Season 1 Episode 1

Last Stall on the Left

Theme song:

(Rachelle: For 800 hundred years, Norrisville has been protected by a ninja; no one knows that every 4 years, a new warrior is chosen)
(Rachelle: A freshman to fight the forces of evil! I am the Ninja! I am Rachelle Cunningham!)
What the hey!
Come on you!
What the juice!
She's so bruce!
That's the cheese!
Ninja freeze!
Ninja rock!
Don't stop!
What the hey!
Come on you!
Do it Ninja!
What the juice!
She's a hero!
Come on fighter!
Just a freshman,
And a Ninja!

(Rachelle: Smoke bomb!)

It all began in a city called Norrisville, and in a seemingly ordinary high school, called Norrisville High, students have returned to school after a long summer break.

"Well freshman, I know you're all bummed to be back at school…" The English teacher, Mr. Brunner, said casually while he clapped his hands, until he suddenly shouted directly at their faces. "Well SO AM I! Five-hundred words! What you did on your summer vacation!" He slammed pieces of paper on his stapler.

A fourteen-year-old girl with long, purple hair that was pulled in a high ponytail and locks hanging over her face starts writing on her paper. She had sapphire blue eyes, wore a red tank-top with a white stripe that spiraled into a nine symbol underneath her small grey hoodie. She revealed her midriff, wore skinny black shorts and purple sneakers with white socks sticking up.

Rachelle (Voiceover):
Name: Rachelle Cunningham, Grade: 9, Title: What I did on my summer-

Suddenly, a short, obese girl with short, orange hair and caramel eyes peaked directly in front of her desk with an eager smile. She wore a light blue outer shirt, a dark blue T-shirt with a squid picture on it, green baggy jeans, and red sneakers.

"Rachelle, let me copy off you." She said.

"Harley, we can't turn in the exact same essay." The purple-haired girl, Rachelle, said as she leaned back on her seat.

"But we had the exact same summer."

A shoe was suddenly thrown directly on the back of her head, and she rubbed her head and turned to see Mr. Brunner with one shoe and the top of his foot was almost covered with bunions.

"No talking!" He shouted strictly, referring to Rachelle and Harley.

As Harley scowled at her loud, psychotic teacher and continued rubbing her head, Rachelle started thinking to herself again for her essay about her summer.

Well I wouldn't say the exact same…

I mean, it did start out the same...

In a flashback during the summer, Rachelle and Harley ran into a bedroom, and they pulled out a Grave Puncher game and Rachelle ripped one open, inserted the disk and the duo play their game. They continue to play until the third game, as they looked very exhausted, but they just continued playing. Apparently, the two girls were best friends and were basically more like tomboyish girls since they played video games a lot.

But then, something epic happened...

"Congratulations, you have punched all the graves!" The game voice on the TV said. Rachelle and Harley then did their slappage routine in victory.

And then, something even epic-er happened...

As Rachelle entered her room alone, just minding her own business, she gasped when she noticed a box sitting on her table before she looked out the window and saw a man briefly peeking inside, and then he disappeared without a trace. She opened the box as red light flashed out, making her stare in awe.

She looked at a book with a sticky note attached on the front. "'The NinjaNomicon'..." Rachelle said, before she tossed it behind her, thinking it was useless. "Eh." She then pulled out another note with another startling message. "'You are the Ninja'." She dropped the note when her eyes went wide in surprise and excitement. ", SWEET!" She pulled out a black mask from the box and held it up high excitedly. "I have to tell Harley!" And then she aw another piece of paper inside, and it was kind of disappointing. "'You can't tell anyone!' Oh, that's wonk!"

Her smile returned as she slipped on the mask over her head and face, making her eyes go wide when she felt something happening before she lost her balance. Immediately, black and red ribbons emerged and began wrapping around her from toe to neck. She lied on the floor as all of the ribbons became a one-piece suit, consisting of redlining patterns on her wrists and ankles, a 9 logo on the left side of her chest, a long, red scarf on her neck, a red ribbon on her waist, and her purple high ponytail faded into a raven black tint.

I don't know how it works, but the Ninja Suit is the straight-up cheese...

