A/N: Disclaimer: I've never had a seizure before, so this is mostly based on my imagination.

"Aren't you burning up in that?" Julian asks, attempting to take off Barry's scarf.

"No." Barry says quickly. He doesn't want Julian to see the veins around his neck, he wouldn't even begin to know how to explain them.

"Barry, come on. I can see you sweating under that. Come on, you can take that off." Julian sighs. Barry blinks as the room starts to fade.

"You have to let me stop him!" Memory Barry yells, banging on the glass of his cell in the pipeline.

"Okay. You want to do this now? Out here? Fine. Mardon is dead. There is no controlling the weather, Barry. Just like there was no lightning storm in your house that night. It was your brain, helping a scared little boy accept what he saw." Memory Joe snaps.

"My dad did not murder my mother." Memory Barry growls.

"Yes, he did! Your dad killed your mother, Barry! I am sorry, son! But I knew it, the jury knew it, and now he's paying for what he did." Memory Joe shouts.

"Dad, enough!" Memory Iris snaps.

"Unh-uh, Iris. I have done my best to take care of you since that night, and I have never asked for anything in return, not even a thank you, but what I am asking now is that you for once in your life see things as they are." Memory Joe snaps.

"You're sorry? That you killed my brother? 'Cause he was here. He was alive... Until you created Flashpoint, until you did this." Memory Cisco snaps.

"There is one thing you can do for me, mate. Quit. Tender your resignation from the Central City Police Department, effective immediately. I can overlook the unexplained absences, the constant disregard for the rules and regulations, but your moral compass is broken, my friend. I point-blank refuse to work with someone whose sense of right or wrong is as flippant as the weather, someone who thinks friendship is more important than justice. You are unfit to be CSI. Barry Allen has no place in law enforcement." Memory Julian snaps.

When Barry hears a gunshot, he was startled.

"Eddie! What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?" Memory Joe sobs.

"No such thing as a coincidence." Memory Eddie moans.

"What's happening?" Memory Barry gasps.

"Eddie's his ancestor. If Eddie dies, he'll never be born, and... He's being erased from existence." Memory Cisco shrieks.

Julian blinks when Barry's eyes suddenly go slack, and he just starts staring into space. His arm starts twitching violently, and that's when his eyes widened. Holy shit, was Barry having a seizure? He's grabbing his phone now, timing the seizure. If it goes over five minutes, he'd have to take Barry to Star Labs. He can't exactly call 9-1-1.

Memory Barry was holding onto Iris. He's crying, begging her to stay with him, until Iris is placed with HR. Memory Barry cries out in shock.

"HR?" He gasps.

"BA." Memory HR gasps out.

"What?" Memory Barry gasps.

"Wanted… to… prove… myself…" Memory HR gasps. Memory Barry feels the breath leave his body. Barry blinks when David Singh appears in his and Iris's apartment. He's being cuffed, and that's when Barry cries out in shock.

"Bartholomew Henry Barry Allen, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" David calls out, reading him his Miranda rights.

Barry was currently staring at a baby. Joe and Cecile had had a healthy baby. Barry smiles as he looks down at the tiny face staring back at him.

"Who'd have thought that we'd add another West to the family?" Joe smiles.

Barry finds himself outside. He's watching the stars going out, one by one. Was this the end of the world?

Julian frowns when he realizes that it's been three minutes. Come on Allen, snap out of it. You're scaring me, mate.

Julian sighs with relief when he comes out of it about a minute later.

"Allen?" Julian calls. Barry slowly blinks.

"Julian?" He asks.

"You had a seizure mate. I think we should get you to Star Labs." Julian explains. Barry yawns.

"No. Sleep now." He protests. Julian sighs.

"Okay mate, but I'm taking you to Star Labs myself tomorrow." He insists.

"Mm." Barry says as he slowly falls asleep. Julian gets off the couch after that, going into the guest room as he grabs a pillow and blanket. After that, he returns to the living room, lifting Barry as he places the pillow on the couch. After that, he pushes him back down, making sure his head lies against the pillow. After that, he covers him in the blanket, making sure to leave the light on in the kitchen. He'd remembered that Barry preferred to sleep with the lights on in the many nights he'd spend at Star Labs when he was too injured to go home. Julian goes to sleep in his room after that, taking his phone with him.

Barry wakes up sometime in the afternoon to the feeling of a blanket and a pillow. Slowly, he opens his eyes, and that's when he realizes something: this, wasn't his apartment. He looks around in a panic, slowly getting dressed as he stands up. What the hell did he do last night? Why was he in some stranger's apartment? Slowly, his memories start to come back to him. He'd escaped the speed force last night after a year of being imprisoned. In his confusion, he'd stumbled into Julian's apartment, asking to stay overnight.

He blinks when he sees a note on the table next to the couch. Slowly, he grabs it. Hey Allen, I don't know when you'll wake up, so if you wake up before I return from work, make sure you go to Star Labs, so they can monitor your seizures. The note reads.