A/N: I do not own Naruto, or any of the recognisable material. None of this is for profit.

The following week things ran a lot smoother in Team 7 then they ever had previously. In the mornings the trio of Genin worked out, Sakura often trying to keep up with Naruto, simply for companionship during the morning. Sasuke still maintained a 'lone wolf' attitude, but was more receptive when it came to his team mates ideas. It did help that while he understood Sakura better after living as her, she had also dropped her fangirl attitude.

Sakura mediated a little between the two boys - it wasn't so much preventing arguments as it was making sure they communicated. Sasuke would act high and mighty on occasion, ignoring what Naruto had to say no matter how beneficial the suggestion. Naruto, in response, would simply close off from him - secluding himself further into apathy. Sakura would drag him out of it by going with his plan if she agreed it was best - hashing out new ones with him when she could.

The pair would work around Sasuke and his stubbornness until either they finished the task or the Uchiha was forced to comply with what they were doing. These incidents became less common as the week wore on though. It wasn't perfect, and Sasuke still held himself in greater esteem then he deserved, but the team was slowly moving in the right direction.

Missions were completed faster and team drill resulted in a greater number of successes.

Individual training had also changed. Kakashi had been waiting until his Genin started working together before teaching them anything major combat wise. While he'd given Naruto and Sakura taijutsu styles, and had sparred with Sasuke on occasion, he hadn't taught them anything. The genjutsu he'd given Sakura was mostly to level the field - Naruto had his speed and fuinjutsu while Sasuke had tai and ninjutsu.

Thus, on Thursday he brought with him four small pieces of paper. Instead of having them train individually when he arrived at 1000, he handed each of them a single square.

"Do any of you three know what these are?" He asked them as he held up his own piece for inspection.

"No, sensei." Was the simultaneous response, each looking at him in curiosity. They knew him well enough by now, and this difference in schedule had the three curious.

"This is chakra paper, and it is highly sensitive to the nature of the chakra that gets put into it. By channelling chakra into the sheet, we can determine what nature you each possess, and thus what kind of jutsu you can perform with the most ease. For example." At this point, Kakashi channelled his own chakra into the paper between his fingers, and the four of them watched as it first crinkled up, then all but a single corner reacted - one burning, one crumbling and the last soaking.

"As you can see, my primary affinity is lightning, and I've trained my earth, water and fire affinities to be nearly as powerful. Wind is the only element I can't use, and the paper will cleanly split if you have that nature. Now, channel chakra into your own pieces." Kakashi instructed, watching as the Genin did so.

Sasuke's paper immediately crinkled as Kakashi's had before the end of it spontaneously lit itself on fire. Sakura's own piece burned for a few seconds in her hands, then seemed to crumble away. Naruto watched as his paper split down the middle, each half crumpling up soon after.

"Well, you three are interesting. Usually a Genin will only have one element, and gain a second after when their mid teens. So, Sasuke has lightning and fire, Sakura fire and earth, and Naruto has wind and lightning. I'll teach each of you to master your primary element, although it isn't something that you'll get down by the end of the week.

"I won't let you spend much of your time during team training focusing on it solely, so you'll need to practice it more yourself at home. To begin though, Naruto, take a leaf and try use your chakra to split it down the centre like the paper. Sakura, you need to try make a twig catch alight. Sasuke, take two senbon and try make a current jump from one to another." Kakashi quickly demonstrated both the fire and lightning exercises, but turned to Naruto with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, Naruto, I have no idea how it's done. Good luck, though." Kakashi then gave the boy an eye smile, wandering to a nearby tree before setting himself in the branches to enjoy his book - half an eye remaining on his students.

Despite that, none of them got anywhere with their exercise that day, and Kakashi called it quits on them come lunch time. They completed a mission, and instead of team drill Kakashi gave them a jutsu of appropriate element.

"Mastery over your element is a advantage when performing jutsu, but not strictly necessary. So, a jutsu each." After saying so, Kakashi made two clones, one Kakashi for each student. The man taught Naruto the basic Futon: Diatoppa (great breakthrough), Sasuke received Raiton:_idk_, and Sakura learnt Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu (great fireball jutsu). Each technique was only a D-rank, consisting primarily of generating their element with the tiniest bit of direction.

Sasuke was pleased - feeling like he was learning something for the first time since he graduated. He completely disregarded the many skills and lessons Kakashi had given them, dismissing them as they were not directly useful for combat.

The trio practiced for the three hours they'd usually spend doing team drills before Kakashi called them over to teach them more on strategy - setting up three shogi boards and playing each of them at the same time. While doing that, the Genin each also split their focus to their elemental manipulation. Naruto had been the first to pull out a leaf, trying to split it as he played. Sakura had seen and quickly followed suit, Sasuke being the last to start when he notice what the other two were doing.

On Friday, Kakashi decided the three Genin had improved their teamwork enough they may succeed in catching Tora. He'd previously held off from accepting the infamous mission, aware that his students would learn nothing from it. At this point though, he believed they would work together to catch the white cat.