Once the suit was done, Rachelle leaped off the floor as she twisted midair and got into a ready stance, and she felt unstoppable. She began testing her new suit by first punching a toy robot as it broke into pieces.

It lets me do things I could never, ever do...

She then flipped in the air and elbowed a toy alien. And then she flipped again as she kicked and ripped a stuff bear's head off with an excited laugh.

I am Rachelle Cunningham...

She punched and kicked the air and got into another fighting stance with her new Ninja Suit.

I am the Ninja!

It's pretty much an honor being the first girl Ninja, but the only bummer is: I can't tell anyone...

Rachelle stopped writing her essay before she looked sadly at her best friend, Harley, who was playing with her pencil while she rubbed it in her armpit and then sniffed it.

Not even my best friend.

"PENCILS DOWN!" Mr. Brunner announced and began taking his student's essay papers.

And now I'm realizing this probably wasn't the best topic for my essay.

She just now realized that she wrote down that she was a ninja on her entire work, and she quickly ripped her paper to shreds before she casually poured the pieces on her teacher's hand, and he looked skeptical at it.

"What's this supposed to be?" He asked as he glared at his student.

"Uh, my commentary on the fleeting nature of summer?" Rachelle said nervously with her hands laced together.

Mr. Brunner looked at it in thought before he smile, looking impressed. "...excellent use of metaphor!"

"Aced it!"

"I'll give you a B."

"B'ced it!" Harley smiled brightly at her friend.

Out in the hallway, a band geek girl named Betty Hensletter, was running down the halls while she held onto her butt with a look of fear on her face. "Go away, Ash! I don't want a wedge!" She shouted as she ran right past Rachelle and Harley.

"I already gave you a wedgie!" The tall and muscular girl, Ash, said, as she twirled a piece of underwear on her index finger and a smirk. "I just want to give you your change!" And then she chased after her again.

"Can we talk about this Ninja situation?" Harley said to Rachelle as they walked down the hall.

"N-ninja situation? There is no Ninja situation." Rachelle said nervously with a shrug.

"Exactly! The No-Ninja Situation! We've been in Norrisville High for two days, and we haven't seen this guy once!"

"I don't think he's a boy. And I think she has to wait for like a monster or a robot…"

"Why aren't you worried about this? We're her number-one fans!" Harley began to think deeply while she processed her best friend's words, and then she perked up in surprised confusion. "Wait, the Ninja's a girl."

"Yeah, but it's not like she could just stop on by for a meet-and-greet." She suddenly got an idea when she smiled to herself. "...or can she?"

In the center of Norrisville, in a giant industry pyramid called McFist Industries, inside the very top, a businesswoman with a mechanical arm and a black lab woman was present as they spoke with a skull lady with long, blue hair, green skin, and a purple hood. She was projected by a large tube at the end of the room.

"You assured me you would destroy the Ninja, Helvetica McFist!" The skull lady projection growled.

"But I haven't seen him all summer. Have you seen him, Veronica?" The business woman, Helvetica McFist, said nervously.

"I haven't seen him." The black lab woman scientist, Veronica, said casually as she shrugged her shoulders. "Then again, he is a ninja, so stealth is kind of his dealio."

"Not a HE!" The skull lady snapped loudly, making the women cringe and yelp in fear. "There has been a disturbance in the aura that a female has taken place within the ninja's mask!"

"Oh…" Helvetica said with a surprised look on her face and glanced around, until she covered it up with a smile. "Well, we have a plan. The next time she pokes her little ninja-head it of her little ninja-hidey-hole...BAM! Destroyed!" She slammed her mechanical arm to her flesh palm.

The skull lady roared once again as the women both cringed from this scary lady. "!" With that happy note, her scary green elderly face disappeared from inside the tube.

After a moment of stunned silence, the phone on the desk rang loudly, startling Helvetica and Veronica into screaming. "Miss McFist, your husband's on the line." The phone said.

She tried to grab the phone, but then her arm suddenly spazzed, almost breaking the phone, but only briefly when she quickly grabbed it with both of her hands. She took a deep breath before she held the phone right to her ear.

"Hey, mutton-pie." She greeted happily. "I'm a little busy here...of course, I'll be there, honey-cakes."

