Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slit mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.

Author's Note 2: I am having lots of surgeries in the coming weeks please be patient with me when it comes to updates. Thanks I appreciate it

Author's Note 3: This is dedicated to all the victims and families of the victims of the Manchester Bombing. Say a pray for them in the review to show your support


Harry is the youngest son of Kronos and Rhea. When his foster parents James and Lily Potter die he goes to live with his Aunt and Uncle who treat his kindly. He is blessed by all gods and will become leader of the Fourth Generation of Gods. With his true friends and soulmate at his side will he build a pantheon and stop Kronos, Voldemort and Dumbledore?


1981: November 1st

Albus Dumbledore held Harry Potter. He was going to leave the boy with his Aunt and Uncle. Dumbledore hoped they wouldn't treat him well. He needed a weapon and the boy was it. He put Harry down on the doorstep. Minerva and Hagrid watch as he leaves a letter. Dumbledore nodding to Hagrid and Minerva the leave Privat Drive not knowing what will happen to the boy-who-lived…

Petunia was the daughter of Hecate and Helios. Goddess and Titan. Petunia didn't hate Lily. Lily was her half-sister the daughter of Hecate. They made everyone think they had a fallen out. Petunia met her husband Vernon who was a son of Hades and Selene. They had a son Dudley who was a demigod. Petunia knew her sister had gotten pregnant but she didn't know how as Lily was infertile due to a curse. Petunia knew that a god or goddess had to have helped Lily. But Petunia never got to ask or meet her nephew as she was busy doing things for her mother as well as looking after her young son.

Petunia tossed and turned in her sleep in the middle of a demigod dream. She sees the wizard she knew from her mum leave a boy on her doorstep.

"Good luck Harry Potter", Dumbledore says

Petunia gasps this was her nephew. She forces herself awake and ran down her stairs and opened the front door. She sees a baby that felt like a godling. She quickly picks Harry up. He was slightly blue from the cold.

"That idiot not putting a warming charm on you", Petunia says while placing a warming charm on Harry

"Petunia", Lady Hecate says appearing

"Mother. What can I do for you?" Petunia asks

"You, Vernon, Dudley and Harry need to come with me to Olympus. The council is waiting including the Fates", Lady Hecate informs her daughter

"Ok. I will send a message to Vernon", Petunia says sending a message with magic to her husband to get Dudley and come down

Harry opens his eyes. Petunia sees them as every colour imaginable in his eyes. Petunia scans her nephew with magic and finds he has a Horcrux. Petunia snarls at finding it along with blood spells on Harry.

"Mother help me get these spells of him. We will get Lord Hades to remove the soul fragment", Petunia says

Both Hecate and Petunia remove the charms on him that were placed by Albus Dumbledore. They just finish as Vernon comes down the stairs with Dudley in his arms.

"I felt James and Lily pass. Are you ok Pet?" Vernon asks

"I will have to be", Petunia says cradling Harry close

"We are leaving now", Lady Hecate says

They disappear from Privat Drive and they appear before the Gods. Vernon and Petunia bow before the Lords and Ladies. They see that even the Norse and Egyptian gods were there something big was about to happen.

"My Lords and Ladies what is going on?" Petunia asks

"Harry Potter is the immortal son of Kronos and Gaea", Lord Apollo says

There were gasps by all witnesses.

"Your sister Lily carried their child as her own", Lady Hecate explains

"I say we kill the twerp", Lord Ares growls

"He is a child of prophecy", Lord Apollo says

"He will lead the New Generation of Gods", the Fates say, "They won't replace the Olympians. They will work in harmony"

"This is unacceptable", Lord Zeus growls

"He WILL be the King of the new generation. He will be the one to choose who will become gods. He is the Harridan God of Immortality, Earth, Death, Destinies and Powers!" the Fates say and baby Harry glows

Baby Harry smiles.

"Petunia and Vernon Dursley both of you are granted immortality as the caretaker of the King of the Fourth Generation of Gods!" the Fates says

Both Petunia and Vernon glow silver as they were granted immortality.

"Now the new generation of gods and goddesses will not be bound by the old laws. The God Harridan will have a soulmate", the fates say

"Who?" Lady Hera asks

Apollo grins, "It is Zoe Nightshade lieutenant of my oh so dear sister"

"NO!" Zoe shouts from her place next to her Mistress

"Apollo my lieutenant has sworn an oath", Lady Artemis says

"It is Lord Chaos's will. Zoe Nightshade will be the Gods Harridan's wife and the Queen of the New Generation and Goddess of Marriage, Life, and Perseverance", the fates declare

"Sister I have seen that Harry will swear an oath not to cheat on Zoe. And he will keep it", Lord Apollo says

"I will never", Zoe declares

"You will fall in love with him. It will happen", Lord Apollo says, "Trust me"

"No", Zoe declares

"We will see. Aphrodite will not be able to mess with Harry", Lord Apollo says

"Why?" Lady Aphrodite asks

"Because he is shielded by Lord Chaos. You won't be able to mess with his or Zoe's love life", Lord Apollo states

"I will never", Zoe declares

"Now each god and goddess must give a gift to the new God. This is Lord Chaos's will", the Fates say, "Lord Zeus you start"

Zeus walks up to the baby being held in Petunia's arms.

"I King Zeus of Olympus I give you the ability of using lightning and to lightning travel", Zeus declares a glow of gold light engulfs Harry

Hera next steps forward, "I Queen Hera of Olympus give you the gift of a unbreakable marriage"

"I King Hades of the Underworld give you the abilities to control the dead and the power to shadow travel", Hades says

"I Persephone Queen of the Underworld give you the gift of being immune of poisons", Persephone says

"I Poseidon King of Atlantis and the Seas give you the gift of breathing underwater and water travel", Poseidon says

"I Amphitrite Queen of Atlantis give you the ability to understand sea creatures", Amphitrite says

All the gods in the Olympian, Norse and Egyptian pantheons give their gifts to the young god. With the last gift given the Fates leave.

"Make sure he doesn't become evil", Zeus orders Petunia

"Yes my Lord. We will raise him alongside my son", Petunia says bowing

"I agree with my wife. We will raise him right", Vernon says also bowing

"Then you are all dismissed", Zeus says

Petunia with Harry in her arms and Vernon with Dudley they leave Olympus to Privat drive they were going to raise him right even thought that wizard Dumbledore didn't want them too. Petunia and Vernon were going to raise him to value all life. Hopefully he would grow into his title of King God of the Fourth Generation…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)