Chapter 19

Several days had passed since Enigma was finally defeated. Right after the duel, we returned to the outside to find the battles still raging, only now intensifying. While my dragons had manage to hold their positions and defeat each and every incoming wave of enemies, with the grounds littered with the defeated and nearly dying soldiers and monsters, I could see the prolonged battle was starting to take its toll on them. The enemy forces were no doubt going to overwhelm us with sheer numbers, but before they could all charge in for one final strike when Ikuchi summoned Leviathan herself before the colossal warring masses. The entire army ceased fighting immediately and completely lost the will to fight, stunned by shock and awe of their divine goddess actually presenting herself before their very eyes. As she did once, Leviathan then unleashed a wave of energy which quelled the fighting once and for all, as well as healed the wounds and scars of those who suffered during the ferocious battles that took place today.

Ikuchi then took a stand alongside her dragon and proclaimed to the masses that the war was over and that Enigma's rule is now over for he was finally defeated. When news of this reached the ears of the people, they all cheered in delight that the nightmare was over while all of Enigma's loyalists lost the will to continue fighting. They were all quickly rounded up and made to pay for their rampant crimes in prison, while the soldiers and monsters that did realise their wrongs of serving Enigma begged for forgiveness, and luckily Ikuchi was kind enough to give them all a second chance as long as they started to make up for their deeds today. After that, Ikuchi also revealed the truth of Enigma's scheme to the entire masses and cleared my name in honour of being the one who helped release their goddess from their stone prison and made Ikuchi the now mighty queen from a meek princess.

The towns then celebrated us all as heroes and the streets were filled with the sounds of trumpets, singing and cheers. Flags and banners of courage were hung out and waved as me and every single monster I called forth during the battle walked down the roads together as if they were welcoming heroes returning from a great war. With smaller ground dragons like troop and soldier dragon taking the first lead while followed by larger ones like cave dragon or rare metal dragon. While flying dragons like first of the dragons or ascension sky dragon continued to perform aerial stunts and acrobatics to wild up the crowds in celebration, and the larger ones like neo galaxy eyes and Five headed dragon thundered down the streets creating awe and amazement in the people. Mixed in with them were also some of Jilen's honourable warrior monsters like garma sword, matador fiend, litmus doom swordsman as well as vishwar randi or succubus knight.

Finally, the parade came to its climax as the sounds of flutes of summing dragons blew, as Jilen stepped onto the scene while leading Fafnir, Tiamat and Jormangandr down the streets, paving the way and clearing the crowds from getting into their path. While Fafnir and Jormanagdr were honoured and humbled by the occasion, Tiamat wasn't as modest as she kept showing off her flare with great ride, while I would normally tell her to act more modest and not so stuck up, I suppose today could be an exception. Not far from the 3 of them, was Bahamut and Leviathan together, with myself and Ikuchi seated on top of them as we waved to the crowds. I was made to wear a most uncomfortable but formal royal suit, and boy was it really tight and itchy! I couldn't count the number of times I sweated uncontrollably from the heat or even twitch out of irritation, not to mention what they did to my hair….if it wasn't for Ikuchi telling me I HAD to look the part for this memorable even I would have taken off on Bahamut long before this started.

Speaking of looking the part….Ikuchi sure knew how to do it better than anyone else. She wore her princess tiara around her neatly tied and combed blue hair which now flowed down and waved almost like the ripples of water. She also wore a set of arm sleeves along with a very magnificent royal blue ball gown (Mildly exposing her chest) decorated with shades of light and dark, which was also embedded with various coloured jewels around the bottom area of her dress, where a pair of white heels could be seen underneath them. She also wore a set of pearl earrings and even wore eyeshade for the occasion.

I had to admit there were a number of times when I blushed looking at her and then quickly turning away when she liked back at me curiously, "Is there something wrong Ryuga?"

"N..No…it's nothing haha!" I laughed nervously while turning away, "Urgh I'm never going to get used to this…." I groaned.

Ikuchi then held a hand to her lips as she chuckled in amusement, "Hey hee, you look great Ryuga."

I then felt myself rise a few degrees and turn red while swallowing something as hard as a rock in my throat, "Th..thank you Ikuchi….Y…You too….You look stunning too." I replied uneasily while trying not to make too much eye contact with her.

"Why thank you." she giggled back with a bright smile. Boy was I glad none of my friends from the other dimensions weren't here right now, otherwise they wouldn't let me hear the end of all their teasings….I was already getting enough from some of my dragons as I could hear them snickering or even chuckling in amusement, be it from my attire, irritation, Ikuchi 'distracting' me….or even all of the above…..

Men, women and children all gave us bright smiles and praise as we walked pass them all. Looking down I could see Bahamut and Leviathan both smiling happily for us, but more importantly they were more happy to be together again. I was glad for them, after being separated for what could have been centuries those cold memories could now finally be put behind us. After that we all gathered before the entire masses of Norvagen at the palace before being congratulated and applauded by them all. It truly was a most fitting end to a dark and tragic tale of Norvagen so we all cheered and smiled for the occasion as well.

"Long live our heroes!"

"Thank you for saving us!"

"We are honoured!"

A while into it though, I then frowned slightly, something Bahamut and the others (Except Ikuchi) knew….Deep down, we all knew this wasn't going to last….

That night after the day's events and celebration, Ikuchi and I paid a visit to King Avalon in his quarters. As we headed towards his bedroom door, where he had been resting since getting poisoned, we soon came face to face with Jilen who apparently had been expecting us, "He is resting in here." He said as he motioned to the big doors behind him, "From what we heard, he has managed to awaken and regain his senses," When he said that Iuchi and I were both relieved and felt the worst was over, until he then lowered his head in depression, "However, unfortunately the wounds inflicted on his body by the poison has taken its toll and at this point he won't be able to make it through the night."

"Gasp!" Ikuchi then covered her mouth with both her hands while I said nothing but look away painfully.

Seeing there was nothing more he could do, the old soldier took his leave, "I will leave you to get reacquainted. He may not have much time left, so I hope you treasure your last few moments with him right now." He said as he walked away into the darkness, not wishing to take up more our precious remaining time.

