Okay, so this was by popular request, so here is chapter two!


Though Matthew was generally happy with his family, he knew good and well that he had real parents. He had never been told about who his parents were or how he came to be with the Rovinare. So he tried asking Francis, but that didn't go well.

"Francis?" "Oui, Mon chou?" "How did you find me?" "Find 'ou? Vhy are you wanting to know such things? Are 'ou not happy 'ere?" "Yes, I am but-" Francis put a finger to Matthew's mouth, giving a dramatic cry, and flinging his head to the side, "Ah such rebellious acts, a teenager's one wish! To be free! But rest now, Mon petit, for when you come to be with a lady, your rebellious acts will cease." "Err, nevermind.."

Arthur gave a less dramatic 'Don't worry about it poppet' when asked the same question, and when he asked Feliciano and Lovino, Lovino choked on his drink and yelled an array of curse words, and Feliciano started to cry, so he just gave up. So he sat on the leather couch that resided in the warehouse, glaring at the table lamp.

"Hey, Mattie!" Alfred smiled coming into the room, "What'd that lamp do to piss you off so bad?" "It's not the lamp, it is the aversion to my simple question of where I came from!" "Oh I can tell you that." "Really?" Matthew looked up, hopeful.

"Yep! So It was a dark and stormy night, Cliche I know, but seriously, I was raining it's butt off. Anyway, Artie was out on a job, Buyin' and Sellin', you know. And he went into this alley because he thought there was a stray cat or whatever, turns out it was you, you were in this alley with nothing but your clothes, no note or nothin'. So he brought you home, and Frenchie cleaned you up. Lovi had a fit, yelling at Arthur to take you back to the alley, but then Francis came back with you and you had bruises all over your back, and that pretty much shut Lovino up, and you know the rest. I can't answer anything about your parents, but they seem like giant a-holes."

"That-That's it?" "Yep!" "So, no one could answer my question, but that was it?!" "Yeah I guess they feel like you're growing up or something." Matthew glared at Alfred, "I'm 13, I'm not going anywhere." Alfred laughed, "Yeah, you're never leaving, because if you left we'd have to kill you. Besides, you're basicly the heir. You're gonna keep this place running when we all keel over.

"I know, I know..but Al, out of curiosity, what happens if you guys get caught...Like by the police."

"That won't happen. But if it does, you'll be taken to an adoption center, most likely."

Matthew felt his eyes watering with tears, "I-I don't want that to happen..." Alfred's eyes widened, "Nonononono! I said if! If! That won't happen, not if we have anything to say about it."

Matthew smiled , "Thanks, Al, but I still can't help but wonder..." "Yeah?" "Just..about my parents. Like I know they weren't the best, "An understatement," Alfred inturpeted, "...But I still want to at least know their names...I guess it is only general curiosity."

"Welllll...If it makes you feel better I can have Francis go diggin' for ya." "Would you?" "Course."

"Thank you so much, Al!"


Matthew took a deep breath, staring at the file on the coffee table. This was it, the file on his parents, after one last second, he opened it up. The first thing he was was a newspaper article.

Ryan and Christine Marxx were arrested October 9th 2010. They were charged with kidnapping, murder, attempted murder, and battery. Their son, Aaron Marxx turned up missing, and was presumed dead.

Matthew stared blankly at the paper, not even bothering to read the files Francis got him. His lip curled up in disgust, Arron Marxx, what a horrible name. Matthew smirked as he threw the entire file into the shredder, he should pay a visit to his dear family.

"So...uh..How'd it go?" Alfred asked coming into the room

Matthew rolled his eyes, "I don't even know why I wanted to know in the first place. I just ended up disappointed."

"That bad, huh?"

"Mhm. It is what it is, I suppose." Matthew shrugged, he didn't want to tell Alfred of his plans, he would just blow it out of proportion.

"Right, well, Lovino was looking for you...Hope you're not in trouble..."

"Don't know why I would be, but thanks, I'll check in with him."


Knock, Knock

"Come in." Lovino shouted from where he sat behind his desk

Matthew entered the room, closing the door behind him, "Alfred said you wanted to see me."

"Ah, Matteo. Si, have a seat." Lovino said closing the folder he was reading.

"I'm not in any trouble right?" Matthew asked, sitting down on the leather couch

"No, nothing like that. But I wanted to talk-a to you about your future."

"...My future..?"

"Si, what do you plan on doing?" Lovino asked with a wave of his hand

"I mean, I just assumed I would stay and work here...Why?"

"I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into...and to let you know, if you don't want to stay here when you grow up-a, you don't have to stay here with us bastards."

Matthew gave a small laugh, "I don't think I would fit in anywhere else. Besides I always thought I would be a good..oh I don't know...Information Broker or something like that."

Lovino smiled slightly, "Si, you would...You can leave now unless you have any other questions..."

"Yeah I do actually. Where do we keep the guns?"


Matthew initiated his plan when everyone was asleep, Lovino was the only one who knew where he was going and what he was doing. He headed to the prison, and using his invisibility, and sort-of mafia training, was able to get the files he needed, sneak past the gards, disable the cameras and make it to where he need to go without getting caught.

Lugging the bodies to the warehouse they used for interrogation was a little more challenging.

"Hey," He tried, "Hey wakey, wakey."

"Hm?" The male roused, "Whas gon on?" He asked, voice slurred from the combination of sleep and the drug Matthew gave him before they got there

"Oh, hello!" Matthew smiled, focusing on him

"Th' hell are you...and what the hell did you do to me...?"

"Oh how rude of me! My name is Matthew, though you would know me better as Aaron, and that is just a drug to calm you down."

"Aaron? How...you're supposed to be dead."

"Mm, not as dead as you thought. I was trying to get both you and my biologial mother, but she committed suicide a couple months ago, so you'll do." Matthew nodded as he popped a Mike and Ike from the box he stole from Alfred's room into his mouth.

"Whaddya want?"


"I ain't telling ya nothing."

"Oh really?" Matthew asked, producing the gun he had hidden under his shirt, "Then I guess I'll have to take drastic measures."


Matthew came home early the next morning, Lovino took one look at his bloodstained clothes, and turned up his nose

"So I guess it didn't go to well." Lovino nodded

"Only thing I got out of it was derogatory terms aimed at my mother, and curses aimed toward me. I got tired of hearing him talk."

Lovino smirked, "You will make a fine addition to the Rovinare. Now go get cleaned up, and don't get blood on the floor, scone bastard just cleaned it, and you know how he gets."

Matthew waved him off, this was his life, his family, and as weird as it may be, he wouldn't have it any other way.


Sorry about the lack of updating, I honestly had no motivation to finish this. But reviews gave me the push to stop sitting around a publish this. (Hint hint: give me more reviews)