And frankly, as this reporter is the daughter of two very young, charismatic and, (according to pretty much every friend I've ever had) "hot" parents, I cringe on behalf of the Obamas at this video. Of course, this family lives in the spotlight, their lives are public and speech in this country does remain free- but regardless the creator's intent in making this video- whether as a playful parody, a biting indictment on the way the family has been handled by the media, or even just a genuine love song to a young woman's crush object- I cringe at the thought of my social media and email accounts being swamped with messages telling me to listen to a girl singing innuendos about either of my parents.
That being said, I found myself clicking through on this video, on the controversial 1984 web ad and of course the video of John McCain singing Bomb Iran to the music of the Beach Boys' Barbara Ann as well as a few other musical parody videos, commercial parodies and SNL/Upright Citizen's Brigade-esque comedy sketches- although only after furtively checking around the bus, making sure no one could see what I was watching- earphones in, screen semi-dim and a look of guilt on my face as I realized that I was truly no better than anyone else.
While we all like to imagine we are better than this, that we are focused on the facts, the policies, the important issues at stake in this election and anything else is simply beneath us, it is true that this election is different than any other- this election in a full-on Facebook/Twitter/YouTube blogosphere type of world is a different story- the playing field has been changed. Look at me, dear readers, writing for an online news aggregation site- we're part blog, part AP Wire and part user generated content platform. The democratization of the internet has changed things- now parodies, rant videos, blogs and v-logs are easily shared and accessed by people across the world.
Now someone in France's opinion of American politics can be posted, shared and responded to. Now a journalism student with a good blog name and following can weigh in on the Student Loan crisis or their feelings about Planned Parenthood and be picked up by a site such as this- published for the entire world to see. Now my stories will not only be judged by a newspaper subscriber base who voted with their wallets and wrote letters to the Editor, now there is a handy comments section where they can post anything they like, 24/7- instant and voracious fact checkers who would make my former Editor at the YDN proud (please be kind to me)! All of this means that if America thinks that a girl's racy comments on Senator Obama are the appropriate conversation to be having as we go into the second half of the Primary Campaign season- who are we to behave otherwise? The people have spoken, so Sasha and Malia, if you're reading this, let me know if you need tips on dealing with truly embarrassing parental moments.
Reporter Girl, out.
To: Reporter Girl
From: lhuntzberger
Date: 6/29/2007
Wow, Hugo snapped you up after graduation I see- he'd have been a fool not to! Congrats on the job and your blog, 6 weeks on the trail and you're already trending, I'm so proud of you. I always told you how wrong Mitchum was about you, you're already a star and I love reading your posts- I have an RSS alert setup for you so I never miss a piece.
Hey, I understand if you hate me- truth be told, I hate me. I know we didn't leave things in a great place, Ace, but I wanted to let you know that you were right- you needed time, I was an idiot and a pretty big jackass. I tried to call your number a few times, but it seems you got a new phone when you went on the trail and I wasn't sure whether your mom would give me the new number if I asked her. For the record, mine hasn't changed.
Well, it's about 1 in the morning out here, so I should probably try to get some sleep. I hope you're doing well, that you're happy- I'll be following you (on the world wide web, not in real life, I promise) and look forward to your next piece.
Love, MAC
To: lhuntzberger
From: Reporter Girl
Date: 7/3/2007
What the hell?
Hey, how are you doing? Long time no talk.
How is the avocado tree?
UGH! What was she doing? 8 weeks ago this guy ripped her heart open- this guy who she genuinely believed she would be spending the rest of her life with had proposed and then when she said not yet, ended their 2 ½ year relationship. He was her best friend, her biggest cheerleader, next to her mom, and then out of the blue he oh so casually emails to say he's proud of her, he made a mistake… and "Love, MAC"? What the hell was that about? Like, I love you? Or is that just the way that he signs off things these days? Flopping back on the not even remotely comfortable motel mattress, she groaned into a pillow- wishing it would suffocate her. The last three days she had been trying to come up with a response to his email, deleting everything as being either too mean, too direct, or far too casual and/or idiotic- as though she wasn't still crying herself to sleep just about every night.
Grrrrrr! Finally she gave up trying to think for herself and picked up the phone.