Afer he left us, we headed straight to the door. Ikuchi placed her hand on the door but was reluctant to open them and see the person waiting for us on the other side. It was almost as if her own feet were rooted where they were, until i held her hand gently, "We'll go in together, don't worry, I'll be right there with you."

She then swallowed hard and nodded, knowing there was no turning back now. We worked hard to make it here, after all the sacrifices we made and battles we fought to et this far, it's time we finally see it through. As we pushed through the doors we came into the royal quarters which were poorly lit except for a few candles on the side of the king sized bed. As we looked through the curtains, there lay King Avalon, now turned dark grey and dos own hair and beard turned pale white. He almost looked like a ghost due to the poison ravaging his entire body, but despite all that, he looked back at us with a weak but pure smile.

"Gasp! Father!" Ikuchi cried as she ran up to him and he embraced her in a warm and comforting hug.

"Ikuchi…." He said weakly in response as I came up to him as well, "Jilen has brought me up to speed on the recent events." He then lowered his head slightly in remorse, "I'm terribly sorry for failing you my daughter, Enigma took advantage of me because I lacked the insight and strength necessary as both king and father. "

"No….Don't say that. It wasn't your fault!" sobbed Ikuchi bitterly in response.

Shaking his head, "No, I was the one given the duty to watch over and care for Norvagen, upholding the beliefs we had kept since long before. Because of my weakness and fear, Enigma was able to lead me astray from the true path and turn Norvagen into something far from the paradise it should have been." he said filled with deep regret, "If only I had been able to see the darkness in his heart much sooner….It was because of me you were forced to endure so much alone but when I look at you now, I couldn't be more proud of you, at the wonderful queen who now stands before me." he said stroking her face gently and wiping away her tears, "Perhaps you may actually succeed where I failed." I was really moved by what he said, even in sleeping death he knew how much she had grown without him by her side to care for and watch over her. He then noticed me next to her and encouraged me to come closer, "Thank you Ryuga, for your courage, bravery and resolve. You not only protected my daughter and only family left, but you made her strong. You both even managed to save Norvagen and defeat Enigma's evil scheme once and for all, bringing true peace and harmony back to our land. I am deeply indebted to everything you have done for me and my family." he said gratefully, "How could I ever repay you?"

I shook my head in response, "There is no need your highness, I only did what was necessary. After all, it was;t just to help Ikuchi and save your home, it was also to protect those I cared or back in my own dimension from Enigma's diabolical scheme. Their safety and happiness is all I need."

He then smiled back proudly, "You are truly a most noble man, not only brave and strong but also kind and most humble, the qualities necessary for a true king of Norvagen." he breathed

"King…." I thought to myself carefully.

"There is something I would like to give you personally, in honour of your heroic actions today," He then turned to the small drawer next to his bed, opened it and began rummaging through it with one arm. He then handed me a golden crest with a dragon head similar to the symbols all around the royal palace, "I would like to give you this crest." Looking upon it, Ikuchi then gasped in amazement, clearly she knew it was far more valuable ad significant than it appeared, "This is a symbol of highest honour to any foreigner to Norvagen, it has never been once granted too anyone else before you for centuries, so it pleases me to finally bestow this upon you." he said as he had me attach it to my shirt.

I then bowed in respect, "Thank you very much your majesty, I shall never forget my experience here in Norvagen."

"No, thank you young man. And know that you will always be a welcome and trusted ally to our kingdom and dimension. Your heroic deeds shall always be remembered." King Avalon replied, "Promse me that…no matter what you choose to do from here on….please continue to take good care of my precious daughter, and make sure no harm shall ever befall her more than anything else, not even my own kingdom."

I swallowed hard as I nodded in agreement, "I…do your highness…."

"Thank you,' he said relieved before returning his attention to his daughter, "Ikuchi, my time is running short, like a river, it begins, flows and even must end. Nothing can stop it…. so I hope you can forgive me for having to part ways with you in this world….when you're still so young."

"Don't say that!" she cried lousy as she hugged him closely, "I have Leviathan with me now! With her power! I can certainly save-"

Before she could finish, her dying father stoke her face gently and make her look towards, "My dear sweet daughter…." He said pausing to look at her shining eyes and the pure heart they reflected, "I couldn't be more proud of the young woman, no, queen of Norvagen who now stands before me. I truly wish to see the kingdom you would now shape in your name, really I do…." Closing his eyes and resting, "But….I believe that the only way for you to truly shine is through my absence and not my help."

She then continued to sob heavily, while I did my best to look away, which proved difficult as even I could feel my own heart crack just listening to these last dying words.

"Do not weep my child, I will always be with you in your heart. Just like your mother who now calls for me on the other side." he said which caught her attention, "Like me she too has been most proud of who you have now become thanks to this young man, our roles in this life are now fulfilled, and now…it is time I joined her and finally answer her lonely prayers to be with me once more."

After wiping away one last tear, Ikuchi lowered her head in sadness while finally accepting her father's choice and fate. "Father…..I….understand….Please keep mother company and may she now rest peacefully now that you are with her."

"I shall my daughter. I shall…." He replied weakly as he lay back on his bed finally in peace as he closed his eyes, "Ikuchi," he breathed as we both paid full attention to his final words, "Promise me that…you will never forget what happened today, and that you will return our homeland into the paradise it was and should have been. No matter how long it takes or how far you now go, I will always watch over you from above…."

Taking ahold of his hand and clutching it to his chest, she nodded firmly, "I….I promise father….I swear by our family name that Norvagen will never see a day of darkness ever again."

The next morning, Avalon quietly took his last breath and died peacefully in his sleep. It rained heavily that day as crowds along with Leviathan herself gathered to mourn for their fallen king, especially Ikuchi, who wept the most bitterly as she lowered herself to her father's tombstone, which laid right next to where her mother was buried, in the palace gardens near the forest glade where she and I duelled and practice for some time. My dragons and I stayed behind in the shadows observing, for we felt we had no actual place there, as this was a personal family matter to Ikuchi. But despite being further away I couldn't deny the bitter tears and emotions that were running through me at that very moment.

