I don't own Blindspot or any of these wonderful characters.


"You're pregnant."

Jane heard the words that Patterson said, but it was like they didn't compute.

"What?" Jane asked faintly.

"We're pregnant!" Kurt exclaimed in excitement. He reached down and lifted Jane completely off the chair. He was very careful as he pulled her against his chest and spun her in a circle.

She laughed up at him, desperate to remember the look on his face forever. She'd never seen him this happy.

Reed, Tasha and Rich looked on with smiles of their own.

"I get to hold the baby first," Rich called immediately.

"In your dreams," Tasha scoffed.

"Dibs are Dibs…" Rich argued.

"If I have to shoot you," Tasha warned him, "I will."

"Damn," Reed looked over at Rich, "Let her win."

Kurt didn't hear a word. His sole and whole focus was the precious woman in his arms, the woman carrying his child…their child. She was the love of his life, his soul mate and now mother of his child. He would protect them with his life. He leaned down and sealed his silent vow with a kiss that was reverent.

Jane reached up and cupped his cheek at the gentle salute. A single happy tear rolled down her cheek.

He wiped it away with a smile. She grinned up at him in a way that made his heart race.

"You are officially out of the field," Kurt warned her.

She narrowed her eyes at him, suspicious that he seemed to savor that pronouncement.

"Weller," She warned him.

"No negotiation," He denied, leaning down he stole a kiss.

She shook her head and looked to the team for support. It was obvious at the first glance that she was getting none from them.

"Fine," She agreed, "But I still work."

"For now," Kurt conceded.

"What?" She looked at him in disbelief, "But the tattoos…"

"We'll follow them," Kurt assured her.

"What if I need to be there? Like at the CDC?" Jane worried.

"We'll cross that bridge if we come to it," Kurt insisted.

"We need to celebrate," Jane looked over at her family with a grin.

"We'll get champagne," Kurt agreed, "You'll get milk."

"Are you going to be this overbearing the entire time?" Jane demanded in exasperation.

"Yes," He agreed readily, much to the amusement of everyone.

Jane just rolled her eyes and pushed on his shoulder.

"Jerk," she chided.

"But I'm your jerk," Kurt taunted.

It was her turn to pull him in for a stolen kiss. "Yes you are." She agreed with a stunning smile.


It was a short two months later that Jane's pregnant glow was but a distant memory.

She leaned over the toilet weakly, shaking from the bout of violet retching.

Kurt crouched behind her and supported her with a worried frown.

"Motherhood isn't for sissys," Jane told him.

"This can't be normal," Kurt worried, lifting her up from the floor and into his arms.

"I need to brush my teeth," Jane implored.

He lowered her feet down in front of the sink and steadied her as she completed her absolutions.

She didn't even protest when he lifted her back up into his arms and took her back to bed.

"I'm making you a doctor's appointment," Kurt insisted, his hand soothing her forehead.

Jane placed a protective hand over the already distorted swell of her stomach. "That's probably a good idea," She agreed, which only concerned him more.

His hand joined hers and he rubbed their growing mound gently. He found her body's new contours irresistible. He spent time each night holding her exhausted body close to his and running his hands over her possessively.

Their love life had been seriously curtailed, but he was surprised at the satisfaction he derived from the changes in her body. He hadn't thought watching her body grow with his child would give him so much pleasure. When Allie had been pregnant, he certainly hadn't felt this way. He didn't know if it was because Jane was so slight that she'd begun showing so early, but he couldn't denied the feelings he got when he saw the changes his child made.

"Do you want some toast or crackers?" Kurt worried.

Jane groaned at the offer.

"You have to eat," Kurt insisted with a frown.

"I know," Jane agreed.

"So does anything sound good?" He pushed her hair behind her ear and rubbed his thumb along her cheek.

"Chips and salsa," Jane told him, "And…meat."

"Meat?" Kurt repeated blankly.

"Bacon or turkey. Ham…no sausage!" Jane realized.

"You want chips, salsa and sausage." Kurt repeated calmly.

