Disclaimer – I own nothing.
AN – I know I already wrote an AU of Hal's kidnapping, but there's such so many ways that could've gone and I really wanted to write another one, so I did. This version is what I think would happen if Anne did decide to go after Tom and Hal after 72 hours, and no Isabella. Note, that the storyline with Marty stays the same though, and this story will be a little more darker and maybe more violent then my other story. Please review and
The minute we love, the world has something to use against us – Marina, Falling Skies
"AHHHH!" Hal screamed as Pope dragged his knife through Hal's arm. Even when Pope stopped and pulled away from him, it still took a few moments before Hal managed to force down any more screams, instead, choosing to breathe deeply so his Dad wouldn't hear.
"STILL NOT TOO LATE FOR ME?" Pope shouted into the walkie talkie. As Hal used his other arm to put pressure on the wound, biting his lip to keep from crying out, he turned his head to look at Pope, wondering what the man was going to do next.
When there was no answer from his Dad, Pope brought the walkie talkie up to his face.
"Tom? Tom?" It was another few seconds before Hal heard his Dad's response.
"I'm gonna kill you." His Dad's voice, while sounded a little choked was cold and resolute. Pope however, didn't even flinch at Tom's declaration.
"Take Arbor Street until you come to the Urgent Care Clinic. Call me then." Pope told the former President. Then he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Hal was left alone with his bleeding arm.
As Hal continued to press down on the cut, which was really awkward because of the way his hands were chained to the old game machine in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder what Pope was doing. He had heard Pope yell to not say Sara's name, which was probably what set the man off, but why did he tell his Dad to go to a care clinic? Even though Hal was blindfolded when Pope brought him into whatever building they were in, he could tell they were not at a clinic. What was the man doing?
Hal's thought was interrupted when Anthony opened the door and came into the room. In his hands was a med kit and an old towel. For a moment, the two just looked at each other, then Anthony came over.
"Move your arm." The former cop ordered with a quiet but still harsh tone as he got down on his knees beside Hal. Without saying a word, Hal slowly moved his now bloodied arm off of the injury while Anthony started going through the med kit.
When Anthony looked up at the injury Pope had inflicted on the young man, he almost gasped in shock. He was there, had watched Pope cut him, but he didn't see how bad it was. Blood was running down Hal's arm in thick streams, some of it starting to pool onto the floor and on Hal's leg. Noticing Hal was watching him, Anthony wrapped the towel that was in his hand around the injury tightly to slow the bleeding, which caused Hal to hiss in pain.
Anthony almost said 'sorry', but stopped himself. After all, what did he have to be sorry for? He wasn't the one who hurt him. That was all Pope, and like Pope said, what they were doing was fair. Deni, Sara, and countless others died because of Tom Mason. It was only fair that he should lose someone too.
Once Anthony had the towel wrapped around the cut, he went through the med kit, grabbing the needle and thread. That injury was definitely going to need some stitches and while the bleeding was bad, it was not enough to be an arterial bleed, which was very lucky considering how deep the cut was. If Pope had actually cut the artery, Hal would probably have bled out by now. When Anthony had the needle threaded, he pulled the towel off and started doing the stitches, using the towel to wipe away the blood as he did so.
Besides a few painful hisses, Hal stayed silent. Since Hal was not someone who usually kept his mouth shut, it unnerved Anthony a little. He looked over and saw Hal clutching the chain link that was used to kept the handcuffs restrained to the machine in both of his hands while his head faced down. Even though Tom's oldest wasn't looking at him anymore, he could still see the black eye and large bruise on Hal's cheek and a pang of guilt shot through him. Pope had only taken Hal two days ago and already he was looking worse for wear.
"It's not because of you." Anthony suddenly found himself saying. Hal slowly looked up at him with a curious yet doubtful expression.
"Too many people died because of your Dad. It's only fair that he loses someone too. It had nothing to do with you." Anthony explained, keeping his eyes on his task. When he made the last stitch, he tied it off and reached for the roll of bandages. It was then that Hal spoke.
