I sat in a chair with my leg propped up on the side in the principal's office, chewing on a piece of mint gum. I was giving the senior principal Yuzuru Suoh an obnoxious smirk as I played with my leather jacket. Yuzuru pushed up his reading glasses then intertwined his fingers.

"So, what brings you to my office again this week Mr. Hitachiin?"

"Oh you know, just another little situation a teacher took as a big deal."

"I'm pretty sure getting into a fight where you knock the kid out because he accidentally bumped into you is a big deal."

I just rolled my eyes and looked at my nails. "He had it fucking coming. Just because he's the fucking quarterback of the football team doesn't mean he gets to treat me badly."

"He accidently bumped into you and apologize."

"So, he probably didn't mean it. It was still rude and someone needed to put him in his place."

Yuzuru pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed out of frustration. "Hikaru, you've been pushing everyone's buttons lately and we're all getting tired of it. Getting into fights, skipping class, cheating, smoking in the bathroom, wearing a leather jacket instead of your uniform blazer or sweater vest, rumors of you and a female student having sex behind the bleachers…"

"Which are false." I stated.

He looked back up at me and sighed again. He then grabbed his cup of coffee that was next to him and brought it up to his lips.

"I promise you Hikaru that you're going to be the end of me." He said as he took a sip of the bitter liquid. I just continued to smirk as he set his cup down. "You know I have to give you another punishment because the one I gave you last time isn't working. I bet your brother is really upset that you couldn't go on that semester long trip to New York because you were caught smoking in the bathroom again."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Eh, he wished that I could've gone, but we've been to New York plenty of times so I didn't mind not being able to go."

Yuzuru took off his glasses and set them on his desk. "I swear, ever since you father left a couple years ago, you've been doing nothing but try and get in trouble."

My smirk turned into a glare as I heard him talk about my father.

"My father has nothing to do about this!" I growled.

"Hikaru, I'm not trying to talk bad about your father, but you know…"

"Like I told you before, my fucking father has nothing to do about this. So I would appreciate if you stoped talking about him."

Yuzuru put his hands up in defeat. "Alright, I'm sorry that I brought him up. But we still need to come up with a punishment for you."

I just rolled my eyes and leaned back in the chair as I continued to play with my jacket and chew my gum. Yuzuru pulled out a file from his desk and opened it, looking at the papers.

"I see that you're failing three of your classes. History, English, and math, which is very unacceptable." I just continued to play with my jacket, barely listening to him. "So for your punishment, I'm going to make you go to tutoring."

"Whatever." I grumbled.

Yuzuru smirked. "And if you don't show up to your sessions, then you'll be expelled."

My eyes widened and looked up at him. "What?!"

"And you can't switch with Kaoru when he come back because you dyed your hair. So I'm glad I won't have to worry about that." His smirk grew as he continued. "And I also emailed your mother about everything that happened today, so I'm sure she'll be really happy about that."

I leaned all the way back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest like a little kid. "Fucking bastard." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"


He smiled. "Great." He wrote something down on a green slip and handed it to me. "You'll meet the honor student Haruhi Fujioka in the library tomorrow after school to start your tutoring." I glared at the green slip as Yuzuru continued. "I hope that I won't have to see you in my office again, but I know I shouldn't keep my hopes up."

I just rolled my eyes again and grabbed my bag before standing up.

"Whatever." I grumbled as I walked out of the office.

I walked passed some of the school secretaries, who have also gotten to know me pretty well over the years.

One of the secretaries with glasses and brown hair tied up in a messy bun looked up at me. "Have a nice day Mr. Hitachiin."

I smirked and winked at her. "I will, see you next week Yuki."

Yuki rolled her eyes and went back to work as I walked out into the hallway. I looked at the green slip again and groaned before putting it in my pocket and began walking down the hall. All the students around me who were outside their classrooms looked at me and began whispering to each other. I just ignored them and kept walking.

I didn't really have any friends, which I didn't mind at all. All I need was Kaoru and I was fine. Kaoru though did have friends, but they were sometimes afraid to come near him because I was always around him. Kaoru also was in a club called the Host Club, which he would go to almost every day after school. They were men with too much time on their hands who entertain ladies who also had too much time on their hands, or that's what they told me when I was in there. I was a part of the club in the beginning, but because of my bad actions, mostly calling the customers whores, the club leader kicked me out. I didn't really care, I would just usually smoke or play on my phone while I waited for Kaoru to finish up with the day's club activities. But since Kaoru was in New York for the semester, i would just go home. I didn't mind being alone at school, but I would sometimes want to talk to someone, but when did, they would never really respond and leave out of fright. Then I would be alone again.