"The little breakfast sausages," Jane agreed, "Not the smoked version."

"Got it," Kurt smiled down at her indulgently.


"You're having twins," The Ob-Gyn informed them.

"Twins?" Kurt looked over at Jane in shock.

She smiled in surprise, before she winced when she imagined him becoming twice as protective as he already was.

"Do twins run in your family?" The Doctor asked with a smile.

"Not mine," Kurt denied.

"I don't know," Jane admitted, "I was adopted."

"Is that why Jane is so sick?" Kurt worried.

"Yes," The Doctor agreed, "But don't worry, it will abate in the second trimester just like a single pregnancy."

"So that's why I'm showing already?" Jane realized.

"Yes," the Doctor confirmed, "Twin pregnancies generally result in a bit more weight gain and sometime early delivery."

"Early delivery?" Kurt's excitement was turning into concern.

"There are a few things to watch for," the Doctor explained.

Jane listened about to the information on preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and a higher risk of bleeding post-delivery and the possibility of a caesarian section. She watched Kurt grow paler with every warning sign the Doctor outlined.

"Uhh," Jane interrupted the Doctor abruptly, "If you have any brochures, I can just read about it."

The Doctor looked over at Kurt and smiled in understanding.

"I'll get you some," She assured Jane.

Jane waited until the door closed after the Doctor before she pulled Kurt down next to her on the examination table and worried, "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright!" Kurt exclaimed. "I never considered that getting you pregnant might endanger you!"

"I'm not in danger," Jane insisted, "The Doctor is just obligated to tell us what to watch out for."

"You heard her," Kurt argued, "There are a higher percentage of miscarriages."

"That's because you have twice as many babies," Jane reminded him.

"You also need to eat more," Kurt reminded her.

"If you try to feed me any more than you already do," Jane warned him, "I will not be responsible for my actions."

"You need to be reasonable." Kurt insisted.

"You need to get a grip," Jane denied.

"I need a book," Kurt realized, reaching for his phone.

Jane groaned when he ordered three books on what to expect during multiple births.

This was going to be fun…


Jane lived for the day the morning, afternoon and evening sickness would leave her, when it finally did she thought she had this thing whipped. She hadn't anticipated the arrival of swollen feet and back pain. Her little baby bump and turned into an everyday obstacle. She constantly knocked things over with her belly, because she continually underestimated just how much room she actually needed.

Kurt helped her with her shoes and rubbed her back and feet every night. The good news is that with the passing of her morning sickness her libido had returned with a vengeance. Kurt had insisted on contacting the Doctor for permission and Jane still blushed over that conversation. Once they had the all clear, however, the sex life she thought she knew changed once again. Some women crave pickles and ice cream, Jane craved contact with Kurt, much to his everlasting delight.

She didn't understand how he could want her looking like she did, but if anything he seemed to be unable to resist. It was the only thing that made her feel beautiful. His blatant need was a balm to her wildly surging emotions.

Rubbing her back wearily, Jane looked up from the monitor she was using. She found Kurt watching her from his office in concern.

She immediately dropped her hand and smiled at him.

He just shook his head and stood up to join her.

"Your back hurts," Kurt accused her.

"I'm fine," Jane insisted.

He ignored the stares he got when he bent over her and began to rub her back.

"Kurt," Jane protested, before closing her eyes in relief.

"What?" Kurt smiled.

"Never mind," Jane didn't care what anyone thought at this point.

He smiled down at the relief on her face. He was still watching her when her eyes flew open in alarm. His hand froze immediately and he demanded, "What?"

She grabbed his hand and placed it low on her belly with a trembling smile.

He felt the second flutters with her.

"The babies moved!" She said in awe.

"Get a room," Tasha said as she walked up to them.

"She felt the baby move!" Kurt looked up and Tasha smiled at the look on his face.

"Move over," She insisted joining them.

Her hand no sooner settled in next to his, than the flutters started again.

She gasped in delight.

"Rich is going to hate me," She couldn't contain her evil smile.

"You're awful," Jane chastised.

"You love me," Tasha denied.

