It's the second time that I am in Paris during the Summer vacation. To do some extra work for extra money and collect information for my story besides practicing the French language.

I was already very excited the night before as I arrived at the hostel and now walking up the grand steps of the Opera Garnier. My nervousness grew greater within every breath, although not the first time walking up these steps but I still have a special connection to this place due to the story I'm writing, a fanfiction of the Phantom of the Opera called 'Behind the Ivory Mask'.

At the reception, I gave my name and hoped the lady behind the desk knew where to put me. She formed a composed smile and welcomed me. She gave me a card that serves as a key and identity during my stay in return I needed to show my ID and give a signature. Immediately afterwards she led past many lavish decorated rooms into a different office.

No one was in the room except the receptionist and me. She explained my first task; sorting out all the files in the drawers in alphabetical order and those that are older than 10 years should be placed away from the rest. You can imagine what joy was written on my face, not.

She showed me that I should in addition make new index markers, everything in the room is at my disposal, the bathroom is right next to the entrance and for further questions she can be found at the reception desk.

I breathed deeply as she left and my mind began to conjure a simple yet logical system how to sort the files and mark them. "Use your imagination, use your imagination." I thought to myself. I knew I needed more time so I started to take out all the files and placed them neatly on the parquet floor. While taking out I spotted the squished markers and knew the traditional system will not be put into use, again. Unless another student would love to help during summer within the next few years.

Once I took out all the files I looked at the drawers and pondered. The location is well thought and this office looks like the director's office so the drawers will be used by the secretary and perhaps the director himself.

Like lightening an idea came into mind but before I'll set it into action I'll write it down in advance to be sure the idea is sound. Took a blank sheet and pencil and wrote it down. Separate the folders with colours the years and drawers for the alphabet. The drawers still have their tag markers at the front to read, all I need is the right size of paper to mark them.

Immediately I set out to sort them in date to know how many colourful folders I need and then alphabetical markers for the drawers.

In content of my idea I began to hum while sorting out the files, I haven't noticed I was humming until the receptionist came in and gave a compliment to my cheerfulness, besides noting I can have now my one hour lunch break. I wasn't really hungry but thirsty and asked if I could continue.

She nodded and reminded the card is the key to get in, I could also have my one hour lunch break later in the afternoon if l wanted to.

I thanked and continued a bit until my throat felt really dry. Quickly grabbed my purse and headed out to the next closest super market to get some lunch. Found an appetizing salad and a large bottle of water and soon found myself seated by the steps outside enjoying the summer sun while letting my mind clear. Slowly I found my appetite and ate in my time the salad. Once finished my salad I was back in the office, continued sorting and counting how many folders from which year. Sooner than I had thought I had the list ready. As I walked to the reception desk there was no one in sight. "Hello?" I called out in French, hoping to find the receptionist soon. "Hello?" She was nowhere in sight. Perhaps she went to the bathroom; no matter I'll just wait here without peeking at her desk. Patiently I waited with the paper in my hands and looked around me. After a long moment of silence, I sighed and began to wait impatiently by slightly rocking my body to and fro.

Suddenly a shiver went down my spine and I felt being watched. I began to look around me.

"Sorry to keep you so long waiting, Helen."

I jumped in fright and turned around to see who spoke. It was none other than the receptionist with her composed smile which quickly vanished as she saw my fearful reaction.

"Pardon, Helen. I did not mean to scare you."

"It's alright." I grinned. After I cleared my throat I showed to her my idea of organizing the files. She liked the idea. Quickly she drew out a large sum of money from the cash box and handed them to me. "Here is the money at your disposal. Buy the folders you had in mind and please return with a receipt and the change that's left."

I was speechless to the large sum that was entrusted to me in cash, especially on the first day. "Are you sure I should go?"

She nodded. "I know already now that you are an honest person and true to its words besides having in mind exactly which sort of folders."

I blinked to her notation. "But, where is the next closest stationary shop to buy folders?" I asked.

She drew on a tourist city map where it lies and soon I headed out. Without difficulty, I found the location thanks to her detailed navigation and the shop had many folders to choose. In my own time, I chose the colours for which year and the alphabetical markers for the drawers. Back in the office I marked the drawers clearly for the alphabetical order, brushed away the dust before putting in the colourful folders. A small Victorian clock chimed with high bell six o'clock as I was at the last few folders humming to myself in content.

Suddenly I felt a pair of eyes watching not far from me. I turned around to look. Gasped in fright as I spotted a tall slim built middle-aged man at the doorway looking at me wide-eyed. He wore a grey suit with a dark tie, white shirt and black leathered shoes. His dark eyes reflected harsh as mine met his. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked composed but from his narrowed eyebrows I knew that he was annoyed of my presence.

"I'm a student who organized your folders, monsieur." I gave confidently. "I only have to organize the last five on the desk and I'll be off. Ask the receptionist if you doubt my words. By the by; who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked friendly.

He snorted and held his head a bit high. "I'm the directeur."

"Bon soir, directeur." I greeted politely with a nod of my head and a grin.

He shook his head and walked out calling out for the receptionist. She soon led him back into the office and explained everything. He doesn't hold much respect to women, the way how he behaved in front of her and me. As she wanted to introduce me properly to him, he refused to shake my hand and asked the same question which clearly points he does not pay much attention to what women are saying. I felt sorry for the receptionist to be working for him as she had the nerves to explain again from the beginning. She shortly noted that I should come tomorrow in the afternoon 1:30 pm and bid me good evening.

I bid her the same and walked out. Once outside I took a deep breath and slightly shook my head to the rude behavior of the director " Not professional and mature at all from his position." I muttered to myself with a sigh as I headed on foot back to the hostel.