It was almost ten at night, and lightly raining. It rained most of the day, but the heavy rain stopped two hours ago. Not that would ever stop Batman and Robin from patrolling the city of Gotham.

Robin was perched on a lamppost, his now signature hood pulled over his head shielding with eyes from the rain. He looked out, the dark street was too quiet for his taste, this was Gotham after all, nothing was ever was it seemed. Midnight was Gotham's be witching hour, the night came be quiet, but then once the old church tower rang out twelve times, it seemed all hell would break lose.

"Fall back, we are going to Bludhaven," Batman's voice came over the ear piece Robin used to communicate with his mentor.

This order came as a shock, Nightwing patrolled Bludhaven. Nonetheless Robin followed Batman into the Batmobile. "Father why are we going to Bludhaven?" Robin asked as he pulled up Nightwing's location using the GPS tracker in the vigilante's suit.

"I got a call from Nightwing, he said he needed help." Batman spoke evenly, not informing his son that 'help' was the only word Nightwing actually said.

"Richard called for you help?" Damian cocked and eyebrow and looked to his father worried before pulling up his phone to see if Nightwing had missed a call or text.

"He did, and that is why we are going to help him." Batman replied curtly, thinking over the single word call he got from his first Robin.

"His position hasn't moved," Robin said grimly not taking his eyes off the blinking blue dot, he had been watching it since they left Gotham nearly fifteen minutes ago.

Batman said nothing, he only speed up, while he would not outwardly admit it he shared the same worry Robin had. Ever since striking out on his own Dick never asked for help, not from Batman. From anyone else, Batgirl, Red Hood, Red Robin, even Robin, but never had he called his former mentor.

The remaining ten minute ride to Bludhaven was a silent one, except for the low hum of the engine and the rain lightly falling. Both father and son wished they could arrive faster, but the rain seemed to make all the other drivers forget how to drive, despite rain being common.

When the Dark Knight and The Teen Wonder found the Batman of Bludhaven. The twenty something crime fighter had propped himself against a dented dumpster, that was over flowing. The black and blue clad vigilante was partially lying in a puddle. They could see the trail of blood that lead to this location. His costume was ripped and bloodied, his face cut up, and his black domino mask was missing from his face.

Robin jumped out of the Batmobile and ran to his adopted brother, and knelt down next to him. "Grayson?" he whispered not seeing Nightwing's chest move.

Nightwing's eyes opened slightly, his typical bright cerulean blue eyes were dull, "Robin…you came…" he tried to smile.

"Tt, of course I did you idiot." Robin tried to hide the worry on his face, but he could no longer hold in the worry when Nightwing fell forward. Robin felt himself freeze, he watched as Batman caught the black and blue clad vigilante.

"I got you Nightwing." Batman held his former's side kick's head in one hand and with the other he placed in the small of his back where is escrima sticks were usually holstered. He did his best to asses the vigilante's injuries.

Nightwing's eyes tried to focus on Batman, but this task was proving to be difficult, he drew in a breath, "Bruce, sorry…" Dick's words were breathy and he struggled to speak, blood dripped down from corner of his mouth, and his faded blue slowly eyes closed.

"Don't speak, stay awake." Batman commanded as he felt Nightwing go limp in his arms. Bruce gently laid his adopted son and former sidekick to the ground and checked his pulse, when he couldn't find one he started to perform CPR. Worry filled the older vigilante, he didn't want to lose another Robin, even if Dick no longer went by the name.

Bruce felt his own heart skip a beat when as he tried to get his first Robin's heart beating again. With every compression Bruce gave up hope of Dick's heart starting back up.

"Richard wake up!" Damian commanded kneeling down next to the man who had once been his Batman. "Idiot! I should slap you!"

Bruce tried CPR longer than he would have on anyone else. He stopped, he looked to his current Robin who wore an anxious look on his face, and expression hardly worn by the teen. When Bruce looked down at Dick's face he didn't see the boy— the young man's current features, he saw that of the scared eight year old boy he first meet all those years ago. The boy's cheeks were stained with tears, while his hands were stained with his parents blood.

"Why'd you stop!?" Robin's growling broke Batman from his his thoughts.

"Robin…" Batman spoke softly, quickly regaining composure as he picked Dick's body up from the cold alley. "He's gone." The words stung to say out loud

Damian punched the ground in frustration.

