Chapter 9! Hey guys! Sorry for the delay but here I am with another chapter which is longer than the previous ones. Thank you for the reviews, favs and follows, I absolutely appreciate it. Also the following chapter is being posted without me re-reading it, so try to ignore the mistakes, I am exhausted.

"Well this is stupid" Dagur complained, the gang decided to investigate the forest but they couldn't discover anything odd about that place other than trees and sound of air rustling through the air, making a strange music and a feeling that somebody was watching them.

"Would you please stop complaining?" Heather said, she was getting very annoyed by the childish behavior of her brother.

"Well you know sometimes there's motivation, a reason to do something but staring at these trees is doing nothing for us, well beside making us look like a bunch of idiots" Dagur said folding his arms, Heather shook her head, there was no way Dagur would ever listen to her or to anyone actually.

"We'll look around once again and if we can't find anything then we'll leave, okay?" Hiccup said

"Great" Heather said

"Giving up already?" Astrid said winking at Heather

"I never give up" Heather answered with a smirk, Astrid rolled her eyes in annoyance "Whatever" Astrid said with an annoyed look.

"Ladies can you please stop arguing?" Hiccup stated, like the situation was not stressing enough that now Heather and Astrid started to argue.

"Hiccup Haddock" a feminine voice came from behind, Hiccup turned around to face the person who had called his name and he knew that voice very well

"Oh look it's detective Mala and his sidekick" Dagur said with a smirk

"I'm not a sidekick, I'm an assistant" Throk answered

"Yeah right" Dagur said folding his arms, a smirk on his face as he prodded the man.

"Mala! What are you doing here?" Hiccup asked the woman.

"It's detective Mala for you and I ought to ask you the same, what are you doing here?" The lady answered

"Uh, our car broke down and we couldn't find somebody to help us in this forest. So we chose to look around for some time" Hiccup answered.

"For a mechanic?" She inquired

"No, for um some place to spend the night" Hiccup lied

"You will spend an entire night in forest of wild animals? Sounds quite ordinary. Tell me what you are up to Haddock? You're always involved in something" Mala said annoyingly

"Well you could never prove it" Hiccup answered

"I will sooner or later and if I figure out that you're involved with the Grimborn brothers I will-" Mala was saying when Astrid cut her off "You can't just accuse someone of anything like this" Astrid said defending Hiccup

"And who is she? Your girlfriend?" Mala said

"She's not my girlfriend"! "I'm not his girlfriend"! Hiccup and Astrid said at the same time, they turned away from each other awkwardly, realizing what had just happened.

"I can tell" Mala said "Well, if you need a lift then Throk and I will be happy to drop you off" she offered despite the fact that she didn't seem very happy

"Um thanks but we plan to spend the night here. Right guys?" Hiccup answered "Yeah" they all answered without a moment's delay. Mala looked at their nervous faces suspiciously.

"We were planning for a while for an outdoors trip, you know life gets too busy and this doesn't seem like a bad time either" Heather said nervously

"A night in a wild forest, might not sound like a bad idea to a bunch of teenagers but we're not staying" Throk said

"No one is asking you to stay and guys would you please tell them that we were out for a camping trip in the first place, so the car issue doesn't generally make a difference" Dagur said handling the situation.

"Whatever, come on Throk, we have something important to do" Mala said "I'm keeping an eye on you Haddock and if I wasn't busy I would've stayed and find out what you are actually doing here." she whispered to Hiccup when she walked by him, Hiccup took a step back from the lady.

They waited until the both detectives sat in the car and drove out of there "That was close" Hiccup sighed in relief

"What was that?" Astrid inquired

"That was detective Mala, she's a mad woman and all she needs is one reason, just one reason to lock me up for the rest of my life" Hiccup said

"Why?" Astrid inquired

"Because she thinks I'm involved with the Grimborn brothers and honestly I've never even met these guys, all I know is that they have a bad reputation in...well everything" he clarified

"Well it's getting late, I think we should go home now and continue our search or whatever we choose to do next, tomorrow" Dagur said

"You're right but whatever that is going on is some way or another related to this place, I just know it" Hiccup said

"I think you're right and don't worry we're going to make sense of everything... together" Heather said setting a hand on Hiccup's shoulder, Astrid was lost in her thoughts when she perceived how close Heather and Hiccup were and that bothered her however it shouldn't have, it's Hiccup's life he can be close with anybody, he can carry on with his life the way he wants right? Then why did it feel so bad to watch him with some other girl?

"Astrid" Hiccup's voice conveyed Astrid to the reality from her thoughts, she looked at him "We should go" he said

"Hm? Yeah we should go" she smiled, Hiccup smiled back.

Hiccup and Astrid reached home, it was a long tiring day yet it was fun and adventurous, Astrid haven't had so much fun in a while, she had practically lost hope in life when her folks passed away and that memory made her very sad and upset however she learned to move on, at least she tried to move on.

