Hello! This is another Undertale Fic by TempestJewel and a fanfictioner. We had changed the backstory to the characters in this story so be prepared for things to not be how you know them. Hope you enjoy! Remember to comment or message us if you have any questions!

Gaster groaned softly as he woke up leaning over his desk. He sat up and cursed there was drool on his work! "Oh pride and prejudice!" He said and started trying to salvage the report... Why was everything blurry? "Glasses?! Where are you you infernal contraptions!" He said and began searching. They were perched askew on his skull above his eyes.

There was a booming knock on the door a deep voice coming from the door "Gaster my friend may I come in?"

Gaster jerked up "yes of course sir! Forgive the mess!" He called still searching frantically for his glasses

Asgore chuckled as he eased through the doorway "worry not my friend i know you are a very busy man." pausing at how frantic Gaster seemed he laid a large paw onto his shoulder concerned "Gaster, are you okay?"

"I can't find my glasses anywhere!" The skeleton said "I can't read without them!" He said his face cutely distressed especially with the poor skeleton's glasses on his skull.

Asgore grinned letting out a rumbling chuckle. Rubbing Gaster's skull gently, a claw sending Gasters glasses down to his nasal bone with a PLINK "You would loose your skull if it wasn't attached."

Gaster's eyes widened when the glasses landed on his face. He was mystified a moment before it dawned in him and he blushed a bright purple "oh thank you sire" he said coughing into a fist. He turned around "so what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Asgore chuckled smiling teasingly "Can i not come check on my favorite royal scientist just to visit?"

Gaster huffed "I'm your only royal scientist sire! And yes I do have a problem with it! I need to at least straighten up when you visit!"

Asgore was taken aback at Gaster's defensiveness. "Oh, my apologies for causing you more stress. I know you often over work yourself. I didn't realize i was adding in the matter. I see you are busy so i will go back to my garden. I'll make sure to contact you before i come down again."

Gaster rubbed his face "no no stay you're here now just please ignore the mess" he said and moved to clean off the couch and coffee table. Blushing in shame as he threw away like sixteen cartons of instant noodles... It surely wasn't healthy to eat all those...

Asgore shifted unsure "i wouldn't want to impose. I know you are a very busy man. Your station shows it. Cluttered desk means great mind... Or at least i think that is how it goes."

Gaster shook his head "no no! I like the company... I'm just embarrassed at the mess sire" he said not wanting his friend to leave

Asgore nodded easing closer as Gaster finish, laying a large paw onto his shoulder and squeezing it slightly in a comforting gesture "there is nothing to be embarrassed for. You work very hard and often get a little too focused on your projects to worry about other things. I understand this. Though your eating habits seem to need a slight improvement."

Gaster looked at all the noodle boxes "I uh... Can't really get out and shop for food or make it..." Though he made sure the boys always had fruits and veggies

Asgore blinked confused "oh? One of your projects keeping you here?"

"Yes... It's very delicate and it worries me often I don't want to leave it alone for long." He said sighing "but I also have my other work and I think I've made a new source of light! Want to see?" He said perking up

Asgore nodded smiling "yes, of course. Gaster, know that if you need anything i'm happy to help."

Gaster smiled and hugged him "thanks sire I know you're there for me but you are so busy yourself" he said and lead him over glowing blue flowers "I call them echo flowers they not only grow but repeat things they've heard recently!

Asgore was pleasantly surprised by the quick hug. Smiling and his eyes twinkling with joy at Gaster's excitement. "That is quite amazing! Could you show me how it works? I am quite excited to hear this repeating flower."

Gaster smiled and opened its clear box. He then whispered to it 'all hail king fluffybuns' he then stood "now tap it gently" he said beaming

Asgore smiled excitedly making sure to tap it lightly. It's voice singing out loudly "ALL HAIL KING FLUFFYBUNS!"

Asgore became pink in embarrassment. Coughing into his hand but turning to Gaster with a beaming smile. "Amazing!"

Gaster snorted and began laughing "I thought so but they would be ideal for lighting waterfall don't you think?" He asked since waterfall was the darkest part of the underground

Asgore nodded patting Gaster's back "genius! Do you think they would take to such a saturated place?"

"Of course they will I designed them that way!" The scientist huffed and puffed his chest out in prude he was trying to look serious but really he was just silly looking

Asgore laughed nodding and thumping Gaster's back proud. "You are quite the genius Gaster."

