At nine o'clock at night warehouses by the docks should be silent excluding the rats that scurry around looking for food. For one, this wasn't the case.

A ghost yelled as he's invisibly thrown through the wall and into a pile of boxes.

Danny phased through the wall just seconds after, a determined look on his face and his hand a fist. They both turn visible as they face each other on opposite sides of the abandoned warehouse.

"Beware! I am the Box Ghost! I have power over all containers cardboard and square." The self-proclaimed Box Ghost gestures to the discarded boxes as he makes his statement.

Having fought ghosts for several hours, Danny's patience has grown thin. "Okay, can we get this over with? I've got a test to study for."

"Study? There will be no time to study-" The Box Ghost's hands started to glow with the green Danny had began associating with ghosts as the boxes surrounding him began to float, glowing the same color. "-when you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of..." he had to stop to read the label on one of the boxes, destroying any fear or worry his words would had induced. "Elliot Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!" He sent the boxes soaring at Danny, the boxes and his eyes glowing green.

Danny just floated where he was with his arms crossed as he turned intangible to allow the boxes to go right through him. He sighed. "I don't have time for this!" He stopped for a moment when a thought occurred to him. 'I sound like Selene.' "Hey, Tucker, let's go!"

Sam and Tucker kicked down the door to the warehouse together. Tucker held a Fenton Thermos and Sam held a Biology textbook.

Tucker spun the thermos on one finger before tossing it to his other hand and uncapping it. "Good night, everybody!"

He activated it and Danny tossed the Box Ghost in front of it. The Box Ghost screamed as he was sucked into the container.

"Perimeter secure." Tucker capped the thermos.

"Perimeter secure?" Sam questioned. "What are you, a Navy Seal?"

Danny landed next to his two friends. "Seals: aquatic mammals that bark. They're canines, right?" His smile showed his confidence in his answer.

Sam checked the textbook. "Wrong." She snapped the book closed. "That's zero for twenty-one."

"I'm no teacher, but I'm guessing that's an "F."" Tucker commented as he spun the thermos on his finger again.

"Come on, you guys." He flew up between the two. "If you're gonna be superhero sidekicks, you're gonna have to be a little more focused." He pointed to Sam. "You're supposed to be helping me study for the test tomorrow." Then at Tucker. "And you're supposed to be helping me catch these ghosts so I have time to study!"

Tucker continued to spin the thermos on his finger. "What? They're all right here."

As soon as Tucker finished his statement, the thermos fell to the ground. The impact with the hard ground caused the thermos to release every ghost trapped inside, the Box Ghost being the last one out. "Ha ha! I am the Box Ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a cylindrical container." He phased through the wall like every other ghost had as soon as they'd been freed.

"That's weird." Tucker mentioned while checking his PDA. "According to my schedule,we should be done catching ghosts by now."

Danny glared at his friend.

"Why don't you ask Selene to help you?" Sam inquired. "Can't she do anything?"

Danny sighed. "I asked her the last time I saw her if she'd help me catch the ghosts around town, but she refused to even consider it."

"Why not?" Tucker asked. "She helped a bit with the Lunch Lady." He reminded them. "And when Sam was a dragon."

Sam glared at him for the second comment.

Ignoring Sam's glare Danny said, "She claims it's because capturing ghosts and returning them to the Ghost Zone is an easy way to make a lot of enemies in a small amount of time."

"And she wants as few enemies as possible." Sam finished. "Can't blame her really."

"Why not?" Danny and Tucker asked at the same time.

The goth rolled her eyes. "It's pretty obvious she plans to stick around for a while. It would be kinda hard to do that if she had ghosts constantly attacking her."

As the boys took their time to think about Sam's reasoning, a ghost in a room overlooking them watched them through a pair of binoculars.

"Half human, half ghost. One of a kind." The robotic ghost lowered his binoculars and turned to face his cage of trapped ghosts with a grin on his face. "He'll make a fine addition to my collection." He turned back to continue watching Danny and his friends.

