AN: Sorry I took so long to finally upload. I will admit, I did lose a bit of interest in writing this story after I finished LMSR. I've also just recently become addicted to Naruto/Naruto Shippuden which has taken up much of my free time, lol. I'm officially a part of that fandom now! Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Expect to not see as frequent steady updates. I hope you enjoy.


A pink blur whizzed through the woods, desperately trying to escape and outrun her pursuer. She dodged oncoming trees, and low-lying branches before coming to a stop behind a large, fallen, tree. It was none other than Amy Rose as she sat behind the tree trunk, trying to catch her breath. She had been using her vampire agility to avoid her enemy for some time now but had burned up a lot of energy working on her evasion. While she caught her breath, she turned her head to discreetly look behind her, hoping she had lost her assailant.

Seeing and hearing nothing in sight, she let out of a sigh of relief as a reward, but before she could celebrate for too long, her heightened vampire hearing picked up footsteps coming from the distance. She froze, keeping very still as fear coursed through her. Quietly, she lay on her side, praying her enemy wouldn't find her. Anticipation rose as she heard his shoes crunching on top of the dead leaves that had fallen from the trees above. Suddenly, the footsteps ceased momentarily, making her heart race even faster. Why had they stopped? Did they see her—had they given up?

After an agonizingly long moment, the footsteps continued but walked away from her. Believing they had left, Amy slowly sat upright before finally standing. She looked around her vicinity not seeing a soul in sight. Feeling triumphant, Amy began to make her way in the opposite direction until a strong force knocked her down onto her back. It was so fast, that she hadn't even seen the face of her attacker until she opened her eyes to look up at the one pinning her down by the wrists above her head. "I win again," a smooth and masculine voice spoke with conquest.

Amy's brows furrowed as she stared up at her captor—who was none other than Shadow the Hedgehog. "Give me a break, I kept away for a record-breaking thirty minutes this time," she groaned.

He chuckled lightly, amused by her comment. "You should feel proud," he commended. "Each and every time we come out and do training, you improve. Remember a month ago when I was able to catch you within two minutes?"

She nodded, thinking back to that time—a time where she was so naïve with her new and enhanced abilities. "Yes."

"Next time, work on controlling your heart beat. That's how I was able to find you. I could hear it racing from afar."

"Right, heartbeats…I'll remember next time," she noted.

"Good." He leaned in and gave her a short peck on the lips. "Love you."

"I love you, too," she replied before trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "But can you let me up now?"

His eyelids lowered suggestively as he stared down at her. "I'm finding it hard to comply with your demands when you look absolutely ravishing lying underneath me like this. I caught my prey after all."

Amy blushed at his comment and seductive glance. "Shadow, we can't do it out here. Someone might see us."

"We'll have to make it fast then," he replied before diving in and giving her sensual kisses along her neck. Amy felt her face heat up, as he sucked on the side of her neck softly. She could feel his fangs press against her throat, making her heart race in anticipation. "Sha-shadow, stop, ah."

Ignoring her pleas, he continued making his way back up her neck and silenced her with a sensual kiss. Amy felt him slide his tongue into her mouth, lapping around inside. Eventually, she succumbed to him and lowered her guard. Shadow was succeeding in turning her on. Feeling her resisting cease, Shadow released his hold on her wrists, allowing her hands to wander. Amy wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer for him to continue ravishing her.

Shadow smirked within their kiss, and moved his knee between her legs, signaling her to spread them. She obliged, spreading her legs for him, while his right hand trailed down her side making its way to the promise land, but before anything more could happen, Amy's cell phone rang out causing the two hedgehogs to pull apart from the startling noise.

Amy sat up as Shadow moved off her. "It's probably Silver," she surmised in a soft voice.

"Well, can it wait?" Shadow grumbled in annoyance. "We're kind of busy here."

Amy sat up further, diving her hand into her jacket pocket and rummaging for her cell phone. Once she found it, she pulled it out and looked at the caller I.D seeing Silver's name flash on the screen. Shadow took a peek at the caller and shrugged. "It's probably nothing," he deduced. "My brother can wait."

"It could be about Faith, Shadow," she countered.

Seeing her point, Shadow backed off on his impatience and allowed her to take the phone call–he was babysitting after all. Amy put the phone to her ear as she answered. "Hello?"

Back at the house, Silver held a fussy Faith in his arms, while he braced his cell phone between his shoulder and face to talk. "Amy," he spoke loudly over the crying infant. "Is there any chance you and Shadow are on your way back?"

Amy cringed hearing Faith wail loudly in the background. "Why, what's going on?"

