****Fuedal Era**************************************************************

It was night out. The sky was clear and only occupied the stars that glimmered against its darkness. All was silent until a loud scream erupted from deep within the Eastern lands forest. Birds flew from their quiet perches as the scream echoed throughout for miles. Pain was immanent in the scream then silence. An erie quiet then covered the land for a moment when another pain filled scream erupted. This one louder than the last.

"Hurry up Hiko!" Yelled a demoness dressed in all white. She was carrying a basket of clean rags while running into a room where another woman laid, obviously in pain. "Hurry grab more warm water. Madam said the baby is coming soon."

"Yes, right away Mam." Another demoness also wearing all white responded while running out to the hall and to wear more warm water was located.

The women laying in the room was moaning in pain as another contraction was about to hit her. Then a blood curtling scream of pure agony broke through her lips. The demoness, referred to as Madam, was knelt over the pregnant demon with her hands in position to help aid the baby to come out.

"It'll be okay Lady Akiko…everything will be okay. I will help you through this." Madam spoke sternly yet softly as to try and calm the demoness before her.

"Please make sure my baby is delivered safely no matter what." Spoke the Lady of the house. Her eyes a very pale yellow begged Madam. Her hair, sprawled out around her was long, the color of ebony and crimson blended together. Small strands of hair hugged her sweat covered face that held two red strips across each check and a black crescent moon with its tips pointed upward.

"Of course, M'Lady."

"Do you understand how important this baby is Madam?" Lady Akiko asked sternly.

"Yes M'Lady. I will do everything in my power to make sure the baby is safe. No harm will come to it. You have my word as your families most loyal servant."

"Do you…remember?"

"Yes M'Lady. I will do what has been set to be done. Your baby will be safe. I will make sure of that."

Then as Lady Akiko was about to respond, another contraction hit her full force and she could feel the baby's head moving down. 'Yes little one. You will be here soon.' Lady Akiko thought to herself as she prepared to push. In just a few minutes her little baby would be here and everything would change in their kingdom.


As Lady Akiko's moans and screams echoed down the halls a male youki paced in his office waiting for the news of his soon to be first child and heir to his lands. His face held an anxious and worried façade. He was the Lord of the Eastern Lands and he was powerless to help ease his mate's pain as she was bringing their child into this world. This child was special. No one knew except for a few trustworthy servants that this baby was coming. Their species of youki had to keep it a secret. They were the last of their kind. The Phoenix Youki, born of fire and the power of rebirth. The youki Lord continued to pace with his long golden hair pulled into a high pony tail, not a strand out of place. His eager crimson colored eyes held deep thought in them. Different shade of red swirled within in them like flames flickering in the wind. His skin was lightly tanned giving contrast to his features. He adorned one black strip down each cheek from the corner of each eye with a single white crescent moon on his forehead with its tips facing down towards the bridge of his nose. The mark of the Eastern Lord. "I must go to Akiko…" he spoke out loud to no one. Then he exited his study towards his mate's location.

"Keep pushing M'Lady. Almost there! I see the head!" Encouraged Madam as she positions her hands around the top of the baby's head helping it through as Lady Akiko pushed again.

"Ahhh!" Growled Lady Akiko as a servant wiped her sweat from her brow. "It hurts."

"Almost done M'Lady. One more good push should do it." Madam instructed just as the Eastern Lord entered.

"Lord Kato the baby is about here." A servant informed him as she bowed.

"My love…I am here." Lord Kato spoke as he walked passed the servant without even a hint of acknowledgment.

"Push M'Lady! Push!" Ordered Madam.

Lady Akiko didn't have time to respond to her mate as she pushed one last time. Then a small cry erupted and everyone cheered. Madam wiped the baby clean and wrapped it in a blanket. Gently she handed the baby to its mother.

"Is it a boy or a girl my love?" An eager Kato asked almost jumping up and down with joy.

Lady Akiko unwrapped part of the blanket and with a tiered voice spoke with a smile. "It's a little baby…girl." Upon seeing what gender their baby was they both noticed her hair color. "Her hair?"

The baby girl cooed and whimpered for warmth. She wiggled and squirmed then ever so slowly open her eyes. Her big sapphire blue eyes. She had long eye lashes white as snow even her eyebrows were almost white with a faint blue tint in them as well as her thick mane of hair.

"She is beautiful my Love." Whispered Kato. "She is the chosen one the prophecy spoke of and our baby."

"What shall we call her?"