"Had leviathan been awaken sooner maybe she could have healed him, but even her powers have limits…." Jormangandr commented while Tiamat and Fafnir remained silent. Noticing his brother and I feeling regretful over sealing her away long ago, he then came up to us, "You can only save someone who wants to be saved. He wanted to pass on, for if he didn't then Ikuchi would have no room to grow and fill in his place. It is sad but those were his last wishes, and we should respect them." We understood what he told us and nodded reluctantly. As bad and dark as this moment seemed, I sudden;y realised something, that Yuya once said to me a long time ago.

Life is like a pendulum and it swings both ways. Right now was in darkness but soon, as I hoped, it soon changed…

The rains then lightened before finally ceasing, and the warm sun rays pierced through the dark rainy clouds and shone on Ikuchi, heralding the painful passing of the past and now the start of a brand new chapter in Norvagen's history. Looking up to the sky she then nodded firmly with a confident smile, that she would lead this world into a bright new future soon.

Later that day, Ikuchi's coronation began to go underway, as the crowds and masses gathered within the massive courtroom as they once did before me. Jilen soon stepped on stage before them, "Announcing her royal majesty! Princess Ikuchi!" The trumpets sounded together in a magnificent chorus as the maidservants and knights made way for their beautiful new ruler dressed in her most regal attire, as she stepped out on stage and the crowds cheered and praised her eminence gracing them with her presence. She soon stood before her royal protector who proudly received the crown from one of the stewards, "My lady, it is with great honour that I present to you the Norvagen crown." He said as he took it and she kneeled down ready to receive it and all the responsibilities that would come with it, "This is to be worn by the crowned ruler of Norvagen, and it is with greatest honour that I now pass this on to you." As he placed the crown (Which somewhat resembled an empress' crown) upon her head, the sounds of cheering and applause echoed through the rooms of the castle.

"Thank you Jilen, I truly am grateful that to have you be the one to watch over me in my youth and to have you be the one to present me with this as well." She said to him.

"Thank you your highness, I truly am grateful!" He said bowing before her and moving aside, "They are waiting for you to address them, your majesty." he said as he stepped off the stage.

She took one more breath before confidently stepping onto the stage before all her subjects, "Greetings all of Norvagen. I am deeply thankful and honoured to have each and everyone of you gathered here in this room before me. And….I must present my deepest and humblest apologies for failing you and for everything that has happened to our fair Norvagen due to my weakness." She said with some remorse in her voice, "I was scared and helpless and because of that, I unintentionally allowed Enigma to establish a foothold in our precious homeland and even turning it into a stronghold for an even more diabolical scheme which would have ruined countless more worlds and civilisations. Because of me, Norvagen fell into disarray and many innocent lives were oppressed or even lost. We not only turned out backs to our scared principles and morals we worked to hard to build in honour of our great goddess Leviathan, we even turned a blind eye to the true suffering and pain our home and people had been subjected to."

The crowds soon mirrored her sad and regretful mood before she continued on in a more positive manner, "But not anymore, for that all ends today! Today is a new beginning for Norvagen, where the pains of the past are finally put behind us! While it is true we may have to live with what we have done or experienced, we shall never let that control us as we continue to strive forward to a unified paradise where humans and monsters can once again coexist together as one! I promise that as queen I will continue lead us towards that future and how we shall not hesitate to move forward, undertake the impossible, when even all hope seems lost." As she finished the masses cheered and roared with energy once more, chanting her name and praising her, "Because of that, it is with my deepest pleasure that I present you with the young man who helped open my eyes to the truth. The one who not only served as my shield and sword, but even made me stronger, enough to even free our divine goddess Leviathan herself from stone so she may now become part of our beautiful world as she once was!" They then cheered vigorously knowing exactly who she meant and waited excitedly for his arrival, "I present to you all Norvagen's true saviour! Lord Ryuga Shirogane!"

Everyone cheered in excitement as the lights began to focus to the sideline seat where I was supposed to be, but when they shone on the intended spot everyone gasped!

"Huh?" Ikuchi turned and was surprised to see the chair was completely empty! "Wh…where's Ryuga?" She asked.

"Hmm? That's very odd…." Jilen muttered curiously as he went to the seat, "I was certain he would be here by now to witness your coronation my queen. In fact, it was only 10 minutes ago when I saw him face to face in his room and told him to get ready."

"Then where is he now? Can you please try and find him?" She then asked hoping I would be able to attend her coronation and her moment if glory, as she felt I deserved this honour at the very least after all I did for her and Norvagen.

"Hmm….I shall take a look." Jilen replied as he went to the room to fetch me. For a while he was gone, until he suddenly rushed back in panting heavily.

"Jilen!? What's wrong!?" Ikuchi gasped surprised at his sudden rush in.

He breathed heavily before gasping, "He's gone! He's completely disappeared!"

"What!?" she gasped in alarm as the crowds began to mutter amongst themselves in confusion.

"How can this be!?"

"Gone!? That's impossible!"

"Where could he have gone!? Could he have been captured!?"

"Fear not everyone! Remain calm! I can assure you he wasn't taken!" He called out to everyone calming them down before reluctantly turning to his queen, "He did however, leave this behind on his bed….I believe it was meant for you." He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a folded note.

Taking it from his hand, Ikuchi then began to read it-

Dear Ikuchi,

I hear you are about to be crowned queen of Norvagen. Therefore I deeply congratulate you and I know that you will certainly do your family proud. As hard as it is to say, I deeply regret that I won't be able to attend and watch you rise to the throne. My role and mission in this world has ended and the time has now come for me to bud farewell. I hope you would be able to respect my decision as it was one I could not make so easily, if you cannot forgive me for this then I understand. I look forward to one day returning here and seeing the beautiful utopia you would construct in your family name and in honour of our friendship.

Your dearest friend, Ryuga.

As soon as she finished reading it, Ikuchi's heart skipped a beat and a single, painful tear was then shed from her eye, "R…Ryuga….."

(Ryuga POV)

A ways away from Norvagen, I rode on top of Bahamut's back as he continued to fly me across the sea towards an isolated island far off shore. Noticing I had a look of conflict inside he then spoke to me, "Are you sure you didn't want to stay and see Ikuchi get crowned? It's not too late to turn back now." he suggested.

"It's alright." i replied back having made my decision, "The longer I stay the harder it will be to say goodbye Bahamut. After everything we've been through the past few days, it would be really painful having to part ways, but…in the end we both knew it would turn out like this." I said back to him as I fought hard to keep my eyes from shedding any small drops of tears.