"I know," Jane agreed.

"Okay," Reed walked over, "What's going on?"

"The baby moved!" Tasha told him.

Reed looked down at Jane's stomach and she smiled when he hesitated.

"Bring it in," She encouraged.

It was all the encouragement he needed. Before long the three of them were bending over her and talking excitedly.

"This is not normal," Patterson warned them watching from a distance.

"The baby moved!" Reed said over his shoulder.

"And you didn't call me?" She demanded in outrage.

"It just happened…" Tasha denied.

"Well," She looked at the three of them, "Someone needs to get out of the way…"

Jane laughed when Patterson pushed Reed aside and took his place. Before long her smile joined the others as they waited for the next round of excitement.

"This kid has no hope of ever getting into trouble," One of the other agents noted as they walked by.

"Damn right," Tasha confirmed, not moving her hand.

Kurt smiled at his team and placed both his hands on Jane's shoulder and squeezed.


Jane walked along the sidewalk on the way to the café at the end of the block. The day was sunny and warm. She was alone for the first time she could remember. Kurt generally insisted on escorting her…well everywhere. The team seemed to be in the conspiracy with him, because when he was unavailable the other's insisted on taking his place. Today they were all meeting with the Director about a recent warehouse raid and she'd gotten a desperate need for sustenance.

It wasn't until she was almost to the café that she became aware that she was being followed. Looking at the reflection in one of the windows she could see two men gaining on her. She picked up her pace, hoping she was just being paranoid. She wasn't.

She still stretched regularly and she knew she was still lethal, but her balance was all wrong and her babies were too big to protect in a fight. She did the only thing she could do, she turned to confront them.

"Can I help you?" She demanded calmly.

"You need to come with us," One of them told her.

"That's not happening," She denied.

"Yes," He assured her drawing his weapon, "It is."

Jane was already considering her options, when she looked past them and saw a familiar face.

Roman didn't ask any questions, within moments, both men were on the ground.

"Why are you out here by yourself?" He demanded as passerby's scurried away screaming.

"I was hungry," Jane admitted.

Looking down at her stomach, Roman shook his head, "I think you've eaten enough." He took her arm and escorted her away.

"I'm carrying twins," Jane told him in exasperation.

He laughed, "That's a relief."

"Who were those guys?" Jane worried.

"Well," Roman looked down at her, "Let's hope that Weller didn't send them to look after you, because one of them isn't getting back up."

"They pulled a gun on me," Jane assured him.

"I know," Roman admitted, "That was why I intervened."

"I need to call Kurt," Jane warned him.

"Well," Roman looked down at her, "That gives us less than a minute."

"Have you been able to find out anything about the tattoos?" Jane worried.

"No," Roman denied, "I did find Sheppard…it wasn't her."

"Where is she?" Jane worried.

"Maximum security," Roman admitted, "She's never getting out."

Jane listened to her cell phone ring.

"Where are you?" Kurt demanded immediately.

"I was walking to the Café…" Jane admitted.

"By yourself?" Kurt interrupted.

"Two men tried to abduct me…" Jane explained.

"WHERE. ARE. YOU?" Kurt repeated.

"Corner of Main and Connor," Jane told him.

"Don't move," Kurt insisted before he hung up.

Roman smiled down at her, "You're in trouble," He teased.

"Shut up," Jane warned him.

Roman leaned down and gave her a gentle hug. At that moment on of the twins kicked. He pulled away and looked down at her stomach in wonder. "That was a roundhouse for sure."

She laughed, "I miss you."

Looking over his shoulder she saw Kurt barreling toward them, "Here he comes…"

Roman turned and met Kurt's eyes before smiling down at Jane, "That's my cue."

She watched as a van pulled up next to them on the curb and Roman calmly climbed inside.

Kurt reached her side just as the van cleared the intersection and sped away.

"Are you okay?" He demanded leaning down to look into her face in concern.

"Roman to the rescue," Jane admitted.

Looking back at where Reed and Tasha were handcuffing the only surviving suspect, he looked back at Jane in accusation.