I sighed sadly, shaking the thought out of my head. I took out my phone and looked at the time, it was about five minutes into my last class. I could ditch, which I usually did when I was late to class, but I was already in enough shit as is, and I didn't want to deal with Yuzuru anymore today.

I blew a bubble with my gum and put my phone back in my pocket as I began making my way to my history class. I took my time walking, walking slowly with long strides and my hands in my back pants pockets as if I were a kid bored trying to entertain himself. History wasn't my favorite subject, so I didn't care how much of the class I missed, but the class wasn't that far from the office, so it wouldn't take long to get there.

After a couple minutes of slowly strolling down the hall, I made it to my history class. I opened the door with some force, not caring if I was interrupting the class. The teacher stopped teaching the lesson and looked towards the door, glaring when he saw it was me.

"Mr. Hitachiin." He said as he crossed his arms. "I'm glad to see that you finally joined us."

I smirked at him. "Well, that makes one of us Mr. Hirota."

"Take your seat." His glare hardened. "And lose the jacket."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my seat in the back near the window, next to that honor student. I took of my jacket and placed it on the back of my chair before I sat down. Mr. Hirota went back to teaching the lesson and I just leaned back in my chair. I looked over at the honor student, who of course was absorbed into the lesson. Kaoru told me about her being a girl, which surprised me a bit when I first saw her, but that was last year, and now I could see it.

I actually accidently started a rumor that she was a girl when I was talking to Kaoru on the phone late last year, but Haruhi didn't seem to mind. She told Kaoru that she was actually relieved that she didn't have to hide her gender anymore.

She now had her hair up to the bottom of her neck and looked more feminine. She still usually wore the male uniform and I didn't blame her, the dresses the female students had to wear were a fucking monstrosity. But she sometimes wore her old oversized sweater and pants with her old glasses, which I guess she wore when she didn't want to get ready in the morning, like today.

I guess that I was staring at her for a while and she felt my stare. She looked over at me and our eyes met. We just stared at each other for a bit as if we were in a staring contest. She gave me a confused look, wondering why I was staring at her. I continued to stare at her, slightly squinting my eyes as if I was trying to focus on something, then smirked at her before looking back at the board. I drummed my fingers on the desk, leaning back in my chair while I had my arm propped on the back of my chair. I blew a bubble with my gum and popped it, the pop was louder than I intended it to be didn't seem to bug anyone.

I heard slight giggling to my right, I looked over to see two girls who sat in the two desks next to Haruhi talking to each other, pointing at me as they giggled. They saw that I was looking at them and gave me a flirty wave. I just rolled my eyes for what felt like the umpteenth time and looked away from them, hearing them giggling again. Even if a lot of the students at school feared me, there were still some girls who were into me, and some would take extreme measures to be with me, even if it's following me into the bathroom, which I forced them out of. I guess they're attracted to my "bad boy" attitude and think that I'll fuck them in the restroom or some shit like that. Which I wouldn't ever do. Most of these girls at this school are just looking to get laid, and I guess they think I'll be an easy guy. Well' they're wrong and the reactions they give me when I refuse is priceless because they were really looking forward to it I guess.

I let out a sigh and put my head in my hand, closing my eyes, trying to get the time to pass faster. I guess it worked because the next thing I knew something was slammed down on my desk, waking me up. My eyes eyes shot open and I saw that Mr. Hirota had slammed a textbook on my desk, his expression was angry that his eyebrows were giving him more wrinkles that he already had.

"Did you have a nice nap Mr. Hitachiin?"

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "I did until you interrupted it. How long was I out?"

"For about forty-five minutes, we have ten minutes left in class."

I groaned and put my head down, snuggling my head in my arms. "Wake me up in ten minutes."

Mr. Hirota growled and began walking back to his desk. "I always pray that one day we'll have a decent day with you Mr. Hitachiin."

I hummed a laugh as I got more comfortable. "Keep praying."

He just rolled his eyes and went back to teaching the lesson. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't because I was now wide awake after Mr. Hirota slammed the book on my desk. I huffed slightly as I turned my head to the side and saw Haruhi again. She was still absorbed in the teacher's lesson, writing down notes nonstop as if she was copying down everything he said word by word.

I don't get why she loved school so much, I literally couldn't wait to get out of this shit hole, but there are always people like her who just love it here. I hated people like her.

I just stared at her, glaring at her in disgust. She pushed up her glasses that were slipping down her nose with her free hand. She pushed some stray hairs behind her ear and noticed me staring at her again. She rolled her eyes over to look at me, cocking an eyebrow at me confused why I was glaring at her, but just shrugged and continued writing down notes.