"I understand Ryuga, if our positions were reversed, I would no doubt make the same choice." Bahamut replied choosing not to speak of this anymore. My main regret was going back on my promise to the king after his dying wishes….But….it had to be done sooner or later. We still have friends waiting for us back home on the other side and we've been away from them long enough. The time was now and we had to do it before our window would close.

"At least one of us will be happy." I said trying to lighten the mood, "You were able to reconcile and properly say goodbye to Leviathan weren't you?" I asked my old friend.

"Indeed I was," my dragon replied, "She was quite heartbroken that we were going to part ways…..again. But, she was able to understand and thankfully she was finally able to let go of the bitter past she once held onto for so long, it's safe to say her cold heart has finally warmed and melted away." He said turning back to the now bright and peaceful kingdom behind us across the sea as it continued to grow further and further away, "I am certain with Ikuchi as her partner and queen of Norvagen, not to mention dragon empress, this place will see much brighter days and a prosperous future ahead of it."

"Glad to hear things will soon turn for the better in this place, for both humans and monsters." I said in response knowing I could rest easy with things being kept in check from now on here, "Bahamut, did you-"

"Yes I have." He answered as he held out his claw, revealing his personal treasure of a gem in his palm, "Leviathan charged this crystal with enough energy to fully the unstable dimensional portal here in Ritual dimension, and it should take us back home without any trouble or side effects. To think this old treasure and bond since long ago…will be the very key to our gate home."

As we reached the island's centre and landed in the middle of a stone circle surrounded by the sea itself I got off and looked around us, "Is this the place?" I asked.

"Yes," he answered, "Leviathan said the dimensional barrier to the pendulum dimension is weakest at this point. If we use infuse the crystal's power with the duel disk right when the sun is at its highest right here, the crossover card will fully charge and become strong enough to generate a warp portal through this point. We'll finally be able to go home with this." He said to me.

I then nodded in acknowledgement, "So it's finally come to this…..Here goes…." Taking the crystal and after placing it onto my duel disk's top screen, it was then absorbed into it! My entire disk then glowed brightly and the crossover card then appeared on it, flashing blue and fully charged with power as it bathed in the light of the midday sun! I then took one final breath of ritual dimension's fresh air before doing the final step, as I did the others in my duel disk decided to take one last look at the world around us before we were to leave it all behind. After I gave them their moment and allowed them all back inside except for Bahamut, the time had arrived, "Well everyone…..let's go home." I said to them as I reached out for the button on my disk, but right before I could press the button, a familiar voice then shouted for my name.


I nearly tripped in surprise as I hear my name called, "Huh? That voice….it couldn't-"

"Ryuga! Wait!" As I turned around I saw a familiar face rushing frantically to where we were standing. "Ikuchi…." I breathed as she came into full view. She then hurried to where we were and lowered herself to her knees in exhaustion of having to catch up with us, while still in her royal gown. "How did….you find us?" I asked.

"Isn't is obvious?" A certain dragon said as she slithered up to where we were and curled herself by Ikuchi's side.


She then turned to her love, "Forgive me Bahamut, but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing my partner heartbroken and going through the same pain that I once did. I never imagined you would actually repeat this same mistake twice, this time however, I vowed things would be different and I intended to keep that promise." she said firmly.


He said nothing in return but stayed out of what was between me and Ikuchi.

"Ryuga!" she yelled as she looked back up at me, "What is the meaning of this!?" she growled holding out letter at me, "What do you mean you're leaving!?" she cried after that.


I said nothing back in response.

"Answer me!" She screamed.

I swallowed hard and sweated what seemed like drops of blood, wishing it didn't have to come to this. But like Avalon said before he died, our time was limited, it was about to come to an end sooner or later so I decided to man up and spill the truth, "It's exactly you just said Ikuchi….I'm going home." I lowered my head slightly in regret, "I'm really sorry for not being able to attend your ceremony, I know it really must mean a lot to you….but….I feared that if I were to stay, it would only make that much harder for me to let go and to say goodbye…."

"Ryuga…." she breathed before having a rush of emotion welling up inside her. At first she was going to explode with fury and sadness but managed to restrain herself and realised that I had my reasons as well, "I…I understand what you may be feeling and I respect it deeply, after everything you have been through I have no right to stop you. But….Are you sure you don't want to stay?" She asked taking my hands and looking at me, "Is there really nothing I can do to convince you to change your mind? To be my king and rule Norvagen by my side?"

I looked down in response but faced her again, "Thanks Ikuchi, I really appreciate the offer and will never forget everything we've been through together since we first met." Looking around us I then smiled lightly knowing my time here was well spent and no doubt unforgettable, "Living in this world of yours has been a great experience, and I have no doubt that things will get much better now that you are its queen." My smile then vanished back to my initial sad expression, "But, this is your world not mine. And no matter how much I enjoyed it here, deep down I've always been missing it and the many bonds that I have made there."

"Ryuga…." she sighed.

"I know I promised your father, but….I believe in you. You don't need me to watch over you anymore, as your teacher I just know you've grown up fine and strong since we met, and I am certain that you'll make a fine queen and usher in a new golden age for your people and world." I said to her confidently and firmly.

"Sniff…" she began to sob and tears began to well up inside her eyes s I began to help her wipe them away with a handkerchief from my pocket.

"Don't cry…." I aid to her gently, "It's alright, you can believe this won't be the last time we'll see each other. And that we'll always be friends."

"Always…." she sniffed before wiping away the last drop and finally accepting it, "You will all be missed." She said as the souls of my other 3 dragons materialised behind me with a small silhouette of my counterparts with each of them too.

"Same here, but…even if we are apart, we won't be separated." I replied. As Bahamut and Leviathan both looked on and then at each other, i could tell they were feeling and saying the exact same things telepathically.

"That's a promise we intend to keep." She said, "You can be sure that you will be honoured everyday for the rest of our lives here in Norvagen. And if you ever do decide to return, do know you'll always be welcome."

"I look forward to that day, and when I do, I also hope that the time will come when the monsters of this world will once again be free as equal individuals with your people, and the use of Enigma's stone tablets will then be relinquished." I said back.

