Chapter Two

A letter fell through the air toward the waiting hand of Lucius Malfoy, he gracefully snatched the letter, the black horned owl that delivered it cawed and glided on the air outside of Malfoy manor.

Malfoy senior tore open the letter in a reserved yet quick manor, eager to read its contents. The letter itself was black with the Slytherin crest stamped neatly on the seal, the signature of the dark lord. The letter read….


if you are reading this I have fallen, however don't fear. I am powerful and will return yet, I command your help in this business, you will be rewarded for you part in reviving me, encased in this letter you will find some instructions, follow these and I will return

-Your master The Dark Lord Voldemort

Lucius stood, gracefully wiping down his cloak, he had some orders to follow.

Dumbledore sat quietly in his office, checking his information web in an effort to bring his poster boy back onto his side. Dumbledore had thought about how to get his plans back on track, his first step was to get Harry back, although he now had plans in place for if that didn't happen.

Dumbledore finished up the letter to Grindelwald, signing out with an elegant flick.

"Fawkes! Take this letter to Grindelwald, directly might I add. We can't have the same business as last time Fawkes; my time was wasted ordering those memory charms."

Fawkes let out an unhappy trill and flamed out of the room, now all Dumbledore had to do was wait for the reply from his ally.

Harry wasn't sure where he wanted to go, but his mind decided to take him someplace he would be secure. Harry felt the familiar pressing and the feeling of being pulled through a tunnel, before a slight drop to the floor.

Harry looked around the room, it was a comfortable looking study, a soft sofa, a sturdy chair and a well-made desk were among the first things he noticed. Harry collapsed on the sofa and fell into a dark slumber, affected immensely by the combination of the souls.

Harry awoke in a daze, the memories he gained from the previous day seemly having found a place in his head. His magical core seemed strained, having grown exponentially. Harry could now remember living 54 years before dying and seemly being reborn as Harry Potter his own destroyer. His knowledge seemed ever expanding, everything finding its place in his mind. His magical core carried on expanding to encompass his new powers, Harry tried to cast a spell to banish the sweat that had gathered after his over exertion yesterday, the spell didn't work and he dropped onto his knees before letting out an anguished cry, his magical core seeming to scream.

Harry pushed himself up, still in pain, he decided to not use magic for a day at least. He decided to explore his surroundings, looking up at things he hadn't noticed before a picture of an old man wearing green robes. Harry carried on looking around, finding book cases his eyes flited across the spines spotting, Parsel magic, Dark offensive spells to maim, Elemental powers and how to call upon them. Harry remembered reading all these books, knowing every power revealed within. Harry finally recognised where he was, the chamber of secrets.

Harry walked back to the sofa, and wished it was a bed remembering how this chamber worked it became a king-sized bed, the quilt having twin snakes entwined together.

Harry thought about yesterday, he killed, however with his new memories this wasn't the first time he had killed, one of many and nothing to think about. What caused his to snap he thought for the first time, thinking back he remembered Ron's emotionless face staring with glassy eyes, Hermione's mutilated body lying in a pool of crimson. Harry started to cry, completely destroyed he fell onto the bed burying his head in the green cushion

After an hour of crying, he fell to sleep, exhausted both mentally and magically.

Harry awoke, breakfast having appeared on the end table that seemed to sprout from nowhere. Along with a breakfast of bacon, sausage, toast and beans, there were several potions. A blue potion read: "Magic replenishing draught." A dark purple potion read: "Magical core expanding potion." Harry had never heard of this type of potion, it must be rare, even his Voldemort side had never heard of it. The last potion, was a simple red and it read "Nutrition potion." Harry guessed this was to help with his low body mass, this being caused by the Dursley's, thinking about the Dursley's Harry was filled with murderous intent, spells Harry couldn't have dreamed appearing in his head, made for mutilation, torture and pain. One particular spell that would inverse the skin on a body, leaving them inside out but keeping them alive, Harry decided he would try this out on Vernon, it would be revenge for how he treated Harry throughout his younger years. Oh, the Dursley's would pay.

But for now, Harry thought he'd read some of the books in the ever-expanding library, he had read most of them in his previous life, but some he had not so he settled down on a comfortable looking arm chair in the corner next to a dim torch with "Parsel healing and its many uses."