Gaster shot forward from the force but caught himself "thank you" he said smiling he recovered the plant "I'll try to have these plantable by next week" he said smiling

Asgore nodded smiling "that's wonderful. It will be great to have more flowers and light to liven up waterfall."

Gaster was glad his king was pleased. "So what are your plans for today sire?" He asked not realizing it was almost 6 pm

Asgore's eyes widened and a light pink dusted under his fur. "Well frankly I haven't really thought past checking on how you were doing Gaster. I was hoping you hadn't left for your house yet."

"My house? Uh...I didn't tell you?" He asked rubbing an arm "I uh sold it" he said

Asgore tilted his large head in surprise and confusion. A flash of concern crossed his face. "Why? Did you not like it? Where are you staying?"

"Ummm well I live here now I spend most my money on the lab and uh it was wasted on me anyway" which was a roundabout excuse for him saying he was broke and worked too much

Asgore blinked before snatching Gaster by the arms shaking him and booming out "WINGDINGS GASTER WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! THERE ISN'T EVEN A BED HERE!"

Gaster got dizzy being shaken up and his eyelights turned into little swirls. "But the tables make beds! And have a few twin sizes downstairs ..."

Asgore gasped tugging Gaster close to his broad chest "YOU'RE SLEEPING ON TABLES!"

Gaster blushed brightly as he was tugged against his king's chest he rested there "sire it's okay... I'm a skeleton... I don't have to have a bed..." He said

Asgore gave a small gasp. Making sure Gaster knew he was serious by calling him his first name which often frustrated the skeleton, but at the moment Asgore needed to make the skeleton know this bother him. "Wing dings do you think i would allow one of my subjects and best friend to sleep on a table? You are a skeleton that is expressly why you need a bed. You are just bones you don't have protective layers like other people or me." Asgore tightened his hold on the skeleton shifting Gaster close and rubbing him slighting into Asgore's large fuzzy chest.

Gaster glared at Asgore for the use of his name but sighed going limp in his arms and allowed himself to be cuddled by the king. Or at least he considered it cuddling. He wrapped his arms around the king sighing. "I know and it sometimes hurts but I can't be away from the lab right now... There is just so much to be done and I have two experiments that I can't be away from for long..." He said

Asgore sighed drooping a bit at hearing of Gaster's discomfort. His voice was soft and pleading "Well if you can't leave can you at least set up a cot or something? I could bring you some pillows and blankets to make it more comfortable."

Gaster sighed "you are too good to me my king." He said "I'll set up a cot and I'll gladly accept your pillows and blankets" he said not bothering to let go since Asgore didn't either. It wasn't weird to hug your best friend right.

Asgore smiled nuzzling Gaster "You stress yourself far too much. i'm glad you allow me to help you."

Gaster smiled before he was being nuzzled and blushed clear down to his spine. "Of course Asgore... You're my only friend" he said

Asgore chuckled beaming "and you mine." Asgore mumbled softly "that was the first time in a long time you have called me by name. EVEN though I have stressed you can at any time. Thank you Gaster."

Gaster sighed laying his head on his chest "it's unprofessional" he sniffed "and I shouldn't be your only friend sire. The people adore you and you are so friendly and amazing you should have friends in the dozens." Gaster despite how chill he seemed right now suffered from high social anxiety and whenever someone else other than the king was around he would freeze up and become very curt and many thought him an unfeeling ass

Asgore shook with a chuckle "they are my subjects. It is wonderful that they like me and respect me. But you are the only one I trust completely and consider a good friend."

Gaster smiled though felt his sins crawl on his back. The king wouldn't feel that way if his experiments worked out. "And you are the only one I don't feel bad around" he said smiling

Asgore chuckled squeezing him tight. "I am very glad." with a sigh Asgore began releasing Gaster "do you have anything else to show me? Or tea?"

Gaster smiled "I can make tea and I can show you blueprints and half finished projects!" He chitted excitedly

Asgore smiled nodding and making himself comfortable. He always enjoyed visiting with Gaster. Gaster was always so excited about his work. It made his visits all the more enjoyable

Gaster went and got some tea made for his King and returned magic carrying blueprints "I have more information on us building the CORE! And and I found a new metal deposit in hotland it should be more than enough to nearly finish construction! Relying on the dump for all our metal has been terrible!" The man said showing him blueprints "and I have discovered that the grass that grows naturally in waterfall can be used to make flour! Soon we can mass grow it and distribute it to the people!" He said and began babbling about all the work he's done and things he discovered ... He probably didn't sleep much

Asgore listened attentively sipping his tea as the hours passed by.