"Mhmm." She nodded as I began to turn around, but at the very lasts second she called out, "Wait!"

"Ikuchi?" I turned back surprised she would want me back so soon after that painful parting.

She then came close to me and took my hands, "Before you go….here…..take this with you." She said as she took off her necklace and placing it into my hands.

"You're….giving me your pendant?" I asked cursory.

She nodded in response, "My mother gave this to me before she passed on that night….She said this was to be worn by the crown princess, and that it would protect me, I have never taken it off since then and it as even lead me to you. It indeed has done as my mother hopes it would, but now….I want you to have it…."

"Wow Ikuchi….I'm really touched by this, thank you" I said feeling honoured but then tired to give it back, "But…I can't possibly accept something as priceless and sacred to your family as this. You should have it."

She then closed my other palm over it, "Keep it, I insist as queen of Norvagen." she replied firmly insistingly pushing my hand back before I could hand it over, "That way….you'll always remember not just your adventure here and what you've done for us all….but also….me." She then added at the end with a warm smile.

"Well in that case, I suppose I have no reason to refuse." I said as I placed it around my own neck.

Bahamut then decided to step in for a few parting words of his own, "You are a great girl Ikuchi, never before have I imagined I would ever see the duelist with the heart of purest water and the soul of a powerful winter breeze as the prophecy stated." he said praising her before turning to the blue sea serpent beside her, "You have found an excellent partner Leviathan, make sure you not only take care of her, but continued to guide and protect her with the power bestowed upon you." He said to her telepathically.

"The same goes for you Bahamut." she replied looking at me before turning back to him, "Watch over our master like you always have, and know that I will always be cheering you on for whatever challenges or obstacles come your way."

"You have my, no, our word that we shall." He said as Tiamat, Fafnir and Jormangandr bowed down in respect to them.

"It eases my heart that Ryuga is in the ever capable claws of you all." Leviathan said gladly and finally at peace herself, "I thank you all for your bravery and noble actions…….have a safe journey home."

Noticing that the sun was about to pass I then hopped onto Bahamut as we took off into the sky. Flashing my duel disk it then glowed powerfully as it generated a powerful new portal before us over the sky. Charging straight at it before it began to shrink I turned around for a few parting words, "Goodbye Ikuchi!"

"Farewell Ryuga! Thank you for everything!" she called back waking at me as we finally disappeared through the portal and it closed.

For a while both she and Leviathan stayed at that very spot without moving an inch, treasuring that last moment one final time before having to move on. "Well Ikuchi, what shall we do now?" Leviathan asked having already her moment and curious about her partner.

Turing to her dragon she then smiled warmly without any regrets, "Let's go back to where we belong. They are waiting for us." She replied as she climbed onto Leviathan's back as she went back into the sea and began swimming towards her home, without a backwards glance towards the portal site as the sun passed.

(Several days later)

A lot of time has passed since I finally managed to return home to Maiami City. It fortunate that I arrived back when I did, for Reiji and Leo were just about to mobilise the lancers and dimensional fighting forces, and confess everything to them about what had happened since day 1. They barely managed to cover up for me every time my friends came and asked for me and how i was since then, and they were just about to run out of ideas to say that would keep them from getting suspicious. They had planned to put together a rescue mission to bring me back by any means necessary, so it was lucky I appeared back in LDS right before they could initiate it. Naturally Reiji was the most thankful to have me back, never imagined seeing his serious and stoic demeanour shift to one of great relief in my entire life. I then filled them both in on everything that took place in that other world since the very start and let's just say it completely blew their minds! At first they didn't believe me but after seeing the data recorded on my duel disk on everything about ritual dimension, Norvagen and its people, it absolutely defied all logic and science which they believed in.

Who would've imagined that a world where humans and monsters lived together in harmony actually existed in another plane of reality. On top of that, to think another dimensional tragedy was taking place under their noses and thankfully I was able to uproot that weed of a threat before it finally it spread into a major problem. They never would have imagined a byproduct of Zarc and Dahaka's would have potentially given rise to a new danger that would have threatened the other dimensions with war again, one which they would have no doubt lost had I not stopped it. After all, it wouldn't matter to us fighting the invaders and defending our homes if we didn't have their monsters to aid us in battle or worse fall under Enigma's control and turn against us. They both gave me great thanks for being able to stop the calamity and being able to establish strong ties with the people there thanks to my heroic actions. Leo expressed great interest in establishing connections to this new world so he could study it, its people as well as its monsters as a scientist. Reiji on the other hand preferred to establish a connection or even an alliance with the ritual dimension believing the potential aligning with them would bring to the many cities of the 4 dimensions, as well as their connections with the monsters could help make better duelists and even forge a much stronger unity.

As great as those ideas sounded, I knew much better and decided against it to their surprise. I then told them both that Norvagen's people had already suffered massive blows to their livelihoods and emotional scars that were self-inflicted courtesy of Enigma. Also, the land had such a connection with the monsters that dwelled there, that if it were to ever mix with modern technology and civilisation, the magic and natural force which made ritual dimension what it was would then be lost forever. Furthermore, any additional outsiders entering the kingdom would be more likely to hinder restoration efforts rather than aid them.

Leo was somewhat disappointed that I didn't share his sense of enthusiasm and insisted that with help from the other 4 dimensions, Norvagen would surely recover much faster or even prosper and develop even further from medieval standards. But luckily, Reiji then gained a change of heart and vouched for me, seeing that I was among these people for so long and knew how much they treasured their culture and history. He also agreed that any outside influence from the other dimensions may interfere with restoration there after the harsh blows that were dealt to their livelihoods, and that the purity of their world would be easily tainted by the outside worlds. Leo still wanted to press on but eventually realised this exact same mindset and ignorance was what created Supreme King Dragon Zarc in the first place and how he didn't heed my words from my past life as Dahaka. After giving in, the 3 of us agreed to never let any news of this leave our lips and that the ritual dimension will remain a secret, isolated from the rest of the other dimensions….for now at least. It was sad that I may never get another chance to see Ikuchi or Norvagen again but…..this was for the best….