They did, however, run into an issue Kakashi didn't foresee. The man had gotten so used to Naruto being mute he'd forgotten the limitations of it when it came to radio contact. Communication between the four members of Team 7 hadn't been an issue for weeks.

Morse code was really not meant to relay urgent messages, and the slowness of it caused the trio to miss the cat three times in total. Despite that, they did manage to catch the menace and give it to the Daimyo's wife in reasonable time, returning to the training ground to further practice their elemental techniques. Naruto, though, got to thinking.

He was displeased with being the one who affected the success of the mission, and he hadn't considered the use of short way radio's being an issue - it simply hadn't come up on any previous occasion. His first thought was for fuinjutsu, although he knew he'd have to talk to Kakashi and read through some more books before he had even an idea, let alone a design.

Still, the boy prepared to pose the idea to his Sensei after training, see if he had any suggestions or knew of any more materials Naruto could reference. The blond had found that there were no more books in either the academy of village library - even the shinobi section - on fuinjutsu. Even then, the last few books he'd read on the topic were either repeating what he already knew or covered things that seemed obvious.

Turned out, Naruto would have to wait to have that conversation as Kakashi called for the trio's attention before dismissing them.

"So, you three have had a week back in your own skin and your own homes, so now we're swapping again starting Monday. Same rules as we had last week, at the start of training on Monday you adopt each others persona and spend the next seven days living there lives. This time though, Sasuke, you're going to be transformed into Naruto, Naruto into Sakura and Sakura, you get to run around as Sasuke. Again, bring in your routines tomorrow, we'll discuss them after training, pack your things Sunday night and do the switch on Monday.

"Do you have any questions?" Kakashi first informed, then asked them, watching them carefully for their reactions. None of the three seemed overly surprised, realising that in order to be fair and best complete the exercise he'd have to do it this way. Sakura was the first one to speak up.

"Sensei, it wasn't so much of an issue last time because Sasuke doesn't speak much, but how will Naruto talk with Kaa-san?" Sakura asked, and this proved the extent of the change in her to her Sensei as well. The fact that she first thought of her team mates was a marked difference to her attitude when she was first assigned to the silver haired mans team.

"Would you be able to tell her on Sunday that starting Monday you may not speak for a week as a training exercise? Don't say anything after you wake up on Monday either to make it more convincing. Does Mebuki know Elemental Sign?" Kakashi suggested, also wondering if Naruto was going to have to write everything for his team mates mother.

"I don't think so…" Sakura trailed off unsure, it'd never been something that had come up in conversation so she couldn't say for sure, but it seemed unlikely to the girl.

"If you give me a sample of your writing - just the hiragana written out twice for variance, and any other prominent thing like names - I can practice forging your hand writing over the next couple of days. A part of fuinjutsu is perfect handwriting, so it won't be too hard to mimic yours." Naruto cut into the conversation, and Sakura relaxed slightly now the issue was taken care of.

"If there's no other questions at this moment, the three of you are dismissed." Kakashi said, also standing as two of his three students walked away.

"Yes, Naruto?" He queried, looking at his blond student in askance.

"Sensei, I was thinking about the communication issue we had today, and thought maybe I could design a seal to replace non-verbal contact for a faster alternative to morse code. Do you have any suggestions?" Naruto asked, looking to his sensei for guidance.

"What kind of seal were you thinking of using?" Kakashi responded, already thinking of all the different signals he knew of that could be applicable to the situation.

"Chakra relay. If I was to pulse chakra through mine, you would receive it on yours. I could iron out the layout and details however necessary, but that'd be the best I believe." Naruto told the man what he had come up with so far, waiting patiently for a response.

"When you design it, include a tracking feature in relation to each other - so you always know one another's position. I'll have a look into some code systems and get back to you but I do agree that'd be the most effective method. When I have a coding method could you do up a design to work with it, and we could test it over the next week? I know you are accustomed to staying up later then Sakura, so we can work out the kinks during that time." Kakashi thought out loud to his student, and Naruto promptly responded when finished.

"Hai, sensei. Do you have any more fuinjutsu books I could reference? I've read all the ones available to me." the blond asked, looking at the silver haired man.

"I'll get you one of your fathers - none of mine are more advanced then what you would've already completed. Technically they're yours anyway." Kakashi said.

"Arigato gozaimasu, Sensei." Naruto responded.

"No problem. Ja ne." As was the regular occurrence, Kakashi disappeared from training ground three with an eye smile and swirl of leaves. Naruto simply turned on his heel and darted down an alley, rapidly heading to his own apartment. He wanted to sort through his books and figure out what he'd need for Sasuke - as he'd done with Sakura. He intended to exchange them later that night.

While he still had a couple of days he wanted to save the most time for either his forging practice or seal work.


Saturday passed slowly for the team, although there were no notable occurrences the trio of Genin each made a small improvement in both their manipulation and jutsu - spending the time after missions practicing once again.

They switched and reviewed the schedules of each other as they had two weeks ago. As they already knew the kind of information needed each of Kakashi's students had included it and there were no subsequent questions. Sakura also gave Naruto a small scroll, which had the entire hiragana alphabet written on it with a couple of extra kanji Naruto was likely to need.