She threw her phone several feet away while yelling angrily. "How am I supposed to run an evil empire, when my stepdaughter keeps getting in trouble at school?!"

"Kids…" Veronica scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Just go down to your lab and build something deadly, something that strikes fear, something with a cup holder…" Her arm suddenly slammed on her desk, making her spilled coffee all over her face. "...You know what, forget the cup holder. Just make it deadly." Veronica crossed off 'cupholder' on her touch-pad.

Back at Norrisville High, in the cafeteria, Harley licked of her empty plate while looking at her plate that was empty from eating everything, making her groan in disappointment. She then looked at Rachelle's plate with a smile. Her best friend just told her that she needed to go to the restroom.

"Cunningham, I know you're in the can, but if you don't want me to eat you tater-lumps, just say so." Harley said in a singsong voice as she crawled across the table to eat her friend's lunch.

"SMOKE BOMB!" Rachelle exclaimed while in a red puff of smoke, she (in her Ninja Suit) appeared on top of a cafeteria table, and everyone froze in surprise. "Hello, students! 'Tis I, the NINJA!"

Everyone in the cafeteria cheered and began crowding around her in admiration. "Yes, finally!" Harley cheered in excitement. "NIN-JA! Cork out, Cunningham! The Ninja-girl just showed up!"

Meanwhile, In the principal's office, Helvetica, a blonde man named Martin, and Ash were sitting in front of the desk as the principal, Slimovitz, looked through the computer. "In these two days at school alone, Ash has given sixty-six wedgies, thirty-two swirlies, and a chaga-newga gravy bowl." Slimovitz said with a look of disgust.

"Is that even a real thing?" Helvetica asked the principal boringly.

Slimovitz showed them the computer screen, making the parents recoil in disgust and shock. "Sweet potatoes!" Martin exclaimed while he covered his mouth with disbelief.

"Oh yeah!" Ash shouted to herself.

"Principal Slimovitz, I even understand how my little Ashley could ever do anything like that."

"Yeah, Dad, he's framing me!" Ash pointed accusingly and revealed an underwear on her hand and quickly hid it behind her back nervously.

"Hey, the Ninja's in the cafeteria!" A student shouted in the hallway.

"And she's a girl!"

Slimovitz suddenly got up from his chair excitedly. "Oh, the Ninja! What do you say we take a fiver?" And he ran out of his office to see the Ninja as well.

"I'm escaping!" Ash said out loud as she ran out as well.

"Oh, go on, if you don't destroy the Ninja now, it's all you'll talk about on the ride home." McFist's husband said.

"You know what? You're the best!" She said before she kissed his cheek and ran into the hallway. She looked over the crowd to see the Ninja showing off her moves, while she gave her a look of disdain before she pulled out her phone and dialed on Veronica's number.

"McFist Industries, evil genius Veronica speaking." She said through the phone.

"The Ninja's at the school, bring the, um...uh…"

"His name is Krakenstein."

"Release the Krakenstein!" Helvetica recoiled when the students turned to her oddly with skeptical looks. Apparently, nobody know about this woman's inexplicably desire to destroy the Ninja.

In McFist Industries, in a lab, Veronica used a taser and shocked a robot-monster with multiple different arms to life.

"Go forth, my creation and destroy the Ninja." She said before the robot roared at her, but it didn't attack her. "Oh, it's a she. Red scarf, black suit...maybe it's a navy blue." It roared again as it ran out of the wall, making a huge hole. "Oh, no, it is black. You never wear a red with a navy blue."

In the cafeteria, Helvetica watched with a huge grudgeful look on her face as the Ninja showed off her skills. "Now as the Ninja, I must be prepared at any moment to do this and this!" She said as she punched and kicked the air. "And how can I forget this?!" She kicked once more as Harley watched in absolute amazement. "Well, you've been great everyone! See ya next time, and remember to tip those lunch ladies! Smoke bo-"

Before Ninja could disappear in a puff of smoke, Harley jumped and grabbed her ankle. "Wait, Ninja! My BFF and I have been dying to meet you when we were kids! Please just hang out until she gets back?"

Ninja scratched the back of her head. "Aw, that's really cool of you, but I can't. I must go!"