After that, Reiji decided that I deserved much time to myself and informed me that everyone else believed that I was still away doing errands for him and I made it back in time, because he and his father had just about ran out of excuses to say to them. Letting me go, I quickly hurried back down the streets back to You Show Duel School awaiting a warm welcome from my close friends. I was surprised when I found the entire place empty when I came through the front door. I assumed they all went out but then overheard a commotion going right behind the block. When I came around to where my old card shack was, I couldn't believe what I was seeing…..

Looking through the windows of the store I almost fell downwards in shock when I saw Yoko Sakaki along with a pair of other women dressed up together as harpy lady sisters hoping to attract customers by being all flashy, but all they attracted was a bunch of embarrassed faces and face palming from Yuya, Yuzu, Sora and the rest of the gang (From the You Show trio to Gongengzaka and Shuzo), begging them to stop! From what I remembered Yoko used to be a member of the Maiami Queens duel gang, so I was pretty sure she got her old gang mates back together hoping they could attract customers, but from what I was seeing I'd say they were more likely to scare them away…..

I decided to make myself known and go through the front door of the shop. They all were expecting to see a customer but were shocked to find an old face waiting for them. As fast as lightning they welcomed me back in open arms and cheers and dog piled over me! It was as though I had come back from a war and they were glad to have me back in one piece! They had tried calling me multiple times over the past few weeks but none of which had managed to get through. Not even a message or reply since then and they were really anxious for a sign that I really was fine as Reiji kept telling them. Telling them that I was in an entirely new dimension and saving the 5 worlds from danger surely wouldn't be the right course of action, so I went with the story where I had gone off to assist Reiji in a town where reception was practically non-existent, which apparently isn't too far off from the truth.

Yoko wanted to give me a big warm welcome hug but I slipped out of the way causing her to trip over her and fall face forward on the floor! From what the gang told me, Yoko did at first give discount prices for my cards and packs and things started all sweet and peachy for them all. However, she eventually came up with various extravagant ideas to try and attract more customers from around town, from doing all sorts of wild advertising duels on bikes, getting the gang to hand out embarassingly designed flyers (While wearing 'unique' monster outfits she designed for them like Yuya in saggi the dark clown or Yuzu as gamble angel bunny) or even dressing up in skimpy duel monster outfits herself to attract customers (From guardian angel joan, cosmo queen or even dark magician girl). The rest of them couldn't take it anymore and were more than happy to take my overpriced cards over her flashy discount methods. Apparently Yoko wasn't quite the saleswoman, advertiser or store manager I hoped she would be when I trusted her the keys to the dragon's den…..something I would be sure to keep in mind next time I were to go out of town….

Over the next few days I made all sorts of memories with my friends across the dimensions, from aiding Shun, Kaito and Edo complete the finishing touches on Heartland, assisting the You Show branch at Fusion dimension with Dennis, riding a duel runner race alongside Crow and company in a grand prix race to support the orphanage and finally concluding with a spectacular entertainment duel in Maiami stadium for all to see with both Yuya and Yusho Sakaki! All of which were the greatest and most fun I had in a long time! Or so I thought….

Yet….despite all the great and enjoyable times I had during the day, each night before I slept, I kept feeling an aching tug on my heart as if something was missing from it….Whenever I looked back at the necklace Ikuchi left with me, I continued to miss my time her with each passing day. One night at dinner, both Yusho and Yoko had to leave for an important dinner so both Yuya and I were left home eating leftover meals from the fridge and the family pets as usual were eating rather neatly for animals, in their corner of the dining room. While Yuya kept munching away at his food he noticed I barely touched my plate or even my utensils! He then noticed that I was holding a certain ornament in my hand in the shape of a blue dragon, "Hey Ryuga, where'd you get that? It looks pretty cool!" he called out interested in it.

"Huh!?" I gasped looking up from my hand before looking at Yuya, "Oh this? It's…well, a memento from….my trip Reiji sent me out on a while back." I answered, "This was from….a friend I made there."

"Oh really? That's nice!" Yuya cheered, "Is it a he or a she? What's your friend like? Is your new friend a duelist too like us?" He then asked a number of questions which made me feel uncomfortable just trying to answer. When he realised what I was feeling, "Oh….I…I'm sorry Ryuga, I was just…"

I then stopped him, "No no it's fine really." I replied with a light smile on my face before looking down slightly, "Let's just say….she and I made plenty of good memories together and even forged a bond. She gave this to me to remember her by." I said flashing the pendant at Yuya, "And….I actually kinda miss her."

"Ryuga…." Yuya replied feeling for me before brightening up, "Well no worries! I'm sure you'll see her again someday! Take my advice, all you need to do is remain positive and continue to hope! Then some day, I'm sure you'll see her again when you least expect it!"

"Hope…." I replied before nodding in agreement and smiling back, "Y…yeah you're right Yuya. I'm sure we'll meet again, and when we do I'll be more than happy to introduce her to the rest of you all. Thanks buddy."

"Don't mention it! And I can hardly wait!" he cheered in excitement. Him brightening up my mood was enough to motivate me to eat again. After all, if I really was going to meet Ikuchi again one day, I want her to see me happy and full of life like how I was when we parted ways….and someday I knew we would we be together again.

(One morning at LDS)

Everything had been going smoothly as it always had been, as Reiji entered the control room for the morning inspection of the premises as well as for the status report on the 5 dimensions, "Nakajima, I assume you are monitoring the dimensional boundaries carefully as I instructed you to?" he asked turning to his assistant overseeing the entire operation.

"Indeed I have sir." The large man in sunglasses replied as he submitted the reports to his boss before showing him the display screens, "All dimensions have been accounted for, none of which have experienced any changes and all appears nor-" He then paused as he noticed a small blimp appear on the dimensional radar, "Hmm? That's odd…." He muttered as he went in for a closer look at the screen while scratching his chin.

"What is it?" Reiji asked curiously.

"An anomaly has been detected in the outskirts of Maiami City, at the original portal site we used to enter the ritual dimension over a week ago!" Nakajima gasped after getting a better look at it.

"Are you able to pinpoint its' origin?" Reiji asked seeing this unexpected and sudden development to be a matter of concern.

"Checking….." As Nakajima typed on the computer for a more accurate result he then took a step back in surprise, "I don't believe it…."

"Nakajima, where is the origin of this anomaly?" Reiji asked once, wanting his assistant to get straight to the point and to spare him any and all unnecessary details.