Sakura and Sasuke both left when Kakashi dismissed them, Naruto following soon after once his sensei had given him his fathers books. The man hadn't yet found a code system to make work, but Naruto was able to begin designing a seal until then.

Likewise, Sunday training progressed slowly, although Kakashi had them practice the jutsu he gave them after he arrived, returning them to team drills after the completion of the days mission. After they'd finished for the day, Kakashi had them gather around him once more.

"So, team, you already know the procedure for tomorrow. Arrive at 0700, switch gear and use the appropriate henge. Sakura, you'll need to tell your mother tonight that starting tomorrow you won't talk and instead use only Elemental Sign. You'll adopt each others persona's and live their lives for the week. Sasuke, you'll have to go with Naruto when you leave to get access to his apartment.

"Were you going to do the same as Sakura and stay in the open on Monday?" Kakashi asked, half hoping the boy would, half hoping he wouldn't. Doing so would definitely have the best outcome - the Uchiha needing such an experience to break him of his current mindset. At the same time, Kakashi didn't particularly like seeing Sakura go through such an event, disliked the thought of it happening to Naruto himself, and didn't want to see the last of his students be hurt in such a way.

Despite not wanting a team and being ordered to take this one, he had become fond of his students.

Sasuke's eyes cut to his blond team mate, watching as the other simply sat and calmly held his gaze. He didn't look away as he gave his answer. "Hai, Sensei. Can't be anything worse then what's happened before. I'm not so weak as to run away." The condescension Sasuke had in his voice was clear as he spoke of weakness. He'd improved - that did not mean he was better, nor thought himself equal with his team mates.

Kakashi heaved an internal sigh but dutifully moved on with what was essentially a briefing. "Then you will follow Naruto home when you leave. If there are no other concerns?" When he received only shakes of the head in response, the man smiled. "Then you are dismissed. Ja ne." A swirl of leaves later and there were only three Genin left in Training Ground Three.

"Ja ne, Naruto, Sasuke. I'll see you tomorrow." Sakura left with a wave, heading home for the night. She was almost thankful for the activity - her mother had been more overbearing in the last week, although the girl considered that she may have simply wanted more freedom then Mebuki was giving her. Either way, the reprieve would be good.

Naruto waved to the pinkette and Sasuke grunted as he followed along after the blond. Again, Naruto slipped into an alley at the edge of the training ground, signing behind him to Sasuke to keep out of sight. Sasuke grunted a second time in annoyance, but did as instructed.

The pair jogged across the village, and the Uchiha followed Naruto up the tree when they eventually reached it. The boy watched in curiosity as the blond pulled out a brush and ink, then proceeded to scrawl onto the windowsill. Once his things were packed away, Naruto pushed chakra into the seal, signing with his free hand for Sasuke to do the same.

The seal lit up a moment, then faded away to its previous state moments later. "Done." Naruto signed. "Just channel chakra into it to unlock it tomorrow."

Sasuke simply grunted - not being talkative when he wasn't ordering others around - before scaling back down the tree and leaving.

Naruto entered the apartment and proceeded to his room to go over the books he had and what needed to be packed. Repeating what he'd done for Sakura, Naruto removed a spare set of kunai, shuriken and senbon each, putting them in his cupboard. A weeks worth of outfits were sealed away, along with the books on fuinjutsu he'd need for his project.

He double checked his book choices before stacking them in the corner. He'd decided that Sasuke would best benefit from a book or two ninja ideology, as the blond considered the Uchiha to be too flashy for a ninja - too eager to fight head on. Besides that, there was again the book written by Maito Dai on taijutsu, one on chakra theory and another on strategy. He hoped Sasuke would read them and adapt a little more towards being a less head on fighter. The chakra theory book was to primarily help with ninjutsu - it explained how to remove hand seals as well.

That finished, Naruto resumed his usual night activities, visiting his brother and reading before going to Aki no Shokuji, eating his dinner then working out. After that the boy had a shower and went to sleep.

Monday arrived with little fanfare, the three Genin managing to arrive at Training Ground Three within moments of each other. There was no communication between them beyond greeting as they each undid their packs and replaced them with each other's.

Naruto strapped Sakura's thigh and back pouches where he kept his own, dropping the scroll of his things into the one on his leg. Sakura clipped Sasuke's gear to herself, and Sasuke attached Naruto's, after which all three of the Genin cast the appropriate henge. Following that, the three split to begin their physical training.

Kakashi arrived three hours later, and his student lined up in from of him as they'd been taught, awaiting their instruction.

"Today, we're going to go back to primarily physical work, rather then practicing the jutsu I gave you last week. Naruto, I'll work with you on refining you taijutsu some more, Sakura and Sasuke, I want both of you to run through some more physical exercises. In about an hour spar against each other, talk about where improvements can be made before sparring some more. I'll send clone observe and give you some more suggestions. Any questions?" When he received only negative responses he got started.

