After several minutes of walking and casual conversation, they finally reached their destination and sat down at a table in the corner of the bar. Alec looked around curiously. Luckily for him, tonight there weren't too many customers. He relaxed in his seat and looked over at Magnus.
''It's definitely nicer here than back there!'' he shuddered remembering the vampire with playful hands but decided it was best not to voice out what the worst about such kinds of places was.

The waitress came to take their orders. Magnus decided on another Margarita and Alec followed him example.

It was the first time Alec was going to try Margarita and he hoped to like it. That wasn't his main concern right now though. Magnus suddenly fell silent which made the shadowhunter nervous. He hated it when he was with someone else and they just stayed there not uttering a word. It happened way too often because he was so socially awkward, it wasn't even all. Alec desperately thought about a conversation topic but nothing intelligent came to mind.

''So… do you…have pets?'' he wanted to strangle himself for the stupid question.

However, Magnus' eyes shone at the question: "Yes!" he exclaimed "I have a cat! His name is Chairman Meow. I rescued him from the street as a kitten. And do you have any pets?"

Magnus' enthusiasm almost made Alec squeal like a little girl who had just received a pink pony as a gift. Instead of that, the shadowhunter just smiled fondly. It was his most genuine smile for the evening, maybe for the past couple of months even. ''Well, I have a cat named Church. He's not exactly mine, he belongs to the Institute and is probably older than me. We've had him since…forever.''

"Church, huh? I know him. He used to live in the London Institute"

Alec was about to comment on that when he saw the look on Magnus' face. It seemed like he was remembering something, something precious to him and the shadowhunter didn't want to interrupt the memory so he stayed silent. While silently studying the other's facial features, Alec felt the need to be closer to him and regretted sitting on the opposite side of the table.

Magnus finally looked back at him and smiled, changing the topic: "So tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do?"

''I don't have a lot of free time, to be honest, I mostly train when I'm not on a mission but I do like to read sometimes and I just love playing with my little brother... What about you?''

"What do I like?...Well, sweetie, I mostly enjoy the life and the beautiful things that it offers. Pretty clothes, pretty cities, pretty boys…" and at that last words, Magnus winked at him.

Alec felt extremely embarrassed when the warlock winked at him, implying that the ,,pretty boys" section applied to the shadowhunter as well. The feelings he got this evening and continued getting, feelings new and scary yet pleasant... they were overwhelming.

''Excuse me for a second! I need to use the restroom.'' and he almost ran to the door with WC written on it with big bold letters. He stayed there for a few minutes, trying to calm himself down and catch his breath. When he approached Magnus again, some of the strength in his legs has returned and he sat down not on the other side of the table but right next to the other, hoping for Magnus not to notice. Alec just needed them to be a bit closer.

Magnus crossed his legs and turned slighly to him:

"So...tell me more about your family."

''There is not much to know... My parents run the Institute, I have two real younger siblings - Isabelle and Max, and one step brother - Jace, who's also my parabatai. There's also Hodge but we aren't blood-related... and Church, of course. Mom and dad are rarely home so for the most part, I'm the one who has to take care for the others, being the oldest and all...''

"So you are the responsible one, huh? Is that why your parabatai was having fun tonight, while you were on post?"

''I though he ran after a demon but...'' Alec looked at the ground, feeling upset yet again: ''But you got it right, I usually stay on post while he's being irresponsible and is getting himself in trouble. There needs to be a person to get him out of it. That's what parabatais and big brothers are for, after all.'' he tried to smile but even he could feel how fake it was.

"It must be really exhausting, always looking after your siblings?"

''Sometimes, but I don't mind. I would do whatever it takes to keep them safe and sound. '' this time he smiled for real and looked over at Magnus: ''I know it's meaningless to ask about your family, warlocks usually don't have such a thing…'' it felt like he had said something harsh but that was the truth and they both knew it: ''I guess Chairman Meow can be called a family, right? Tell me more about him. How he looks like, his habits…'' he hoped he didn't sound too stupid.

"Well,... he is a grey tabby and he is still just very young - only two! He really likes being scratched behind his ears. You should totally see him!"

''I would love to!'' instantly exclaimed Alec . Then both of them shared a look and the shadowhunter blushed immediately: ''I m-mean that… i-if you have a picture, maybe you could show him to me?''

"Oh, you have to see him in person!" Magnus waved his hand: "Would you like to? Come by my apartment, I mean?"

'Oh. My. God! I shouldn't go, he's a stranger… Caution, Alexander!' he tried to think rationally but damn, he wanted to go. Just one look at the cat and then he will go home and forget all about this evening, that's the most reasonable thing to do. Or maybe he should go home right this instant and pretend nothing ever happened. Yes, that's what he'll do!

''I-if I'm not a bother… I think I have a few minutes to spare… to see Chairman Meow, that is…''

Magnus looked absolutely ecstatic: "Let us go then!"