"What were you thinking going out on your own?" He demanded.

"I was hungry," Jane explained, "I never thought I was a target."

"At least he left us someone to interrogate," Kurt conceded.

"The other man pulled his gun on me," Jane explained.

Kurt closed his eyes and pulled her more firmly against him.

"Thank God for Roman," He whispered.

Jane pulled back in surprise, "You mean that?"

"Jane," Kurt brought his hand up to cup her face, "You and our children are the most important and necessary part of my life. Roman insured I still have you all…I won't ever forget that."

"But what about before…" Jane worried, "Emma…and Sheppard."

"I know that this Roman isn't the same person that killed Emma and in the end he turned his back on Sheppard, so one step at a time." Kurt encouraged.

Jane reached up and clutched him tightly. Those were words she'd never thought she'd ever hear.

"Thank you," She whispered against his neck.

He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes in relief.


Jane was truly miserable. She couldn't find a comfortable position…at all. Laying down, standing up, sitting it didn't matter. She couldn't see her feet, but she didn't need to…they were swollen and hated her.

If she'd been at the office, she could have at least had the distraction of being useful, but she was officially on bed rest.

Kurt had been working from home for the last two weeks, but he'd gone into the office today. She knew something was going on, but she had no idea what it was. To say she was frustrated would be an understatement.

She knew that the longer the babies stayed put, the better off their lungs would be. She was officially at thirty eight weeks…the babies, one boy and one girl, were welcome to come at any time. She was ready. She knew sleep would be a challenge once they arrived, but it was already a challenge. She was endlessly restless and she didn't think Kurt had slept more than three hours at a time for over a month. He was agonizing about her heath and the baby's wellbeing. She'd woken up on more than one occasion to find him watching her while she slept.

"Did I wake you?" She'd worried.

"No," Kurt assured her, "I was just checking on you."

"We're fine," She always reassured him.

"Indulge me," He insisted.

They curled back together and his hand would sooth her back to sleep.

Reaching for the phone she called Patterson.

"Hey, Jane," Patterson greeted her, "Everything okay?"

"We're fine," Jane assured her, "What's going on?"

"I'm a little busy right now," Patterson told her, "I can call you back a little later."

"Is Kurt around?" Jane worried.

"They're on a mission," Patterson admitted, "And I need to go."

Jane hung up on Patterson's assurance she would call her as soon as she could.

There was a knock on the door.

Jane looked over at it suspiciously.

Heaving herself off the couch she made her way over to it and looked out the peep-hole.

Shaking her head in exasperation she pulled open the door, "Rich, what are you doing here?"

"Someone needs to keep an eye on you," He told her walking in.

She sniffed the air suspiciously, "Did you bring me food?"

He held up the bag, "Your favorite."

Jane followed after him appeased.

"Does Kurt know you're here?" She asked pulling out the Chinese takeout.

"He sent me here before they left," Rich agreed.

"Where are they?" Jane worried.

"Following a tattoo," Rich admitted.

Suddenly there was another knock at the door.

Jane and Rich shared a look before he stood up and moved over to the door.

Looking through the peep-hole he looked at Jane in alarm.

"I think it's your brother," Rich told her.

Jane stood up and joined him. Looking herself she saw that it was. Much to Rich's dismay she opened the door to let him in.

"What's wrong?" Jane worried.

Looking over at Rich suspiciously Roman told her, "I'm pretty sure that the team's being led into a trap."

"What!" Jane grabbed his arm.

"I tried to warn them," Roman told her, "But their coms were already down."

"We need to help them," Jane said in agitation.

"You are not helping anyone," Rich denied.

"We have to do something," Jane pleaded. She began pacing in her agitation, suddenly her water broke. She didn't know who was more dismayed. Rich looked like he was going to faint, Roman looked grim and Jane shook her head in denial.

"Kurt wanted to be here for the birth," She said in a panicked voice.

"Well," Rich tried to calm her down, "First deliveries take a long time."

"Rich!" Jane yelled.

