Chapter 16

A duel, for most people that would seem ridiculous, but for those involved was the only way to find peace.

So be it

Wufei was waiting inside the room, Duo and Heero standing next to him, both ready since this was not an easy task. Trowa and Quatre would come with Zechs and Treize; he was still using the wheelchair but accepted the confrontation. The doorknob turned and the door was open, revealing Zechs behind Treize's chair and behind him Quatre and Trowa, the blonde was carrying the first aid kit.

"Hello Dragon…"

Wufei didn't answer, nor did he move. He knew, he understood the need of the duel, but he knew the situation was unfair for Treize; he was not in his full form.


The Chinese turned towards Duo and shook hi head.

"I can't"

Duo turned his head sideways, Zechs looked at him sad and Treize, he frowned.

"Chang Wufei… I hope you are not thinking that, given my condition, I can not fight you… I ask you not to underestimate me"

Duo smiled, Zechs shook his head, and the rest rolled their eyes.

"You can't fight… We're not in even conditions… I wouldn't be fair"

Wufei was looking at him but at the same time not, his eyes were directed at him, but his brain was not processing the information.

"I am more that capable of winning, even sitting in this chair… Get ready Dragon for I will attack you, no matter what… I will not keep waiting"

Finally his eyes focused and processed what he was seeing, Treize's fierce determination, sword in place and ready to fight.

"I don't want to hurt you more that I've already done"

"You won't hurt me Dragon…For I will win this duel"

Duo took Heero's hand and pulled him towards the door, where Quatre and Trowa were standing. Zechs released the handles of the chair and retreated too, there was nothing they could do now, Treize was inciting the Dragon and he would succeed.

"You… you lost… the first one"

"That was for you to win… This is mine… Get ready Dragon"

He moved very fast, even though he was on that chair, and the pilot had less than a second to move his own sword and block the attack. Wufei had to accept the man could fight at the same level.

"Very fast Dragon… Let's see if you can keep the pace"

And his spirit of fight came back, it would be an insult to Treize not to fight seriously.

"As you wish Treize"

And the battle started, each movement Treize made was met with another one from his opponent, both of them with extremely proud stances, each of them ready to win.

"This… is amazing"

Their spectators were completely silent, except for Zechs words, they were watching the duel completely absorbed in the movements. Wufei blocked another blow, but finally Treize was faster, and the Chinese found himself at the end of a sword pointing right towards his neck and his own a few feet away from him.


The movement had been so fast they couldn't see it clearly, but the fact that it had been Treize's true victory couldn't be denied.

"You won…"

Wufei said finally, when Treize had lowered his arm and the sword with it.

"I did… Now, will you stop this idea of yours of not coming back?"

He let the sword fall to the floor and extended his hand towards the other man.

"No… You won, but I still did something terrible… I should have fought the program"

"That was impossible, do not torture yourself over that… The system had flaws and was unpredictable"

"Yuy could do it…"

Duo shook his head and looked at his friend in the eye.

"HEERO, had the opportunity to use it enough times to get more or les used to it, but be sure he couldn't control it perfectly… Zero was damaging him"

Said pilot nodded and then sighed.

"Wufei, the system was infecting me, it could have killed me… So be sure, no one was capable to control it, even less if it was the first time using it"

Treize approached him and before Wufei could do something he took his hand.

"Dragon, if you want to talk about blames, then be sure you are not the only one to be blamed… I could have done something to get away and prevent the fight, but I did not, and that was the system too… Yes it shows you some truths, but not all of them and that is why you can be tricked to do something you would not do normally"

They saw his friend shake a little, and walk slowly towards a sofa, his head down and completely unfocussed. When reality strikes you and stripes you from all your beliefs, then you cannot do anything else than fall; Wufei understood that, this had nothing to do with honor, this had been just a mistake, and not even his.

"So… Even if I was the one who did it, even though it was my hand pulling the trigger … It was not my fault? That is what you're telling me?"

He clenched his fists and looked up, his eyes showing his anger.

"I had no choice than to do as it told me? Then were the hell is my free will?"

Treize moved the chair close to the Chinese and took the pilot's hand in his.

"You have it… Your reaction proved it. You see Dragon, if you had really fell under the spell of Zero, then I really wouldn't be here… But you did not, and that can be proved by the fact that you did not hit the cockpit, you could not fight completely against the system, but that part of your brain that had not been completely taken changed the target and saved my life…"

As Wufei did, the rest of the people in the room looked at Treize in surprise; that was something they didn't know, or didn't take the time to think about.

