Host Club! On Ice: Chapter 4 - Talking to the bully (Part 2)

3rd person P.O.V

5:30am not a noise could be heard, birds were still asleep outside and the sky was still dark outside the small but cosy apartment for two male students. 5:30am a time in the early morning in which no one except adult workaholics should be up at, but inside the nice apartment of a glasses wearer and a silver headed boy there was someone awake. The glasses wearer quietly sleeping in his bed still, sporting several new bruises. The Silver haired boy however was awake in bed, he didn't move to get up, he just lay there awake, while even the brown curly haired dog slept at the bottom of his bed. The male sighed and rolled onto his side, but still he didn't get up.

Viktors P.O.V

I stare silently at my wall, I don't know why I'm up at this time, I know I should be feeling tired and sleepy but I' not...and I don't know why. I sigh again and turn back onto my back, now staring up at the ceiling, slowly I start thinking back to training yesterday. I couldn't understand what happened at training, Yuri had hurt himself quite a bit. Did I push him to hard, was I a bad coach.

Yuri my best friend and student had fallen at training, he was trying to do my signature jump, but something wasn't right, I could see it on his face, I could see….pain, because I could call him over, I seen his ankle falter and he jumped, landing badly on it, he feel hard onto the brick hard ice. He didn't seem to hurt as he helped him off the ice, a few scraps here and there, but his arm wasn't….right. The fall had caused him to fracture the bones in his wrist, he was in so much pain and yet...I did not notice.

I shake my head slightly and try to clear my head of what happened, Yuri was fine now and he could keep training, I just had to do his skates up for him for a while...which I will happily do for my little piggy.

Slowly I reach over to my phone and pick it up, the screen flickered to life displaying the time for me in big bold black numbers, 06:00 (6am), I groan softly and slowly got up out of my bed, shivering very slightly as my bare feet landed on the cold hardwood floor. I pull on my green house-coat and slipped my slippers on before stretching, yawning I look at the ball of curls right at the bottom of my bed, Makkachin that lazy old dog was still sleeping even though I was now up.

I smile softly, he always manage to cheer me up. I quickly got ready for the day ahead of me, Showering, getting dressed in the uniform and making breakfast, getting Makkachin up and then the hardest task of all….waking up Yuri. Quietly I knocked on Yuris door and heard nothing, knocking louder I got the same response….nothing, grinning, I burst into the room and jump on top of the bed, startling Yuri awake "GoodMorning Yuri~" I yell happily at him and watch him searching sleepily for his glasses on his bedside table "Breakfast is on the table, shower and I'll see you when I get back" I said and walked out the room happily, after making sure that Yuri was up and getting ready for school, I don't know why, but I always got up at 6am and then got Yuri up at 6:30am.

Humming softly, I whistle for Makkachin before yelling for him "Makkachin! Walkies!" I yell and grab the leash as I see Makka run towards me, clipping the leash onto the collar I walk out with the excited dog. I walk him quietly until a semi familiar person came into my view. It was that girl, the one in the host club, dressed as a dude, what was her name….hm…."Haruhi?" I accidently blurt out, but I was correct, she turned around and blinked at him "Viktor?" well…..oops

Haruhi's P.O.V

I had just finished my chores for that morning, just the small ones like making my bed and putting a washing on, my father must have forgotten to do them before heading to work, I sighed softly, just leaving the house to walk to school, because of where I lived and because I can't afford a personal driver, I just walked the 3 miles to school every morning. I make sure I have everything and look presentable before leaving the house, yawing I start walking down the street just thinking quietly to myself until a familiar Russian voice stops me "Haruhi?" I turn around and see Vitkor, he looked very confused at me "Viktor?" I say back sounding just as confused, 'why was he here? Was he working with the host club to spy on me? No...he doesn't get on with them much at the…' I think to myself before noticing the dog he had on a leash next to him.

Slowly I walk over to him, confused as to why he was here, Kyoya had told us that he and Yuri were rich like the rest of the school, so why not live away with the other rich people "why are you here?" I ask him, it came out colder than what I wanted. Oops. I sigh softly, was about to apologise when he started talking "I'm walking Makkachin" he said happily and pat the dog's head happily, a smile on his face "I live just down the street" he said and hummed, he smiled as his curly brown dog approached me and sniffed me, before licking my hand and wagging its tail excitedly. I smile slightly, the dog reminds me of its owner. I shake my head slightly to clear my head 'they live here, weird' I think to myself before checking the time, I'm behind schedule "Sorry Viktor, I have to go now..or I'll be late for school" I said and sigh again. Slowly I start walking away before his voice stops me "wait! We will give you a ride to school" he said happily and had a goofy smile on his face when I look back at him.

That look he had...I couldn't say no "Fine" I say and smile, he smiled even more and lead me to the place he lived. I did not expect them to life in an apartment like me, after all...these are rich people.

"Yuri! We have a guest!" he yelled out to the shy black haired boy, after he had cleaned his shoes at the door. Hearing noises from the kitchen I look at the doorway to see a sleepy looking Yuri walk into the living room with a slice of toast hanging out his mouth, his hair was wet and his uniform was a mess unlike yesterday when he was tidy and proper, and that's when I notice the wrist brace, without thinking I speak "I am sorry Hikaru hurt you right before you left" Yuri froze at that and looked at Viktor who hadn't been listening, before relaxing, he mentioned me into the kitchen and does as I was asked, I walked into the kitchen.