Unfortunately, the Krakenstein crashed through the walls and roared loudly, sending everyone into a panic. "Yes, destroy! DESTROY!" McFist shouted.

"My first monster fight!" Rachelle muttered with excitement. "So honking cool! Ninja flip!" She flipped off the table and stood in front of the robotic monster. "Monster, get ready to get-" But she got punched away by him and into the hallway as it walked to her.

Harley flinched and texts to Rachelle on her phone. "Cunningham, get back here! The Ninja girl's totally getting p'wnd!" She muttered as she typed it.

Ninja crashed by the lockers, crushing them a little, and her phone rings and she read Harley's text, making her cock an eyebrow. "I wouldn't say I'm getting p'wnd." The Krakenstein suddenly barged through the wall, although Rachelle quickly flip-kicked him in the jaw. But it got back up as she groaned like she knew what was coming next before she got punched in the face. She was sent tumbling down the stairs until she screeched to a stop at the bottom. "Oh man, I am getting p'wnd." As she got to her knees, she heard crashing and quickly got to her feet up and ran down the hall. "Ninja Sprint!"

Rachelle quickly ran into the restroom and hopped into a stall as the Krakenstein entered and punched each door until he reached the last one with the Ninja inside. "I wasn't hiding from you, if that's what you think." She said to it.

It only gave her the beaten of her life until she made it out of the stall and locked the monster inside with a pipe.

Rachelle changed out of her suit and rushed back to class, just as the bell rung and she sat next to Harley. "Where have you been? We were supposed to meet the Ninja girl together, but between you and me, she was kind of sticking it out back there." Harley said.

Rachelle looked offended. "Come on, Harley, I...uh, she was just doing her best! I mean, it's not like there are instructions for being the Ninja." She suddenly perked up in realization. "The instructions!" She then raised from her seat. "I need to use the bathroom!"

She immediately got on her bike and quickly rode her way back home, on the way, she was greeted by her neighbor. "Hi, Rachelle!"

She rushed into her room and dug through her clothes until she found the NinjaNomicon that she thought was useless, but realized it was an ancient book that would explain to her how to be a ninja. She opened the book, and her body suddenly went limp as her mind entered the magically book. Her mind-self fell into various pages and pictures of ninja's and monsters until she slammed into something and fell onto the ground. She rubbed her head and looked up to see some words above her, reading:

Believe in the weapon that is in the suit

"What's in the suit? Wait a minute, I'm in the suit! I'm the weapon! I just have to believe in me!" Rachelle said.

And her mind returned to her body before she returned to her bike and rode her way back to Norrisville High. As she ran down the hallway, she was suddenly tripped by Harley, who quickly slid in front of her and held out and tumbled across the floor.

"Hey, perfect you're back! I got some great news-" Harley said.

"Sorry, Harley, but I have to-" Rachelle said.

"No! No!" Harley jumped onto her best friend with a glare on her face. "You're going to stick around for this! Turns out the Ninja couldn't beat that monster, so she just it in a basement stall! So, I let it out."

Rachelle's eyes went wide in surprise and shock. "You did WHAT?!" And her friend jumped off her.

"Yeah, now the Ninja's gotta come back so we can see her in action together." Rachelle was pulling her face in frustration while Harley spoke. Suddenly, half of a car comes crashing through the windows and walls from outside. They looked out the hole and see the Krakenstein wreaking havoc. "You wanna...maybe now or maybe later? How should we do this?"

Helvetica McFist came running out the doors to the outside yard of the school. "Where the heck is watches-krak?" She asked until she spotted it throwing the second half of a car away, making her smile. "There it is!"

"MY CAR!" Principal Slimovitz cried out in dismay.

"Ninja action!" Harley said out loud as the duo walked outside to the scene. "Courtesy of mawa. Who's the best friend ever?" Harley was about to belly bump Rachelle, but realized that she has disappeared again, much to her frustration. "Are you kidding me?!"

"Smoke bomb!" Rachelle exclaimed as she appeared in a puff of red smoke in her ninja suit and got into a ready stance.

"Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!" The students chanted loudly

"I believe in me, I believe in me, I believe in me...kicking your butt." Rachelle murmured and made a gesture with her fingers to tell the Krakenstein to make a move.

It punched each of his fists into his hands and charges at the female ninja. She jumped up and used its arm to lift herself to the air before she twisted and double kicked it in the face. She landed onto the ground and turned sharply back to the robot. He made another move as he tried to hit her, but she kept on blocking them with incredible reflexes. "Ninja Block! Ninja Block! Ninja Block! Ninja Block! Ninja Block! And...NINJA KICK!" She finally kicked one of its arms and it punched itself right in the face, enough for it to fall onto its back a few feet away. "Who's getting p'wnd now?"

"Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!" The students chanted again.

The Krakanstein readjusted its jaw and from the chest it unleashed a secret muscular arm and it pinned Rachelle to the ground. "What the?!"

"Secret arm! That is so Veronica!" McFist muttered to herself in excitement and anticipation.

The Krakenstein went on and tried to punch Rachelle as she narrowly evaded its blows. "I don't get it. I'm believe, but what else could be in the suit?"

She began feeling around her suit as she evaded more blows until she suddenly pulled out a sword straight from the back of her suit. Now it all made sense to her, Believe in the weapon that is in the suit. It wasn't Rachelle that was the weapon in the suit, her book was telling her that her suit was loaded with unlimited access to ninja weapons available for combat.

"Oh! Believe in the weapon that is in the suit!" She said in understanding before she sliced the hand off, freeing her instantly as the hand leaked yellow goop and twitched. "That makes way more sense."

She stood back up and sprinted at quick speed before she front flipped and double kicked Krakenstein several feet away. She guessed the suit also provided her with enhanced strength, but not to superhuman levels. It growled at the ninja girl as it drooled yellow goo and Ninja held out her sword in front of her, ready to finish it.

"Let's do this." She said as she smirked under her mask.

The monster robot roared and charged at her again. This time, she swung her sword multiple times as it passed right by her and diced it as it suddenly stopped. It watched as all of its arms fall off from being sliced and diced by the Ninja until it dropped to its knees and splitted in half. Most of the students watched in disgust as one gagged and ran off to puke somewhere.

"NOOOOOOOOOO…" Helvetica cried in dismay, until she noticed that the students were all glaring at her. "...way, dudes?" The students perked up and smiled at the woman. "That was awesome. Ha!" She walked away with slouched shoulders and disappointment.

The students surround the Ninja once again for her victory. "Smoke bomb! Smoke bomb! Smoke bomb!" They all chanted loudly as Rachelle smiled under her mask.

"Smoke bomb!" Ninja said out loud as she threw a bomb down and disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

Later on, Harley ran to the side of the school where she found her best friend, Rachelle, running right up to her as she stuffed her mask into her pocket.

"Hey, Harley." She greeted.

However, Harley only crossed her arms and frowned. "Oh, you think I'm some sort of chowderhead?" She asked sarcastically.

"I...don't know how to answer that."

"I know what you've been up to."

Rachelle's eyes went wide. "You do?"

"Mmhm. First, you're gone, Ninja's here. And then she's gone, and you're here. I know your secret, sis."

"Alright, listen, I wanted to tell you-"

"Well, it's too late now! I figured it all out...with my mind."

Rachelle made a look of relief as she held her friend's shoulders. "You don't know how relieved I am! It's been absolutely killing me that I couldn't tell you." She said as she walked a few feet away.

"I mean, sneaking off so you can have the bathroom all to yourself every time the Ninja shows up." Harley said as red light flashed before she gasped when she saw that right in front of her was the Ninja herself as she stroke a pose. She suddenly realized her best friend was the Ninja all along, much to her excitement. "Wait, you're the Ninja? My best friend's the Ninja! Oh, this is incredible! I'm gonna tell everyone!"

"You can't tell anyone. This is between you and me, Harley."

Harley frowned in disappointment. "Well, that stinks."

"No, Harley, this stinks!" Rachelle held up another bomb and slammed it onto the ground. "Smoke bomb!"

The duo disappeared in red smoke as Harley coughed from the bad smell. "Oh man! Those things smell like fart."

"You'll get used to it. You'd be surprised you start like it."