For the first time in a long while, a case came to them, not vice versa.
It was from angry (and slightly psychotic) relatives of someone from a past case. Neither John or Sherlock cared to remember, after all, they go through many cases. These were relatives of a past client, who wanted to outsmart Sherlock Holmes. The client, Danny Linfout, had come to the famous 221B flat about a case. After a day of research, Sherlock had successfully figured out the murderer. It was Danny. After figuring that getting away with a murder wasn't enough, he went to Sherlock to try and trick him. He quite obviously overestimated himself.
Of course the duo failed to realize that these relatives were powerful, not afraid to take a chance, and had somewhat of a gang behind their intentions. Well, Sherlock realized it (obvious, John!), but since it had no direct correlation to the case, he deleted it. And John? He never even knew of these facts.
Which brings the duo to an alley, to do a favor for Greg Lestrade ("Boring John, I do enough favors solving his cases that those imbeciles can't solve!"). When John and Sherlock arrive, Greg is already there waiting. He and John make light conversation, while Sherlock is already inspecting the bricks on the alley wall.
None of the three knows what to look for, except that a witness said there was an attack here.
"Found anything Sherlock?" John asks, turning away from the DI.
"'Found anything?' Such a broad question, John. A more logical question would be to ask me if I had found any evidence relative to the case." Barely pausing, he continues, "Because yes, I have found something, but that something is that two -no- three people… Presumably men… Yes men, were smoking-" He sniffs the air "hm, just cigarettes. But no, this does not have to do with Gavin's case." Sherlock concludes, even more annoyed at John for dragging him down here, when there wasn't even a case.
As Greg asserts an "Oi!", John sighs and says, "Why do I even ask" simultaneously.
Sherlock stands up from his crouched position saying, "I do believe that your witness was lying, Gavin.
"Oh Christ Sherlock! For the last time it's Greg!"
"My name, it's Greg!"
"Oh." Sherlock says. "Irrelevant. As I was saying, your witness must've been lying, seeing as how no one was here that attacked anyone…" Sherlock trails off, looking at the walls. "Oh. Oh!"
"What?" John asks, also looking at the wall, knowing full well that he can not see what Sherlock sees in this alley.
"It seemed that we have been tricked, yes… Indeed. Executed. Quite marvelously executed as well. It took multiple people to do so, in order to trick us, that is.
And as if on cue, a new voice came from the mouth of the alley. "I guess you are really as good as they say." A male voice booms, with a startling effect to John and Greg. Sherlock just simply turns around to face him, like an old friend.
"Why yes, obviously" Sherlock counters, unfazed by the man.
John just sighs, "Sherlock, just be quiet for once."
"Yes yes," another voice says "listen to your boyfriend."
At this John throws his arms up in defeat "He's not- we're not-!" A pause "I'm not gay!"
"Right well, we don't really care" Yet another voice emerges. "All we care about is causing you Hell." And even in the dim moonlight, the two detectives and the army doctor could see his twisted smile.
In an instant, the first man pulled out a handgun and fired. Greg and Sherlock both immediately drop down, to avoid getting hit while John flattens himself against the alley wall.
Cursing at himself for not keeping his gun on him at all times, John lunges forward to man number one, in an effort to disarm him.
Men two and three pass John and go after Sherlock and Greg, with some type of needle in their hands, which John knows can only mean bad news.
John successfully throws the gun from the attacker's hand, while trying to throw a punch. After almost a full minute of harsh fighting, the man gets the upperhand ("Curse my height!") and pushes John into the ground. While falling, John realizes that Greg and Sherlock must be at least partially okay, since men two and three have not helped man one yet.
After a few forceful kicks to his ribs, John curls up, hoping to at least somewhat protect his already bruised midsection. To his dismay, he feels a few ribs cave in. In a last attempt, John turns over to crawl away, when a particularly hard kick hits the back of his left knee.
A sickening crack! fills the alley, but not for long, as John's scream covers it.
And although John doesn't know this, Sherlock stopped fighting, to turn and look at his blogger, while crying out, "John!". Man number three (the one after Sherlock) takes advantage of the detective's distraction, and unceremoniously plunges the syringe into the detective's neck.
Also hearing the scream, Greg stops, looking over to see the good doctor (who is now sprawled on the ground grasping his knee), and also gets a syringe in his neck.
The men two and three, satisfied with their work, albeit with a few bruises, walks the short distance to John, still on the ground choking on his breath, determined not to cry.
Across the alley the two detectives are already feeling the effects of the strange drug. If Sherlock's mind wasn't so muddled, he could probably figure out what drug it was, and the effects of said drug. The only thing he could deduce right now, was that it was extraordinarily fast acting, and some type of sedative. With one last cry of "John!", which was barely a whisper, he passed out. Only a few seconds went by before Greg joined him in the realm of unconsciousness.
The first man takes the gun off of the ground then crouches next to John. He leans in close, to the point where John feels his breath on his ear, and the man says, "I mean, we could drug you… But this is just so much more fun. After all, you are the reason that Danny is in jail." John just sighs when he remembers this. Through his mind filled with pain, he remembers that case. Too little, too late.
The man turns the gun around, and right before he slams it into John's head, he says "Moriarty sends his regards."
A/N My first attempt at a multi chapter fic! It won't be too long, because I don't want to do anything too ambitious. And from random states of depression, I'm afraid to post chapters without having the other ones done, since I don't want to leave anyone waiting :).
The Prologue is much shorter than the other chapters. Just to give y'all a taste. Chapter 1 is already written with about 3000 words.
All criticism, constructive or not, is welcome. And as always, if you feel it is necessary, flame if you want.