Three hours passed in that fashion, Kakashi improved Sasuke's taijutsu - beginning to help him adjust his clans Taijutsu style Geigekiken (intercepting fist) to work without the sharingan. Naruto and Sakura sparred and worked together to improve their own taijutsu - Naruto needed to take more opportunities to strike and Sakura needed to increase her speed.

They stopped at lunch and after eating the four made their way once again to the mission office. The reactions varied between the Genin at the amount of attention the village directed at them.

Naruto was the most passive, calming somewhat now that he wasn't being scrutinized by every person as he was normally or when under the guise of Sasuke. Sakura was sitting somewhere between awed and disgusted. She couldn't believe so much of the village looked at Sasuke as they were now looking at her, and was even more disgusted when she realised she used to be one of them.

Sasuke was torn between curling into himself and away from the looks, or sneering at them and demanding they respect their superior - an Uchiha. As he was under henge as Naruto, he repressed both urges and kept walking silently forward. The same Chunin on desk duty ignored Sasuke as he had ignored Sakura only two weeks ago.

The team was given another small D-rank mission - weed the back garden of a wealthy merchant - and made their way to the mans house.

Like most of the civilians of Konoha, the merchant knew nothing of sealing and was under the impression Naruto was a demon. The mans status in the village though had taught him to hold his tongue - especially around Jonin - and restrained himself to an impressively heated glare.

Sasuke held character of being emotionless as Naruto had always done, but that was mostly due to not knowing how to react. The Uchiha had very little experience with hate or even minor dislike, the worst coming from the owner of a weapons shop he went to once and that was only heavy disdain. Either way when the door was closed Sasuke mentally shook himself and followed after his team.

Reaching the back garden - and garden was an overstatement, it was almost completely weeds - Sakura considered what needed to be done, their supplies and how best to work together to finish the mission.

Since the girl was henged as Sasuke and the boy usually tried to take charge of missions she knew command was now hers. "See what supplies we have first Naruto, Sakura. Then we'll see how we're going to do this." Sakura spoke, voice modulated to be deeper and flatter to mimic Sasuke.

Five minutes later, the three had found two wheelbarrows, a shovel, two hand shovels and a garden fork. Considering their options Sakura quickly came up with an workable system. "We'll all just pull weeds, use whatever tool most appropriate. Take turns emptying the barrows if they get full, start in the right back corner." 'Naruto' and 'Sakura' both nodded along with the suggestion and barely a minute late the three Genin were at work.

A full two hours of concentrated effort later and the garden looked rather bare although significantly better due to the lack of weeds. Finished, Kakashi ceased reading his book to get the mission scroll sighed by the client after which the four filed the completed mission.

As per their usual routine Team 7 returned to Training Ground 3, where Kakashi had them run team drills for two hours then sat them down for lessons. Since all three had sufficient chakra control, Kakashi taught them how to channel it to their ears to increase hearing, blindfolding them and ringing bells to help them adjust and learn to judge direction.

It was a more practical lesson then he usual gave - the others consisting mostly of expanding on the theory they learnt in the academy - but he was confident that the team would finally be a proper team by the end of the week and was comfortable furthering their skills. They were willing to work hard for the skills he was giving them, so they deserved the training now. Everything had to be earned.

Training ended at 1900 and the team went their separate ways, although Kakashi handed 'Sakura' a small scroll right before he disappeared. Naruto shrugged and kept walking, taking a guess at what it likely was and not bothering to open it before he reached Sakura's house.

Entering Naruto knocked twice on the door as he closed it behind him, signalling to Mebuki that the temporary pinkette was home.

"Okaeri, Sakura." Mebuki responded, walking out of the kitchen with a knife still in hand. "I was just finishing up cutting the vegetables before I fry everything, would you like to give me a hand?"

Naruto nodded and moved to the kitchen to help. Sakura's routine had changed over the last week accompanying her change in attitude. Naruto didn't know exactly what was different - not having seen what she previously did - but he could see the influences he'd had on it.

She still work early - rather then going to bed late as he did - and spent the morning reading and continuing her chakra control exercises. The girl was practicing with the weight variation of the leaf exercise, and had achieved ten different objects being maintained. After training, Sakura would help Mebuki with dinner - the larger portion she wanted and the slightly different menu compared to her mother meant it took longer to prepare. The girl was fine with this, as it meant she could ensure she was getting as much food as she needed.

Rather then take a long bath and obsess so much over her appearance, Sakura had a short shower and then spent a couple more hours reading. She'd also taken to using this time to try converting her chakra to fire nature with little success.

Naruto fit himself into this role with an awkwardness he kept well hidden. During dinner, Mebuki provided conversation as she talked about her day with the different civilians of standing in the village. She pushed lightly on the topic of Sasuke - trying to convince 'Sakura' to get a date with the last Uchiha.

It was clear to Naruto that the woman would have gone on further, but he signed 'Kaa-san' and tried to look disappointed and frustrated. The blond was fairly sure the woman didn't know what he'd said, but had apparently gotten the look right enough for the issue to be dropped. There was a stilted silence after that as the two finished their meal.

Just as Naruto was standing to put the dishes in the sink with Mebuki following after, the woman sighed. "I wish you would at least stay away from the other team mate, Uzumaki. I've told you a hundred time's he's dangerous."

