"There's something really weird about this place..." Cherry said to herself as she wandered off while the others fell asleep.

'Would you like to escape this place?' A female voice asked.

Cherry looked around. "Hello?"

'Would you like to escape that place and go to someplace dark and gloomy?' The female voice asked.

"Well, actually..." Cherry had a small smirk. "Sounds like my happy place."

The female voice soon told Cherry what to do for her to get there. Cherry looked to the others as she let the dark voice lead her.

'You know what you need to do.' The evil female voice said.

"Wait, this always happens..." Cherry stopped then. "This is just to test my morals and relationship with Atticus."

'DO YOU WANT TO GET TO THE TROLL KINGDOM OR NOT?!' The female voice yelled.

"Gah!" Cherry yelped as she then fell flat on the floor. "Wait, there's a troll kingdom?"

'Yes, just come this way...' the dark female voice led her.

Cherry then followed the way, somehow knowing exactly where to go.

Junior's dream continued to overpower Gus's dark thoughts. Junior seemed to hug Rosie in his sleep and Rosie seemed to be hugging him back.

"Aw!" Stanley smiled.

Mo was smiling brightly in her sleep and as for Atticus, he also smiled in his sleep in the same brightness. They seemed to be having the same dream of them getting married and were having their first dance together. It was like when Cinderella danced with Prince Charming at the ball for the first time. Nothing could possibly ruin their wonderful sleep.

Cherry came into a castle and saw a repulsive looking woman with a newspaper and she cupped her mouth as she looked a little disgusted by her haggard appearance.

"Ah, hello, dear~" the woman smirked.

Cherry gulped as she threw up in her mouth. "Hello..."

"I see you've found my castle." The woman said.

"Uh... yeah..." Cherry shuddered.

"I am the Queen of Mean: Gnorga." the female introduced herself.

Cherry shuddered in disgust. "Pleased to... Meet you... I think?"

"Your other friends should be here soon." Gnorga smirked.

"They're asleep..." Cherry said. "I don't sleep much at night, I'm more of a day dreamer."

"Oh, I know," Gnorga said. "And I know that they'll be here any minute."

"Um..." Cherry blinked. She soon saw why Gnorga said that.

There was a mirror that could show the others who were still sleeping.

"Hey, there's Stanley." Cherry noticed which made Gnorga angry.

"That lawbreaker?!" Gnorga glared. "Where?!"

"Uh, nowhere, she's just mistaken..." a male rushed in, feeling nervous from Gnorga's temper.

"Who are you?" Cherry asked the man.

"I'm King Llort." the male replied.

"Llort..." Cherry scoffed quietly about that name.

The others soon arrived.

"Oh, boy..." Cherry looked worried. "Don't you dare hurt them, they're my family!"

"Cherry, would you keep it down?" Atticus yawned. "We're trying to sleep."

"Go outside if you're going to make so much noise." Patch complained while sleeping.

"Um, guys, I think you should wake up." Cherry gulped.

Mo groaned. "No! You can't make me..."

"Guys, this is very important!" Cherry panicked.

"This better be." Atticus groaned.

They then yawned and woke up.

Mo then saw they were somewhere else and then panicked since her little brother wasn't with her. "JJ?!" she shrieked. She soon saw Junior with Rosie, still asleep. "JJ!" Mo's eyes filled with tears.

"Will you stop that insentient screaming?!" Gnorga scolded her.

This caused Junior and Rosie and Gus to wake up.

"Oh, great..." Gnorga groaned.

"We can't stay here, we have to get home before Mom and Dad." Gus said.

"That's right." Mo said.

"I've been expecting you..." Gnorga smirked darkly to Gus.

"You've been expecting Gus?" Patch asked.

"My, my, and I didn't think canines could talk in your world..." Gnorga smirked. "Anyway, yes, yes, I have... Such a beastly child who could become my inheritance."

"Oh, great, now look what you've done, Gus." Cherry glared.

"What did I do?!" Gus glared back at her. "You always blame me!"

"Because you're a spoiled and obnoxious little brat!" Cherry scowled.

"And that's why he's perfect." Gnorga smirked.

"I'm sorry, but you can't take him." Mo said as she stood protectively by Gus.

"Out of the way or else I'll turn you to stone." Gnorga glared.

Mo glared back with a slight growl.

"Your funeral." Gnorga snarled.

"Come on, guys, let's get out of here!" Cherry called to the others since she found herself here on her own.

"You don't have to protect me, Mo." Gus said.

"She's going to destroy you." Mo said.

"No, leave him, he only makes things worse." Cherry said.

"You are not helping." Atticus said.

"I don't care, that kid is a little BRAT!" Cherry glared. "I say he stays with the trolls while we take Rosie home!"

"No!" Rosie cried as she hugged her big brother.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Gus said.

When they came outside, it looked nearly dead and disastrous.

"Whoa, it looks like a twister hit this place." Cherry commented.

"It doesn't look like anything can even grow here." Atticus said.

"It's like the end of the world." Patch whimpered.

"Thank you for the compliments." Gnorga smirked.

Cherry looked to see Gnorga and Llort dressed like royal vikings.

"Now be a good girl and hand over the boy." Gnorga demanded to Cherry.

"Sure!" Cherry stepped aside to let the evil woman take Gus away.

"Cherry!" Atticus glared.

"What? I did us all a favor." Cherry shrugged.

"What about Rosie?" Mo asked.

"She'll get over it." Cherry replied.

"Cherry, that's just cold." Patch scolded.

Rosie didn't seem to get over her brother leaving her. Junior frowned since Rosie was sad.

"Cherry, we need to get Gus back," Atticus said to his best friend. "Don't make me sing."

"Oh, God!" Cherry's eyes widened.

Atticus started to clear his voice before looking like he was going to sing.

"No, don't!" Cherry said. "Please, I'm sorry..."

"Then we're staying." Atticus said.

"Augh..." Cherry groaned.