I'm BAAAACK! I got the idea for this fic off of a book I once read, but I obviously changed it a bit to match my criteria (I.E: must be 1X2 matchup.) Basic story is: Duo, a teenager who has not spoken for 8 years, is sent to a school in hopes that he will open up, seeing as nobody knows about his past, when he meets a special someone... gee I wonder who?

WARNINGS: Possible 1x2 yaoi lemon in later chapters, definetly some 1x2 spread throughout. Don't like, don't read. Don't send flames about how it's wrong or I didn't warn you about it, cuz it's right here.

Other then that, I'm happy to accept flames!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, I never will. If I did own Gundam Wing and their characters, I don't think I'd be here, slobbering over fics about them, n'est pas?

Well, you must be sick of hearing me talk about nothing, so here is the fic!


Chapter One Unknown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If I told you who I was, what I've done and where I come from, you probably wouldn't believe me. If I said to you all the things I've thought in my life, you'd probably laugh in my face. And If I told you all my deepest, darkest secrets, you'd never be able to sleep at night.

But of course I won't tell you. I haven't told anyone anything for 8 years. They call me Nanashi, but I have a name. Anyways, they call Trowa that too, so I can't go by that. 'Course, I didn't know Trowa when I got that name. I won't tell them who I am though, so they just call me that anyways. No-name, just like they also call me No-face, and of course, the all-time favourite, No-Brain.

Yup, that's me, Duo Maxwell, the walking mute who automatically is an idiot because I can't talk and can't write.

But they're wrong, because I can talk, and you are reading what I write right now. I'm also quite smart, but because I won't write anything, they can't know that either. They can't even know why I won't talk.

You can't know yet, either. Not yet.

This story is about the one person who could know who I am, what I am, and what I see.

But, like all stories, I'll have to start at the very beginning.

::At the orphanage::

Well, this is my home. Actually, this WAS my home. Beautiful place, neh? That is, if you have a taste for curling paint, rotting wood, and the same gruel for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have to say, this is where being silent is actually a good thing, and for two reasons: A.) I didn't have to act like idiot, complaining about everything like the other kids, who would be dead otherwise under most conditions. And B.) It got me out of here.

I sat there, day in and day out, watching the rest of the boys scurry around on their little social missions, going in clans to hoard food, or to settle petty differences. I did all my searching at night, when my mind tossed and turned over my past, my life that would be with me for forever.

At first, the boys tried to approach me too, giving me a kind word or a smile. However, I shunned them all off. I didn't need them. I didn't need anyone. I could be self-sufficient for all of my life if I wanted to be.

Boy was I messed up then.

Anyways, today was another day, and like always, I was sitting in my small, dirty corner in the rags we called clothes then, watching the others with eyes like a hawk, even though I didn't know what a hawk was then, when I heard muffled voices from behind the wall. Crawling up to it, I placed my small ear against the plaster, to hear the voice of my caretaker, Mr. Robinson. He was talking to a kindly female voice, who was saying "I'm sure we can help him to open up." My Caretaker responded "That's all I ask. It scares me, having this older boy staring at kids half his age all day. It might help him to be around people closer to his age."

"At our school, we try our best to help people fit in." The woman replied, opening the door to my right at the same time. Mr. Robinson looked down at me and said in a low voice, so as not to alert the other boys. "Now, Nanashi, you seem to not be doing very well here." He started. I just fixed on him with my piercing gaze. "So, we have decided to put you into a school that is run by Sister Rebecca here." He said, looking over at the younger woman. Still I didn't reply. "Okay, so if you don't mind, we'll be taking you soon, so pack up whatever things you have, and we'll go, alright?"

I got up, silently and went to my room, picking up the only thing that mattered to me other then the cross I wore around my neck, a single glass dove. You can't know what's so special about that. Not yet.

I came back downstairs to hear my caretaker saying one last thing "I just didn't know what else to do with him." Well, he wouldn't have to deal with me anymore, because Duo "Nanashi" Maxwell had left the building.


Whew! That's over with.. Now for my reminders: R&R! Was that long enough? Too long? Tell me or else I'll send the Purple Cows of Death after you! (my code word for the Mafia.) ^_~ Thanks for reading it anyways!