The drive to the Gotham form Bludhaven was solemn one, it felt like a funeral procession, like he was taking the boy to his final resting place, Bruce froze, it was. He was taking Dick to his final resting place. Bruce's heart skipped a beat. This wasn't happening, not to Dick.

Robin sat cradling Nightwing's head in his lap in the back seat of the Batmobile. "What the hell happened to you Grayson? Who killed you?" the teen's eyes narrowed. Dick was his Batman when he first became Robin. While Damian would never admit it he shared a bond him, he was brother to him. And now someone took that brother away from him. Damian blinked, he hadn't realized he started to cry. "Damn it Richard…I haven't cried since I was three…"

Bruce could feel his heart break listening to Damian, he wished there was something he could do to take this pain away, but truth be told, he felt the same pain.

Bruce pulled into the Batcave, once he parked he got out of the driver's seat and made his way to the back passenger door, when he opened the door to move Dick's body to the med bay he saw Damian crying softly while stroking Nightwing raven hair.

"I got him Damian," Bruce spoke gently, seeing the teen start to break down now.

"Richard can't be dead…" his words were hallow, there was a eire of disbelieve to the words "WAIT! My Grandfather's Lazarus Pit! Take him there now!" Damian demanded refusing to let his father take his adopted brother from him. "He did everything to bring you back! Do the same for him!" the last sentence was a command, not a request from the brash teen.

"Damian it's not that simple. You know the effects the Lazarus Pit has on some one, you know as well as I do that's not what Dick would want." Bruce picked up his former protege.

"I'll take him myself!" Robin declared exiting the vehicle.

"No," Bruce said simply as he laid Dick down on stretcher, then turned around and knelt in front of son who quickly made his way to his father.

"But this is Richard…" the teen's voice broke.

"I know Damian," Bruce pulled his son into a hug. When the hug broke up Bruce turned away to hide that fact that he was crying himself.

Bruce knew this could happen, he knew he could lost one of his proteges, no matter how well trained they were. He already lost one, Jason, but he came back, with the help of the Lazarus Pit, he was never the same. Sure Jason was always a brush young man, but not like the one he was now. Dick knew this, and he didn't want that, he didn't want to be consumed by the darkness. While he thought about this he made his way to the desk and opened a draw and pulled out a letter. "This is for you." he held out a envelope to his son.

"What is it?" Damian huffed trying to scrub the tears from his face. He looked down at the envelope that had his name on it written in familiar handwriting.

"Open it." Bruce urged, he didn't know the exact details of the letter, but he did know that Dick wanted this letter given to Damian in the event of his death.

Damian took off a glove and opened the letter and read:

Dear Damian,

Unfortunately if you are reading this I'm dead. Wow, looking at that word, dead…just makes it all seem so real, so final. I never thought I was going to write a letter like this, not when I was Robin, or Nightwing, but when I was Batman and you were my Robin. When I knew someone was relying on me. I know our relationship is by no means perfect, but it's one I have never regretted.

There were a few other kids in the circus, and we considered each other family, but none of them were a brother to me, not like you. If I know you at all you are scoffing right now with that look on your face you get when I say something you think is dumb. You are thinking 'What about Todd and Drake?' am I right? That's a different relationship, not the relationship Batman shares with his Robin, that's a unique one, more than just a brother bond, or an oath you take. It's something deeper, something you can't explain. Something that can't be broken, or taken away, even in death. You will always be my Robin.

Even when you eventually take the mantle of Nightwing, yes, I am giving it to you. You are the only one who is worthy of that title. Wear the costume with pride, continue to show Bludhaven they are worth protecting.

Good bye Damian,

Richard John Grayson

The letter fell from Damian's ungloved hand, he blinked then turned around and quickly left the lair, leaving the paper on the ground. Bruce was about to go after him, but he thought it was best to leave him alone. Damian need to grieve his own way.

Bruce bent down and picked up the letter, he focused on the salvation of the letter, and the last few sentences. He folded the paper and placed it on the desk before going over to Dick's body. He pulled off his gloves and touched's Dick's forehead, it was cold to the touch. Bruce felt his throat tighten, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, releasing the tears that filled them.

Batman crossed the room and filled a basin with warm water and took a clean cloth and placed it on the table by the bed Nightwing was lying on. Bruce then went to a cabinet that held a spare set of clothing for all the boys, just incase, their uniforms were beyond simple repairs to they needed to change quickly into civilian clothing. Bruce pulled out a white undershirt and a pair of boxers. Then he started the process of cleaning the blood off of Nightwing.