The temporary pinkette cast the woman a look, debating how to answer. He didn't particularly want to get into a fight with Sakura's mother, also being unsure what kind of arguments and responses would be appropriate.

In the end, the boy settle for simply shaking his head and focusing on the dishes, attempting to dismiss the conversation. Mebuki sighed again behind him, but didn't push the issue.

After that, Naruto went upstairs, had a quick shower then settled down to read. Sakura didn't have any books that he hadn't already read through - other then romance novels and other fiction - so the blond pulled out the scroll Kakashi had given him to go through. After half an hour, he pulled out his own blank scroll, scribbling out ideas and theories.

Kakashi had given him four different codes, three of them audio codes and one that were based on touch. The audio each had different sound sets, lengths and order of play determining what it meant. A fourth one similar everyone learnt was morse - one sound, two lengths, order determining signal. The additional three had five sounds two lengths, ten sounds two lengths, and another code of five sounds only with three lengths.

One of the touch based codes was simply a series of bump's - six laid out as two column's of three - that represented a different letter depending on which was raised. Besides the theory of it Naruto didn't think it would be helpful, as they'd have to spell everything out which would take too long.

In three hours Naruto had drawn a rough general seal that, similar to the touch code, consisted of four columns of three small relay cells. Applying chakra to them would relay that to the corresponding cell on the connected seals, which would be felt. Use of the seal would require good chakra control, but Naruto suspected Sasuke would work up to that level as it was.

The blond also compiled each of the systems together and threw together the start of a new one to work with the seal. He'd give Kakashi a copy of the notes and seal tomorrow for the man to look over.

Seeing it was nearly midnight, the blonde packed away his things and went so sleep.

Similarly, Sakura spent the afternoon as Sasuke, walking through the village to the Uchiha compound and trying not to be too obvious in her discomfort concerning the looks being directed at her. Arriving at the main house where Sasuke stayed, Sakura prepared herself dinner, ate and observed her surroundings. The main house was in the centre of the compound, and it was eerily silent compared to what the girl was used to.

No other people in the house, no people on the street outside, no other lights on around her. Sakura may have been having some issues with her mum, but she'd never felt quite this alone.

Finishing dinner quickly after that, the girl went to see what books Sasuke had. Usually he would go through his clan scrolls or walk at this time, so the she thought reading would be acceptable. There were no books that would be particularly helpful to her training, so she chose instead one on famous ninja of recent history to read through. While doing so, she pulled out a stick she'd picked up during training, splitting her attention to try burn it.

She didn't end up walking that night, instead simply having a quick shower and going to bed at the time Sasuke usually would.

For Sasuke, the first night transformed into Naruto would be a wake up call much like it had been for Sakura. The boy left training by a street to the left of the alley Naruto usually took, heading to the store he usually purchased his food from. He knew he wouldn't get a discount as he usually did - not appearing as an Uchiha - but the prices were still reasonable.

Entering the shop, Sasuke expertly navigated the aisles to buy what he usually would to last a week. He wasn't bothered by anyone - very few people shopping so late - and was soon placing down the items so the price could be totalled.

When the man looked at him as he was about to start he smiled, but Sasuke noticed it was just on the wrong side of vindictive. The boy didn't know what to expect from the usually respectful man, but he already knew he wasn't going to like it.

Sasuke was proved right, as he was told the cost of his weeks worth of shopping was 250 000ryo(250AUD). He knew it couldn't have come to more than 80 000ryo, and quickly signed '80' to the man in response.

"250 000 for you. Consider it compensation for what you did." The mans smile twisted on his face and became a sneer filled with loathing as his eyes openly displayed hate - the kind of hate Sasuke saw in the mirror when thinking of his brother. The Uchiha had no idea why he was being given that look, or what Naruto could have done that required compensation.

"Out than, if you're no going to pay!" The man yelled as he started to come out from behind the counter. Sasuke didn't wait around, turning on his heel and striding out - he kept a blank, impassive look on his face the during the entire interaction.

Once outside he tried the next store across, glancing at the woman behind the counter the Uchiha saw the look she gave him and immediately left. He wasn't a coward by any means, but he refused to deal with such unfounded hate. He couldn't think of any reason - at all - that the village would have such an attitude towards his blond teammate.

Sasuke tried three more stores, but when there was no variance in their treatment the boy simply opted to leave and follow Naruto's instructions - shop under a henge on Saturday. He could see the necessity of it, although he didn't understand why everyone made it so.

After that, Sasuke made his way to Naruto's apartment to read for an hour of two. Of the books Naruto had left, Sasuke selected the one on ninjutsu - that being the area he wanted to specialise.

When 2130 came, Sasuke got up from his position on the bed and headed towards Aki no Shokuji. Some people cursed him and jeered at him as he walked by, and Sasuke did his best to ignore it. He easily dodged the couple of bottles and stones tossed at him, the people throwing them being too drunk to aim.

He grabbed the bagged dinner that was left for Naruto, doing the same as Sakura had and eating as he walked. The temporary blond finished quickly, dumping the rubbish in another bin. He went back the same route he arrived, hoping to get the night over with.