At the manor, Silver paced around the room, cradling the young infant in one arm, trying to calm her. "Faith's been pretty restless for the past few hours. I've been trying to get her down for her afternoon nap, but I just can't seem to get her to settle down. I figured maybe she just needs her Mother."

"It sure sounds like it. Don't worry, Silver, we'll be home in twenty minutes." With that, she hung up and looked over to Shadow, who now looked rather guilty for suggesting the idea of ignoring the call. "Come on, Shadow, let's get home."


Meanwhile, in the city, Blaze finished up her shift at her store after a busy day. Inside, she finished sweeping the floor just as she caught a familiar duo walk past her large store window. She stared in awe as a pink echidna wearing a long sleeve, blue dress, accompanied by a red and black armadillo in a dashing black suit, strolled past her store window. "Oh, my."

Quickly, she rested her broom against the wall and ran for the door, flinging it open in excitement. "Aurora, Mighty!" she waved, trying to get their attention as she chased after them down the sidewalk. The two halted in their tracks after hearing their names and turned. Just as the pink echidna spun around to face her caller, she was immediately embraced by the purple feline. "Aurora, I haven't seen you in forever!"

The echidna gently patted her on the back with a small smile. "Oh, well, we've been on a spiritual retreat for a few months," Aurora replied sweetly. "We only returned a few days ago."

Blaze smiled before she looked over to Mighty, standing off to the side. "How have you been, Mighty?"

"The retreat did wonders for me," he began. "It was some well-deserved rest and everything is now sublime my dear," he responded looking almost smug in his expression.

Blaze raised a brow at first by his response, since she had never heard Mighty use that term, and it seemed rather out of character, but ultimately she shrugged it off. "Well, that's great to hear." Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she rummaged for it. When she looked at the screen, it was a text message from Silver. "We should have brunch or something in the future and catch up," she recommended, directing her attention back to her old friends.

Aurora clasped her hands together. "That sounds like an absolutely lovely proposal."

"Great, well, I have to get going. I have a date with my boyfriend this afternoon," she said turning on her heel. "Seeya later, guys!" she waved.

The two watched as the cat wandered off and out of earshot. "Do you think she noticed?" Mighty inquired quietly.

Aurora's once sincere looking expression deflated into something more calculating. "Not at all, my son," Aurora smiled wickedly. "Poor girl, she doesn't have a clue. She's too caught up in her love life with your younger brother."

"Blaze may have fallen for our façade, but don't you think Shadow and Silver will recognize our true identities?" Mighty questioned as they walked down the sidewalk together.

"I don't expect your brothers to be deluded by our trickery, Mephiles," she answered. "Say what you will about them, but you and your siblings are quite observant and excellent strategists."

Mighty looked rather dignified by the accolade. "A trait we inherited from you, dear mother," he complimented.

She gave out a soft chuckle. "Are you happy with your new body?" she inquired as they turned a corner.

He looked down at his hands as he mulled over the question. "It does its purpose I suppose, but I would have preferred something a little more robust— not that I'm complaining."

She rolled her eyes slightly by his criticism. "Just be happy you're not stuck in the body of a teenager."

"Don't worry, mother, I'll find the perfect body for you, then we can do the spell to have you jump into the new one," he pledged with determination.

Aurora reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "Aw, thank you, Mephiles. You've always been the kindest towards me."

He smiled proudly. "Of course, but what is our next stage of the plan?"

"We have much to attend to. First, we need to get your brother's attention." They stopped at the witch cemetery gates, finally at their destination. "After all, we have a family reunion to plan," she smirked darkly.


Twenty minutes later, Shadow and Amy arrived back to the house where Silver waited as he gently patted the baby's back as he held her. The front door opened and both Shadow and Amy walked in and flocked over to their child's side. "Ooh, Faith what's wrong?" Amy cooed as she took her out of Silver's arms. Faith continued to cry and scream as Amy tried to quiet her.

Shadow hovered behind Amy as he looked down at his daughter with concern. "Does she need a diaper change?" he asked loudly over her crying.

Silver shook his head. "I've checked twice and she's fine."

"Perhaps she's just hungry, then?" Shadow theorized.

"I've been trying to feed her but she's been quite resistant. I don't know what to do. She's always been so good with me."

Amy gently bounced her in her arms while different thoughts on her restlessness flooded her mind. Her eyes went back to Silver. "It's okay, Silver, she might just be having a bad day, I'll tend to her and you can take a break," she smiled. "Thanks again for helping us out."