Haruhi and I only had one full conversation at most, and that was when we were both waiting for Kaoru while he was talking to a teacher, and our conversation was really awkward and we haven't really talked since. I would give her the occasional scowl when she would talk to Kaoru for too long, but other than that we would never really acknowledge each other's existence.

The bell rang and Mr. Hirota passed out the homework. He looked down at me as he placed the paper on my desk.

"Maybe you'll actually do your homework Mr. Hitachiin."

"Who knows." I said as I placed the paper in my bag and got up. "Maybe I'll surprise you."

I grabbed my jacket and put it on, then grabbed my bag and left the classroom. I would usually wait for Kaoru around campus until he got out of his club, but because he was in New York I could just go home, which I was really happy about.

I exited the school and made my way to my black mustang in the parking lot. I threw my bag in the passenger seat and got into my car, starting it up. I sighed, feeling the stress of everything that happened today finally hit me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a box of cigarettes and my lighter.

When I was younger I was strictly against smoking from what my father told me how sick he got when he smoked. But after his sudden disappearance, they were the only things that made me feel better. My mom was having her own problems and couldn't help me, and Kaoru didn't know how to make me feel better when he himself was dealing with the same issue, so he left me alone while I spiraled out of control.

I lit the cigarette and took a puff of smoke, opening my window a bit to let the smoke out, then began driving home.

I pulled up to my house and parked on the curb next to my driveway. I looked up at my house, because my dad was no longer around we didn't bring in as much money as before. My mom was still a successful fashion designer, but she only produced one line a year now, two at the most. So because we were getting less money, we moved out of our old mansion and moved into a regular house. It was still pretty big, it was a two-story wooden house, with an oak tree in the front yard, which was a bitch to clean up during the fall, but it brought life to the old house. The house looked pretty creepy, the wood was not painted and looked dilapidated, when you stepped on the porch it would make a creaking sound and we had to sand down the railing so we wouldn't get splinters. Also, when it's winter and the oak tree lost all its leaves it didn't help the creepy vibe.

Whenever Kaoru brought home a classmate or friend they would all think that our house was haunted. We first denied that it was, but soon went along with the whole haunting bit and would scare people, which made them refuse to come back thinking we had a killer ghost that is after them.

I burned out my cigarette in the ashtray in my car and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat. I got out of my car and made my way to the front door. I pulled out my keys from my pocket and used the house key to open the door, but I was not prepared to see what was inside.

When I opened the door, I was horrified to see the living room trashed. Furniture was turned over and broken, trash from the garbage and shredded paper were on the floor along with glass.

"Wh-What the fuck happened here?" I then noticed empty beer cans and bottle all around the room, my stomach dropped. "No…" I dropped my bag on the floor and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. "No! No! No! No!" I ran up to my mother's door and tried to open it, but it was locked. "Shit!" I began pounding on the door while I continued trying to open it. "Mom are you in there?! What's wrong?! Please let me in!" There was no answer from the other side and I began to panic. "Mom!"

When my dad was first gone, my mom started drinking. It was first one or two drinks a night, but it soon spiraled out of control when she realized drinking temporarily made her feelings go away, and it soon turned into an addiction. When she was sober she was the best mom, she would give us hugs even if we didn't want them, help us with some problems and other things like that. She even learned how to cook so we could have homemade meals.

But when my mom was drunk, she was the complete opposite. She would shout at us, hit us, leaving bruises, and break stuff. We soon got her sober after a year of abuse and she promised that she would never have a sip of alcohol again, which Kaoru and I helped with by throwing away all the alcohol, and refused to buy anymore for her. Kaoru and I also made a promise that we would never drink, after seeing the effects that it had our mom, we wanted nothing to do with it.

"Mom!" I called out to her again, still trying to get the door opened.

"Leave me the fuck alone Hikaru!" She yelled drunkenly from the other side.

I let out a sigh of relief hearing her voice, knowing that she was still alive. "Mom what happened, I thought you gave up alcohol? Why are you drinking again?"

"What I do is none of your fucking business! Now leave me alone!"

"Would you at least want anything, like water or food?"


I sighed and let go of the door knob, putting my forehead against the door. "Alright, just...just please be careful, ok."

There was no response from the other side, she either passed out or was just ignoring me, but at least she's alive. I made my way back down stairs, seeing the mess. I huffed and pushed my bangs out of my face.

"God, I need another cigarette." I looked down at all the beer cans and bottles. I squatted down and picked up one of the cans, looking at it. "Where did she even get all this fucking beer? We even got all the liquor stores in the county not to sell liquor to her. So how did she get it?"

