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Chapter One: The Almighty One.

Wendy stared at the book before her. She was buried in the back of the library, trying to uncover any sign of hope. She had read too many books in her lifetime, but she remembered every single one of them.

It was just before breakfast, so nobody was around. She used to spend this time in the presence of Hermione Granger, but the girl didn't know that Wendy existed, nor did she frequently stop by anymore.

People don't notice me.

Some would say that was a good trait to possess. However, Wendy would appreciate someone to say hello to her once in awhile. She knew she was living in a fantasy. When I graduate, people won't even clap or know who I am when I go to collect my diploma.

It didn't matter though; she was too busy saving the world from any more psychotic wizards.

Wendy didn't consider herself to be much. She always wore her hair on top of her head in a messy bun, and her dirty blonde hair had always seemed unappealing to her. Her eyes were a pale green with grey encircling them. Her features appeared striking, however, her cheeks were hollow due to lack of food.

Her robes covered her malnourished body, scars, and the dark mark on the inside of her right forearm. Scars littered her arm, all of them self-inflicted. She lost her sanity when it started to burn, she used to attempt to carve it from her body. I'm lucky that my father was always around to save me.

It was a miracle that she was even alive. I shouldn't be, but according to my dear daddy, I'm the Almighty One...meaning I need to stick around to save the world.

She'd been studying her prophecy ever since she escaped from the Death Eaters. The Almighty One was a being that had been reborn throughout centuries; each person was unique and capable of the world's most complex and powerful spells.

Their animagus was a white tiger, as they symbolised an aspect of personality that has unquestioned power; meaning they were a force to be reckoned with.

The Almighty One was never spoken about in lessons; Wendy couldn't remember a time when anyone had ever mentioned it, apart from her father. She knew he wasn't lying because she had read all the books in his Domain; a maze hidden beneath Hogwarts, protected by wards and a bricked doorway.

It appeared that the Almighty One had been covered up throughout history, and been a closely guarded secret between certain families. Wendy was bothered about being who she was because it meant that attention could come to her. That's if anybody uncovered the truth.

She had interfered with critical events, and if people found out, she would face endless, unwanted questions. Especially from one particular Professor.

Her body was still in long-term recovery after saving Professor Snape's life. He doesn't know that, nor will he ever if she had anything to do with it.

She had used an ancient spell to bring him back to life, and the force from the spell had frazzled her magic capabilities. It had taken all the willpower in the world to not collapse next to him in the shack from exhaustion. Fortunately, she managed to apparate into the Forbidden Forest.

Only to be attacked by two Death Eaters.

Wendy was not unfamiliar with the cruel ways of Death Eaters since she had been locked up by them for six years when she was seven years old. She had occupied the dungeon below an abandoned building they had once used as a meeting place. On her thirteenth birthday, her long lost father had turned up to save her with Hagrid in tow.

It all seemed surreal. Nobody would ever believe that Albus Dumbledore was her father. It was a complicated story, but it was narrowed down to an unfortunate encounter with a time turner. Wendy had only been seven years old when she had picked up her father's time turner and sent herself forward in time somehow. It had promptly delivered her to the doorstep of the Death Eaters, where she had lived out six years of her life.

It was also the first time she had saved Professor Snape. Again, he didn't need to know that. He had never known she was down in the dungeon as she had been kept a secret from most of the other Death Eaters. She was left to be the plaything of Bellatrix, and a Death Eater called Rufus.

One of Rufus' torturing sessions had resulted in her willingly taking the Dark Mark. Even after enduring torture for a year, eight-year-old Wendy still had some of her mother's kindness hidden within her. At the time she hadn't the slightest idea who Severus Snape was, so when Rufus had said he would bring him down and torture him in front of her if she didn't take the mark, she had shoved her arm in his direction not wanting to see anyone else get hurt.

It confused her as she thought that only the Dark Lord himself could give somebody the Dark Mark, apparently she had been wrong.

The day after, Rufus told her that Severus was a Death Eater, yet she couldn't find it in her heart to regret her decision. I hate seeing good people hurt. When her father had rescued her from years of torture, she discovered who exactly Professor Snape was. She had assumed her father had used him to help find where she was, but Snape didn't have the faintest idea of who she was.

It doesn't matter anyway; he still scares me. Wendy didn't know what it was, but she always ran away from him if he tried to talk to her. She had accidentally walked into him once in the corridor, and she had screamed, then ran away to her father's office. She was a top grade student so he rarely ever needed to talk to her about her work, or behaviour in lessons. It's like that with every teacher, and I'm pretty sure they don't even know my name.

Wendy turned the page of the book before her and noticed her trembling hand. She guessed it was her body's reaction to a lack of food, sleep, and magic. Wendy was decent at potions but didn't know where to get the ingredients from as she wasn't confident enough to try to steal them from Professor Snape. So, she just had to hope that her body and magic heal naturally - even though it had already taken over a year to get to the point where she could perform basic spells.