"Sorry," He held up his hands, "You need to get to the hospital."

Jane felt the first contraction hit her and doubled over in pain.

"Wait," Rich rushed to her side, "What are you doing?"

Jane just looked up at him in disbelief.

"You're supposed to wait for Kurt," Rich argued.

"You tell these stubborn kids that," Jane rebutted.

Roman helped her sit down on the couch.

"No," Rich argued, "Don't sit, go to the hospital."

Jane looked up at Roman with a serious expression.

"Is it safe?" She worried.

"No," He denied.

"Having babies at home is definitely not safe," Rich agreed, "Especially twins."

The second contraction came less than a minute later.

"Are you going for the fastest birth on record?" Rich demanded running to the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Rich, I swear, if you don't put a sock in it…" Jane warned him.

Roman washed his hands as well.

"She's your sister," Rich argued.

"And I'm going to help her," Roman agreed.

"But…" Rich looked at Jane before running to the bathroom and gathering some towels.

By the time he returned Roman was kneeling down before Jane and helping her get comfortable.

"Have you done this before?" Rich demanded.

"No," Roman looked at him with exasperation, "But I have some medical training."

"Kurt…he has a book on the delivery," Jane panted.

"Of course he does," Rich said in relief, "Stubbles is always prepared."

It wasn't long before Jane warned Roman, "I need to push."

Rich was reading about the delivery as Roman delivered his nephew.

When the baby let out a cry, he looked up in shock.

Roman tied the cord and wrapped the baby in a towel, before handing him to Jane.

Jane had just enough time to look down at her precious son before Rich was there to take him away.

"I've got him," Rich told her picking him up with a satisfied smile, "Tasha is going to hate me."

Their daughter was born within ten minutes and Jane cried as Roman gently handed her over.

"They're beautiful," He told her with tears in his eyes.

Rich ran over and returned her son. Jane held them both against her chest and cried relieved tears. They both were aware and breathing normally.

Rich reached down and plucked her daughter up.

"She's smaller," He noted, "Looking down at the little girl with a bestowed expression.

"We need to get you all to the hospital now," Rich insisted.

"No," Roman denied, "It isn't safe."

"We can't just keep them here," Rich argued.

Just then Jane's cell phone rang. Hoping it was Kurt she reached over and grabbed it from the table.

"Kurt," she greeted in relief when she saw who the caller was.

"Wrong," A male voice denied.

"Who is this?" Jane demanded.

"Someone that wants to meet you," The man told her.

"Where's Kurt?" Jane demanded.

"He's right here," The man taunted.

"I want to speak to him," Jane insisted.

"Jane…" Kurt's voice came over the phone, "Don't you listen…"

When he was abruptly cut off Jane looked over at Roman in fear.

"If you don't come in the next two hours," The man told Jane, "I begin killing off your…family."

"Where?" Jane demanded.

He gave her an address before disconnecting the call.

"He wants me to come," Jane told Roman.

"Well you can't," Rich stated emphatically.

"He's going to start killing the others if I'm not there in two hours." Jane explained.

"You just gave birth…" Rich reminded her.

"But he doesn't know that," Jane looked over at Roman.

"No," Roman agreed, "It gives us an advantage."

"Call Patterson," Jane told Roman, "He might be tracking my phone."
Roman passed her his phone and she dialed Patterson's number.

"Hello?" Patterson answered a question in her voice.

"It's Jane I know he has the team."

"We're looking for them," Patterson assured her.

"He just called me from Kurt's phone," Jane told her, "He gave me an address."

"You can't," Patterson denied,

"I am," Jane insisted, "I just delivered the twins."

"You…what?" Patterson demanded.

"My labor lasted for about thirty minutes." Jane explained.

"Are they okay?" Patterson worried.

"Their fine…beautiful," Jane admitted. "He won't know I'm not pregnant. That will give us the advantage."

"You've been on bedrest for weeks and haven't trained in months," Patterson argued, "What if you get hit and it hemorrhages something?"

"I'll wear a vest and you know my muscle memory is still there." Jane assured her.