The Box Ghost flew up to the cage, about to take it. "Touch the box and your pelt will adorn my fireplace." Skulker warned without looking at him.

Knowing better than to argue with a ghost like him the Box Ghost just yelled, "Beware!" at the ghosts in the cage and flew off.

Skulker just went on watching Danny as he interacted with his friends.

"I know you're a hunter and all, but I think this is more along the lines of stalking," a familiar voice sassed from behind.

"Selene." Skulker turned to see the blue skinned female beside him. "What are you doing here?"

Selene gave her usual smirk. "You didn't honestly think you could just come into my town and get away without me finding out why you're here did you?"

"Why I'm here is my business, I don't have to tell you anything." Skulker wasn't just going to disclose his plans Selene of all people. She'd just get in his way.

The smirk on Selene's face disappeared as she restated her question, "Why are are you here, Skulker?"

"My business is my business." The hunter growled. "Not yours."

Selene grabbed Skulker by the black shirt he wore and held him against the wall. "Don't make me remind you which of us is more powerful," she threatened, the hand holding him starting to glow violet. She may not want to make enemies, but that didn't mean she wouldn't use force against unwelcome ghosts.

"You don't need to know." Skulker was determined not to let her get in the way, and if that was to be the case she couldn't know what he planned. He didn't care how powerful she was, he refused to lose his prize to her intervention.

Selene slammed his robotic body into the wall, the energy in her hand rushing through his mechanical suit. He fell to the floor when she released her hold. "I'll let it go this time," she started as she knelt to his level, "but next time I won't be so willing to leave without an answer." She stood and disappeared through the ceiling.

She didn't capture random ghosts throughout the city, most of them were relatively harmless anyway. Ghosts like Skulker were the only ones she was apprehensive about because they usually had some goal in mind beside causing trouble. But even though she didn't like them around she left them alone so long as they didn't harm anyone and they didn't bother her.

Skulker had disturbed her before she even saw him. She knew he was after something, she could sense it from miles away. She didn't know what he planned, but she knew Skulker was up to something she wouldn't like.

Nyx wasn't conceded. She didn't spend hours staring at herself in the mirror, she actually tried to avoid it. But every now and then, she'd catch a glimpse of her reflection in a mirror and get halted by the image that faced her.

Fair skin and long black hair frame silver-gray eyes. A tall, slim frame was covered in a one-shoulder dark blue tank top and black skinny jeans, a chain hanging from her waist. Silver hoops and a bracelet with several small spikes hanging from it gleamed in her ears and on her wrist.

When Nyx looked at who she was, actually looked, she found it hard to believe how different she used to be, not just in appearance. Her black hair was always pulled back in a ponytail for starters, and she only had one earring, not five. She used to wear plain t-shirts and jeans like Danny, and she didn't wear a chain on her waist or a necklace and bracelet.

Nyx's personality had changed as well. The shy and unsure girl she'd been when she was little became confident, outgoing, and fun-loving but mature. She didn't talk much when she was little (talk about use it or lose it), but now she didn't need to.

And despite what's happened to her, she's happier.

Nyx smiled at her reflection, happy she became who she was. She grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs. She was already leaving later than usual and wanted to avoid getting caught up in family talk.

Luckily, she didn't have to go through the kitchen to leave the house. She did, however, need to get past Jazz.

"Nyx! They said yes!" Jazz called when she saw her younger sister. "Guess what!" Even if Nyx wanted to say anything Jazz didn't give her a chance. "Genius Magazine said yes to putting Mom on the cover!" Jazz shoved the magazine she was holding into Nyx's hands.

Looking down at the magazine made Nyx feel immediate annoyance. Genius Magazine was supposedly about women geniuses, by women geniuses, but Nyx thought otherwise. The writers thought anyone who was reclusive, moody, and messy was a genius rather than someone who had actually had scientific breakthroughs.