"Kagome…" Replied Kato as he starred adoringly at his precious child. His princess.

"Lady Akiko, shall I ready a bath for the Princess Kagome?" asked Madam. "I will have Rin ready your bath and clothes."

"Yes Madam. That would be wonderful." Lady Akiko replied with exhaustion evident in her words.

*****17 YEARS LATER***************

It was mid-afternoon and the sky was covered in dark rain filled clouds. The smells of fresh rain, thick in the air right before mother nature unleashed its nurturing upon the earths soil. Everything was serene and beautiful, peaceful. Standing on a rock in front of a small lake was a young woman with pale blue hair flowing around her down past her knees. She had a blank expression on her face as the rain hit her pale white flesh, soaking her black kimono with silver cherry blossoms stitched into the hems. It hugged her form tightly as she gazed emotionless with those sapphire colored eyes across the lake. Rain smacked against the lakes water giving the place a soft pitter patter noise that seemed to calm the demoness. It was as if she was controlling the weather around her.

"Lady Kagome are you alright?" asked a demon girl with short black hair. "Is there anything you need? The gathering is about to start."

"No Rin. I am fine. Just thinking is all." I replied hoping she wouldn't persist in more questioning. Today was the 13th year mark of when I lost my parents and became the Lady of the Eastern Lands. My heart aches for my mother and father but they are never coming back. They died protecting me and these lands and now I will do the same. It is my birth right. That fateful day I lost them to an evil hanyou called Naraku. He used trickery and my capture to kill them, but before they died they both used the last of their phoenix demon inside themselves to take him with them. I miss my mother and father very much. Because they passed when I was so young I have few memories of them and didn't get the chance to learn of my heritage. The only person who knew my parents closely is Madam. She has been raising me since they passed and said after tonight she will tell me what my parents wanted me to know about my heritage.

"Yes M'Lady." Bowed Rin.

"Just call me Kagome. You have known me since birth Rin. We grew up together."

"It is my duty to call you by title now M'Lady. But if you wish is that then I will do so Kagome." Smiled Rin.

"Thank you. This is all becoming so much."

"I know but all will be okay. The prophecy…" Rin was about to speak then stopped.

"Wait? What prophecy?"

"I'm sorry Lady Kagome but I can't speak of that. I wasn't supposed to mention that. That is for Madam to discuss. Please forgive me."

"Hn…" Kagome jumped down from the rock and proceeded to walk back to her kingdom to search for Madam so that she can get this over with once and for all.

*********AT THE PALACE*********************

"Madam? We need to talk." Called out a flustered Kagome who was still soaking wet.

"Yes, Lady Kagome we do need to talk." An older female Youiki spoke as she stepped out of the shadows. Her eyes a pale pink hue and her deep purple hair pulled back into a braid. She only stood about 4 feet tall. Much shorter then Kagome. She wore a plane yellow kimono.

"Meet me in my study in ten."

"Yes, Lady Kagome." Madam responded bowing as she disappeared back into the shadows.

************ IN KAGOME'S STUDY ******************************************************

"Lady Kagome, there is a lot to go over but right now all you need to know is that you were born from the Pheonix Youiki Prophecy called the 'Rebirth of a New Age.' That is why you do not adorn the same colors as your parents did. Instead you resemble them in the form of opposite. Where their powers were that of fire your power of water and even ice. You have great abilities now other youiki of your kind has ever had before. That's why the prophecy is called rebirth of a new age. You will bring forth the dawning of new beginning for your kind. Resembling water, the element that brings new life as well as nurtures it. You are very powerful once you learn to control your complete power within. But you will gain one more abilities once you reach your 18th birthday. But in order for that to happen you must find your soul mate. Its time Lady Kagome you start searching. This is what your parents wanted."

Kagome swallowed hard. She didn't really know what to take of this. She always felt different and now she knows why. "Hmm. My soul mate? Is that why we have a gathering tonight?"

"Yes M'Lady. Your mother and father said to throw you a gathering 3 times before your 18th birthday so that you may meet any potential suiters.

"Oh goosh." Kagome sighed while rolling her eyes. Mentally face palming in knowing some of the male youiki that will be there. "Do I have to." Whined Kagome as she childishly stomped her foot.

"Yes, Lady Kagome. You must. And you will. That is what your parents wanted." Madam replied firmly.

And with that the two parted to get ready for the nights gathering (the gathering is like a party).

*************************** END CHAPTER ********************************************