"I'll call in backup," Patterson finally reluctantly conceded.

"Roman's going in with me," Jane warned her.

"I'll tell the team his on our side," Patterson assured her.

"I have our supply bag," Jane told her, "Roman and I will be on coms and wearing vests."

"Should I tell the team you've given birth?" Patterson asked.

"No!" Jane insisted, "Whoever has them has their coms…we're going in dark."

"Jane…" Patterson hesitated, "Be careful…If anything happens…Kurt…"

"We'll be careful," Jane assured her.

The second she hung up the phone, Roman moved in and swung at her.

Jane avoided the move and countered. Roman ended up on the ground.

"What the hell?" Rich demanded leaning over the twins.

"I just needed to see where she was physically." Roman explained accepting Jane's hand up.

"I'm a mess," Jane warned him.

"You might be swollen and puffy," Roman told her, "But you're still you."

"Thanks," Jane looked at him with a frown.

Jane moved over to her children and looked down at them with a tender expression. Rich took out his phone and took a picture of her with them.

"Rich," Jane protested, "I'm a mess."

"You're beautiful…" He denied, "Just in case…"

"Thanks," She smiled at him.

"We need to get ready." Roman warned her.

Jane went and retrieved the bag that Kurt kept in the bedroom closet. She put on the bullet proof vest and picked up her weapon. She then put on her maternity top and used some straps to stuff some padding to give the illusion that she was still expecting. Since she was still swollen, the effect was very effective.

When she joined the guys Rich protested, "You said you would wear a vest…"

She pulled up her shirt and exposed the vest and padding.

"Not bad," Rich said impressed.

"Rich," Jane walked over to him, "I am leaving you here to protect the twins…I'm counting on you."

"With my life." He said seriously. This was too important.

"Let's go," Jane told Roman. She walked over and gently brushed the cheeks of her sleeping children.

Rich watched them leave with a worried frown.


Kurt looked at his team. It wasn't just Reed and Tasha, there were four other agents in the cell with them.

"She's not coming," One of the agents said in the silence.

"I hope she doesn't," Tasha looked at Kurt with a worried frown.

"She would never risk the babies," Reed was sure.

Kurt didn't say anything. He knew his wife…he knew she could do what most people couldn't, but he couldn't see any way she could protect the babies and still come here. He prayed that she didn't come…he knew she would. He looked over at the man that had brought this all about and wanted blood.

Jack walked over, but stopped just short of the bars.

"Worried she'll come…or she won't?" He taunted.

"Even if you kill us…" Tasha told him, "She'll make you pay."

"Such faith." He shook his head, "She's only human. When I first met her, I was star struck too. She was beautiful, lethal, a legend. I kind of had a little fixation."

Kurt simply watched him, waiting for the opportunity.

"She didn't realize just how important I would become to her," He explained. "I hold her life in my hands, her family, her child. She will do whatever I tell her. I bet I can even get her to kill you."

"You're mad," Reed accused him.

"Call me whatever you want," Jack didn't care, "I'm the winner."

"She's pregnant," Reed reminded him.

"I've seen her," Jack admitted, "I watch her all the time. She's one of those sexy pregnant women. From the back you really can't even tell…what has her swollen belly done to the tattoos? Maybe I'll have to find out."

Kurt felt his hands clench.

Looking over at the clock Jack made a sound of dismay, "Oh, dear, she only has fifteen more minutes. Who wants to go first?"

Just then the outside door opened and light flooded into the room.

Kurt's frantic gaze flew to the opening, praying with everything in him that his wife didn't walk through that door.

Jane stepped into the room and took stock of her surroundings.

"I didn't think you were coming," Jack chided her walking forward.

Jane's eyes fell on him, but didn't stop. She took in everything around her. The only time her eyes stopped even momentarily was when they fell on Kurt.

"You knew I would come," Jane denied.

"You look lovely," Jack complimented her, "A little tired."

"You have no idea," Jane said truthfully.

She took two more steps into the room and stopped.

"Don't be shy," Jack insisted, "We're going to get to know each other much better."