It wasn't as bad as it could've been, but Sasuke was usually met with the adoration and respect of the village, or simple neutrality and occasionally pity. This was a completely different experience for the boy, and he found it difficult to cope with such unbridled hatred. Didn't know how to deal with it at all.

Unfortunately the night wasn't over, and people had only been getting more drunk while Sasuke ate.

A man stumbled out or the bar in front of Sasuke - it was a low quality place of cheap food and bad sake. He spotted 'Naruto' as he passed, cheeks reddening from more then just too much alcohol. The man roughly grabbed the boys arm, hand like a vice when Sasuke tried to pull away- to get free. The boy had no luck, and soon found himself shoved against a wall.

Kakashi - who had been watching all afternoon - found the situation eerily similar to what he had seen with Sakura. As he got ready to intercede when the situation inevitably became heated, he wondered if the village was always so ready to harm Naruto, or if his other two students were just unlucky.

The man shoved harder against Sasuke, manhandling the weaker boy into a tight hold, face pressed hard against the bricks.

"I'd been wondering if I'd ever see you alone, boy. Not hiding behind Hatake, running round the village as though you have the right to be a ninja for Konoha. After what you did. You took my team from me. My sensei. My leg!" At the last exclamation he panged his leg against the wall, the sound making it obvious it was a prosthetic of some kind.

"Being a shinobi was my dream, and you TOOK IT FROM ME! Someone should've killed you long ago, removed the stain you are from our village." The man, obviously highly intoxicated, seemed almost fanatical as he talked. He pulled a tanto from where it'd been strapped, hidden beneath his shirt. He raised it in preparation to stab the boy he had pinned, and Sasuke struggled to get out of the hold with little luck.

"Good riddance, de-" Just as he began to move, he found himself in nearly an identical position to what he'd held Sasuke only moments before.

"I would suggest to you, civilian-san, that you go home, get sober and read through a book on sealing. I do not take well to having any of my team mates, my students threatened, and will not stand for it happening in our home. You are lucky you have retired, or the punishment for attempting to kill a village shinobi would be much more severe. As it is, I have half a mind to drag your ass to T&I." Kakashi said, voice deadly quiet and possessive as he held the mans tanto against his throat.

"I- I- I'll go home Hatake-san. I won't d-do it again H-Hatake-san." The man's voice quivered, trying to placate the angry Jonin and get out of the situation he'd put himself in.

"Good. Here, have your tanto back." Kakashi went from ice cold to pleasant so fast Sasuke thought he'd get whiplash from it. The mans eye smile was pleasant as he handed the blade to the drunk who had been only seconds away from stabbing Sasuke.

Once it was only the two of them left in the alley, Kakashi turned to Sasuke.

"Now, Sasuke, before you ask me any questions I'm going to say I can't tell you. Naruto and the Hokage are the only two permitted to, so I'll suggest you ask your team mate. For now, I'll take you back to the apartment." Sasuke nodded along mutely and automatically followed his sensei across the rooftops to the complex. Doing so as more out of habit and training - since Kakashi had spent so many hours trying to instill chain of command into his students.

When they were safely within the apartment, Kakashi followed Sasuke into the bedroom as the boy sat down on the bed, numb. The adrenaline had worn off, and Sasuke was left with the realisation that he'd almost died, that he couldn't do anything.

"Sasuke, are you okay?" Kakashi asked, concerned.

"I… I almost died, Sensei…" Sasuke trailed off a little, picking back up moments later. "If you weren't there, I would have died. Were- were you following me?" Sasuke asked.

"I was, I followed you because I knew something like this was likely to happen. Naruto does what he does for a reason, Sasuke, and he knew what would happen when Sakura was determined to walk around as him in the open. You got unlucky that the guy was an ex-ninja, but that doesn't make this an isolated incident." Kakashi told the stunned boy. "I also followed you because you're a part of my Team - in Konoha that also makes you family. We live for, fight with and - many of us - have died for each other. You're a part of that, and I'm not going to let you get hurt if I can prevent it." When Sasuke didn't respond the Jonin sighed - there was nothing further he could do.

"Have a shower and go to bed, I'll see you in the morning." He received an absent nod in response, and when the door closed behind the boy Kakashi left.

For his part, Sasuke did as instructed, showering quickly and curling up into Naruto's bed. The Uchiha hadn't felt so week and vulnerable since the night Itachi left, murdering his clan on the way out. He hated the weakness, loathed it, and he had needed Kakashi to save him.

But… the man defended him, called him student, Team. After six weeks of being assigned to the man, Sasuke new what the word meant to Kakashi. Was that what he meant in all those lessons and drills? That sometimes you needed backup, needed support, and team mates were meant to be that?

Sasuke had a lot of people loving him, praising him and respecting him. None of it meant anything to though, they weren't his parents, weren't his brother, so their opinions held no meaning. He hadn't realised he'd begun to seek Kakashi's approval, hadn't noticed he cared for his team mates, so caught up in his own determination to be alone. To not be hurt again.