''R-right!'' the shadowhunter quickly stood up from his seat which he regretted right after because it seemed like he was a bit too eager. And that he was! Of course, he knew that it wasn't a given that something other than petting Magnus' cat will occur in the warlock's flat but he was still nervous… and eager.

They walked out of the club they have have been only for 20 minutes and called a taxi, then got in.

During the drive to Magnus' home, Alec let his mind wander for a while… to how the night started for him and how it was going to end. Even though he didn't want to admit it, it made him a little bit happy that Jace ditched him. It was natural to be upset, Jace was probably having a one-night stand with some unknown chick at the moment and he was in love with Jace,…right? He looked over at Magnus, whose eyes were glowing like fireflies in the darkness, and was yet again mesmerized by the man's exotic beauty... but his looks were just one small part of him, there was so much more to him than meets the eye. The shadowhunter couldn't wait to find out more about Magnus Bane and he couldn't care less what Jace was up to right now, it didn't really matter…

When the taxi stopped in front of Magnus' building, both men got off the taxi and walked inside, going up the stairs and to the warlock's apartment. When Magnus opened his front door, they were greeted by a soft fur ball. The warlock picked up the cat, turned around to Alec and said: "So this is Chairman." and after giving Chairman Meow a hug, put him back down. The cat immediately ran to Alec and curled up in his feet.

Alec was surprised by the cat not being scared of him, he was a stranger. After hesitating for a second, he picked Chairman Meow up and pressed him lightly to his chest. The cat was small in his arms… and so damn fluffy.

''Magnus, he's adorable!'' he smiled softly when the cat made a move to put its paws on his right shoulder like it was trying to hug him: ''And brave, it seems… He's not afraid of me at all!''

"Huh, that is strange, he usually hates most strangers" even though he said that, Magnus was smiling brightly.

''I feel special!'' said Alec half-jokingly and continued caressing the little feline. Looking into its eyes, he couldn't not find the resemblance between Chairman's and Magnus' eyes: ''He has a beautiful eye-color, same as yours.'' his gaze moved from the cat's eyes to the warlock a few feet away.

"You think my eyes are beautiful?" smiled Magnus, teasing the shadowhunter a bit.

Alec realized what he had said and blushed. The silence that followed was pretty unnerving so he slowly put the cat on the ground, just to buy some time and think about something clever to say. After a moment of searching for some smart-ass comeback (Magnus was clearly teasing him), he realized he didn't really need it. Stepping closer to the other so that there was less that a meter between them, he said honestly: ''Yes,…they are unique…and it's that what makes them so amazing…''

"Thank you." almost purred Magnus: "One can tell the same about you, blue eyes… Along with the amazingly sexy body and beautiful face. Its almost like you won the genetic lottery" then he laughed at his own corny compliment.

Alec didn't know how to reply to that. He didn't find himself as attractive as Magnus was making him out to be, not even close. But if he did voice out his protests, it would only make the situation uncomfortable so he replied with a simple: ''Thank you!'' all the while having an amazingly red face. He wasn't used to people complimenting him on his looks, on nothing at all, actually.

"I am just stating the truth, darling. By the way, would you like something to drink? We didn't get to finish our drinks at the bar."

''Maybe just some water?! I'm not very keen on alcohol…'' he smiled nervously.

Magnus chuckled and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Alec was holding a glass of crystal clear water.

Alec almost dropped the glass over Chairman Meow, he was so surprised by the sudden appearance of it in his hand. ''S-sorry! That was unexpected!'' he sipped at his drink .

"No need to apologize! That was the natural reaction." Magnus took a sip from his own drink, then sat on his sofa. "Why stand still? Come sit here!" he offered.

''R-right!'' he sat next to the warlock on the sofa. Chairman Meow jumped in his lap, curling into a ball.

Magnus just smiled at his guest and leaned back on the sofa as if waiting for something.

Alec placed his glass of water on the table since his hands were trembling too much and he felt like he was going to drop it. Why wasn't Magnus saying anything? It was unnerving and left him with no idea what to say or do next. Well, he knew what he wanted to do but he sure as hell didn't have the guts… or did he? He was afraid that his advances would be rejected, Magnus was friendly so far but what would he do if…

The shadowhunter turned sideways and looked at the warlock's relaxed form. He slowly and hesitantly put his left hand over Magnus' right one. ''Magnus…''

Magnus smiled softly and closed his eyes. Alec took that as a permission so he leaned closer, their lips almost touching… when a sharp ringing noise made him jerk back, eyes wide and body tense . His phone was ringing in his pocket. That timing though!

Along with the stress, the shadowhunter was greatly disappointed because he had just mustered up the courage to kiss Magnus.

''Excuse me!'' standing form the sofa, he went farther away from the warlock and picked up: '' Jace?''

''WHERE ARE YOU?'' came Jace's accusing voice from the other end of the line.