Soon a buzzer went off and Gaster froze. "Oh! Um my king I'm really sorry but I've got to go now!" He said dropping everything rushing to a first aid kit. "It was good to see you love you bye!" He said hitting a button on a door that led to the lower lab he seemed a bit frantic as he waited for the elevator to open.

Asgore jolted at Gaster's suddenness. Jumping up worried asgore rushed to Gaster "is everything okay? Is someone hurt? I can use my healing magic."

"Ugh no! It um for... If I get hurt!" He said sweating profusely.

Asgore shifted confused and worried "why would you get hurt? Where are you going? Gaster you shouldn't go alone if it's not safe." Asgore clutched Gaster's arm worried that if he didn't his friend would leave to the dangerous place alone. "Let me come with you."

Gaster shook his head "uh no it's um really really delicate and um you uh are big! And might get hurt!" He said really needing the king to turn around

Asgore blinked in confusion and felt even more worried "Gaster... Do you not want me to come? I know I maybe large in size but you should know better than anyone how delicate I can be. If it's dangerous and you can get hurt I'm not going to let you go alone. I care about you Gaster."

"I... Would really appreciate if you didn't..." He said feeling ashamed of himself. "Please I... Don't..." He was cut off by the ding of the elevator and the doors slid open...

Asgore frowned before looking at the door a large sob sounding from it.

A little skeleton was slamming his hand on an elevator button sobbing and calling loudly "DADDY! DAAAAADDY!"

Gaster turned with a gasped and rushed to the child picking him up "Papyrus! What is it? Where is your brother?!" He said he was afraid of this oh stars "Papyrus shhh it's okay I'm here tell me where your brother is" he said trying to calm the child petting his skull

Asgore was in shock at the small skeleton.

Papyrus latched on to Gaster's arm "SAAAAAAAANS HURT! BLOOOOOOOOOD!"

Gaster paled "okay let's go get to him everything will be okay I'll make it better" he said though he was clearly frightened for some reason. Though Gaster really sucked at healing magic he rushed into the elevator to press buttons

Asgore slid in beside the skeletons petting the small skeletons skull soothingly. "Don't worry little one. Everything will be okay."

Gaster looked up at Asgore and clutched Papyrus close as the door shut and they began descending. He didn't know what to say... He hadn't wanted Asgore to find out yet... So to distract from interrogation he focused on his boy. "Papyrus can you tell me what happened? Why Sans is hurt?" He asked

Papyrus hiccuped and tried to explain as he could being the small baby bones he was "w-W-we were p-playing A-an-and S-s-sans he-he-he HE'S GOING TO D-D-DIE!"

Gaster frowned "no he's not Papyrus... Sans would never leave you alone like that" he said and bursted out of the elevated as soon as the doors opened "where were you playing?" He asked looking around the true lab was dark and dingy despite Gaster's best efforts to keep it clean papers and half formed experiments were everywhere the area just looked generally unsafe but the air was of perfect quality and perfect temperature

Papyrus hiccuped pointing to the other side of the room towards two small bed like structures. A small sniffle coming from them.

Gaster nodded and put him down "Sans? Sans daddy's here..." He called

Sans sniffed and held his arm "daddy! I'm here!" He said he was much shorter than Papyrus and more round. He toddled over to Gaster wearing tiny shorts and a white shirt he had a tiny knot on his head and a cut on his arm. Gaster carefully picked the little skeleton up "oh my little one... You two weren't jumping on the beds were you?" He said with a raised brow.

Papyrus cried out loudly tears running down his skull. "YEEEESSSSS!"

Asgore almost let out a loud "awwww" at seeing the small skeleton. Leaning down to Papyrus he gave him a large smile holding out an arm motioning the baby bones for a hug. "Come here small one. Let us go help Gaster."

Papyrus sniffled nodding and latching onto the large fuzzy man.

Gaster shook his head "I told you that was dangerous! You could have broken something or d- something worse... You two know you are so fragile" he said sitting Sans on the bed before cleaning his cut. He put a bandaid on it before giving it a little kiss.

Sans cried when Gaster cleaned the cut but his daddy's magic kisses seemed to take the pain away "we won't do it again daddy" he promised

Asgore smiled at Gaster's gentleness to the child. "Yes small one you shouldn't worry Gaster like that."

Papyrus sniffled nuzzling into his fur whimpering at Sans's crys.