But Kakashi had defended him, claimed him in a sense, and Sasuke felt warm just remembering it. That was someone who saw him as him, not the last Uchiha, and the boy had never even known there was a difference. It was- it almost felt to him like having a family again.

Sasuke considered that maybe he could work with them. Naruto and Sakura had proved to not be too bad, each had their strengths, and the boy was forced to acknowledge that they did achieve more when they worked together. He wondered if his clan would mind. If they would hate him if he had help avenging them, killing his brother?

Sasuke fell asleep wondering if he should give this team a try, let someone close again - after he found out why the village hated his team mate. He woke up to those same thoughts, although more centred on finding out about Naruto.

He got dressed and ready for the day quickly, trying not to admit to himself how anxious he was to learn his team mates secret. He scaled down the tree outside the window, and ducked through the alleys Naruto had listed to get to the training ground. He had learned his lesson last night, and was going to follow the instruction his team mate had given.

He arrived five minutes early in his haste, but didn't mind overly and began Naruto's morning conditioning.

Sakura had woken early that morning, surprised she had managed to sleep in past her usual time. Although, she accounted it to her constant use of henge, the extra sleep refilling her chakra pool a little more. Getting up, the girl walked through the silent house to the bathroom and had a quick shower.

That finished, the pinkette made herself breakfast, humming to fill the silence. She wasn't necessarily a social person, but noise was something she was accustomed to and Sakura found the room nearly oppressive without it.

After breakfast she made her way to the training ground, scowling and glaring as she'd seen Sasuke do when people tried to get to close.

She was thankful when she arrived, the looks and scrutiny making her uncomfortable. She quickly began her exercise regime, jogging up and alongside Sasuke when she spotted him.

From previous experience the girl knew her team mate would want answers and was determined to be there to support him when he got them. Sakura wasn't sure what kind of reaction he'd have, but would offer what she could to help him through the fall out.

Despite these thoughts, Sakura was still somewhat surprised by the somewhat thankful look the Uchiha sent her. Then, he began to sign - keeping in character - and she was even more surprised. The boy rarely ever spoke in more then grunts unless prompted or trying to get her and Naruto to do things his way.

"Did you get attacked too?" he asked, eyes curious, a little worried and a touch of something else Sakura couldn't identify.

"I did, Kakashi-sensei interrupted though. I'm assuming you did as well?" She asked back, mimicking Sasuke's voice near perfectly.

"Hai. Is it a good reason? I don't know how they can all hate him that much if it isn't." Despite signing the statement with confidence, there was an uncertainty in the boys eyes.

"Yes and no. It's… complicated, I suppose. I can see how they get to the justification they do, but it's wrong. Do you remember when Naruto said he left the orphanage before the academy?" When Sasuke nodded, the girl continued. "They hated him even then. Why else would he leave, if it was even willingly. There's nothing a boy younger then eight could have done to deserve such hatred from the entire population. They all think there is, but they're wrong."

When Sakura as finished, Sasuke merely nodded and continued with his workout as they waited for the third Genin of Team 7 to arrive. It wasn't an answer, but she wasn't allowed to give it anyway.

For his part Naruto was trying to navigate the morning around a second person he'd never had to before - his and Takumi's routine far too different to compare. He woke early and worked a bit more on the code he'd give to Kakashi, drawing up a working prototype of the seal that could be applied on the skin. The blond thought any kinks in the design would need to be worked out through trial and error - this would be trial one.

He did his best to keep out of Mebuki's way - with only a little success - as they made breakfast and lunch. He nodded at all the right times and did his best to look interested in the conversation, but beyond that really just wanted to go meet up with his team.

It was a painful morning for Naruto, but eventually he was able to leave, walking calmly through the village towards the ground.

As soon as he arrived Naruto began his stretches, preparing to begin his morning conditioning.

He didn't get to start though, as soon as Sasuke and Sakura saw Naruto they joggd over to the temporary brunette - Sasuke to get answers and Sakura just as support.

"Naruto, why do they blame you for to cause so much hate?" Sasuke signed. Naruto wasn't surprised, simply sighing silently as he prepared to tell the other boy.

"They blame me for all the death that occurred due to the Kyuubi no Kitsune's attack on the village twelve years ago. This is because I'm the jinchuuriki of the fox, as the only way to defeat a bijuu is to seal it into someone. I'm their scapegoat." Naruto signed dispassionately - as though the fact did not affect him. Which was true, Naruto cared very little about his status.

"Sealed in you?" Sasuke repeated, absorbing what he'd been told.

"Hai. The Yondaime sacrificed his life to perform the seal." Naruto elaborated slightly. Sasuke snapped out of his shock at learning that, turning angry in seconds - though not at Naruto.

"He tried to kill me last night! Thinking I was you! He would've killed you for what you contain? Wouldn't that just break the seal and free the Kyuubi?" Sasuke signed jerkily. Sakura gasped slightly in surprise - her own encounter was minor in comparison. Although, the girl also noticed that Naruto barely even blinked. She wasn't the only one, as seconds later Sasuke interrupted whatever answer may have been forthcoming.

