Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or Rwby so don't bite my face off it's rightfully owned by Kishimoto and Rooster Teeth

You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.

Jimi Hendrix

Jin flinched as he was viciously struck in the chest by Nilo who continued his almost onesided assault on the blue haired ninja with little to no remorse. Jin coughs up blood as he's kicked away and slammed into the side of a tree where Nilo watched with a smug smile. "You're a fucking weakling! All talk and nothing to back it up, you're a disgrace to all ninja and warriors alike everything you do is a blemish on not only yourself but also your team!" As he continued Jin clenched his fist standing up shaking. "Look at you now, shaking in fear." Nilo laughed but paused as he heard Jin speak.

"Its not fear..." Chakra began to swirl around him with such fierce intensity wildlife scattered, Nilo's eyes widened lifting up his arms to block the foriegn debri. "ITS RAGE!" The following pulse of energy took Nilo by surprise as in an instance a fist connected with his cheek and sent him flying throughout the forest breaking many branches along the way. "WHO ARE YOU TO LAUGH AT MY DREAMS!" Jin roared as he appeared above him and rained down blows which were blocked or tanked.

This kid...his power is out of control! Nilo thought fearfully as a particulary move made it's way through as he was sent flying upwards with an uppercut. M-my semblance! I see it! My blood!!! Nilo shouted mentally in terror as he impacted a tree only to be met with a swift chakra filled punch to the chest. The following explosion echoed as Nilo coughed up blood falling forward as Jin breathed heavily in exertion.

"Y-you're a monster...my semblance grants me the power of invinciblity! How could you make me bleed!?" Choked the trash of Minstral as Jin stared at him with an unreadable expression. "Maybe your right I am a monster, but i'll find my place in this world as one of the strongest and believe me. You WILL remember my name bastard." Jin scowled and turned around slowly walking away from the now unconsious Minstralian in search of his teammates.

Aww fuck! I'm lost!

(Scene Change)

Menma planted his foot in the side of Ricky's face skidding forward as the momentum of his kick sent them both forward. "G-gah! You damn brat!" Ricky rubbed his bloody mouth glaring at the youngest Uzumaki hatefully. "You've been a pain in the ass for far longer then planned Nin!" Menma scoffed giving him an unimpressed look. "The fuck are you gonna do yuck mouth? Not eat peppermints, oh wait you already did that. Shit I thought I was done with stink ass people when I died" The youngest Uzumaki rants only serving to piss off his opponent more.

"FUCKING DIE ALREADY!" In an impressive display of speed, he flew through a multitiude of hand signs as he sent out a wave of toxic stench. Menma's eyes widened as he moved backwards to escape the deathly smog sensing its life threatening effects as his cheeks took on a green tone. "Dude! What the hell man!? That's like 50X worse then before you dirty ass onion fucker!"

Ricky smirked and laughed at the reincarnated boy's statement. "Well not all of us can have glorious semblances now can we?" Menma scoffed. "Or girlfriends apparently, you know how bad ANY girl I knew back home would take your life with words for that shit. I mean you smell like a Fart had sex with cabbage before an old gym sock that didn't wash it's ass for days stuffed itself with rotton fish" Ricky was getting annoyed now.

"Okay, that's enou-" Menma cut him off with a smirk. "Wait wait wait, I got one more, you also smell like a special place you relive once every year...Your mom's pussy!" Ricky's eyes flashed. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY MOM!!!" A blast of stench shot across the way towards Menma as the clone dispersed startling Ricky. Wh-what! This kid knows such a high level technique. Suddenly multiple Menma's dropped down from the trees like suicide squad up out this bitch startling him into a defensive stance as they surrounded him. "Hah! let's finish this everyone!" the lead clone spoke as they cheered in ageeement rushing around in a circle with their arms held up and eyes closed.

Ricky sneered at their tactics they really thought trapping him with his own gas would work heh well we'll see about that. He leapt into the air only to be shocked as he was knocked back down into the circle. Ricky frantically looked up and his mouth fell open at what he saw before him.

There were multiple Menma's sitting in the tree grinning cockily down at him. Aerial assualt! this brat rigged me from the very start! Ricky tried in vain to get out only to be knocked back down as a result. "YOU FUCKING NINJA'S ARE ALL THE SAME WITH YOUR FUCKING REPETITIVE ATTACKS, LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT A TRUE HUNTER MINSTRAL CAN DO!" In a impressive display of of theatrics Ricky roared sending out a Vegeta tier blast of stench so foul the thick foilage of the once proud forest wilted, dried, and decayed in that order as every clone in the clearing poofed away.