Bruce was auobrsed in thought, he now had to think about planning a funeral, contacting C.C. Haly, coming up with a way to explain Dick Grayson's death…

"Master Bruce?" Alfred asked walking into the med bay watching Batman and breaking the billionaire form this thoughts.

"Yes Alfred," Bruce didn't look up, his voice quite and monotone.

"Master Damian is telling the truth then." Alfred could not bring himself to say the words. The butler looked down at the pale young man the lay on the stretcher in a tattered bloodied uniform.

"He is," Bruce dipped the cloth into the bowl and continued to clean the blood off Dick's face.

Alfred walked over to Bruce and and placed a hand on Bruce's. The towel fell from Bruce's hand, he turned his head for the first time looking up at the man who raised him showing his tear stained cheeks, "Dick's gone Alfred…he's dead…"

Alfred picked the cloth up and started to wipe away the blood. "Go be with Damian, he needs his father." The long time butler knew his master well enough not to press him any more, he was a man of few words, and a grieving father. Alfred knew this feeling from when he lost Bruce. It was a feeling he would never wish even on his worse enemy.

Bruce nodded and left the Batcave to find Damian, when he found his thirteen-year-old son the boy was laying face on the couch. Bruce knelt down next to the couch and placed a hand Robin's shoulder.

Felling his father's hand hand he spoke, "Father…I want to my break my vow…I want to avenge Grayson's death…if you won't bring him back to life…"

"Damian, sit up." Bruce said abruptly.

"No," the teen said in defiance into the pillow.

"Fine then listen." Bruce knew Damian was not acting like himself, the teen didn't know how to grieve, he didn't know how to show emotion, he was trying to push it away, find a way to make it go away, but in reality he couldn't, "I know you know Dick better than anyone, you were his Robin, even before you were even mine. You know his every move and plan of action, you can know what he's thinking just by his movements, or the look in his eyes. Now tell me, knowing Dick would he want you to kill for him?"

"No…" Damian admitted, "he'd come back to life just to yell at me and then die again…" he spoke in a mater of fact tone.

Bruce gave a soft chuckle, he knew the comment was not intended to be funny, but he knew it was true. He knew how hard Dick worked with Damian, and the bond they shared. Damian was closer to Dick than any of his other adopted brothers.

"Why do I feel like this? I knew this could happen. I have full understand of death, and how to deal with it, but why I am crying like this? I have tried to force myself to stop, but I cannot. I knew from a young age that I could lose people…"

"You have never lost anyone you truly care about." Bruce informed his son filling in the words as the teen's words trailed.

"Damn it Grayson, I'm going to kill you for making me cry…"

Bruce smiled again and rubbed Damian's head, the teen didn't even fight him on this action.

Bruce could not bring himself to tell Jason, Tim, and Barbara the news of Dick's death over the phone, or to repeated himself three times. Instead he called an emergency meeting.

When three arrived they were instructed to meet upstairs in the kitchen. Damian was sitting at the table with the hood of his black sweatshirt pulled over his head and his arms folded and his head resting on his arm, he didn't say a word to either of the former Robins or Batgirl. This did not surprised anyone, what did was seeing Bruce arrive to speak with them was very causally dressed, he looked tired, and worn.

"Where's Golden Boy?" Jason asked with a yawn. He was in a pair of jeans and wore his signature brown leather jacket and white t-shirt underneath it, he smelt of cigarette smoke and alcohol.

"It's not like Dick to be late," Tim agreed, he was simply dressed in a zipper down sweatshirt and a Superman t-shirt.

"Take a seat," Bruce instructed his students.

They all obeyed what they were told, and it was at this time a sense of dread fell over them. Their's eye's sifted to Damian who hadn't moved or said a single word, meaning he knew what was going to be said.

"Bruce what's going on," Barbara asked gently. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and she wore and oversized sweatshirt and leggings with purple Converse sneakers.

"At ten o'clock last night, Robin and I received a call from Nightwing requesting some aid. Upon arriving to Bludhaven we found Nightwing heavily injured. When he arrived, there was nothing we could to, he has succumb to injures. Dick Grayson has died."

Barbara gasped and covered her mouth, he green eyes wide in shock.

"Let me guess, you're not going after his murder?" Jason jumped out of his chair and looked Bruce in the eyes and waited for the answer.

