I just want to make it clear that I am completely into and support gay relationships and am NOT against Malec at all. I'm just obsessed with Matt Daddario and want to have his babies so I'm writing a straight fanfic for me. If you're not interested don't read it, if you are…enjoy…

I should also point out that I haven't read the books and have only seen season one so far so I may get the folklore or particulars wrong – though I have browsed the internet for some bits and pieces. I also doubt that it will follow the storyline completely.

Set after episode 1x04 when they summoned the memory demon.

After making sure that Jace was ok, Clary asked Magus if there was anything else they could do to retrieve her memories.

Magnus replied with a shake of his head, "I told you. If you kill Valak you're memories die with him."

"But there must be something else. Anything, a spell, an incantation, a potion…something!"

Magus shook his head but then blinked a couple of times as he thought of a possible solution. He took a deep breath.

"I don't know how to get your memories back Clary but there might be someone who could figure it out for us."


"Not today," replied the warlock. "Go home, get some rest. I'll text you an address tomorrow and you can meet me there."


"Why are we here again?" Alec asked as he sat on the steps outside the apartment building where Magnus had told Clary to meet him.

Jace who was standing in alertness, folded his arms and scowled in annoyance. "Because Magnus said to meet him here to meet someone who could help us get Clary's memories back."

"Actually," stated Clary. "Magnus told me to meet him here. You're just here because you're stubborn."

Jace now scowled at Clary. "Well, Magnus didn't give you any details. We don't know anything about whoever we're meeting and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to put your safety at risk."

Isabelle smirked at his obvious protectiveness of Clary but turned away so they couldn't see. Alec just rolled his eyes. He had always thought relationships were too much drama and this thing between Jace and Clary was clearly turning into one. He hoped his parabatai had the patience to deal with it all.

When Magnus arrived he was surprised to see Alec, Izzy and Jace there too. As they walked up the stairs through the apartment building he explained that they shouldn't get there hopes up because his friend who could help them had turned her back on the Shadow World a few years ago.

When they arrived in front of the apartment door, Magnus waved his hands to make a window in the door and then swiftly closed it.

"She's not home but she should be soon." He then turned to survey the shadowhunters behind him cramped into the small hallway and sighed. He hoped Melody wouldn't feel like they were ambushing her.

Minutes passed as they watched the mundanes enter and exit their apartments without any clue that they were there. Alec was feeling agitated because in all honesty he was bored. This feeling didn't last when he saw a dark haired beauty ascend the stairs to the hallway. Her hair was long and framed her face perfectly. Her lips were full and her body curvaceous. He couldn't draw his eyes away from her and then all of a sudden she looked up and locked eyes with him. He saw her eyes swiftly scan his runes, then the others and when her eyes landed on Magnus she looked furious.

"Melody please, before you get upset, let me explain…" But she cut the warlock off.

"NO! No! Whatever it is you want. I can't help you!" She then glared at the others. "Leave!" she commanded.

So this was just setting up the story. Let me know if you're interested in what happens next. Chapter two will have lots of Alec/Melody goodness.