One night there was a bad thunder storm, I covered my ears to block out the thunder, I really hated loud noises, especially thunder. But even with my ears covered the loud bangs still reached my ears, I could do nothing but wait for it to be over. I felt tears in my eyes and felt a bit embarrassed to still fear thunder at my age, but I just couldn't help it, I never knew when the loud bangs would come so I just had my paws over my ears all the time when there was a thunder storm.

Justin came over to my bed and patted my lap comforting me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. he had a soft, kind smile on his face.

"Hey, Jasper are you ok?" he asked, I sighed I didn't want him to know I feared thunder, but I guess he could already figure it out anyway.

"Don't you like the thunder?" he asked me, I sighed and shook my head.

"No, I hate any loud noises" I said, I then decided to tell him about bullying at the orphanage. "Everyone in the orphanage knew I had a fear of loud noises too. They'd used that fear as another reason to bully me, they'd get party poppers and exploded them near my ear, or they'd yell right in my face, or clap their paws loudly . One horrible time there was another thunder storm a real bad one and they made me stay outside through the whole night I was terrified. I became even more afraid of thunder after that night." I began to sob at both my fears and my memories.

Justin pulled me in for a hug "It's ok Jasper those mammals at the orphanage are just cruel, I can't believe that would take advantage of your fear like that. Everyone has a fear of something. No matter how tough they may act. I don't like heights very much. Some mammals don't like bugs, everyone has their fears. I'll bet there's a more mammals out there who fear thunderstorms too."

I began to smile a bit and began to forget about the thunder, the bangs didn't seem so loud anymore.

"And if you do fear something, the best thing to do is to is to try to take your mind of it, do something you like to do." Justin suggested. "Why don't you read a book?"

So, I took a book and began to read it Justin was right it did help me to take my mind of it.

"Do you feel any better?" he asked me

I looked at him and gave him a big smile "Yes thank you, and thanks for not making fun of me."

"Hey, I don't make fun of other people for any reason, it's not funny, it's not cool, it's bullying and I don't like bullies. " Justin told me with a screen look on his face.

I gave him a hug wrapping my arms around him. "You're the best brother ever, I love you"

He gave me a hug back "Thanks I love you too Jasper."