"Jay," Tim said, "now's not the time for this conversation." he jerked his head to Damian who still hadn't moved or said a word.

Jason took a deep breath, Tim was right. Now wasn't the time bring up his displeasure in not going after the Joker after his own death.

"Did he suffer?" Barbara asked, thinking about her former boyfriend.

"No," Bruce said despite not knowing.

"Do you know when the funeral will be, can we help?" Tim asked.

"I am planning the funeral from Friday, and of course you may help." Bruce replied.

Jason looked down at Dick lying dead on the bed. Even dead he looked perfect.

"You had to show me up one last time? Just know this, you come back I will kill you. You can't do this to us. I don't hate you Dick...ah damn it...I owe a lot to you...just don't tell anyone or I will kill you. If it wasn't for you I'd probably we dead...well dead and not brought back to know Bruce was crazy when you quit? The man fucking kidnapped me...okay fine I was trying to steal the hubcaps to the Batmobile...I would have done that anyway, but what would happen if you were still Robin? You giving up like that saved me...again tell anyone and you're dead. Ya know, I saw the Demon Spawn begging Bruce to take you to the Lazarus Pit..." Jason sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "It's not you...this life...this anger...I told the kid that...he wasn't happy that I...and I can't believe I'm saying this...agreed with Bruce...he was pissed that I didn't take his side...the kid's messed up. Hell we all are. Bruce is taking it hard...he won't show it, but I know. I'm going to miss are the best big brother I never wanted…God damn it Golden Boy…You come back I'm killing you…" Jason rubbed his eyes. He slouched forward and left on his bike, fitting his signature red helmet on his head. He wasn't going to let this murder get away. Bruce may have let the Joker live his death, a choice to this day he didn't agree with, but he is not going to give Bruce the option of letting the man who killed Nightwing the chance to live.

Tim licked his lips and then shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket. He buried both his parents, and now the person who was like a brother to him. He remembered when he first saw Dick, he was walking with his parents to the tent. Tim's parents asked Dick's to take a picture with them as it was Tim's first time at the circus. Dick had put his arm around the younger boy and smiled. Tim had always treasured the picture, and it became even more special when he came to know the other boy in the picture.

Tim then watch Dick fifty feet in the air smiling next to his parents. His parents were performing first, but he never saw Dick fly that night. What happened next, was an event that shook him for a long time, for a solid week Tim had dreams his parents died in front of him, and the dream would reoccur everyone once in awhile for years to come, to this day.

The third Robin pulled the photo from his pocket and looked down at the picture in his hand. It was officially the last photograph of the Flying Grayson's together, well this one was a copy. Tim gave Dick the original long ago.

Dick was the catalysis for Tim to discovering who Batman and Nightwing were, the picture he kept for so long, made him remember seeing billionaire Bruce Wayne consoling the traumatized child.

Tim remembered begging Dick to go back to being Robin, Batman needed him, he denied him, and then something strange happened, something Tim would never expected to happen Dick bestowed the mantle of Robin on him. Tim did it on one condition, Dick sign the old photo. Dick did it and then promised him a private lesson on the trapeze.

Barbara could not bring her self to go into the Batcave and bid good bye to Dick. It just seemed so final, she couldn't do it, she didn't want it to be real.

Dick Grayson, that's how she first meet him. The goofball of a kid who was orphaned and taken in by Bruce Wayne, little did she know that the boy she was instructed to show around Gotham Academy would become so much more to her. Barbara couldn't stand to think about it. She remembered the car ride to their senior prom, her dad made Dick sit in the front seat. He gave her, her first kiss, he was her first boyfriend.

She trained then alongside the acrobat and Bruce when she took up the self-made title of Batgirl. They always had a (mostly) unspoken competition, but in the end Dick was the chosen one, and she was along for then ride, until she proved herself in the eyes of Batman, but despite this, their friendship never faltered.

Damian paced around the Batcave, he couldn't bring himself to look at Dick, but he had to talk to him.

"You weren't supposed to die you idiot. We were supposed to be Batman and Robin again…who will be my Batman now when my father retires? Todd? Drake? I don't want them, I want you back. I don't want to be Robin under a third Batman, I want to go back to being your Robin, even if you said I can be Nightwing."