Ricky paused taking in his surroundings, noticing that annoying brat was nowhere to be found a smile soon rose upon his face, joy filled his stink ass heart at the thought of killing the resident annoyance (Not counting Naruto) "YES! YESSSS! HAHAHAHAHAH! I WARNED YOU BRAT!" The glory of his actions filling him with senseless glee.

Menma snorted in amusement nearby as he leaned on a tree. A small part of him wondered when these bastards would truly understand, substitution mastered by someone of Uzumaki decent meant as long as he had the right enviorment and chakra (which he had in spades) he could do this all day. Unfortunatly for his foe he was bored and somewhat tired after the clone fake out, well when in doubt.

Menma waved happily startling Ricky. "Ohhhh Ri-Ri! guess who's still alive!" Ricky stumbled back shocked. "But...but...I saw the blast blow you away!" He shouts in anguish as Menma playfully fanned his face. "I knowww. Word of advice, lay off the beans." Was his cheeky response enfuriating him. "Oh wait! Before you try and fail to kill me I have one more thing to say!"

Ricky stared at him and glared. "Ohhh no, i'm not falling for anymore of your stupid tricks!" Menma kept smiling unnerving Ricky slightly but the rogue pushed passed his unease charging up another blast in his palm. Smirking he leaning back prepared to send the deadly gas towards Menma only for a flash of light to fill his vision as he laid on the ground burning and unmoving. "Remember kids, gas is highly cumbustible" Menma smiled smugly as he took notice of the timed paper bomb he placed on Ricky's favored arm.

"MEN-CHAN!" Menma winced as Nora tackle hugged him to the ground much to his discomfort. "Gah!? Nora! How many times do I have to tell you about these Andaconda hugs!" Nora simply held on tighter mumbling. "And like an Andaconda i'll never let you go..." Menma's eyes widened alarmed.

"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE ANYONE! CALL THE FUCKING POLICE...on second thought I take that last shout back."

Somewhere a female Uzumaki felt a smug smile on her face as if justified. Jin walked upon his teammates and looked confused seeing Nora attached to Menma like a conjoined twin. "Uh..." The blue haired youth started as Menma gave him a deadpanned expression. "Don't ask..." Wisely he closed his mouth as Menma rubbed his temples. "Let's just head to the tower before anymore fuck shit happens. I am done with today" And with that said the weird trio shot off and not a moment to soon.

Orochimaru appeared in the clearing wounded as his tounge lolled out. "This generation...so promising, I can't wait to see what comes to pass..."

Menma paused on his tree branch scrunching his nose in disgust. "What's wrong Men-chan?" Nora questioned as Jin also looked towards his teammate questioningly. "...Something stinks"

Little Menma Adventures (Bitch call me that...one more time)

"You heard me Menma Uzumaki...you're nothing but a coward!" Menma paused from where he stood slowly turning his head sending a piercing glare towards Hinata Hyuuga. "I'm sorry mouse...did I hear you correctly?" Hinata shook from the cold tone he used, the young nine year old while lazy and seeming to hold little if any potential in being a ninja was downright scary when he wanted to be.

"I said you're weak!" Hinata cried out. It hadn't been to long since those children had tricked Naruto into retrieving an item from the fallen ninja's near the borders of Konoha. Anyone could have seen it for a trick...accept Naruto who only sought to be accepted. "Naruto is in danger and you refuse to help him! Your only family member in the entire world and you won't do anything to help!" Hinata panted, she had never used her voice this much since her mothers passing.

Menma stood there silently for a moment. "You done? I have better things to do then listen to the ramblings of a potential rapist" Hinata's eyes flashed. "To be related to such a great person yet hold none of the traits...you're a coward" Suddenly Menma stopped once more turning back around to stare into the pale pupils of the hyuuga heiress. "I warned you what would happen if you reffered to me as such once again. My brother, can take care of himself it's not my job to baby or take care of him, if you care so much about him then why are you standing right here talking to me when you could be off helping him!"

Menma scoffed at Hinata's shocked expression. "Next time you decide to grow a pair, use them for yourself instead of whining like a little bitch for others to do your dirty work for you. useless witch" With that said Menma walked away leaving a slightly more capable Hinata behind. Menma...you're right, if I want to prove to the world I CAN be better...I will become stronger not just for Naruto-kun, but myself as well. Hinata watched him go and smiled tearfully as Menma yawned and headed home.

Truly...he is honest.

A/N My Wonderful Audience! I grace you with not only a new chapter but slight edits to the previous four. I hope you like this bad boy because its been sitting on the shelf gathering dust I do hope it was worth the long ass wait. Remember to fav follow and review (Menma:Or Don't! Let it lie! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE LET IT END!) HAHAHA have no fear people I will never give up on this fun little story Remember that!

Until Next Time Bossbrat Out!