Nyx was about to express her thoughts to Jazz, but Jazz took the magazine and bounced into the kitchen to tell the rest of the family before she had the chance. She shook her head and left, it wasn't a big deal to her.

"I got a "D?!"" Danny held his now graded Biology test in his hands. "All this ghost hunting is taking away from my study time." He sat with Tucker at a table in the library, Sam on a computer behind them.

"So much for the Fentons being a family of geniuses." Tucker commented.

Looking exceptionally down, Danny stated, "I can't get a "D" in biology. My parents will kill me."

"Not if your sister did worse," Tucker tried to reassure his friend. "How'd she do on the test?"

A paper being smacked onto the table between the two was the first response he got. "She didn't." It was another test, this one with an 'A' circled at the top.

"Why do you have Nyx's test?" Tucker questioned, looking at Sam.

She shrugged. "I asked her if I could look at it since she added some information on what you're gonna do to raise your grade." Sam turned back to the computer and pulled up a link.

Danny walked over to Sam, looking at the web page she'd brought up. "A purple-back gorilla?"

"Yep. Extremely rare. Only two left, both male. After this, they're gone forever. Which is why you are going to prove he deserves to be set free." She smiled the whole time as she spoke of something she had such passion for.

Danny frowned. "I don't have time for extra credit...or your agendas." Between ghost hunting and normal school work, he had no time for more work.

"Actually, you do." Tucker interrupted with a cheerful smile, his PDA in his hand. "You just have to learn how to manage it better. I decided to become your time manager. It's the least I can do after Sam made me let all those ghosts out."

Danny and Sam frowned at him, Danny in doubt and Sam in annoyance. "I don't know." He sighed.

"It'll be my job to keep track of your schedule so you can do your schoolwork and catch all those ghosts that Sam let loose." Sam continued to glare at him, practically growling.

Danny crossed his arms and reminded him, "Remember what happened when I let you manage the thermos?"

Tucker was already way ahead of him, making a note on his PDA. "And I've already scheduled "Remember: not to let Tucker handle the thermos."" He showed them the reminder blinking on his device.

The ghost boy sighed. "I suppose we could have a trial period."

"See? I've also scheduled some zoo time so we can check out that gorilla. Let's go." The three friends rushed out of the library, the techno-geek in the lead.

A few hours after Danny, Sam, and Tucker talked in the library, Nyx invisibly sat cross-legged in Selene form while facing Sampson. She'd been there since school got out and she still didn't know why.

She sighed. "Do you know why I felt the need to come here and watch you scratch your butt for six hours?" Despite the fact Sampson was a gorilla, he was actually really smart. He knew exactly when Selene arrived despite her being invisible and was completely aware of her location the entire time.

The gorilla grunted and gave an almost indiscernible shrug of his shoulders.

Selene sighed again and rested her head on her hand. "Of course not." Repeatedly drawing the rare creature had gotten old days ago and she was incredibly tired of seeing the beast whenever she picked up a pencil and paper.

She could sense her twin and his friends in an observation tower looking down at Sampson; they'd arrived only minutes after she did. She didn't bother sending a clone to watch them or listen into their conversation, it wasn't worth it. They were there to learn something new about the gorilla, the only reason anyone would willing sit in a tower and watch the animal scratch its butt for six hours (besides Selene who already knew more about the creature than anyone).

"How the hell do you tolerate sitting in this cage all day?!" Selene exclaimed. "No wonder Sam wants you to be set free so bad." She sighed.

Sampson seemed to perk up slightly at her words.

"Yeah," she agreed, "I don't blame you for wanting to be free again. Maybe one day." She smiled a sad smile at the gorilla even though she knew he couldn't see her. "You deserve better than this, that's for sure."

Sampson made a noise of agreement, smart enough to know nothing deserved to be locked up like he was.