Damian made his way to the case that held Dick's Nightwing uniform and mask. Damian touch the glass and looked at the costume. Soon it would be his. Sure Dick gave him the mantle of Robin, but there were Robins before him, Jason and Timothy, and technically Drake allowed him to use the name Robin while he switched to the new monicker Red Robin.

Becoming Nightwing was different, he would only be the second Nightwing. Grayson specially passed the mantle onto him, and it was clear from the letter that Grayson wrote he put thought into passing on the mantel of Nightwing. At some point Dick sat down and decided that when the time came, if he died he wanted him, Damian to be the one who took over Nightwing.

Damian reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded picture. It was of selfie of Dick grinning with the Batman cowl on and Damian with his hood up and giving a half smile. The teen gently tucked the picture into Dick's hand before he left. "Don't show that to anyone."

"After Jason I never thought I would have to do this again." Bruce looked to Alfred. "he was my first son, I understood the pain he was in, and then I brought into this life, was I wrong? Should I have discouraged him? No I wanted him to follow this path for the right reason, and not be dark like me…I should have discouraged him Alfred…and then…" his words trailed he lost what he was going to say.

"Master Richard knew what he was getting into, sir. It is not like his former life was any different at the age of eight he was fifty feet in the air and no net, much like the life he chose to lead with you."

"There were no gun or violence, not like this…"

"You cannot blame yourself sir. He is the one who chose to protect Bludhaven—"

"Like how I protect Gotham, not caring about my body, pushing it to it's limits…" Bruce sighed "I can't do this Alfred…I told the boys not to go after Dick's killer, but I am. I am not living with the resentment like I did after Jason's death. I am going to find out who did this and I am going to make sure he is brought to justice, the proper way. He will never leave Arkham…I have failed another one of my sons, first Jason, now Dick. All those years I have missed for Damian, I knew I should not have trusted Talia, and Tim…I pushed his far beyond anyone because of what happened to Jason…no one else…there will be no more Robin once Damian take the mantle of Nightwing. This family, this Batfamily, is done, closed no one else is joining us. I will tell the others if they wish to resign I will not look down on them, or ask them to come back. I am not pushing anyone into the life."

"I beg your pardon sir, but this is the life Master Richard wanted, he could have walked away from from it, gone to university and gotten an education, he's a bright lad. He could have gone back to the circus, they would have welcomed him with open arms, but he chose—"

"To stand by me." Bruce finished, "He was young and impressionable when I took him in…Alfred what if I took him in for the wrong reason? He said he wanted to find his Tony Zucco, and I helped him, I showed him how."

"You did sir, and remember what Master Richard first said? he wanted Mr. Zucco dead, but you swayed him, you kept that boy from being a murder. You know he would have had the skills and the drive to commit murder, you save him from doing that by showing him the better way, the way of justice. Master Richard chose to follow in that way, to follow you. If he did not believe in what you showed him, he would never have continued on. He took your place, he wanted to continue what you started, willing. He took Master Damian under his wing, like you did to him and guided him, showed him there was a different way of doing things, teaching him to be a Wayne. The boy may never have legally changed his name, but he is the embodiment of Wayne, and he is that way because you raised him. You made sure that Master Richard kept smiling, and believing in the good of people. Master Richard may have died, but his spirt will always live on…"

"You told me the same thing when my parents passed away," Bruce said.

"A hell of lot that did," Alfred said, "honor Master Richard, honor Nightwing, continue on your quest, it is what Master Richard would have wanted."

Friday came, it was the day no one was prepared for. It was rear sunny May day in Gotham. It seemed almost cruel that they had to lay Dick to rest on such a beautiful day, but at the same time it was almost fitting.

The coffin was sleek black, with a blue stripe that matched the one on his uniform. He was being laid to rest next to his parents.

Dick had become a like a big brother to all of them. If it wasn't for Dick none of them would be on the path they were on now. It was difficult enough to inform the members of the league and Dick's team of his death, Bruce could not bring himself to let the rest of the world know of his first adopted son's death. A cover story was still needed, that would allow Dick Grayson to slip from public view. The story that they were going to use was a simple one, Dick took ill and the family wanted privacy. Dick didn't have a job at this moment in time so that made his sudden illness didn't have to be explained to an employer.

The Justice League, Titans, Teen Titans, and anyone who knew Dick in his life as a superhero came to honor the young fallen hero.

