Kayo sat quietly in her room thinking about what she had just done, of course, her mind was still buzzing after flying her own Thunderbird for the very first time after months of co-piloting with the boys, but if they ever found out who she had just been talking to she knew they would never forgive her. They had even seen the silhouette of him just the day before hovering above the table happily announcing to them that he was going to cause destruction around the world unless they gave them the Thunderbirds, and that man was called The Hood; Mastermind, genius and her uncle. Her own flesh and blood through her father, the man who once came to see her graduate from college and who had always looked out for her growing up, but now he was a stranger who thought of nothing but crime and revenge on her adopted family's patriarch. There was a knock at her door and she prayed it wasn't one of the boys, a light voice eased her conscious and she opened the door to Sally, known in the family as Grandma Tracy.

"I brought you some tea," Grandma smiled as she walked in, "you didn't come back to the lounge."

Kayo sighed as she took the mug from the older woman, "I can't stop thinking about my uncle. I can't tell them."

"You have to Kayo, family's don't keep secrets."

"I know, but this will break their hearts, they trust me so much and I'm related to the man responsible for their father's disappearance."

"They're not easily broken my boys, and you know that as good as anyone."

Kayo chuckled, "I guess so. Is everyone ok?"

"They're fine, but they want to know how your first flight in Shadow went. Put this behind you for now, you know that my son wanted this to be a secret for a reason so don't let it bother you."

Kayo nodded as she stood up, "alright, but I'm holding you responsible if something goes amiss."

Grandma smiled as Kayo left the room, "fine by me."

"Kayo, there you are," Scott grinned, "Brains has been in and out asking where you were, he's dying to know how Shadow flies."

"I'm guessing he's already gone to check her engines?" Kayo asked as she sat beside Virgil.

"More or less. Do you like her?"

Kayo smiled, "she's amazing, I can't wait to take her out on a mission, I want to see what she can do. It flies better than Thunderbird 1."

Scott pouted, "there's no need to hurt me."

Virgil laughed, "don't be showing off too much in your stealth craft."

"She's built for agility Virgil, I can't make a promise like that," she sat back cross-legged against the sofa, "I'm going to take her out for a proper run tomorrow. How did the mission in Taipei go?"

"Successfully, the mirrored dish was destroyed but we got all the workers out."

"Scott almost didn't make it again," Virgil rolled his eyes, "you should take spare jet packs with you."

"And where am I supposed to keep these spare jet packs?"

"Well it's better than using Thunderbird 1 as a surfboard, you could've fallen off."

Alan laughed, "wow heated debate."

"It always ends up that way when our eldest is a daredevil," Virgil continued to glare, "I wouldn't have been able to help you, you cut it fine."

"Alright that's enough," Kayo yawned, "sort this out between yourselves. The main thing is we got those earthquake devices turned off and the Sealab to safety. Let's forget about the rest of the stuff."

"I want to get my hands on that crook," Gordon leant back against Alan's shoulder, "he's the one who caused all that trouble today."

"We'll get the GDF to look into that," Scott replied not noticing Kayo shift awkwardly on the sofa.

"Yes, good idea, although how useful do you think they'll be in all of this?" Gordon asked.

"Dad trusted them. Oh, I'm really sorry about the transponder beacon little brother."

"It's fine Scott, we'll find other traces of Dad I'm sure."

Kayo smiled supportively, "yeah, I hope so."