The two of them fell into a peaceful silence after that, simply enjoying each others company. As Selene sat there, it occurred to her just how strange this would look to someone else. A blue skinned ghost girl sitting in front of a four-hundred-pound purple-back gorilla and having a casual one-sided conversation inside of the gorilla's enclosure.

She'd have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all if she didn't feel Skulker's presence enter the zoo.

Sampson must have sensed it as well because he started running towards where growing and fighting noises were. However, he couldn't make it all the way there due to the barriers of his confinement. He saw Sam outside his habitat and started to make various noises of distress.

Sam stood at the bars of the habitat, looking at the gorilla with wonder. "What is it, you wondrous being?" She questioned.

The gorilla went towards her and pointed at the door to his habitat while continuing to make sounds of distress.

She looked at where he gestured but didn't quite understand what he wanted. "Is something wrong?"

Sampson rushed to his cage door and hung off it, never quitting his attempts to convey what was wrong.

"You want out?" The goth girl smiled and rushed to the control panel for the habitat and without a moment of hesitation pressed the button to open the door for the gorilla.

The endangered creature rushed from his cage, intent on attacking the ghost that had captured a tiger in a net.

Selene had long since left to find the Ghost Zone's self-proclaimed Greatest Hunter. Finding Skulker by the tiger exhibit was easy and the ghost girl made quick work of releasing the trapped animal before turning to the real reason she was there.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned the ghost as he looked through his binoculars.

He didn't even bother turning around to face her. "You again? Why do you even care?"

She crossed her arms and glared at him. "You know why." Selene's voice was hard and cold, she wanted answers.

"And it's none of your business," Skulker growled as he turned to face the girl. "Get out of my business before I make you."

Selene just smiled. "Try that and I'll have every reason to send you back to the Zone."

"The agreement stands." He stated. "You can't do anything to me."

The girl's smile turned into a smirk as she caught a glimpse of movement behind him. "I can't, but he can."

Skulker instantly grew confused. "What-?"

Sampson slammed into the robotic ghost and immediately began pounding him with his huge fists. Wires and pieces of metal flew from Skulker's suit as it was destroyed more and more by the gorilla.

The beating didn't last, however. Skulker managed to block one of Sampson's powerful hits with his arm and kicked the gorilla away. Skulker stood but Sampson wasn't done. The gorilla flew at Skulker again and this time started spinning the ghost in the air with his feet until he kicked the hunter into the ground.

While Skulker was down, Sampson grabbed the ghost's arm and bit down hard on the robotic exoskeleton. Sparks flew from where the suit was damaged, but Sampson didn't let go until some strange green goop was blasted into his eyes, causing him to stumble away.

The hunter ghost raised his arm at the gorilla and launched a glowing blue net at the creature. Even without his sight, Sampson was still capable of holding his own. He grabbed the net as it flew past him and swung Skulker around and around until the net eventually ripped itself apart and the ghost was sent flying through the observation tower window.

As soon as Selene got the green slime she guessed out of Sampson's eyes, the gorilla pursued Skulker into the tower.

Selene didn't follow the gorilla she'd spent a large majority of her day with and watch him continue to attack Skulker, although she would have enjoyed it. Instead, she flew to the opposite side of the tower and waited only a few moments until Skulker came flying through the wall.

The hunting ghost looked beyond angry, but that didn't stop Selene from taunting him. "You can catch any number of ghosts with whatever abilities they may possess, but a purple-back gorilla can kick your ass in less than two minutes." The smirk on her face made it evident she had enjoyed watching Skulker get his ass handed to him by a gorilla.

"Only because you were there to distract me first." He snarled.

Her smirk only grew as she said, "If that's what it takes to spare your pride, then keep telling yourself that. But we both know it would have happened whether I was there or not."

Skulker glared at her as she just floated in front of him, her arms crossed and a smirk still on her face. If he didn't know the consequences for attacking her, he would have done it right then with no hesitation. But he did know, and whatever satisfaction he got from it wouldn't be worth what he'd lose if he did.