"No problem, Amy," the white hedgehog smiled back.

Amy began to head upstairs with Faith in tow. "I'm just going to take her upstairs and rock her for a bit."

"I'll join you up there in a bit," Shadow called out.

Meanwhile, Silver looked at his phone and quickly sent a text to Blaze. "Great, I have just enough time to get ready for my special date with Blaze tonight."

"Special date?" Shadow repeated with intrigue.

Silver nodded as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small black box. "Yes, I'm going to propose to her tonight," he explained. Silver opened up the black velvet box, revealing a beautiful, but dainty engagement ring.

Shadow stared in awe at the ring. "I'll wish you luck tonight, but I don't think you'll need it. Blaze is a great girl."

"I'm glad you agree," Silver chuckled. "She's already been like family for so long, I think it's time I make it official."


Upstairs, Amy entered Faith's nursery and walked over to the rocking chair. "I think it's time for a story, what do you think?" she chuckled lightly as she stared down at the baby. Faith looked up at her mother while she sucked away at her binky, causing Amy to chuckle as she took a seat. "I suppose that's a yes, then." She tapped her chin, "Now, let's think of a good story to tell…" Amy looked around the room for inspiration before her eyes set on the painting hanging above Faith's crib. A smile formed as a story came to fruition in her mind.

Amy pushed off with her feet gently, starting to rock her chair. "Once upon a time, there was a majestic king, who lived with his noble brother, and his queen in a beautiful castle where music and art were celebrated," she began. "The king did not foresee having a child, but he lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible. In time, he was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter, for whom he only wished peace and happiness." Just from her few moments of rocking, Amy could see Faith was starting to grow quite tired as her eyes grew heavy.

Gently, Amy stood from her chair holding Faith in her arms as she approached the crib to lay her down and continue her story. "Still…the king had demons who pursued him relentlessly. There was a ruthless warlock who wanted to take out the king's beautiful daughter for his own evil doings." Amy lowered Faith into her crib now that her eyes were completely closed. "The warlock armed himself with a pack of loyal monsters, and drove the other magical beings from the kingdom, weakening the king's stronghold over the land."

Amy draped a small blanket over Faith, tucking her in. "In order to keep his kingdom safe, the king went out of his way to create alliances with other mythical creatures to help him protect his family. But the warlock mimicked the king's actions and formed an alliance of his own with a wicked sorceress that helped create enchanted stones that weakened the king every full moon. One full moon, the warlock killed the queen and kidnapped the beautiful princess. But thanks to the king's noble brother and great allies, he was able to save his princess and slay his enemies just in the knick of time. And thanks to the magic of the land, his queen was brought back to life and the family was reunited and lived happily ever after," she finished.

"—You've got quite the talent there," a male voice said from the doorway. Amy craned her neck only to see Shadow leaning his right shoulder against the doorframe. "I especially enjoyed the part where the king slayed that odious warlock," he chuckled in reminiscent.

Amy smiled and approached him. "It's not too hard to come up with stories when you've got all the inspiration for them around you," she giggled softly.

He reached for her, wrapping his arms around her waist and drawing her in close. Shadow leaned in and gave her a few kisses on the cheek, before going down her neck. "Oh, Shadow," she moaned lightly.

He smirked, hearing her reaction. "Now that the little one is down, I say we continue what we started in the woods back in the bedroom. What do you say, my love?"

"I'd like that," she smiled. Shadow scooped Amy up into his arms bridal style and carried her out of the nursery and towards their bedroom so they could continue their activities.


After having a lovely meal at a little French bistro, Silver and Blaze sat at their table waiting to end their night with dessert. The two sat just outside the restaurant, with the beautiful night sky above them. Silver stared at Blaze lovingly as took a sip of her champagne. When she finished her sip, she did a double take, realizing that Silver had been staring at her longingly in the moment. "Silver, are you okay?" she laughed, staring at his goofy expression.

Silver came out of his daze and shook his head. "Oh, of course! I just couldn't help but stare, especially at how gorgeous you look tonight."

Blaze smiled appreciatively. "Thank you. You are just as equally handsome tonight," she praised. "I really want to thank you again for bringing me here tonight—especially, since this place is quite pricey."

"It's fine, don't worry about the price," he dismissed with a wave of the hand. "You adore French cuisine, and well…" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I wanted to make sure this night was special."

"Special?" she repeated. "It's not our anniversary yet," she chuckled.

