this girl was his only way back home if at all.

" Well I guess I don't have any other choice." Eren said as he regained his spot on the roof.

" Ill help you when I can." she said as she put her hand on his right shoulder. Eren smiled at her.

" Thanks tabitha. Well, I guess I have a …punishment to go through." Eren said as he got up and pulled his sword hilts out. Tabatha put her hand on his.

" Also, Please refrain from making more holes in the walls as much as possible." she pointed to his gear.

" Oh. ok well I still need to get off the roof. Ill try not to make more holes. Promis!" Eren offered as he walked to the edge of the roof. Tabatha watched him as he shot hooks at another wall and sailed down to the dorms.

Louise sat at her vanity looking into the mirror. She was sobbing with tears running down her face because yet again she was a failure. She was sure she was going to be expelled for this embarrassment, even if she wasn't expelled. Her family would surely pull her out of school so that she couldn't cause any more dishonor for the Valliere name.

" Why can't that stupid dog just learn who he is and accept it!" she said through sobs.

Just then she heard a strange noise outside her window. It sounded like something was banging against the wall above her room. She wasn't sure what it was so she turned to look at her window which sat just under the noise. Then a pair of hands came down to pulled her windows open. To her surprise, Eren slid down and into her room. He twisted so his back was to her on his entry and she could hear cables retract into his gear. He turned to face her with a sad look and said.

" Ok, you win."

Eren was training with the scouts regiment under Captain Levi when a strange green orb sucks him into another dimension where a noble girl named Louise De La Valliere, claims to have summoned him as her familiar. He will need to learn to work with her to get back home, but will he want to as this world appears to be free of titans.