Gaster picked his boy up and returned to Asgore "Papy darling everything's okay now Sans if fine just a little scrape and bump" he said gently

Papyrus whined "Sans not gonna go away? Not gonna die?"

"No not gonna die" Gaster said taking his boy into his other arm "neither of you will die today" he said kissing each of their temples. The relief that nothing serious had happened clear on the skeleton.

Sans snuggled into his daddy's hold and looked at Asgore with wide eyelights "what's that daddy?" He asked

Gaster looked up and saw he was gesturing to the king "that's a person just like you or me his name is Asgore. He's our king and my friend" he said though didn't know if that would hold true now that he found out his secret

Papyrus nuzzled into Gaster's neck trying to whisper though it was still loud. "He's really fluf-uf-zzy. Why he not like us?"

Asgore chuckled at the small skeletons confusion but looked to Gaster in questioning as well.

"Well people come in all shapes and sizes. And his happens to be fluffybuns" he said before looking at Asgore sheepishly. "Umm Sire... These are my sons Sans and Papyrus..." He said gesturing to each boy. "Um you're the first person they've met besides me..." He admitted

Asgore blinked surprised "I... I didn't know you were involved with another. I'm glad I was able to meet your small baby bones you have been keeping from me."

Gaster blushed "I um... Have never known intimacy in my live sire..." He said ashamed

Asgore blinked confused.

Papyrus piped up loudly. "DID YOU MAKE HIM TOO DADDY?"

Gaster shook his head "no I didn't. remember most monsters have a mommy and daddy to make them. Only you two are different" he said.

Sans tapped his chin "oh! So they aren't made from breaks in the soul like us?" He said beaming at how smart he was.

Gaster nodded "yes that's right sweetie." He took a deep breath looking at Asgore. "You know a few months ago... When I had that giant explosion in the lab?" He said how could anyone forget really. everyone had been certain the royal scientist was going to die. Now Gaster had two holes punched in his hands. And what everyone thought was a fractured soul.

Asgore nodded concerned and confused on what was happening. "Of course... I was afraid I was going to loose my best friend."

Gaster nodded "well... My soul did split and fused with the broken bones and... Suddenly I was a dad" he said "they grew quickly and have now slowed down to near normal rates..." He said

Asgore was taken aback "they were created through the explosion."

"Yes... For a long time I thought that... I thought..." He got choked up.

Sans pat his face "Dad thought we were gonna die so he didn't want us to leave yet so he would be the only one hurt" he said sadly "we don't want daddy to hurt" he said tearing up

Papyrus burst into tears sobbing loudly a slight lisp as he cried out reaching to Sans "I DON'T WANT BROBER TO DIE!"

Asgore started to tear up at the skeletons sorrow pulling the group into a hug and rubbing their backs and skulls in a soothing manner.

Sans reached out and clutched his brother too "I don't want Papy to die either!" He said

Gaster too was crying as he pressed into Asgore "I love my boys... I love them so much I don't want them gone" he said and felt awful here he had two still living Children while his best friend had lost both of his and was still comforting them

Asgore nodded patting Gaster's back "it's okay my friend. Everything will be okay." Asgore felt a pang remembering when he held his children close as they cried, but focused on comforting the skeletons in front of him.

Gaster eventually claimed "I'm so sorry Asgore..."

Asgore gave him a gentle smile rubbing away his tears with a large finger. "It's okay my friend. I am glad you shared these precious children with me."

Gaster leaned into the gentle hand "you are too kind to me" he had expecting him to be furious he should have known better.

Sans beamed "so are we gonna see you more often?" He asked with starry eyes touching the fur in wonder

Asgore gave him a large happy grin before frowning. Looking to Gaster nervously "it is up to Gaster to decide."

Papyrus sniffled smacking Gaster's skull "I WANNA SEE FLUFFY MAN!"

Gaster smiled softly "there is nothing I'd love more" he said gazing up at his best friend. He carefully set the boys down "why don't you two go to your playroom while we talk a minute? Maybe I can order us pizza for dinner?" He asked and Sans' eyes turned into stars "I love pizza!"

Asgore snickered softly as Papyrus dragged Sans away shouting "PLAY PLAY PLAY!" all the way

Gaster watched them and folded his hands smiling softly. Once they were out of sight his face fell a little "I'm sorry..." He apologized

Asgore laid a large paw on Gaster's shoulder "what are you sorry for. There is nothing you did wrong."

"I hid them from you... I thought you would be upset..." Gaster said looking up with large tearful eyelights

Asgore sighed pulling Gaster into another hug tucking him under his large chin. "Oh Gaster. I know you had your reasoning for hiding them. I'm just glad you didn't keep them hid away from me until they were grown men."

