Hello, welcome to the second chapter of my Gokhan two-shot! I'd like to say thanks to all the people who took the time to read this story, or are taking the time to read this story.

So, here's the second chapter to my Gokhan two-shot.

Gokhan stood before Super Buu, having transcended into the form of an Ultimate Saiyan, he could feel his strength had increased immensely. But Super Buu didn't realize what kind of strength Gokhan had obtained

"Please," he scoffed "don't humour me with the idea that your white hair can beat me" to show Gokhan what he meant, he suddenly appeared right in front of Gokhan and sent a fist into his cheek. Buu's smirk turned to a frown as he saw his punch didn't even faze Gokhan, who sent his palm hurtling into Buu's chin, knocking him away. Buu forced himself to stop, and began to fly towards Gokhan, reeling his fist back. Just as he had almost reached Gokhan, he disappeared and re-appeared right next to him, grabbing Buu's arm. Buu cried out in surprise, but was silenced when Gokhan threw his fingers at Buu, Jabbing his throat. Buu coughed up spit and Gokhan's elbow flew in-between Buu's eyes. Buu stumbled around in mid-air for several seconds and Gokhan followed up with a hard strike to the gut, which actually sent a pile of his pink goo flying down. The goo then shrank into thin-air, revealing a startled Piccolo.

Buu scowled as he felt all of Piccolo's knowledge and skills leave his body, and he tried to punch Gokhan in the stomach, but Gokhan caught the hand, and wrenched it away, actually tearing Buu's right arm clean off! Buu quickly regrew a new arm, but the old arm expanded, and, while still in Gokhan's hand, contracted into thin air, releasing Goten.

Buu's Super Saiyan glow seemed to flicker after he Goten was released, but he paid it no mind as he used his new arm to try and slap Gokhan, who simply caught it mid-air, and forced his fist through Buu's abdomen with such force that another glob shot out, this time releasing Trunks. This time, the Super Saiyan glow lost its illumination, and the gold began to flicker.

"You've lost two Super Saiyans," Gokhan explained smugly "Your body is having trouble retaining the knowledge of it since you aren't Saiyan."

Buu's eyes widened, but that was all he could do as Gokhan's leg came out from under and hit him upside the head, knocking it straight off! This blob then released a shocked Vegeta, who simply floated in the same spot out of bewilderment.

Losing Vegeta was the final straw, and Buu lost both his bodysuit and his golden skin. He could barely move from the shock of power loss, which Gokhan noted, he quickly flew forward and seized Buu, before he literally tore him in half.

As one half began to bulge, and the other began to dull, Gokhan yelled "Goten, Trunks! Grab the dull half of Buu!" Before he brought his hands to hip level, placing their bottoms onto each other, and a white sphere of chi began to form there.

As Goten and Trunks grabbed the grey blob, Gokhan began to speak:





Gokhan brought his hands out ward as he yelled "HAAAAAA!" and the sphere he had been forming shot towards Grey Buu as a Kamehameha. The Kamehameha impacted against Grey Buu, and completely disintegrated him.

Gokhan looked to the side after Grey Buu had been destroyed, and saw, to his satisfaction, the Fat Buu reuniting happily with Hercule and Bee, and not attempting to kill everyone.

An emerald flash occurred as Gokhan disappeared, Gohan and Goku standing side-by-side in his place.

Well, that was my Gokhan two-shot! I feel like this was a bit short, but I didn't really feel like making such a one-sided fight too long.

I'd just like to confirm that the Kamehameha that destroyed Buu was a special "Ultimate Kamehameha" that only Ultimate Gokhan can use.

Anyway, I hope you liked the story!