"If you think that my Dad is at fault for Deni and Sara's death, and that he deserves to lose someone, you really have lost it." Hal's voice was quiet, but his statement left no room for argument. That didn't mean that Anthony didn't try though.
"He is at fault and he does deserve it." Anthony insisted.
"He deserves it no more than you or Pope did. Both Sara and Deni knew the risks of fighting in this war. They didn't deserve to die, but neither did Lexi, or my Mom. But it was the aliens that killed them, not my Dad. All of this, is for revenge, plain and simple. And here I though that as a police officer, you would know the difference." Hal responded.
Anthony didn't say anything to that. He finished wrapping Hal's injury in an angry silence, and Hal didn't say anything else either. It wasn't until he finished did Anthony decide to say something, but at that moment, the door opened.
"Everything okay in here?" Pope asked as he sauntered into the room.
"Everything's fine." Anthony replied, putting the supplies back into the med kit.
"Good. Anthony, I need you to check the barrier around back. Want to make sure that it's well fortified and guarded." Pope told him.
Anthony looked up at his new leader. Pope had a plastic water bottle in his hand, and a handgun in his belt. When he glanced up at Pope's eyes, he saw a dark yet calculating look that he did not like, and the thought of leaving him alone with Hal did not sit well with him.
But, he knew he didn't really have a choice. So, he closed the med kit, grabbed it, and stood up. As he made his way to the door, he hoped Pope would follow, would accept that he hurt Hal enough today, but the man didn't move.
"Shut the door on your way out." Pope ordered, keeping his eyes on his prisoner. Anthony looked back at Hal and saw that he knew too that whatever Pope was intending to do, it would not end well for him.
Despite knowing that, Anthony forced himself to continue out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Tom walked down the street with his gun up, ready to fire. He had been running for a good part of the journey to the next stop Pope had given him, but his legs were ready to collapse under him. He had been running for the majority of the 48 hours since Pope kidnapped his son. Once he saw the building in sight though, Tom pushed himself to run again.
Getting to the clinic, Tom ripped the door opened and rushed inside. He went through every single room, even looked in the closets for any sign of Hal. When he found none, he went out the back, trying to see if there was any place Pope could've left his son, but again, there was nothing.
Slowly, Tom made his way back into the building, his legs shaking. Before he knew it, he collapsed, back against the wall. He was so tired, he had no energy. He hadn't slept, hadn't stopped moving at all over the last two days. Taking his bag off his shoulders, Tom pulled out the bottle of water and took a large gulp, then pulled out a power bar. He needed the energy. He couldn't rest for long, he had to find his son, had to get Hal away from Pope.
The thought of his boy being at the mercy of the psychopath that was Pope filled Tom with a fear that he had felt time and time again. The fear of your child being hurt, being killed, and being unable to do anything about filled Tom with helplessness and pain that would never leave until he got his son back. The sound of Hal's screams echoed in Tom's ears, causing his tears to reappear. He had to save Hal. He couldn't let Pope hurt his son any more than he already had.
Quickly wiping his face, he put the bottle back in his bag and grabbed the walkie talkie to contact Pope again. He could only hope this time Pope would give him the real location.
After checking behind the building, Anthony started making his way back to the bowling alley. He hoped that maybe he could check in on Hal, make sure that Pope hadn't hurt him any more than he already had. Before he could open the door to the building though, the sound of gunfire and yelling at the barrier filled the air.
Running over to the barricade, Anthony saw at least 20 skitters charging. He took his gun, which he had slung across his back, off, and started firing at the skitters along with the other members of the group.
Just as the last few remaining skitters were gunned down, he heard a loud screeching noise. Looking up, he saw a gigantic bug flying down towards them.
"HORNET!" Anthony shouted the warning so everyone could hear. All of those with guns raised them and started shooting at the mutated alien, but it wouldn't stop. The hornet didn't even seem to notice the bullets, it had no effect on it.