Gaster chuckled weakly hugging back "it's... It's just they were so weak at first I thought they were not going to make it... Like Sans said... I didn't want anyone but me hurt if they didn't make it after the princes... I couldn't do that to you" he admitted Gaster had worked hard to save both children and both times he had failed he felt it was his fault even though now he knew why they died... He never told the king. "I was going to take them out next month had they continued their improving... But I am glad you've met them now... They seem so happy"

Asgore blinked away tears but smiled "I'm just glad to be able to see children... Happy children... I miss mine dearly. Happy children is such a rare precious thing."

Gaster nodded and stayed in his arms "you know... Um the boys... They'll... Need another parent... Or uncle or neighbor with a beard..." He said pressing His face further into his chest "I can't do it by myself..." He admitted

Asgore squeaked. He was so surprised at the offer it slipped out causing him to blush a bright pink

Gaster blushed a the sound and released him "oh I'm so sorry that was weird I just um... Get stupid when you hold me!" He said waving his arms

Asgore had a large smile his eyes filling with tears which he tried to blink away. "Yes. My dearest friend offering to care for his children. I just-yes." Asgore stifled a sob with a hand "a second chance. It's all I've ever wanted."

Gaster hugged him "don't cry sire... This is happy... We are happy." he said but then began to cry too so glad he could do this with another

Asgore sniffled nodding and pulling Gaster close again. "I'm so happy. So happy you want to share this with me." asgore nuzzled Gaster's skull "I'll be here for you. Whatever you need. Thank you-so much-i can't-Dings thank you." Asgore stutter and shook overwhelmed by an intents mixture of joy and sadness

"I wouldn't have anyone else" he said

Asgore hugged the boney man tight unwilling to release him anytime soon.

Gaster hugged the soft squishy man just as tightly "I don't know what I would do without you..." He said honestly

Asgore smiled nuzzling Gaster. "I feel the same my dear friend."

Gaster blushed brightly and nuzzled back his soul pulsing in warmth and love. Gaster didn't know how to express this love since Asgore was his best friend so just kept it in his soul

Asgore let out a sigh sinking into the hug. He felt so relaxed and full of love. Mumbling he let slip the nickname he called Gaster in special occasions "I don't know what I would do without you Dings. You're my underground."

Gaster blushed and looked up at him his eye lights were starry flashing hearts every now and then "and you are mine Azzy..." He said soul pulsing quickly

A loud "AWW!" shocked Asgore making him jolt and blush

Gaster quickly release the king and saw where the boys were holding hands and watching them.

Sans's eyes were starry "you two like each other!" He said pointing

Papyrus giggled sing songing loudly "DADDY LIKES HIM! DADDY LIKES HIM!"

Gaster covered his face and squirmed "boys stop that! I- he- he doesn't like me like that!" He asked turning completely purple

Sans made a gasp like a cat that caught the canary as Gaster realized his mistake.

"BUT YOU LIKE LIKE HIM THAT WAY!" he yelled in delight and Gaster looked like he was going to die but didn't deny it

Asgore burst into laughter pulling Gaster close leaning on the skeleton to not fall over.

Gaster nearly tipped over from the big goat's weight "sire you're going to squish me!" He said knees shaking as he began laughing a bit himself though was still mortified

Asgore grinned chuckling. Pulling Gaster close Asgore gave the skeleton a quick peck to his temple.

Gaster flushed purple and fainted.

Sans was worried "ah! He passed out again!" He said worried

Asgore was shocked and worried. Picking up Gaster into a princess hold he turned to the smaller skeletons "do you have a bed or something?"

"Dad sleeps on that one there!" Sans said pointing to a table. "But you can put him on our bed!' Sans said leading him to two small beds where the kids has hurt themselves by jumping

Ashore shifted Gaster to one arm and used the other to slide the beds together. Gently placing Gaster onto the beds taking a blanket and covering the skeleton. Plopping next to the bed Asgore leaned on the beds worried about his friend.

Papyrus collapsed next to Asgore leaning on him "daddy going to be okay?"

Sans snorted getting on his other side "of course he is Pappy he always wakes up later" he said though it would be clear to the adult that he was putting on a brave face for his brother

Papyrus sniffled but nodded. "Daddy wake up. Make me scared. Don't want daddy to die."