"I... never thought about it that way…"

Quatre looked at Duo and nodded.

"I don't think any of us did Duo…"

Treize turned his head to look at them and smiled.

"Actually I did not think about it till a week ago… I knew he was being manipulated by Zero, so I could not understand why I was still alive. But then I thought about you Heero… You, even though you did not have the same training Wufei had, could control the system…"

He continued quickly, so Heero wouldn't start a discussion of how well prepared he was for any fight or to control any kind of computer system.

"I am not saying you are less prepared, but Wufei has always trained his mind, by the ways of meditation… I know the training status of three of you, Wufei, Heero and Quatre… If you, who did not know how to get inside your own mind could oppose to the program, then Wufei had even more chances to do it"

For Heero it took time, he had to use the system several times to get it, but Wufei, who had his mind in complete order and control, could fight it on the first try, not completely but enough to stop himself from killing.

"Please Dragon, do not torture yourself more over something you actually prevented… If I am alive, it is thanks to you… And Zechs"

He said that last turning his face to look at the blonde, and smiled, asking him to come close and help him get their small 'family' together again. Duo smiled and took Heero's hand, leading him out of the door, Quatre left the first aid kit over a small table and followed them with Trowa in tow.

They deserve their peace and quiet


Short Chapter I know, but since I had this fic in hold for so long, I had to re-read most of the old chapters to help me remember a lot of thigns and how they happened U Anyway, hope you liked this new chapter, two more and this fic will get to its end. Finally XD.

Now, my answers to the reviewers and flamers :p


I want more I just read the 15 chapters in a shot and I want more so update soon ne

- Well, here's a new chapter, sorry for taking so long. I hope you liked it too.

wild kat

.Ok, I have only just watched Gundum Wing, for the first time,( I know i am deprived) And Then I read the rest of your story. You rock! And it is so totally wicked that you're a half demon. Now i know a troll, a daughter of satan, and I myself am a werecat (as far as my friends are concerned) and Ramsey who i know as Ravan the Trickster. Hurry and write some more. I wanna see how this plays out.

- Wow… And here I thought I was special.. XDDD I'm veru happy you liked this fic and I say sorry for taking so long to update, I really hope you liked this chapter too.


A very relaxing character. I love it not too many worries excepted for the TxWxZ thing but everything is good I also love the bond between Wufei, Duo, Heero when they went out. Can't wait for the next update. Ja ne

- Well, I'll call you Nanashi, since you didn't leave any name U I finally updated and I really hope you liked this chapter as much as the rest. About that bond, well, I think those two are the best for him to be friends with.

orange girl

aah very nice chapter. loved the bonding thing between heero, duo and wufei. humor in this chapter, too! very well done clap clap

- Well, not everything have to be drama, or life would be boring U XD


yes, that chapter was to my liking...granted there wasn't as much yaoi (i speel that right?) as i usually like, but it's still good, post soon

- Well, there are a lot of things that have to be resolved, I don't know if there would be major yaoi scenes in the future, but I think there will be something

Wannabe Godess of Death

I NEED MORE!Please?:( Wonderful plot. Damn you and your stupid cliffhangers! And I'm sorry but the picture of a handcuffed Duo being ravished by a horny Heero is extremly! Nice explnation of the whole Treiz resurection thingie.
WuFi:Damn onna is lucky she did that.
WuFi: um... Yeah. Help me i think she's insane!
WHAT!! HOW DARE YOU??!! grabs Wufi. hogties and gags him
If you'll excuse me, I have some buisness to attened to. OH WUFI!
WuFi:M! M M M!!
heh heh heh! bye bye!

- O.o And I thought I abused them XDD I kind of like you Mwahaha… Hope you liked this chapter too, and I'm very sorry for taking so long, but that was a major writer's block… T-T

hot chilli

dude is this gonna get updated? it's a great story man please don't end it

- Well, as you can see I didn't forget about it, I just had a problem dealing with the plot T-T Sorry for that. snif


Did chapter 1 go AWOL?? The story starts with chapter 2. What happened in the first one?

- No, actually chapter 1 is here: h t t p / anime2 . adultfanfiction . net / story . php ? no 4152 Just type without the spaces and you'll get it… I used to have the first chapter here, but since sex was banned U it was deleted by the admins.