Acknowledging his boss' orders he reluctantly replied, "Sir….It's origin is from….the ritual dimension!"

Reiji's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the uttered words, "But that's…..impossible…."


That same morning, as the sun rose over You Show Duel School, a certain figure was then seen walking up to the school's front door. She had long blue hair which went right down to her waist, which flowed and waved almost a fluid as the water's waves in the wind. She wore a white sailor's uniform tied with a bluish ribbon at the chest area. She also wore a plated miniskirt along with long white knee socks and a pair of simple shoes. "Is this is the place? Is he here?" she asked curiously looking at the building in front of her.

"Indeed he is. I can sense his spiritual power emanating from this very spot, and it's pulsating as strong as ever." A female voice replied from her pink standard duel disk as she looked down to it.

"I see… this is where he is now….." the girl replied with a light smile, "Hey hee! What an interesting looking building. It almost looks like one of those 'children's playgrounds' we came across on the way here, it even looks like a lot of fun too." she giggled in amusement of the school's unique appearance.

"Well? What are you waiting for? You've came all this way to see him, so let's not turn back now." The voice said back to her.

She then nodded with a confident expression on her face, "You're right. We've come all this way to see him again, after so long too. I most certainly hope he's been doing well." She then took a few steps up to the door and took hold of it, "Here we go…." Opening it and stepping inside she found the entrance room and hall to be very empty, one could even say abandoned, "H…hello? Is anyone here?" She called out shyly.

For a while no one answered her calls so she assumed that no one was around, until-

"Oi! Who goes there!?" A voice suddenly shouted. She then jumped back a little when an orange haired man in a flaming sports jacket burst through a door on the side!

"Eep!" she gasped in surprise.

As the man looked around and eventually caught sight of her, he immediately rushed in "Huh? Ooooh! A visitor? Now who might you be?" he asked with a big smile as he edged in closer, admiringly she was cute….but not as cute as his precious daughter of course which was what he thought to himself.

"U…Ummm…." she replied uneasily as the strange man came in a little too close for her comfort.

"DAD!" A new voice suddenly shouted out, which was followed by a loud smack! The girl closed her eyes

"What did I tell you about getting your 'hot blooded' mindset too close to our guests or even visitors!?"

"S…sorry Yuzu, I couldn't help myself…." he groaned while on the ground.

The visitor then sweat dropped and giggled nervously in response to the 'family drama' unfolding before her, "M..Maybe I should come back later…." she suggested as she turned around for the door.

"No! Stop!" Yuzu gasped in alarm making the girl turn back curiously. When she did, Yuzu managed to regain her composure and take in a deep breath, "I mean…wait….Sorry to scare you like that, my name is Yuzu Hiragii."

"The knucklehead on the floor here is my father, Shuzo, who also happens to be the principal of this proud You Show Duel School. I also hope you would forgive him for 'violating' your personal space."

"It's…alright…." The girl replied with a light smell before looking around the whole place, "This is a school? Oh my….."

"Why yes indeed!" Shuzo announced as he leaped back up perking with energy to the girls' surprise! "This is the one of a kind special school where we teach the next generation of duelists the hot blooded art of entertainment duelling!" he boasted with pride and energy.

"I see…." the girl responded with another sweat drop.

"Dad, would you mind giving our visitor some space please? Or am I have to teach you discipline again?" Yuzu growled menacingly as a purplish aura flared around her.

"Y…Yes dear…." he squeaked before taking his leave into the office room.

Once the distraction was out of the way, Yuzu turned her attention back towards the female visitor, "So what brings you here today? Are you interested in joining our wonderful school?" she asked with a bright and warm smile.

"Ummm no not exactly," the girl replied while twirling her hair in a small lock with her finger, "I'm actually here looking for someone…." she replied rather shyly.

"Oh?" Yuzu clearly wasn't expecting something like that to come from a visitor that wasn't a friend. She didn't seem like a fan of Yusho, nor of Yuya or Ryuga, and surely neither her dad nor any of her other friends here would have met her otherwise she would know and remember her, "And who exactly were you hoping to find here?" She then asked curiously.

Scratching her head and smiling rather embarrassedly she then spoke, "Well…you see….his name is-"

(Ryuga POV)

Meanwhile at the duel field, Sora, Yuya and I were about to take on the You Show trio in a 3 on 3 duel. The field setting was acrobatic circus and we were about to throw down! Or at least, most of us, "Oi Ryuga!" Sora shouted to me when he noticed I wasn't quite there, at least my mind.

"Huh?" I looked around as if I had just woken up from a dream, then turned around to saw him calling me.

"You look out of it today Ryuga, is something wrong?" Yuya asked me curiously.

"N…no I'm fine, just spacing out that's all." I replied.

"Uh huh….That's what you've been saying for the past few days straight." Sora replied unconvinced as he liked his lollipop once more and everyone continued to eye me curiously, "Mind telling us what's up? We're friends aren't we?"

"Errr can we save that fro another time? Let's just get this duel over with first then we'll talk. I'm fine now okay?" I said suddenly before the others could ask me. Trying to put Ikuchi behind me wasn't very easy, considering the charm I promised to never take off from my neck kept reminding me of her every single day. But right now I couldn't let that bother me, as we had duel practice right now and it wouldn't be fair to hold everyone else back because of me.

"Oh okay then." Yuya replied deciding to get back to the matter at hand, "Alright guys! Let's begin the chant!"

"Duelist locked in battle! Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters! They storm through this field! Behold this is the greatest evolution of duelling!"


"RYUGA!" A voice suddenly called which made us all trip and fall down out of shock!



"Urgh…." We all groaned after our fall backs and face plants, but I was the first to recover and look up, considering it was my name that was called.

"Huh?" Looking up at the viewing platform I saw it was Yuzu calling for me.

"Hey! You've got a visitor! Says she wants to see you right now!"

"Huh? A visitor?" I questioned curiously while raising my eyebrow.

The others then looked at each other, "For Ryuga?"

"And it's a girl too."

Sora then turned to me with a sly grin, "Oh? An admirer?" Soon the kids then turned to me with teasing expressions on their faces while Yuya simply smiled as in 'good for you'.