Asgore pulled the small skeletons onto his lap curling an arm around them. "It's okay small ones. I will help Gaster get better. I have healing magic that will make him feel good as new." placing his other hand onto Gaster's, curling his large hand around the small bones. Green magic swirling around their conjoined hands

Gaster groaned and squeezed his hands back "Azzy..." Gaster soul and body was ridden with exhaustion it was no wonder with him trying to keep up with all his work and dealing with his boys

Asgore smiled squeezing his hand "rest Dings. I'll take care of your small ones."

Gaster nodded sighing. His eyes barely open "t-thanks" he said

Asgore nodded giving him a peck before standing up holding a boy in each arm. "Have you ate yet small ones?"

"No daddy brings us food but he hasn't been down here since yesterday... He's normally not gone for so long" Sans said frowning

Asgore frowned "I'm sorry small ones that was probably my fault. But I can help fix that. Let's go back to the kitchen and fix something."

Sans nodded but frowned "what's a kitchen?" He asked

Asgore blinked surprised. "Well it's... I guess it is like... Hmm. I guess I'll just show you. I guess you will be learning quite a few things today."

Papyrus nodded curling into Asgore's fur letting out a large yawn

Sans was curious and didn't yawn he had napped earlier

Asgore chuckled making his way back to the elevator and up to the main floor of the lab.

On the main floor the kitchen was a few rooms down and inside it was a disaster. The only thing that looked operational was a microwave in the corner and the mini fridge on the counter everything else looked like it had been destroyed in an explosion.

Sans looked at it "dad tried to make something called Mac and Cheese for us and it exploded he cried about being a failure for two hours" the boy giggled. It was a little known fact that Grillby couldn't cook to save his life

Asgores jaw dropped at the sight. This was worst than he could image. The kitchen would take hours to clean and it was in dire need of cleaning. Setting the boys down on a semi clean spot Asgore let out a large sigh. Looking through the cabinets and finding a cleanish pot and a half empty thing of pasta. "This will have to work or the time being."

Sans looked up at him with a smile and starry eyes "you can do the cooking?" He asked amazed

Asgore chuckled as he started making the pasta adding the spices he could find "of course little one. I didn't realize Gaster was such a hor-couldn't cook as well as others."

Sans chuckled "he stinks at a lot of things sometimes" he said

Asgore chuckle rubbing Sans's skull "not everyone is good at everything my dear boy. We have to work hard to be good at it. Gaster just stays with what his is good at."

Sans nodded "really? Daddy says he sucks at everything" he said

Asgore coughed caught off guard by the comment. Turning to Sans, Papyrus having already fell asleep head laying in Sans's lap. Asgore leaned down so he could look into his eyes. "No. You're daddy doesn't suck at everything. He should never say that about himself and neither should you or your brother. Okay? We might not know what we are destined to do in our life and it may take a long time to figure it out. But there will always be something you are good at. Gaster may not see it all the time but he is very smart and is very good at science and many other things."

"That's what Papy tells him. See we should both be um.. Dead but daddy worked really hard and saved us Daddy has to be good at saving people Papy says" Sans said

Asgore nodded giving Sans a sad gentle smile. "Your brother is very right." finishing the pasta he handed Sans a mug full of noodles with a fork getting another for the sleeping skeleton.

Sans smiled and began eating them "these are yummy" he said

Asgore smiled shaking Papyrus awake who whined scrubbing his sockets.

Sans smiled "bro he made us food!" He said eating happily

Papyrus instantly perked up. "FOOD?"

Asgore nodded handing him a mug with noodles. Papyrus instantly slurping choosing to use his fingers instead of the fork.

Sans giggled "dork" he said

Asgore smiled chuckling finding a clean rag to wipe finger bones later.

There were those at least. Sans smiled "so what's it like outside? Daddy only ever let's us come here every so often" he asked

Papyrus nodded mumbling excited through pasta.

Asgore was shocked though understood Gaster's reasoning. Chuckling he wiped their skulls of pasta sauce "well if you would like I can show you my garden. It's a very relaxing place. Then we can all go to see different places with Gaster later. The underground is a very nice place filled with nice people. There are many different towns. There is Snowdin the farthest from here and by far the coldest. Waterfall it's a very dark and wet place though Gaster has came up with a new plant to counter the darkness. Hotland which is really hot. Just inside hotland is us, New home. We have the labs, my place, and some markets."

Sans's eyes were wide and excited "I wanna see everything!" He said hugging onto his leg.