"I know everything about you I need to," Jane denied.

"So narrow minded," Jack chided.

Jane knew that she needed to get close enough to be able to take him down. She didn't know what traps he might have set or if he was here alone or had people working with him. Roman was in the rafters and Patterson was in a van outside. Her backup FBI team was waiting for her signal.

"Why are you doing this?" Jane demanded.

"You never really gave me a chance," Jack told her, "We could have been so good together…but you couldn't see it."

"It's a little late now," Jane told him.

"No," Jack insisted, pulling out his gun and pointing it at her, "It's not too late."

Jane brought her own weapon out and pointed it back at him.

"It is," She insisted.

"You only feel that way because of Kurt!" Jack insisted, "If it weren't for him and your kid…you would see."

"Drop your weapon," Jane warned him.
"You drop yours," Jack warned her aiming for her stomach.

"You're trying to convince me of how great we would be together while threatening my child?" Jane demanded.

"Why aren't you scared?" Jack looked puzzled when she remained stoic.

"Because I'm going to kill you," Jane warned him.

"Jack," Kurt yelled at him, frantic.

Jack looked over at Kurt with a smirk. It was the opening that Jane needed. She was across the space that separated them in moments. She deflected the gun just as he fired and the shot when wide. She was able to strip the gun from him, but his fist connected with her cheek. She was able to lay him out, but he took her down with him. Before she could react, Roman's shot proved lethal. Jack fell dead to the floor and Jane looked up at Roman gratefully.

"Jane," Kurt was trying to tear open the metal bars in desperation.

"We're fine," Jane insisted, rising unsteadily to her feet. "Where are the keys?"

"On the desk," Tasha told her looking like she was about to pass out.

Jane retrieved the keys and moved over to the bars. Reed took the keys even as Kurt pulled Jane against the bars and ran his hands over her desperately. When he got to her stomach he froze and looked up at her in horror.

"What…?" He couldn't even get the question out.

"You missed their births," She told him sadly.

Reed had the door opened and Kurt was beside her in an instant.

"You had the babies?" Kurt lifted up her shirt and saw the padding.

"They're fine," Jane assured him.

"When?" Kurt demanded.

"Almost two hours ago," Jane explained.

"You gave birth…to twins and then came here to save us?" Reed asked in disbelief.
"What's a girl to do?" Jane leaned against Kurt wearily.

"Where are our children?" Kurt worried bending down and picking her up.

"At our place," Jane admitted, "With Rich…"

"NO!" Tasha denied outraged.

"Sorry," Jane smiled at her, "He held them first."

"Did he deliver our children?" Kurt demanded with a scowl.

"No," Jane denied, "Roman did."

Just then Roman came down from the rafters and walked hesitantly over to them.

"Weller," He said.

Kurt turned to look at him and then did the unthinkable. He reached out and pulled him against them.

"Thank you," He told him.

Roman met Jane's eyes before turning away and whipping his face.

"Anytime," Roman told him.

Kurt turned back to Jane and buried his face in her neck. She could feel his arms trembling.

"Come home with me and meet your children," Jane whispered softly.

Kurt looked down at her tired face and kissed her gently, "Let's go home."

Rich was walking around carrying two crying babies when Kurt opened the door and carried Jane inside.

He walked over to Tasha and dumped on of the babies in her arms before turning to Patterson and passing the other.

"I do not deserve this kind of abuse," He told the room at large.

"Are they okay?" Jane worried.

Kurt placed Jane down his eyes glued to his babies.

"They must be hungry," Jane worried.

Kurt waited while first Tasha and then Patterson placed the babies in his arms. He felt moisture fill his eyes as he looked down at the two precious faces before him.

They stopped crying the second he pulled them close…almost as though they knew him.

"That's not right," Rich complained.

Kurt carried the babies over to Jane, before sinking down on the couch next to her. She looked at him while he looked down at them. Rich took pictures of the moment.

Looking up Kurt caught Jane's eyes…"I love you."

"I love you too." Jane whispered leaning in and kissing him gently.