Instead, Skulker turned away from Selene and left, deciding to ready himself for his next encounter with the ghost child that he hoped Selene wouldn't be a part of. He had to find a way to prevent her intervention.

Selene frowned as Skulker flew away. He'd be back soon, that much she could sense. Knowing her job was done for the night and that Danny would put Sampson back in his habitat, Selene flew to her home in order to get some sleep.

Nyx woke up early the next morning for two reasons. One: she had plans to hang out with Valerie. Two: she wanted to be out of the house as quickly as possible to avoid whoever was going to interview her mother for Genius Magazine.

The teen girl swiftly dressed herself in her normal one-shoulder navy blue tank top, black skinny jeans, and boots. She just as quickly made sure all her jewelry was in its normal place, the black crystal around her neck, a silver bracelet with six spikes on her left wrist, and multiple hoops in her ears. Afterwards, she grabbed a few things she'd told Valerie she'd bring and made her way out of her room.

Nyx had hoped she could get out of the house before the woman interviewing her mom showed up, but she was never that lucky. Her parents sat on the couch, Jazz beside them, and a dark skinned woman with rather puffy hair sat across from them.

"So, Maddie, what about the rest of your family? Were you the only one besides your husband to go into the field of science and inventing?" It was easy to hear the accent in the woman's voice that would make most immediately believe she was intelligent. Nyx immediately recognized her as Connie from Genius Magazine.

Maddie shook her head. "No, my sister and parents have always preferred to live simpler lives than the one I've chosen. Jazz here isn't all that interested in science and studies Psychology instead. Danny hasn't shown any interest in science and Nyx, his twin, only recently came home after six years away with an old friend of ours." It was at that moment she noticed her second daughter descending the stairs. "There she is right now actually."

Nyx cursed herself for her immense dislike of using her powers unless necessary and smiled in their direction. She turned to continue out the door, Connie wasn't ready to let her leave.

"Nyx Aurora Fenton correct?" Connie questioned the girl.

The rest of the Fenton family wondered how Connie knew Nyx's full name since no one had said it to her. It was Jazz that voiced it. "You know Nyx?"

Connie stood and walked over to the teen in question. "Nyx and I met a few years ago when Genius Magazine attempted to put her on the cover for her research on activating recessive genetic traits in living humans to alter characteristics like appearance and physical abilities."

The jaws of the rest of the Fenton family hit the floor at the information, even Jazz's.

"Unfortunately, Nyx refused to be interviewed and placed on the cover or even mentioned in the magazine." Connie informed.

Nyx nodded to confirm all she was saying, every bit of it true.

"Nyx, why would you turn down an opportunity like that?" Her sister asked. "It would have been good for you to have when applying for college and scholarships."

The youngest female Fenton nodded. She knew what things like that could do for her future and she was well aware of the doors that might have closed when she made the decision, but she wasn't worried. "I know, Jazz. Let's just say I had my reasons and leave it at that."

The oldest child was confused but respected her sister's choice. She may not have understood why Nyx had made the decision she did, but Jazz knew her sister was entitled to whatever secrets she had. Even though the two had constant contact, there were things they didn't tell each other. Not many, but a few. However, the two sisters had the courtesy to honor that there were somethings better left unsaid.

Nyx left quickly after her encounter with Connie, not wanting to be questioned more than she already was.

Nyx was halfway across town when she sensed Skulker in the same house with the rest of her family. She ducked into an alley where she let the familiar transformation take over her. A black shirt and pants with a purple slash across them, white boots and gloves, light blue skin, violet eyes, and white and purple ombre hair replaced her usual appearance in seconds.

Selene made a Nyx duplicate that continued to Valerie's house while she flew at top speed back to her house. Despite this, she didn't get there before Skulker had slammed her brother through the floor and into the dining room table beneath. It was only a moment later that Skulker grabbed Danny and phased both of them through he floor to the basement lab.