Asgore chuckled picking up Sans and holding him close the feel of holding a child again filling him with love and happiness. Booping Sans's nasal bone "all in due time My child. Before we go anywhere we are going to have to get you cleaned up." Picking up Papyrus who had finished his food Asgore brought them to the sink to wash up. Getting soap on the wash cloth and scrubbing lighting at their messy bones.

Sans giggled and squirmed "it tickles!" He laughed trying futility to push his hand away

Asgore chuckled smiling at the squirming baby bones.

Papyrus giggled wiggling and flinging water.

Soon the elevator opened and Gaster came out looking a bit fritzy "oh thank goodness there you are!" He said coming over quickly. "We had food!" Sans said

Asgore chuckled drying them off. Turning to Gaster with a smile before frowning. Rubbing Gaster's skull Asgore asked him concerned "are you feeling well? You can lay down and rest more. I made you a mug of pasta too if you feel like eating."

Gaster shook his head "no it's fine I've already slept too much today. And yes I'm starving" he said leaning into the touch.

Asgore nodded handing him a mug of pasta. "I didn't realize you weren't skilled at cooking Dings"

Gaster blushed "I uh no... It is supposed to be like chemistry but it isn't..." He said rubbing the back of his skull and eating the noodles "hmmmm, this is good" he said

Asgore chuckled looking at the disaster of the kitchen "well you might need a good place to cook."

Gaster looked ashamed "I tried to make food and it exploded I uh just bought a microwave and mini fridge after" he said

Asgore chuckled "i may not be the best cook but i can show you have to cook a few simple things."

"I am sure me and the boys will appreciate it" Gaster said.

Sans smiled and hugged his leg "he says he wants to show us his garden! Can we go?" He asked

Gaster thought and squirmed they were still so fragile "fine but I am wrapping you in bubble wrap first" he said seriously

Asgore let out a loud rumbling laugh. Taking Gaster's shoulder and pulling him close "Don't worry so much Gaster. I'll help watch over them."

"But but what if they trip! Or or a breeze knocks them over!" He said with wide worried eyelights

Papyrus whined loudly at the idea of being bundled up. "NO. NO!"

Asgore gave Gaster a gentle smile petting his skull "shhh. It's just my garden. I have healing magic if anything goes too wrong. Here, do you have any sweaters or jackets?"

Sans giggled "you worry too much daddy" he said hugging his dad's leg. "I trust big fluffy guy" he said.

Gaster whined but nodded "I do have little shirts and shorts for them let me go find them" he said

Asgore chuckled picking up the small skeletons and holding them close. Calling to Gaster "Sans is right. I'm sure together we can make sure they're safe and don't get hurt."

Papyrus cheered

Gaster nodded bringing some clothes and helping them redress "yes yes I know I just worry" he said "shall we go today?" He asked

Asgore smiled "no time like the present"

Gaster nodded and went with them taking deep breaths to calm himself as they exited the lab into the hotland air

Papyrus whined at the heat rubbing his skull against Asgore's fur.

Asgore frowned "I'm sorry my child you aren't use to the heat are you. we are almost there."

Sans groaned "I don't like it" he said and Gaster frowned and threw up a magic shield around them that lowered the heat and putting it at a better temperature "better?" He asked worriedly.

Asgore blinked at the shield but didn't comment. The children would have to get use to it eventually but not today. He wouldn't rush the skeletons. Reaching the door Asgore announced "we are here."

Gaster smiled and opened it for them.

Sans gasped looking at the flowers with wide eyes "wow! They are like those pretty blue flowers!" He said

"Yes but these are yellow and are called golden flowers" Gaster explained

Asgore smiled chuckling as he sat down the skeletons so they could rome.

Papyrus let out a loud squeal taking off in a sprint.

Sans took off at a more cautious pace he knelt and pet the flower "its soft..." He said.

Gaster watched them carefully holding his hands in front of his chest they looked so happy...


Papyrus tripped and face planted into a flower his body being covered in pollen. Sneezing he collapsed to his tailbone his head shaking with confusion.

Gaster squeaked and rushed to him "Papy are you okay?! Oh my god you sneezed!" He said beginning to panic what is he has allergies? What if what if what if

Papyrus shook his head, pollen kling to his bones. jumping up and taking off again running to Sans shouting "SANS SANS SANS! LOOKY I'M A FLOWER!"

Gaster just kind of deflated when Papyrus just up and ran off "he's okay...?" He said in wonder.

Sans smiled "uh still look like a Papyrus to me" he said giggling

Asgore chuckled patting Gaster lightly. "They are children. They are stronger than they look."

