Chapter 18: Almost Perfect

It was the middle of the week and Chichi took a day to relax. Now that things were moving at a more steady pace, she could take some time for herself. Goku was over regularly at all times of the day.. breakfast, lunch, dinner, to play with Goten, and train with Gohan.. all except be with her. Of course they spent time together, going on picnics and even sparring.. but Chichi couldn't act like she didn't yearn for more than that. It had been about three months since they had relations. Ever since the barbeque at Kame's, she wanted him. And she knew he knew it too. Every so often, his hand would "slip", tempting her so. She knew he was waiting for her to make the first move, after all she made it clear that things were going according to her terms.

But she was tired of taking it slow. She was a woman with needs. A good looking woman with desires.

She wanted her man. She needed Goku.

Gohan had gone off to school and Goten was with his nanny, which meant she had absolutely nothing to do. The contractors for her shop weren't scheduled to come in until tomorrow and with the help of her father, she had completed the blueprints for her dream bakery. So she really, really had nothing to do.

Chichi sighed, lounging on a couch in one of the many palace rooms. "If only Goku were here…"

"I am here."

Chichi turned around quickly at the sound of his voice. There he was, alive and in the flesh, leaning against the doorframe with an all knowing smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, not moving from her spot on the couch.

"You made a wish."

"Oh gosh, you heard that?" Chichi blushed embarrassed, trying to seem unfazed.

"Saiyan hearing." he grinned

"I swear sometimes that thing is a blessing and a curse." she mumbled, turning away from him. "But seriously, why are you here?"

"I must have forgot my wristbands over here last night with Goten."

Chichi rolled her eyes, smiling. "You did?" she asked disbelievingly.

Goku stood with a look of confusion on his face. She gave him a look, arching her brow, to which he smirked back. They both knew what was going on here. After all they'd been married to each other for over ten years and despite their current separated state, they knew each other like the back of their hands.

They both knew that they needed each other. Goku was dense in most things, but he was well educated in his wife's body. He could smell her desires and what she was longing for. Ever since the barbeque at Kami's, he could tell.

"Yeah. I did." He walked towards her, finding his place on the couch. His fresh scent immediately hit Chichi's nose.

"You have plenty at the house, Goku."

"But those are my favorite." He was inching closer, running his hand up her bare legs. She was wearing a loose, summer dress today. How convenient, he thought with an inward smirk.

"They're all the same, silly." she whispered.

"True. Maybe I just needed an excuse to see you." Goku's face buried in her neck.

Chichi closed her eyes, breathing in slowly. "You don't need an excuse to see me."

His hands grabbed her thighs, pulling her close to him so that he was between her legs. She released a small gasp, at the feel of him. She almost forgot how "endowed" he was.

"I missed you." He admitted, grabbing the back of her neck gently in a kiss. Chichi gripped a fist full of his hair, trying to get as close as possible to her husband. Yes, her husband.

Goku ran his fingers up her thighs until he reached her panties. The feel of his fingers causing a chill to run up Chichi's spine. Chichi's hands found their way to the blue sash around his waist, untying the knot. Of course he had no boxers on. How convenient, she thought with an inward smirk.

She heard the tear of clothing, seeing the remnants of her panties in his hand. Goku was never one to waste time and although she would usually scold him for being so reckless, she didn't care at that moment. She had plenty more anyway.

Goku looked at her like he always had right before they acted as husband and wife. She kissed him firmly.

Chichi woke up from her midday nap with a cold sweat. She looked at the time realizing she slept an hour longer than usual.

It was just a dream, she thought feeling for her underwear which were very still attached to her body.

"Thank Kami Gohan and Goten aren't home." She said aloud. For all she knew, she could have been moaning out loud, Kami forbid they heard her.

Note to self, remember to always take naps in your room.

Slipping her feet into her sandals, Chichi picked up the glass of water she poured before taking her nap. She headed towards the kitchen, washed the cup, and placed it in the cabinet.


Turning around quickly, Chichi gasped in mild shock. "Goku, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." he said, sincerely.

She smiled a little. "We saw each other yesterday."

"Yeah, but-"

"But what?" She asked quickly. Eagerly.

He walked towards her slowly, not breaking his gaze.

"But…" Goku grabbed her cheek gently, his fingertips grazing her back hairline. "I didn't get to see you." He was no genius with words, he knew that. But he and Chichi had been together so long that it didn't take her long to understand what he meant. Especially since she was feeling the same way. Goku leaned his forehead against hers. "I miss you, Chi."

"Then kiss me." And he happily obliged.

"Dreams do come true" Chichi thought as they spent the rest of the afternoon together. ^.^


It was later in the evening and the Son family had decided to take a dip at the lake. Dinner had been eaten, jokes had been made, and games had been played. Now, it was time to cool off. Sporting an all black one piece with a matching coverup, Chichi decided to sit beneath the shade of the trees for a bit while the boys went off in the lake.

"Momma, are you coming?" she heard Goten shout in the short distance away from her.

"In a minute, sweetie. Gohan, watch your brother, please."

"Sure, Mom!" Gohan yelled before diving in, Goten following suit.

Chichi let out a contented sigh. She was happy, genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. All because things were happening at her pace for once. Her boys were strong and healthy. Her body was getting back in shape. Things were looking up for her new business venture. And Goku was.. Well, he was here.

"For now, that is." she admitted to herself, sadly. As much as she wanted to believe Goku would never leave or even die again, she couldn't. Her husband grew up a vagabond and although he established a home with her, he was restless. She loved it some, but hated it more. That was his only flaw.

"Hey." The familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. "Why are you sitting out here?" His tall frame towered over her sitting form. The droplets of water, dripping from his hair, falling on her slightly tanned skin.

"Oh, I don't know. I was just thinking, but I'm coming now." She stood up, slipping off her coverup.

"Thinking? About what?" Goku asked curiously.

Chichi looked up at him, shocked to see the look in his eyes. He was concerned.

"I hope-" he started, but stopped when she placed her index finger on his lips.

She smiled, gently. "Let's go for a swim."

Chichi knew what was on his mind, just like he knew what was on hers. But they wouldn't talk about that now. Right now they would enjoy family time, there was always time to talk later. Besides they knew it had to be done. There was no way they could move forward without talking about the events that led to where they are now. There was no way they could ignore the elephant in the room: Would Goku leave again?

Chichi took Goku's hand, leading him towards the lake.

Yes, they would talk later.



This story is coming to an end. We have about two more chapters. Stay tuned!

Check out my other stories!

Isaiah 54:17