If she went to the hospital about it, they would ask too many questions, and she sucked at lying which was why she kept to herself. Her father had tried to help her get better at lying but never succeeded. I'm the Almighty One, and I couldn't lie to save my life. Go figure.

Another thing her father had struggled to help her with was her erratic bursts of anger. He had said that it was down to the build up of magic not being used. The littlest things would set her off, and she would go on a rampage, trashing everything in sight, or turning into a white tiger and mauling another animal in the Forbidden Forest.

I'm searching for a way to prevent my bursts of anger from happening. Wendy spent every single day searching for more information on the Almighty One.

Dumbledore's Domain contained the answers to everything imaginable - hypothetically speaking. The hidden floor below the castle was a maze of bookshelves. It was very easy to become lost and not find your way out. Wendy still gets lost sometimes, and she lives down there. I haven't slept in the Ravenclaw dormitory since the fourth year, and nobody has noticed - excluding her father.

Unbeknownst to Potter and his friends, the Elder Wand lay in the centre of the Domain. Potter had wanted to return it to her father's grave, so when Potter died its power would cease to exist. However, Wendy couldn't allow that to happen. She had severed the connection between Harry and the Elder Wand, so she was now the true bearer of its power - she was the one in control when holding it in her hand.

There were walking wards that patrolled the aisles in case of an intruder. The wards were, of course, invisible, but she had thrown sheets over them so she could see them moving around. If anybody managed to discover the Domain, the wards would set off an ear piercing screech that only she, and the intruder, could hear.

Wendy didn't want anybody to find out about the Domain. It was her sanctuary filled with her father's memories and passions. A lot of things had happened down there. She had returned from insanity, and darkness thanks to her father. He had healed her in a way that was bearable. She still struggled on a daily basis to not lash out and act irrationally, but at least she was alive.

The years of torture had left her unfixable. Her mind and body were fractured and scarred from the Death Eaters and Voldemort's power. He hadn't been in human form at the time of her kidnapping, yet he had still influenced a lot of her torture. Rufus had only been hurting her because he claimed to hear Voldemort tell him to do so.

She hated what he had made her become. She didn't know how to cope with life anymore. Hagrid was reasonably helpful, letting her play with his pet unicorn, Osher, to help her keep calm.

She was proud to have not attacked anyone in any way since her father had passed. However, a butchering had been prevented by Hagrid after she discovered that Professor Snape had killed her father. That was a detail daddy had forgotten to share with me. Ten times she tried to kill him, and ten times she had been stopped by Hagrid.

There was so much going on in her life that you'd think people would notice the way she was, but no one ever did. Her face was always void of emotion. Her eyes never gave anything away, and walls heavily guarded her mind. She was friendless and alone. My father had been my only friend.

A cough pulled her from her deep thoughts.

Wendy looked over at a Gryffindor student who was browsing the shelves, then turned away and gazed at her shaking hands. I should eat something today. She performed wandless magic to clean up the mess she had made and sent the book she was reading back down into the Domain.

Her arm stung from using magic, and she inhaled sharply, gritting her teeth.

The Domain was beneath the kitchen. There was a door which led to some stairs and at the bottom was a solid brick wall that only opened when a particular word was said. Wendy changed the name every week in case somebody tried to follow her down there.

Only one house-elf knew of its existence, and that was Betty. She knew whenever the secret word changed as Wendy needed someone as a backup. Hagrid didn't know that the Domain existed, he only knew of the torture, and the after effects it was causing her. She knew somebody needed to know she was down there, so Betty checked up on her frequently to see if all was OK.

Wendy took her wand from the table and put it in her right boot. She briskly walked out of the library and towards the Great Hall. It was bursting with life, everyone rejoicing their freedom from the Dark Lord. It seemed that everybody wanted to forget about those who had died along the way, and that didn't sit well with Wendy.

She headed over to her table and spotted an empty spot. She went to sit down, but somebody cut in front of her and took the seat without a word of apology. She saw another free place, but the same thing happened again. I'm invisible to these people.

She felt like somebody was watching her from afar. She could feel a powerful aura surrounding her body; then a sharp pain came to her head.

Somebody is trying to get inside my mind. Wendy glanced at the Gryffindor table, then around at the others. Nobody was paying any attention to her.

She shrugged it off and went to sit down, only to have someone else steal it away. She gritted her teeth, churning down on the bone.

Whoever was trying to get inside her head was being persistent, apparently not thinking she could sense them. Her father had taught her well, so she could pretty much sense the snooping from the best of the trade. The person was careful, tactful, trying not to be discovered.

Who the hell is trying to get into my memories?

The heated aura pulled her eyes to the high table, and she locked gazes with Professor Snape.

He didn't look away.

She swallowed the lump in the back of her throat, then took off running from the Hall, forgetting to grab something to eat.