"Hayden House of Hedonism, what itch can we scratch for you today?"
"Remind me to reprogram your phone next time I'm in town so you think it's me calling, but it's your mother. I'd just love to hear her reaction to something like that."
"If you do that, see if I'll ever BEG Luke to send some of his coffee in your next care package."
"Dammit, you got me- now I see why you worked so hard to get me so hooked on the stuff; now, no matter how old I am or how far I roam, I'll never be able to have my supply cut off- I'm eternally at your mercy!"
"Just call me Stringer Bell, baby."
"Ok Stringer, before I let you get back to your business, HEEEEELP!"
"Whoa, sweets, what's up? There was a lot of anguish in that very literal cry for help."
"Logan emailed me." SIlence.
"Wow. Uh, when?"
"Monday." She bit her bottom lip, waiting.
"Monday? Uhh, hold on- it's Thursday."
"Which is three days after Monday."
"Wow, you know, that Junior College education is far more impressive than advertised."
"You waited THREE days to call me and tell me that the love of your life, the Chachi to your Joanie, the macaroni to your cheese, the glaze to your doughnut emailed you? That after two months of pining and crying yourself to sleep over the way that he unceremoniously dumped you, breaking your heart and crushing it into tiny pieces, he finally emails you and you waited 72 hours to contact your mother, a person who you are very close to, by the way, in case you forgot?"
"Mom, are you going to castigate me for my neglect or are you going to help me?"
"Can't I do both?"
"Ok, fine, sorry- the flailing can wait until after we solve this. So, tell me, what does the email say." Sighing, again, she pulled it up- although she practically had it memorized at this point. She began to read it to her, pausing when she heard her say "damn straight" under her breath about her not giving out Rory's phone number, but other than that she kept genuinely quiet, listening. "Wow."
"Yeah. Pretty much my initial reaction."
"I just… I honestly don't really know what to say here. I mean, that's a lot of information."
"Is it? Is it a lot of information? Or is it literally the least amount of information he could have possibly given me. I mean, sure, he's sorry how he did things- but what the hell does that even mean? I mean, I know he was being an idiot and a jackass and unfair- but what does that mean? Does that mean he wants to try long distance after all? And his number is still the same? Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to do with that information- first of all, I DID get a new phone and I promised myself I wouldn't transfer his number to it so that I wouldn't be tempted to send him a drunken late night text message telling him just how miserable I am without him? So even if his number is still the same, I don't have it anymore!
"And Love, MAC?"
"Yeah, I gotta ask, MAC? Is that like a kinky sex thing between you two?"
"Eww, what? Mom, no! It isn't a kinky sex thing between us, it stands for Master and Commander."
"And that isn't a kinky sex reference?"
"God, no! It's that whole thing where he told me to call him Master and Commander?"
"Like Russell Crowe?"
"Yes. No, I mean, not the movie, the book, but that doesn't really matter- it was kind of a nickname for him, kind of like how he called me Ace. But that's not the thing that has me riled up- well, a little I guess, but seriously, what the hell is with the "love"? I mean does he still love me, was he trying to tell me that he loves me and misses me and wants to be with me? Or was it like "oh, look at how mature and amazing and adult I am now in my lovely California zen, rock garden? Here I have found true enlightenment and I want to show you how amazing I am and I'll always care about you, but I've moved on with Brindy my new Bikram yoga instructor?"
"Wow, I really was an amazing influence on you, wasn't I? That was a pretty serious rant girl, I'm submitting it to the Rory Gilmore Rant Hall of Fame. Really, Top 20 at least."
"Why do I come to talk to you about anything, ever?" Rory tried to breathe, assuaging her annoyance at her mother, grateful they were half a country apart, or she would probably be guilty of matricide within the hour.
"Ouch, barracuda! Ok, clearly you're not in a joking mood, which I probably should have guessed about 5 minutes ago, but I gotta say sweets, I don't really know what to say here."
"Tell me what to do Mommy!"
"Well, what do you want to do? I mean, I know you miss him, you love him and you're about as heart broken as I've ever seen someone- but does that mean you want to move past everything that happened and be with him? You've got this incredible job and he's got an incredible job and he's in California but you're on the road and I'm starting to think that neither the campaign or the internet are fads so that situation isn't likely to change much in the next year or so, since hey, this scrappy upstart from Chicago doesn't exactly seem to be on the verge of dropping out."