''Calm down, would you?!'' Alec rolled his eyes. He knew why Jace was so displeased but really, he deserved it.

''Where are you?'' repeated Jace, calmer this time.

''... near the club...'' lied Alec, hoping that he would be successful, at least this one time.

''Near? I thought we agreed to meet IN the club, not near or around or close by or whatever.''

''Well, sorry but you're the one who left me hanging for 3 straight hours. You have no right to complain!''

''Where are you? I'll be waiting for you at the bar.''

''No, go home! I'm coming back shortly''

''Why? What are you doing?''

''We'll talk later!'' he hung up without waiting for an answer and returned to Magnus: ''Sorry about that! Jace is bitching about me leaving him at the club. Like I'm the one who's not doing his job!''

"Does he know you are gay?'' suddenly asked the warlock, expression unreadable: ''Does anyone know?"

''N-no! And I don't want anyone to know.'' he knew he got a bit defensive and his answer was a little grumpy but he couldn't help it. His greatest fear was that someone will find out about his secret and the life he knew would be over. ''Anyway, I have to go! I'm glad I had the chance to meet Chairman Meow, he's adorable!'' his mood was ruined. Stupid Jace!

"So fast? After you just came here? Such a pity!" Magnus sighed, clearly disappointed.

''Jace is already wondering where I am.''

He really didn't want to go but he couldn't stay here all night either, Magnus wasn't his lover..., not even close.

''Besides, I met you only a few hours ago and o-on t-the sofa, I was going to'' he blushed remembering how bold he had been acting.

Magnus stood up from the sofa and slowly walked to the nephilim, until they were an arm length apart. He then asked him, not losing his gaze on him: "What were you going to do?"

''I-it doesn't matter! I got too caught up in the moment... '' he kept looking towards the ground: ''I really have to go now, it was nice meeting you. And thank you for making me feel good about myself!'' he smiled nervously and looked Magnus in the eyes: ''Nobody has ever treated me like that before.''

"Well, you should be treated like this, honey!" smiled at him Magnus: "Would you…like to go out for a drink sometime?" he suggested, eyes glowing with hope.

''Yeah, I'd like that…'' the shadowhunter blushed yet again: ''What do you say about Friday? Around 7 p.m.?''

It was important for the time of the meeting to be decided because people always tend to say things like: 'We should definitely see each other soon! We'll decide when and where later.' but in most cases, they never do and Alec didn't want to miss this chance to get to know Magnus better.

''Maybe I could come pick you up?'' he suggested, feeling brave all of a sudden.

"Sounds wonderful! And here is my number, by the way!" said Magnus, giving him a little peace of paper with numbers on it: "Call me if something happens!" and winked.

''Thanks!'' Alec took the number and smiled looking down at the peace of paper. It meant a lot to him because people give their phone numbers when they really intend to stay in touch with the other. Magnus wasn't just polite, he really wanted to see him again. Alec's heart swelled with happiness and he almost threw himself at the warlock but managed to stop himself at the last second. ''See you on Friday then?'' and he smiled dreamily.

"Friday." nodded Magnus and leaned against the wall. He smiled at the nephilim and waited to see what he would do.

''Goodbye!'' Alec turned around and started walking down the hall thinking about how amazing this evening turned out to be. He still felt that something was missing though and that the amazing evening deserved an equally amazing ending. So he returned to the front door where Magnus was still leaning on the wall and, with all the courage he could muster, inexperiencedly pressed his trembling lips against the warlock's.

Magnus returned the kiss immediately, wrapping his arms around Alec's waist and pulling him closer until their bodies were tightly pressed together. It took Alec a few moments to realized that IT was really happening and to relax. He didn't get pushed away!

Closing his eyes and chasing all his insecurities away, he finally allowed himself to fully appreciate and enjoy the moment.

By the time they let go of each other, the nephilim was almost out of breath. They were kissing for no less than 5 minutes, the best 5 minutes of Alec's life so far. When Magnus finally released him, he didn't know if he should be thankful or disappointed. He wanted them to keep doing this for hours but wasn't sure just how far he was willing to go and if he was ready for something more than pressing their lips together. He decided that he should not be greedy and it was a good idea to get to know Magnus better before jumping in bed with him. He could fantasize all night about it, right?

"So… Friday, right?" even Magnus looked a bit embarrassed which amused Alec to no end because who would have thought he was capable of making someone as gorgeous and experienced as the warlock feel shy?

''Y-yeah…'' he gave one last kiss to Magnus and then started walking down the hall, trying not to sway too much because he would look like a drunkard. But too much adrenaline and happiness could really mess with a person's head.

He turned one last time to look at Magnus before leaving. Their eyes met and both men smiled shyly.

Magnus waved, Alec waved back… and ran down the stairs, almost tripping on the way. By the time he left the building, his cheeks hurt from grinning like a dork. He couldn't wait until Friday!