Suddenly, the hornet flew down at one of the men, Ken, who was standing all alone between the barricade and the bowling alley.
"KEN! LOOK OUT!" Anthony yelled. Ken looked up in time to see it coming towards him, and turned to run away when the hornet grabbed the man's leg.
"AHHHH!" Ken screamed as everyone continued firing at the alien, finally killing it after many headshots.
"What happened?" Anthony turned to see Pope coming out of the bowling alley, gun in hand. He must've been busy doing something if he missed all the action. Wait, Anthony thought, what was Pope doing?
"Skitters and a hornet attacked." Anthony explained, pointing at the dead alien, while everyone else either went back to guard the barrier, or to crowd around Ken who was clutching his leg in pain. While he said that though, Anthony looked down at Pope's hands. Bruises were starting to appear across his knuckles on his right hand, and both of his hands had blood on it.
"You guys couldn't kill the hornet before it got into the camp?" Pope asked, completely shocked and almost disappointed. He didn't seem to notice that Anthony was looking him over, instead, focusing on what he all missed.
"It was bigger, and thicker than any other we've fought. It was as though it was on steroids or something." Anthony informed the leader. Pope nodded, then headed over to where Ken was still lying on the ground.
"Can he walk?" Pope questioned the man, Jim, who was trying to get a look at Ken's leg, though it was hard as Ken was still clutching it in his hands.
"I don't know." Jim replied, still trying to pull Ken's leg out of his hands so he could look at it.
"Can he fight or not?" Pope asked, clearly annoyed with the lack of information.
"I don't know yet, I just need to examine him fur-" Jim was cut off by Pope firing his handgun, shooting Ken right in the head. Everyone jumped back at the sound, then stared up at Pope in shock.
"No liabilities." Pope told them, then looked over at two of the new members of his group.
"You two, go out on a patrol will ya? Make sure we don't get anymore surprise attacks." Pope ordered them. After a moment of hesitation, the two men did as they were told, while Pope moved to stand right beside Anthony. Before he could say anything though, they heard Zach's voice calling for Pope.
"Pope, got something for you." Anthony and Pope looked over, and saw the walkie talkie in Zach's hand. They both knew what that meant.
Looking back over at Anthony, Pope said quietly, "I'll go deal with that. You, deal with Ken's body."
Anthony watched Pope walk back into the building before he turned to the other members of the group.
"Bury him out back, and do it quickly. Rest of you, back to guard duty." Anthony told them. Jim, and another member whose name Anthony couldn't remember, picked up Ken's body and started transporting him to the other side of the building as Anthony went over to another member, Nico.
"You take charge for the night. I'm going to get some sleep." Nico nodded, and Anthony went back inside the bowling alley.
He didn't head towards the room that had been set aside for those off shift to sleep in though. Instead, he headed towards the room where Hal was being kept. Luckily, Pope and Zack weren't in the area so he got in undetected, though what he found was not what he expected.
Hal was leaning heavily against the machine. If he could've lied down without his arms being raised uncomfortably in the air because of the handcuffs being chained to the machine, he would've. His head throbbed from the punches Pope had landed on him, and the pain in his arm had flared up again after Pope had dug his fingers into the cut.
"You okay?" Hal looked up to see Anthony making his way over to him with actual concern on his face.
"I'm fine." Hal replied, but put no effort to actually convince the man Hal had previously considered a friend. Anthony knelt down beside him, looking him over.
The black eye that Hal was already sporting was getting worse, as was the one on his cheek bone. There was now blood running down Hal's nose, though it didn't look broken. He got lucky there. And the bandage around Hal's arm that was completely white before, now had a red stain that was growing in size.
"I'll go get the med kit." Anthony stood up and left the room before Hal could respond.
Quickly spying the kit on the table where he had left it earlier, he grabbed it and was about to head back to Hal, when he saw Pope standing behind him, blocking the way to Hal's room.
"What are you doing?" Pope asked.