I just kept staring at the beer can, it was a pretty cheap brand, but I guess she liked it. I got up and walked over to the kitchen, hearing the glass from the broken bottles crunch underneath my boots. I grabbed a trash bag from underneath the kitchen sink and began picking up the cans and bottles. When I picked them all up, I grabbed a broom and pan and began sweeping up the broken glass and wood, then put all the furniture back where it was.

When everything was finally cleaned up I sighed and cracked my back. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 5:25, it took me two hours to clean up everything. God, I missed having maids.

As I was about to go to the couch and watch some TV, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She must've finally come out of her room. She walked into the living room and stopped when she saw me. The way she looked broke my heart, I haven't seen her like this in years.

She wore a wrinkled pink nightgown with a blanket around her shoulders. Her hair was disheveled and standing on its own. She had dark circles around her eyes as if she hasn't slept in days and her eyes...her eyes didn't have the motherly spark they always had, they were just...dead.

She gave me a small smile with her cracked lips. "Hey honey, how was school?"

"I-It was good…" I replied.

"I got an email from your principal stating that you got into a fight with another student, is that true?"

I gulped. "Y-Yah…"

"Was it your fault?" She asked in a stern voice.

I began to go scared, feeling hands grow cold and start shaking that I had to ball them up into fists so she would notice. "N-No, he started it…"

She continued to give me a stern look, looking into my eyes to see if I was lying. She soon smiled again. "Well that's good, I hope you let that boy know that he better not mess with you."

She was definitely drunk, she would've never say that if she was sober. She would've scolded me, which I would roll my eyes to as she told me getting into fist fights is not going to bring me anything in life.

"Yah...I did…" I said.

"Well, I'm going to make dinner. What would you like?"

She was always like this when she was drunk, her moods would switch drastically as if the switch to her brain was broken.

"I'm fine mom, I can just make dinner myself." I stated.

"No, no honey I'm the parent, I should be the one making you dinner. Now what would you like." I just stood there silent, not wanting to respond. Mom then snapped her fingers, making me jump. "I know." He smile grew. "Spaghetti is one of your favorite dishes right. Why don't I make that?"

"Mom, please…"

She grabbed my shoulder, making me tense up, and turned me around before leading me to the couch. "Now you just relax while I'll get dinner ready." She slurred as she sat me down, patting my shoulders. "I'll have dinner ready in half an hour."

Before I could object again my mom made her way to the kitchen and began drunkenly getting getting out the pots and ingredients. I watched her carefully from the couch, making sure she doesn't hurt herself or burn the house down, which she almost did. She would leave food on the stove for awhile, while she tried to do something else and I would rush in before it would burn or catch fire. She would also try to cut items with a knife while her hands were shaky from the alcohol. I didn't want her to cut herself so I would take the knife from her and cut the ingredients for her, which she thanked me for helping.

After what felt like forever, dinner was finally finished. I placed all the tableware on the table while mom stumbled over with the food. We sat across from each other at the table and began serving ourselves some food.

"Did you hear that someone finally bought the house across from us?" Mom said.

"Oh, did they?" I asked, pretending to be interested.

"Yah, they even have a daughter around your age, maybe you can finally have a girlfriend."

She chuckled at what she just said while I just watched her, she looked fine right now. Hopefully she'll stay that way.

I put a forkful of noodles in my mouth and tried my best not to make a disgusted face. The noodles were chewy from being overcooked and the sauce was chunky and bland. I don't know how someone could ruin spaghetti, but she did. She was a really good cook when she was sober, but when she was drunk, she cooked like one of those inexperienced chefs on Kitchen Nightmares. I grabbed my drink that was next to me and used it to help me swallow the noodles.

"So, what do you think?" Mom asked as she twirled some noodles on her fork.

I looked at her as I put my drink down. "Umm...It's alright."

Mom's smile fell and her expression turned grimace. "Alright, the food is alright?!"

I flinched as mom shot up from her chair, glaring down at me as she snarled. "You know what?!" She pushed all the dishes off the table, making them crash and break on the floor. "You can make your own fucking dinner from now on!"

I got up from my chair and followed mom as she made her way to the stairs.

"Mom!" I called out as I grabbed her arm, pulling her back. "Mom you need to…"

"You ungrateful child!"

She hit me in the face with the back of her hand. I just stood there shell shocked, turning to look back at her.

"You never appreciate what I fucking give you! You're just like you fucking father, a selfish bastard that only cares about himself!"

After that I just let my mom go, not even trying to make her stay. She never talked about my father like that unless she was drunk, which is when I think she tells the truth about her feelings towards him. I rubbed my cheek that she slapped, still feeling the slight tingle of pain. She hasn't hit me in a long time, but yet I was still use to blocking out the pain.