Almost as soon as he had closed the door, he began begging me, but he as talking to fast and to hysterical for me to properly understand what he was talking about "wait...wait're talking to fast… can't understand you" I explain calmly, he took a deep breath and relaxed "sorry" he mumbled before walking calmly.

Yuri's P.O.V

I was happy Haruhi was here, She's nice to me, but she almost told Viktor what had happened yesterday, which would be bad….very bad. After talking so fast that she couldn't understand me, and that I couldn't breath, I apologise to her softly and work on catching my breath, I don't have much stamina in the morning….not before my morning coffee.

Clearing my throat, I look at Haruhi properly "Please don't tell Viktor about what happened with the branch yesterday...he doesn't know...and It will be bad if he found out, he sounds happy now...but he can change at a split second" I explained and kept my voice down so that Viktor didn't hear me.

Both Haruhi and myself look at the door as Viktor walked in happily "Taxi is here" he said and ran out, I put my coffee in a takeaway cup and smile at Haruhi weakly "lets good...he can get like an impatent child when left waiting" I explain and walk Haruhi out, I make sure Makkachin had plenty of food and water before locking the door and joining Viktor and Haruhi in the Taxi "To Ouran Highschool, Please" he ask the taxi driver and sip my coffee as we start moving towards the school for another day of...hell?

Without realising it, I started playing with the straps on my wrist brace before feeling a hand on top of mine, I look up to see it's Viktors, smiling softly at him, I nod my head in thanks and slip my coffee again, stopping myself from slipping back into a happy comfy sleep.

As the school gets into view I slowly sink back down in my seat, frowning and slightly clinging to the seat, I really didn't want to be here, not again. Thankfully the taxi stops at the gate, not going into the school grounds, everyone climbs out the taxi and I pay the £10 taxi fare and also got out the car. My bag tightly in my grip as I walk up to the school doors as Haruhi and Viktor happily talked, a small smile also making its way onto my face, but that quickly faded as I see who was standing in front of the school doors...the damn host club, I sigh and look down.

The violet eyes male stepped forward and tackle hugged Haruhi almost as soon as he has seen her, talking about how cute she was and why she was here with us. It took her a minute to understand him "Tamaki-Senpai, please put me down" she said and looked relieved when he did as he was told "and for your question, I'm here with Viktor and Yuri because….." she looked at us and hesitated "they were on the way to school and passed me, before stopping and offered me a left because I was running late" she said making an excuse. Tamaki when started to go off in one again, talking about how poor she was and how much of a burden it must be for her, she groaned held her head to ignore him, I felt sorry for her.

Soon our attention was caught by a professional like voice "Tamaki, we are here to apologise, not to talk about how burdened Haruhi is with being poor and not being able to change that" the glasses wearer of the group said before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He then mentioned to my fractured wrist, catching the group's attention.

Tamaki soon got up and stopped acting like...Viktor "I am so sorry for Hikaru's actions yesterday, with him tripping you and hurting you" he said and both Haruhi and I froze, before slowly looking over at Viktor….he looked Fuming.

"He did what" Viktor said sinisterly and I knew...he had realized what had happened.

Viktor's P.O.V

My mind was reeling, what had he said, that brat had hurt him...not my training, he had tripped him, I could feel eyes on me, and the two I came to school with today slowly back away. I look at them with emotionless eyes "Follow me" I said dryly, my accent coming through even thicker than usual. Slowly I lead them to their club room, closing the door when everyone was in. I glared darkly at the Hikaru kid "Who do you think you are! Picking on a kind you do not know, accusing him of being a liar, is your life that boring that you have to degrade others to make yourself feel better!" it had started..the rant "what are you bullying him for! Because he doesn't look like a lit match stick, because he actually has muscle, because he actually has friends other than a group that only hangs with you before they have to!" I yell at him before stopping and panting softly.

"If you continue to bully Yuri….I...I…" just as I was about to finish my sentence I was hugged, only one person would hug me in this situation...and that would be Yuri, smiling softly I hug him back, I was calming down and then I realized what I had said, I had been very harsh on him,...ouch.

"Look I...I'm sorry...I…" and again, was cut off by the doors being thrown open...what now…

3rd Person P.O.V

As the group and two others started at the Russian in shock they could not have prepared themselves for what was about to happen, the big heavy elegant doors to the host club slammed open and a blast of light blinked anyone that had seen the door open, three female voices could be heard, singing in a choir type way "Lobelia~" the voices as song a three girls walked in and insulted the leader Tamaki "we students of Lobelia are back for Haruhi! And this time we will win!" they said and struck little poses as they then went and started fussing about Haruhi "we will compete, the winning school gets Haruhi and we choose the sport" the leading girl said as the host club only listened "we have chosen Figure skating, you have one week to prepare" they said together before pirouetting out the room, leaving the host club and Viktor and Yuri, standing in shock. The host club minus Haruhi, Kyoya and Mori-senpai screamed all at once "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!"

/Hey guys! So I'm home and I decided to do a chapter! I hope it's okay, if there are any mistakes then you might want to know it's 1:30am my time when finishing this chapter, so sorry if there are any errors. Also, my college course starts next week, so my updates might not get any better….I'm sorry and please enjoy the chapter, see ya ^_^

/PS: I read all the comments and I would like to say thanks for all the support from everyone, all English and Spanish speakers, Thank you (Gracias) and again sorry for making you wait (Los siento)

/PPS: You guys are all amazing!