"They've tried to kill you before, haven't they."

"Hai." Naruto signed back shortly. He contained the flinch, tried his hardest to stay focused on the pair in front of him rather then the phantom screams and brown eyes that pushed into his mind.

"What happened?" Sakura asked quietly. Naruto looked at her, then Sasuke, studying what he could of the faces they wore - debating if he should tell them.

"I won't tell you everything. Kakashi-sensei is the only one I've told, and even then it was only the basic details…" Naruto trailed off, studying their reactions. Both were a mix of curious, grim and determined, and Naruto resigned himself to sharing.

He didn't speak immediately, first reaching up and removing the hitai-ate from his neck. Both Sasuke and Sakura saw this, but as the blond still had the henge couldn't see what it now showed.

"I had just turned six, and had been living-… living in an apartment. I'd gone out to get food, been exceedingly careful to avoid the festival crowds. Entered through the window to take a bat to the back of the head. They- It's why I don't talk." Naruto interrupted himself before he could give out anything about his brother, and when he finished he dropped his transformation.

"The Kyuubi can heal a lot of things, but this he had to heal fast or I would've died. It's the only thing that's ever scarred." Naruto finished, and both his team mates stared at his throat in shock. Gingerly, Sakura reached forward to touch the scar tissue, but Naruto grabbed her hand and shook his head. The pinkette simply nodded before shaking herself mentally - snapping out of her shock.

For his part, Sasuke was coming to something of his own realisation. The boy realised that Naruto truly had nothing - he hadn't been exaggerating when he'd said as much almost three weeks ago. The Uchiha came to see just how much he'd been given, even after he lost everything he still had more then Naruto.

He decided he could work with these people, if they were willing to work with him.

"Naruto, Sakura… I- " He began nervously, breaking off when they were both looking at him. He didn't have the words for what he wanted to say, didn't know if he could admit to it even if he did know what to say.

"Team?" He simply signed instead, leaving it open to interpretation. Both Naruto and Sakura understood, however, the offer for what it was. Sasuke had been stubborn about working alone, being above them and better than them - refusing as much as he could with Kakashi to work as a team.

This was him breaking that, putting himself as an equal with them so they could grow together. There was only one response Naruto and Sakura felt appropriate, and a moment later they both signed to the Uchiha. "Team."

Emotional moment over, Naruto re-tied his hitai-ate around his neck, seconds later an illusion of Sasuke forming over him. That finished, the trio once again got to their morning exercise, jogging together around the field.

When Kakashi arrived, the Genin were hanging from the same branch and they did sit-ups, flipping off simultaneously before jogging over to meet him. The man assumed that something had changed in their dynamics, and was hopeful that they were finally pulling together.

"Okay, Team, today I'm going to have you doing the same as yesterday. Sasuke, Sakura, practice your kata then spar together. Naruto, we'll work through your own taijutsu some more. Understood?"

"Hai." The three signed in response, then split to their individual tasks. Ssasuke worked hard with Kakashi - he'd seen last night how he wasn't as strong as he thought while his sensei was a Jonin for a reason. They worked on his taijutsu, the silver haired man teaching him how to manipulate his opponent.

The Uchiha taijutsu style - the Geigekiken (intercepting fist) - was based on the Sharingan's predictive ability. By knowing where your opponent was going to be an Uchiha could easily counter the move and retaliate. By manipulating his opponent, Sasuke could do the same thing - force them to be somewhere or move a particular way in which he could counter.

The boy found the method difficult but could ultimately see the benefits of the manipulation so worked hard to become capable at using it. It was mostly a mental activity - analysing the way your opponent moved and reacted and using it against them.

Naruto and Sakura similarly worked together to better themselves - Sakura instructing Naruto to hit more and working on her own ability to block his hits or hit him herself. The resistance seals Naruto had on slowing him down made them fairly evenly matched so they benefited equally from the session.

The team broke for lunch, collected and completed a mission before heading back to the training ground.

Kakashi was honestly impressed by the progress of his team in such a short time. He knew it'd be hard, and such drastic personality changes were going to take conscious effort but the three had taken the first step to bettering themselves. Working as a team and bettering each other. The mission they just completed went significantly better then all previous. Even with Sakura being unsure of herself in a commanding role, and Sasuke being too far into thought to have a significant contribution. There was a level of co-operation of willingness to listen-to and include each other that had previously been lacking.

Still though, Kakashi saw out the end of the week with no change in routine. He kept training 'Naruto' in Taijutsu, 'Sakura' and 'Sasuke' sparred and furthered their physical conditioning. All three made the executive decision to advance either their chakra control or elemental manipulation as they worked. He also spent some time each afternoon working with them on their first elemental jutsu.

By the time Monday rolled around, the trio had a far greater appreciation of each other, could see one another as equals rather then as a fangirl, a crush or a demon. There were no more illusions, no more misconceptions about either themselves their teammates.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who reviewed! Timothydewayneperry and Scarease in particular - shout out to you two. And, kudo's to anyone who can tell where the title came from (it's not hard).

Next chap is a couple of weeks off still, so until then.

Ja ne, Raett