"This is your room and if you need anything or you feel uncomfortable in any way just call me" Hiccup said when he lead Astrid to her room, it was lovely and sumptuous. Honestly she didn't know why anybody would feel uncomfortable here but she nodded to assure him.

"I'll be in my room in case you need me" he said as his hands reached for the door knob "Hiccup!" Astrid stated, Hiccup's hands froze and he immediately looked back "Yes?" He said

"Goodnight" Astrid stated, Hiccup gestured "You too" he said as he opened the door and walked out of the the room closing the door behind him. Astrid stood at her place for some time, she then laid down on the bed.

Something wasn't right, she tried shifting positions, tried switching the lights off but she just couldn't fall asleep. After some time of trying, she finally switched the lights back on and sat up in the bed. Hy couldn't she just fall asleep? She was worn out, she wanted to get some rest but if only she could.

She chose to go to Hiccup's room but he may be sleeping now, what if she disturbed him. She thought a lot about it and chose to go anyway, if he was sleeping then she wouldn't trouble him, she would just sit by him.

She made up her mind and strolled downstairs where she met Alina, Hiccup's assistant "Alina! You're still here?" Astrid inquired

"I was just about to leave. Sir, hasn't been able to come to the office lately so I give him the daily report" the lady answered

"Can I ask you something? Why do you call him Sir? I mean yeah he's your boss but you seem much older than him and as far as I know him, he wouldn't want you to call him 'Sir' " Astrid said

Alina chuckled "You beyond any doubt know him very well, he does wish me to call him Hiccup but he's my boss, I like to call him Sir" she clarified "Anyways what are you doing here so late? I thought you would've nodded off by now" she asked Astrid

"I was about to but then I remembered that I had to talk to Hiccup a-about something. He's in his room?" Astrid inquired

"Ah no, he's out for a walk" Alina answered

"Oh, well I just need to go to his room. If you could help me..." Astrid stated, she was hoping for Alina to demonstrate her the way in light of the fact that the house was enormous and it was difficult to find Hiccup's room without getting lost.

"Of course" she said and lead Astrid to Hiccup's room. Astrid took after the woman to Hiccup's room, she walked in to the room. Hiccup's room was innovative, delightful hand made pencil drawings on a huge desk, pair of glasses, a few documents spread over.

She continued strolling and on one table she saw numerous excellent wrist watches, they appeared to be costly, she continued to observe them when she saw one of watches is a glass case, she gazed at the watch for some time, it seemed familiar...very familiar. Her hands went for the glass case.

"Um sir doesn't let anyone touch this watch" Alina said quickly, Astrid hand ceased. That watch...oh hold up that is the same watch she had given Hiccup as a gift years ago when he first moved out to this place, out of all these valuable and costly wrist watches, he kept this old watch is glass case, why?

"Really? And why is that?" Astrid inquired

"I'm not sure but he usually say this is the most valuable thing he has with him from the time when he was nobody to who he is now" she explained

Astrid smiled "I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I touch it" she said

"I just wanted you to know" Alina said "It's getting late, I should probably go now" she added

"Of course, thank you for everything" Astrid said

"My pleasure" Alina answered and left the room. Astrid sat down on the bed, it felt so great, so comfortable. She thought about what happened a couple of minutes ago, a wide smile spread over her lips.

She had believed that regardless of the possibility that life at any point allowed her to meet Hiccup again, he'd be different, he would have changed a lot after the circumstances he has been in for the duration of his life, she would have never censured him but it felt great to know that her best friend was as yet the same, fame and glory never changed him, it felt great to realize that the Hiccup she knew was still there.

She saw his picture in a frame on the table, she picked it up and continued to take a gander at the picture for quite a while, she kept smiling as she kept watching the picture, She brought it close to her heart and embraced it, a couple of minutes later she was in a deep sleep..

Hiccup returned after about half an hour, he went to his room. As he entered the room, he found Astrid sleeping on his bed, her legs dangling over the side of the bed while her head rested on the pillow.

He was at first a bit confused, what was Astrid doing here? Whatever she was doing, he could ask that tomorrow, right now he needed to settle her properly on the bed.

He strolled to the bed, she was still wearing her shoes, so he began with taking the shoes off, he then settled her properly on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. He figured that she was holding something in her hands, he tried to have a look at it so that he could put it away.

He saw Astrid holding his photo which was placed on the table, he took it from her hands and placed it back on the table where it belonged, he smiled at Astrid for a bit, he then picked up the pillow from the other side of the bed as he decided to sleep on the couch since his bed was occupied.

The lights were switched off when he settled himself on the couch, soon after than he fell asleep as well.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think about this chapter in the reviews! Thanks! ooh and if you're in mood for some good music then you should probably check out Zayn ft Sia - Dusk till dawn (I mean if you haven't already, like who haven't heard that song by now?)

Until next time guys!