"Bruce, I'm sorry for your loss," Clark spoke softly placing a hand on his friend's shoulder, "you raised a great young man, he will be greatly missed. Dick will forever have an impact on what we do. He will never be forgotten, he was the first side kick, because of him so many of the young heroes here have had the opportunity to held defend their cities, and the world."

"Thank you Clark," Bruce nodded before rising to his feet.

All eyes were on Bruce as made his way to the podium. Everyone knew a funeral like this would happen some day, it seemed like not too long ago they were here morning Bruce, and Dick gave a speech stating that Batman cannot die before taking up the cape and cowl, and now in some sick twisted turn of events, Bruce was speaking at his adopted son's funeral.

"I would like to sincerely thank everyone for coming today. Today we honor Richard John Grayson's life, all parts of it. I am sure you are all aware of how I meet Dick, back when he was eight, after he watch his parents fall to their deaths. I felt great empathy to him as I watched my own parents die when I was his age. When Dick first came to live with my I had no clue how to raise a child, especially one who was angry and in mourning, it was then I knew what I had to do. I had to take him under my wing, and guide him so that he could not be consumed by his anger. He excelled, far beyond what I thought. I know when I started Dick down the path everyone thought I had lost my mind, but he quickly proved that he deserved to be by my side. I never thought I would have to bury one of my sons, again," he gave a brief look to Jason before closing his eyes trying to collect himself. "As much as I think of Dick as a son, he's not my son by blood, and now in his death he is reunited with his parents, where he shall fly forever."

Wally abruptly stood up and fled at the end of the eulogy.

Bruce stepped down the podium as blue lighting zipped in front of him as he walked over to the coffin and placed his hand on it. It was at this moment it seemed real, Dick was gone.

Barry went to be with his former protege. When Barry found Wally he was sitting again a tree. His hands were shaking and he had a blank look on his face.

"Wally?" Barry knelt down next to the red head.

"My best friend is dead…" Wally's voice broke.

Barry pulled Wally into a tight hug. "It's going to be okay."

"I just came back…and I lost him again…Maybe…"

"No," Barry said firmly taking a guess on what Wally was going to say. "Trust me, going back is not the answer."

Jon slowly made his way to Damian, he was un sure of what to say. "Damian?" Jon tugged at his suit coat.

"Tt, your tie is crooked," Damian said reaching over and adjusting the young boy's tie.

"I'm sorry," Jon said blushing slightly.

Damian turned his head away and he cleared his throat, "thank you…"

Everyone left the manor except for the two former Robins and the current one. All three were standing outside. Jason's tie was undone as was the top three buttons on his dress shirt, his suit coat was in a crumpled heap on a chair. Tim and Damian's shirts and ties remained intact although Damian had his jacket hanging on the back of chair, Tim still wore his.

Before Jason discarded his jacket he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and his red lighter. "Timmy can you help us find who did this?" Jason asked leaning against the wall taking a drag on his cigarette.

"Are you doubting my detective skills?" Tim raised an eyebrow, feeling slightly offended.

"No, we are doubting your ability to go against father's orders, Drake." Damian said bluntly.

"Who ever killed Dick is not getting away with it. Not while a former Robin still lives and breathes." the second Robin let out a puff of smoke.

"I agree," Damian nodded swatting away the smoke from the cigarette.

"I do too," Tim said.

Jason took one last drag on his cigarette, "Come on Demon Child, let's got to Bludhaven and get justice for Nightwing." he dropped his cigarette and stomped it out with his foot.

"Right after you Todd." Damian's lips twisted into a smile.

"Wait," Tim said putting his hand in the middle of their small circle.

Jason nodded and put his hand in as well. Damian turned around to face Jason and Tim as he had turned his back to leave.

"For Nightwing."

A/N: I killed me write this, I cried a couple time while writing this fic. I hope you "enjoyed" this look at Dick's death. If you did I would love to hear from you in a review. I would also love favs too. And if this is your first time hearing from me I have two ongoing fics.

I also want to give a shout out to my friends on the Facebook group Batman Writers Unite for reading this one first.

EDIT: I have listened to my readers and I am going to continue this this fic. Because I did not not intend on turning this fic into a multi chapter fic, I did have to make some minor retcons. 1. Bruce kept Dick's death a secret from the public, all the heroes do know that Nightwing/Dick Grayson has died. 2. Bruce chose to bury Dick in the private cemetery on the grounds of Wayne Manor (because of reason 1). So thank you to everyone who reviewed and gave me the encouragement to go on with this fic.