She scowled at the hole Skulker had created with her brother's body and wasted no time in following them to the basement lab. When she got there, Skulker was holding Danny up in the air by his throat.

"What are you doing?" Danny managed to asked, grasping at the giant hand around his neck.

Skulker had a crazy grin on his face as he said, "Bringing you back to my world, where I can put you on display." He held up his cage of trapped ghosts in his unoccupied hand.


"Ha! At last." Skulker began walking towards the portal, 'prize' in hand. "Time to put you in your cage."

"Noooo!" Danny cried with his hands trying to pry Skulker's off.

The path to the portal was suddenly not as clear as it was moments ago. Sam had slid between the portal and Skulker in order to prevent him leaving with Danny. "No is right, Danny. Cages are wrong. How do you think Sampson feels being in a cage?"

Selene furrowed her eyebrows. This is a really weird time to bring up the gorilla.

"But-" Skulker started.

"He's a beautiful animal and deserves to roam free!"


"Should be ashamed."

Selene found it rather comical the way Sam continuously interrupted Skulker and finished his sentences how she thought they should. She'd even admit that the goth had earned Selene's respect since Sam had no way to defend herself yet was standing up to Skulker in a way she'd never seen anyone do.

Selene was going to intervene, stop Skulker from dragging Danny into the Ghost Zone, but Danny acted before she had to.

He kicked Skulker away, forcing the hunter to drop him as he flew back. Selene revealed her presence when she pushed Tucker out of the way of Skulker's over-sized robotic suit.

As he sat up, Skulker saw Tucker's dropped PDA not far from where the teen landed after the impact he'd had with the ghostly girl and picked it up. "That technology: so sleek, so… advanced." He looked at the old control panel on his wrist, then back at Tucker's PDA. "Hmm, I wonder…" He yanked the busted, outdated control panel off of his armor and dropped it on the floor. He then replaced its slot with the PDA. The PDA began to spark and the dangling wires that had come loose when he ripped out the old panel started waving around as if alive.

Tucker stood up behind Skulker and next to Selene who had also just stood up after crashing into the boy. "Hey, I got three more payments on that!"

Selene rolled her eyes. "Is that really a priority right now?" She saw the wires connect themselves to the newly inserted PDA when she realized just how things could get. "Crap."

Skulker glowed as his suit connected with the new technology of the PDA that acted as a major upgrade to the previously outdated tech.

Danny flew at Skulker just as he raised a new ecto-blaster on his wrist that he immediately shot at the halfa. Danny was thrown back at the wall, his arms and legs now bound with ecto-energy.

Skulker stepped towards Danny, the intent to take him into the Ghost Zone evident. "Say goodbye to this world, Ghost Child."

It was the end of the fight, at least as far as Danny, Sam, and Tucker could tell. Selene, however, was not ready to let this end as it was.

Selene stepped in front of her brother, her hands glowing with purple energy. "You're not taking him." Her words left no words for argument but that didn't stop Skulker from trying.

"The deal stands, Selene. You can't stop me."

Selene shook her head. "I don't care. He stays here, in this world. He's half human, meaning he's under my protection."

"He's also half ghost, meaning I can-" Skulker's argument was interrupted by beeping that came from the PDA in his wrist. ""Fly to library? Get a book on eating habits of purple-back gorilla?"" The wings on his jetpack extended while it powered up. He had hardly any time to turn intangible before being blasted through the ceiling of the lab.

The binds on Danny faded once Skulker got farther away.

"What happened?" Sam questioned as she helped Danny back to his feet.

"Who cares? At least I got a minute to relax and figure this out." Danny rubbed his wrist as he turned his attention to Selene who had allowed the glow around her hands to fade. "What was he talking about? "The deal stands", what deal?"

The voice of Maddie Fenton echoed through the house before Selene could answer. "Danny, where are you? Somebody here wants to meet you."