When this all first started happening I just cried, praying that this would stop and everything would go back to normal. But now I know better, no matter how many times I prayed and cried, it wouldn't help anything.

I looked at the mess my mom made and sighed. I grabbed another trash bag from underneath the kitchen and a roll of napkin with a tube of clorox wipes, then began cleaning up the mess.

"Your meal wouldn't have been bad if you weren't fucking drunk." I muttered under my breath.

As I was finishing cleaning up the broken glass, the front door opened and a person walked into the house. I groaned when I heard him speak.

"What happened here?" They asked.

I turned to face them and glared, it was my step dad Isao. When my mom was at her darkest point, she met Isao at a bar and they immediately hit it off. When she introduced him to us, Kaoru and I didn't like him, thinking that mom was trying to make him replace dad. They soon got married and he's been in our lives ever since. Kaoru has somewhat warmed up to him but I still hated him.

He had pretty tan skin and slicked back black hair. His age was around the mid forties, but he looked pretty young for his age. He wore his uniform for his job, which my mom gave him, where he would sit in a cubicle all day and helped my mom at her work with anything she needed. The uniform was plain, just a white button up shirt with black pants.

His grey eyes looked at the mess, then at me. "Did you get angry or something?"

"No." I grumbled as I stood up. "Mom somehow got ahold of alcohol and got drunk then trashed the place." I huffed as I ran a hand through my hair. "I don't get where she got all this alcohol from though."

"Oh…" Isao said with an embarrassed chuckle as he slightly raised his hand. "That would be me…"

I slowly turned to him with eyes wide and dark with rage. "What?!"

He rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled a bit more. A small blush forming on his face. "Yah, my pal had this barbecue yesterday and gave me the leftover beer. I didn't think anything would happen."

"You don't give fucking alcohol to a former alcoholic!" I snarled as I marched up to him. "Because they could fucking relapse!"

Isao gulped as my glare hardened. "Look I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I'll fix everything alright."

"You better." I hissed, moving my face closer to his. I then pushed the trash bag into his chest. "You can clean up after your wife because I'm done!"

I walked away from him, bumping shoulders with him as I made my way to the stairs.

Isao turned to me. "You know, that's not a nice way to talk to your father."

I stopped at the stairs, gripping the railing tightly. "You are not my father." I turned back at him and glared. "And you never will."

I then made my way upstairs and slammed the door to my room. Isao sighed and looked over at the mess.

"What am I going to do with him."

"So today wasn't the best day?"

"Nope." I said, popping the P at the end. "When do i ever have a good day?"

Kaoru chuckled as he snuggled his head into his blanket and adjusted his laptop so the camera was pointed on him. "I bet you wish I was there."

"Ha, you think. At least you make school more tolerable."

"Who knows, maybe you'll make friends with your little tutor."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a chip from the bowel in my lap. "Yah, I highly doubt that."

"Come on Hikaru, Haruhi is actually a really great person. You can probably finally make a friend and talk to someone in your timezone instead of waiting for me to be up to Skype me."

"I'm fine without friends."

"Sure you are." I glared at him as he continued. "Just promise me that you'll be nice to her, she is my friend."

"I'll be nice to her." I mocked. "Don't worry."

Kaoru rolled his eyes and smiled. "For some reason, I don't believe you." We both chuckled, but Kaoru stopped when he noticed something. "Hey, what happened to your cheek? It's all red."

I placed a hand on my cheek. "Oh, it's because…" I stopped mid sentence, I couldn't tell Kaoru about what happened. If I told him about mom relapsing, he would worry and be on the first flight back home where he would also have to suffer as well. I didn't want him to worry, so I told him a little white lie.

"Oh, I got it from the fight at school, that's all." I smirked. "You should've seen his face."

Kaoru sighed and rubbed his temples, but still smiled. "What am I going to do with you? You're worse than a wild animal, at least they can be trained." I just shrugged and ate another chip as Kaoru put his hand down. He looked at the clock on the screen. "Aw shit, I have to go." He looked back at me. "Promise me that you won't be a dick to Haruhi like you usually are."

I huffed. "I promise I won't be a dick."

"Thank you." He smiled at me again. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Yah." I said sadly. "Talk to you tomorrow."

He then signed off.

Hey guy I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter of my first ever rated M story. Sorry that it took a long time to publish, I wrote I lot more then I intended to. I might also change one of my T rated stories Asylum to rated M so if I do I'll have two rated M's XD. Anyway that's for reading this story, I'll tryto update it again soon, please F&R. Until next time.-HH1957