"I heard a noise in that room," Anthony didn't say Hal's name as no one but him, Pope, Zach, and Nico, knew about Hal's presence and Pope wanted to keep it that way, "and saw that the injury was bleeding again. You told me to keep him from bleeding out." Anthony reminded Pope of his orders from when Pope cut Hal's arm so Tom would hear him scream.
Pope stared at him for a few moments in silence. It was almost as though Pope was wondering if he was lying, but the former criminal nodded, and let him pass so he could get to Hal's room.
The minute he entered, he shut the door. While the new members of the group barely ever came inside, they didn't want to risk them seeing that Pope, the man who said he would have no liabilities, was keeping a man captive. Someone who would normally be considered a liability. Once the door was closed, Anthony knelt down beside Hal.
Anthony quickly unwrapped the bandage and found that some of the stitches seemed to have been ripped or pulled off. The memory of the blood on Pope's hands came back to him as he grabbed the thread and needle from the med kit.
Again, Anthony worked in silence, and again, Hal didn't say anything either. Whether it was because he was angry, or he didn't have anything to say, or because he was just too tired to say anything, Anthony didn't know. Honestly, Hal looked as though he was ready to collapse from exhaustion. He doubted the young man had gotten much sleep at all over the last few days.
When Anthony pulled on the thread to tightened the stitches he was doing, Hal suddenly flinched, but didn't say anything.
"Sorry." Anthony muttered, not wanting to cause Hal anymore pain, especially not after what he had been through today alone. Hal didn't even seem to hear what he had said, he just kept leaning against the old machine that he was chained to.
As he finished, Anthony packed up the med kit, got to his feet, and started walking towards the door. Right before he turned the doorknob, he heard a voice that was so quiet, he almost missed it.
"Thank you." Anthony turned to see Hal looking at him, nothing but sincerity in his eyes.
"Your welcome." Anthony replied, then left the room. Walking down the hall to the 'bedroom', Anthony couldn't help but seriously wonder if all of this was a mistake.
It was early in the morning by the time the 2nd Mass got moving again. After being stalled for well over 10 hours due to the man, Marty, shooting at them and taking Weaver hostage. Anne looked over all the members who were walking beside the convoy, and then over to the vehicles.
Marty was currently sitting in the passenger seat of one of the cars. Since those who were walking were all armed, they didn't want to take the chance that Marty might attack one of them and take their weapon. Weaver insisted that the man wouldn't, but they decided to play it safe. Weaver was back in the car he was in before, with Cochise and Matt. Ben and Maggie were at the front of the group, as their spikes would alert everyone if they were about to be attacked by skitters or an Overlord.
Anne stared at the two of them, then back at the car where Matt was. Despite all the tension and fear, the three of them handed themselves rather well through the hostage situation they ended up in. They obeyed orders, didn't get distracted or emotional, or at least, not to an extent that jeopardize the mission. Maybe they could handle it, if she and Weaver told them the truth about Hal and Tom.
It had now been over two days since Tom left, and they had managed to keep it secret from Ben, Matt, and Maggie, though only barely. There had been many times when Ben or Matt had asked about their Dad and brother, and she knew they were watching her closely for any sign of a lie or hidden truth. Anne glanced down at her watch. 7:30 in the morning. 58 and a half hours since Tom went to rescue Hal.
Tom, you better be back in the next 13 and a half hours, or I'm coming after you, and if Ben, Matt, or Maggie get any more suspicious, odds are, they'll be coming with me.
AN – And that concludes the first chapter. For those who don't know, Zach and Nico, according to the Falling Skies website I looked at (Falling Skies Wiki), were two members of Pope's Berserkers and left the 2nd Mass with Pope when he was kicked out. They were present in the episode Non-Essential Personal. And Ken was the new recruit who got injured and was killed by Pope in the actual episode. Jim is just the name I gave to one of the new recruits who didn't have a name, so I'm not taking any credit for his character. I will try to update this story once a week.
I hope you all enjoyed. See you soon!