"No, you're right, it's not. But in the last few months, I've realized how much you mean to me—how much you've impacted my life and made it for the better." Blaze looked in awe by his heartfelt speech and watched as he reached out for her hands. "Blaze, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

At that very moment, the waiter came over and placed down their ordered dessert, Crème Brulee with an added bonus. Lying on top of the dessert was a delicate, dainty and very feminine engagement ring. Blaze gasped in surprise and placed a hand over her mouth. Her eyes stared at the ring and back towards Silver in disbelief.

Before she could utter anything, Silver was down on one knee, holding her hand. The restaurant full of dining patrons all turned in their seats and stared at them, with anxious smiles. "Blaze, will you marry me?"

Blaze nodded eagerly, feeling an adrenaline rush overcome her. "Yes, yes!" She exclaimed happily. The crowd of diners along with the waiting staff clapped and cheered seeing the happy event unfold before them. Silver and Blaze kissed, feeling optimistic and content with what their future would hold.


Meanwhile, back at Shadow's estate; things were getting quite heated between the new couple. In the bedroom, Amy laid on her back completely nude, while Shadow lounged beside her, helping her get off. His fingers glided in and out of her allowing soft gasps of euphoria to fill the air. Shadow watched in content as he pleasured Amy. Amy kept her eyes closed as he worked his handy magic down below. Like always, Shadow was excellent at finding just the right spot at putting her over the edge. She felt her back arch as he probed at reaching her climax. She was building up to exploding and Shadow was sensing her end. "You want it faster?" he asked softly.

Keeping her eyes shut, she nodded anxiously and he upped his speed, fingering her even faster. "Ah, ah, aaah…" she moaned in relief as she orgasmed, feeling a bliss overcome her that left her body tingling.

Shadow smirked down at her, seeing her chest rise and fall as she caught her breath. "That's my girl."

Amy sat up, pushing herself up on her bent arms to look at him. "Shadow, that was amazing," she panted. "But don't you ever want to go first?"

"Ladies should always go first," he winked.

Amy giggled and leaned over and kissed him. Shadow wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in closer. It was then that she could feel his thick and long cock pressing up against her puffy lips down below. She shuddered in excitement, feeling the head probe against her entrance. Amy pried her lips away from his. "Oooh, Shadow."

"Do you want to take the lead?" he probed.

She nodded and helped maneuver themselves into the proper positions. Shadow laid on his back, while Amy climbed on top of him, positioning herself over his erect member. "You ready?"



Meanwhile, at that same time, miles away, an older dark hedgehog walked down the streets in his quest to find his sons. The streets were filled with tourists and residents that weaved in and out of stores and restaurants. Coal scowled at the sight of two lovesick mortals linking arms and kissing as they walked passed him. How he despised seeing them happy and ignorant to what evil loomed and scourged this city. It had been a couple of months during his search, but finally, his scout had brought him to this town. There was something about it, that drew him there, and he knew with a bit more hunting, he'd stumble across the ones he wished to destroy.

Coal stopped and leaned against one of the walls of a shop to take a time to observe his surroundings. His eyes watched the crowd as he desperately wished to find a clue to where his sons resided. Suddenly, his heightened hearing picked up on an interesting conversation. Tuning into the convo, his eyes shot to the left where he spotted a male porcupine leading a compelled female tourist into an alley. Clearly, the male was a vampire, and seeing as hunting vampires was his mission in life; he decided he'd use this as a chance to get in some more practice.

Discreetly, he pushed himself off the wall and followed the oblivious vampire, while he withdrew an ordinary wooden stake from the inside of his jacket.


Standing on a nearby apartment balcony, Mephiles inhabiting Mighty's body watched as Coal made his trek after his new targets. He ran a nervous hand over his face as he watched, contemplating on making a move to strike down his father himself. After Shadow had ended his life a few months ago, he had set up a backup plan in case everything had gone awry by bringing his father back to life—which unfortunately had worked. If only he had known that his Mother had a similar idea by bringing herself along with his own life back to the living.

His mother absolutely despised his father and knowing how angry she'd be if she found out about his side ploy would only cause her to lose trust in him. It would be difficult to destroy Coal without obtaining the white oak stake and would take some planning. Tonight was not the night to strike though. Mighty backed away from the balcony railing, deciding he'd do some more planning before he made his move, but in the meantime, he'd make sure to keep his mother off his father's trail.


AN: In case anyone is confused:

Mephiles is inhabiting (Possessing Mighty Armadillo's body)

Ivy (Shadow/Silver/Mephiles mother) is inhabiting Aurora's body.

Coal has been brought back from the dead, via Mephiles and is on the hunt for Shadow and .

Hopefully, that clears up any confusion!