Papyrus giggled snatching Sans's hand and taking him to a flower. Abruptly Papyrus shoved Sans into the flower with a giggle.

Gaster came and stood beside him watching the kids "I guess you're right..." He said feeling a bit relieved

Sans held his hand but gasped as he was shoved into the pollen filled flower "ah! Papyrus!" He said and began letting out a series of kitten sneezes

Papyrus collapsed to the ground in a fit of giggles

Sans frowned and grabbed a flower shoving it in his face

Papyrus coughed sputtering out pollen as he pushed the flower away. Tears collecting in his sockets as he sniffled and let out a wail his tears leaving tracks through the pollen.

Sans frowned "ah! Papyrus don't cry!" He said dropping the flower "I'm sorry!"

Gaster heard the wail and was instantly worried and began going over quickly afraid Papyrus was hurt

Papyrus just cried harder and louder. Rubbing his bones against the pollen to no avail.

Asgore becoming worried himself followed Gaster to the boys

Gaster picked up Papyrus "what's wrong sweetie?" He asked beginning to clean off his face.

"I hit him with a flower!" Sans wailed crying himself he hurt his precious brother

Asgore chuckled picking up Sans and holding him close as he cleaned Sans up. "A flower won't hurt your brother. He was probably startled and doesn't like the pollen."

Sans sniffles "you sure?" He asks worried

Gaster cleaned his face "baby is that what happened?" He asks gently

Papyrus sniffled nodding. "Don't like the stuff. Itchy and smells weird. Got in my mouth and my eyes."

Gaster nodded "I'm sorry the flowers must all be in season" he said rocking him gently "you okay now?"

Papyrus sniffled but nodded. "Don't like flowers. They mean. Stupid."

"Now now there are many flowers out there don't judge them all based on one" he said kissed his cheek

Papyrus frowned but nodded. "I won't daddy. Still don't like the poolen. Sticky." Papyrus cringed and shook his arms trying to rid himself of the pollen.

Gaster smiled "we'll take a bath at the lab... With bubbles" he said knowing Papy loved bubble

Papyrus instantly perked up at the thought of a bubble bath. "BUBBLES?!" Papyrus looked to Sans excited but frowned "sowy Sans."

Sans nodded "it's fine bro I shouldn't have hit you" he said ashamed

Papyrus reached for Sans tears springing to his eyes again. "SOWRRY! I LOVES YOU SANS!"

Sans reached back hugging him "I loves you too!" He cried

Asgore chuckled smiling taking both the boys into his arms and nuzzling them. "Now don't cry children. Everything is fine now. Do you wish to play some more or would you like to go back for your bath?"

Sans held onto his brother sniffling.

Gaster smiled gently "I think that's enough for one day" he said

Asgore nodded giving them a small squeeze. "Don't worry. We will have plenty of time to explore later. Now let's get you to your bath."

Gaster nodded and went with him back to the lab throwing up a magic shield again against the heat

Asgore smiled to Gaster bumping him lightly with a hip.

Gaster nearly tripped and fell turning purple "what was that for?" He asks blushing

Asgore looked down right ashamed a deep red blush lighting up his face. "S-sorry i didn't mean to bump you so hard."

Gaster blushed too "it's okay sire I am just too skinny" he chuckled

Asgore's lips twitched slightly as he muttered quietly "i think you're perfect."

Papyrus giggled covering his teeth like he heard the biggest secret. Turning to Sans with a grin and whispering loudly "HE LIKES DADDY. NYEH HEH HEH HEH."

Asgore stopped walking his face a bright pink.

Sans giggled "you too should kiss! Daddy is like the princess in all the stories he reads us!"

Asgore stuttered blushing hard "i-i don't know. It is really a t-thing that can't be rushed. G-gaster would have to-well we would need to-i don't know-we need to talk about it first. It's getting quite late. Look at the time."

Gaster took his kids "I um wouldn't reject but yes we definitely need to to talk" he said thinking he was gonna die.

Asgore nodded his blush deepening. "Brilliant. Um well goodbye." Asgore mentally cringed at the words that left his mouth and make a quick retreat from the embarrassing scene he was creating.

Papyrus whined as Asgore quickly started walking away. "SANS YOU SCARED HIM OFF."

Sans giggled "awwww he'll be back he totally like daddy" he said happily.

Asgore hunched over embarrassed fleeing the scene. "Brilliant. Brilliant. Why would i say that? I'm such an idiot. Brilliant. Ugh."