"Shut up…." I muttered turning away from them, "Oh well, might as well see who it is since she came all the way here for me." I muttered to myself as I walked out of the arena as the real solid vision dissipated. Another fan? Me and Yuya have had to accept various duel requests and signing autographs from fans and other duelists for some time now….it was really beginning to annoy me whenever they came in unexpectedly, but we were obliged to do so, our honour as entertainment duelists demands it so.

As soon as I left the premises Sora smirked to himself as he decided to tail me with interest, "Well I want to see who it is! Count me out of duel practice today guys!" He cheered as he skipped along to the door.

"Yeah me too!"

"You can count me in as well!" The kids added as they followed him leaving just Yuya alone.

"Ummm guys, were in the middle of duel practice here. I was really hoping to try out a new combo I worked on all night!" he whined.

"Relax Yuya! We can get back to it anytime!" Sora replied, "Besides, I'm interested to see who's this girl that's taken such a shine to Ryuga! Not that I blame her, he's just as good as you are."

"Gee thanks…." he pouted before going back to his usual smile, "Still, I guess wouldn't hurt to see who came all this way here for him. Who knows, maybe we could make a new friend too…." He said as he followed the others.

After climbing up the stairs I soon neared the entrance I then called out, "Okay who is it that called for me?" As I looked up my eyes came face to face with a certain girl I never thought I would ever see again, at least not here. I then blinked a number of times in surprise as I went almost speechless.

"Hello Ryuga, it's been a long time hasn't it?" She said kindly while waving at me. I couldn't help but let my jaw open wide in surprise, for a moment I believed my eyes were playing tricks on me, but still…..could it really be her? "What's the matter? Are you not surprised or happy to see me?" She then asked curiously as to why I had suddenly gone all speechless.

"I….Ikuchi?" She looked so different, but her face and voice were exactly the same. Now I knew I wasn't seeing things! "H…How did-" I pointed out to her and back, as in how did she manage to get from here all the way from ritual dimension!?

"Huh? You guys know each other?" I heard as the entire gang, including Yuzu and Shuzo soon gathered up behind me, curious to know what was up with us. As they

I then sweated with pressure as I could feel so many eyes on us, "Err guys," I said turning to them for a brief moment, "E…Excuse me for a moment!" I requested as I brought her over to the corner where we could talk alone.

As I did, a couple of them snickered deviously, "Ooooh, privacy eh? Hehehe! This oughta be good."

"Awww….I really wanted to hear them out…." Ayu moaned while Yuzu patted her shoulder.

Meanwhile while it was just the 2 of us, "It's really nice to see you again Ikuchi, really it is." I said as she and I shared a small reuniting hug before looking at each other, "But…how did-"

"Tee hee, how else…." she giggled as she motioned her newly acquired duel disk which then glowed for a moment. A familiar voice then spoke out from it, which only the both of us could hear, then I knew how she did it.

"I told you that you couldn't get away from me so easily my love." Leviathan chuckled from inside.

"I'm actually glad about that too." Bahamut replied happy to see his love once more in his own home.

"Good to see our master has been doing fine himself under your care, and he's made himself a fine group of friends." She added as she looked behind me seeing all my friends gathered there.

"Indeed." Bahamut concluded.

While they were busy playing catch up I continued my part of the conversation with my old friend, "B…But how Ikuchi?" I then asked, "I mean, aren't you supposed to be queen of Norvagen? You can't just skip out on your royal responsibilities just to come see me, without even giving me a heads up on top of that!" I whisper shouted seeing that this wasn't something like visiting a family member in the countryside.

"Hee hee! I wanted to surprise you silly!" She giggled before becoming more serious, "And actually I can, in fact, my next duty as queen of Norvagen is to establish further ties and connections with the 4 worlds that surround our own. Like how you came to my home once to establish an alliance, now I have decided to take it a step further for the good of all our worlds."

"Really? I didn't look at it that way….But still…."

"I know." She answered finishing my sentence, "In fact I'm well aware of the risks of revealing our own culture and history to others, but on the other hand, if I really want to do this I can't just keep Norvagen just to the confines and boundaries ritual dimension now can I?" she counter argued, "I hope to open up new possibilities with all our worlds, and it's true it carries risks, but then again, without risk there won't be any progress of growth now can they?"

"Hmmm that's very true I've got to admit…." I replied back while scorching my chin in thought.

"Like you said we'll always have to be open-minded and be welcome to new ideas." she said before smiling at me, "I look forward to you teaching me many things about your world Ryuga."

I then blushed for a moment before smiling calmly myself, "S…sure Ikuchi, with all of my experience." I replied.

"So Ryuga! Care to introduce us to your girlfriend anytime this century?" A voice behind us interrupted. I turned around and noticed a number of smiling and teasing expressions being given to me by my friends and family, curious to know what we were discussing and what our relationship was.

Instead of reacting in embarrassment like the expected and hoped, I decided to come clean and not hide anything of the sort, "Why yes, yes I shall." I said to which made them gasp in amazement.


"For real!?"

"No way!"


"Everyone, I'd like you all to meet a very special friend, who I made while I was away." I said as I allowed her to step out from behind me and before the rest of my friends.

"Greetings everyone it's an honour to meet you all, my name is Ikuchi." She said as she did a respectful bow, now she was in a new world with new discoveries to make, and her first official duty as both queen and ambassador to the multiverse now begins, "I hope we all can become great friends, and thank you for having me." She said as she looked with a warm and bright smile.

And thus concludes my special OC. I hope you all enjoyed it and I admit like my previous story there were times I wanted to give up but I always found myself right back to typing it. Hope to hear your feedback on how you found my story too and thank you all for your support.

Ikuchi-Former Princess and current queen of Norvagen, named after Ikuchi, the japanese sea dragon/ serpent which rumoured to straddle ships when coming into contact with them. Like the water it can be very calm and gentle, or magnificent and calm falling snow, like how she dislikes fighting and cruelty, always hoping to resolve matters peacefully. However, she also does possess great skill and wouldn't hesitate to fight in order to protect those she cares deeply for, gaining power like a raging maelstrom or blizzard.

Like Leviathan she did have a lot of discouragement and fears due to being the cold shoulder by many who lack faith in her in the past, but all that melted away when she met Ryuga who helped warm her heart and find the fire within herself.