"I know. But you know, being on the road is hard and I don't know how long I'll really be able to do this for, a full year? I'm exhausted all the time, I miss having more clothing options than can fit in one suitcase, and I don't know how many speeches at Eagles, VFW, Owl and AFL clubs I can possibly handle before I genuinely lose my mind… but…"
"But you're living your dream, right sweets?" Silence while Rory thought about it- something she had spent a considerable amount of time doing lately.
"It's what I need to do. For now. BUT, I miss Logan, I love him so much, and being apart from him… sometimes I think it's going to genuinely tear me apart from the inside out, but… this is a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity, you know? Senator Obama is amazing and this campaign, even though I doubt he'll beat Senator Clinton… it's historic. The way that he's changing the game, rewriting the narrative, I'm on the sidelines of history and I'm writing it and it's amazing!" And it was true- here she was, cub reporter, straight out of college and covering this amazing election- a real battle for ideals and the soul of the Democratic party. It was exactly like her last blog- the game was changed- and Rory Gilmore was part of that. She was writing about things that had never happened before in political history, and doing so in mediums that she never could have imagined.
"Well, Rory, then why do you sound so miserable all the time?" She had asked so quietly, so seriously. Because that was the part that sucked.
"Why can't I have both, Mom? It isn't fair! I have everything in this job that I've worked for my entire life, and I have, I've worked so hard for this! But, at the end of the day, I don't have him, and that just taints the whole thing. There are at least a hundred times a day that I want to call him and tell him about something funny that happened on the bus, or about something the Senator said in a speech… or even just to tell him about the latest crazy Kirk story you sent me or the speculation that Ms. Patty may be working on her next husband… I want to hear his voice and know what Finn and Colin are doing, how the avocados are doing in the backyard of that house he got because of me… why can't I have the perfect job and the perfect guy?" And the tears were back…She had managed to keep them at bay for as long as possible, but it was inevitable, she couldn't talk this much about him without crying.
"Well, Rory, I guess if you want my honest opinion?" Rory nodded, knowing she couldn't see it, but it was fine, Lorelai knew what was happening- that just their connection. "I think that he nudged the door open, and while you don't have to go running through it and give it all up to move in to the house in California with the avocado tree... but maybe just keep a foot in there, make sure that door stays open... maybe respond. Maybe don't worry so much about where it's going or what it means, just tell him the truth- you miss him, you love your job and it was nice to hear from him. Leave it there, see what he wants to do."
Of course her Mom was right, that really was the only solution, but she wasn't ready to deal with it at this exact second.
They talked for a few more minutes, Lorelai telling her all about therapy this week with her Dad, it was apparently going well, they seemed to be doing well, happy- talking through some of their issues; Gigi had just returned from France and was settling into Rory's old room- which was now pink with yellow and green accents. Rory couldn't help but feel a little bit sad to think of it not being her room anymore. Now when Rory went home, she'd be on a trundle bed with Gigi, or on the couch, or maybe even at the inn, but her mom sounded happy, and really, that was all that mattered.
But eventually, Lorelai had to get going and Rory ran out of ways to avoid dealing with her nightmare of a personal life. She brewed herself another terrible cup of in-room coffee on the annoyingly tiny coffee pot and pulled her open laptop on top of her laptop.
To: lhuntzberger
From: Reporter Girl
Date: 7/3/2007
I miss you too. I don't know what that means, if it changes anything, but I do love you and I do miss you and there have been a million times in the last two months when I wanted to to talk to you and tell you about my day, about the trail (grueling, back-breaking, smelly), about the Senator (amazing, charismatic and so friendly- and his wife is even nicer and more amazing than he is- I swear, if she was the one running, she'd have it in the bag), about how you're doing (did you move into the house with the avocados? Made any guacamole yet?)
I love you, but I love what I'm doing too- it's the hardest thing I've ever done, but I couldn't trade it for anything, it's too big and too important that I do this for me.
By the way, you were right, I did get a new phone- lost mine at a rest stop somewhere between Louisville and the Western panhandle of West Virginia, the number is 784-565-7567. You're right, Mom would never have given you that.