"D'oh! My room!" He phased through the ceiling to his room, leaving Selene in the lab with Sam and Tucker.

Sam crossed her arms, an eyebrow raised in the ghost's direction. "I'd still like that answer."

"What made you think he was going to get one?" Selene smirked as she closed the portal. "Hey, Tucker, were you and Danny planning to go to the library to do research about a gorilla?"

Tucker frowned finding it extremely odd that Selene would know their plans. "Yeah, why?"

"You may want to backup your schedule on your other PDA." She advised, not giving a straight answer as usual.

"How do you know he has another PDA?" Sam questioned, not happy about not getting any real information from the ghost.

Selene just raised an eyebrow. "Do you really need to ask that?"

Danny was on edge for the next few days after Skulker tried to drag him into the Ghost Zone. He had thought about asking Nyx for more information but put it off due to not her to get involved. It wasn't hard to realize that Skulker was dangerous and he had made it abundantly clear that he didn't care about what it took to capture his prize.

Nyx had been gone long before Danny had gotten up for school that day, showing her dislike for being around their family any more than she had to be. She had met up with Valerie before school to finish some homework even though it wasn't due for another week, both of them preferring to have it done early rather than scramble the day it was due.

She had sensed Skulker around town since the incident in the lab, but she wasn't concerned. Skulker has Tucker's PDA running his suit which also meant he was running on Danny's schedule. Once they realize they have such an obvious advantage over the hunter it'll be easy for Danny to send him back to the zone.

Ecto-chains binding Danny's arms to his sides so he couldn't do anything was the first attempt of the day.

Sam and Tucker yelled his name in surprise just before Skulker materialized out of blue fire in front of Danny.

"I have you now, child." Skulker aimed a wrist blaster at Danny, the buzz of it charging for a shot able to be heard by all of them.

If his stolen PDA hadn't beeped to alert him of the next event on his schedule Danny might have died the rest of the way.

"What?" He looked at the device, confusion written over his face. ""Go to the news stand and purchase magazine with article about purple-back gorillas?""

Just like in the lab his jetpack opened and flew him through the ceiling, Skulker yelling his surprise all the while. The chain bindings around Danny faded just like the ones before had.

Tucker checked the PDA in his own possession, the event sounding familiar. "Hmm, I have the same thing on mine."

"I think we'll blow that one off."

"I'd recommend not following your schedule too closely." Nyx signed and Sam voiced her silent words.

"What's my schedule got to do with Skulker?" Danny questioned as he looked to his twin.

"The PDA Skulker is using was synced to your schedule. The reason he keeps getting pulled away is because your schedule demands you go somewhere else."

"I think she's right," Sam told the boys. "Why else would he have anything even remotely tied to a purple-back gorilla in his system?"

"That means that the hunter just became the hunted." Danny grinned as an idea formed. He turned to Nyx. "What do you know about the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter?"

The smirk that grew on Nyx's face was all too familiar to the trio.

Selene followed the trio to zoo only so that she would be close in the event Danny needed her help.

She had to admit watching Tucker force the giant robot that is Skulker due pushups and then polish his face just by pressing a few buttons on the PDA Skulker didn't steal was hilarious. When Skulker had shot an arrow at Tucker's PDA in order to stop his interference Selene may have gotten a bit worried ut she had no reason to be.

Samson, the giant purple-back gorilla she had been sitting with a few days ago when Skulker had first attacked Danny, had come to the rescue. The gorilla had held nothing back as the suit Skulker used was smashed to pieces and it was revealed why Skulker had a suit to begin with.

His ghost form was actually extremely small, so small that Danny easily held him in his hand while Tucker sucked him into a thermos.

Because the amazing discovery Danny made after the fight, he was featured on the cover of Genius Magazine. Mr. Lancer was reading the article a few days later in class and was shocked to find out no one at the zoo had gotten close enough to see that Samson was actually a female.

Nyx thought it was something that was pretty hard to miss enough from a distance but she digressed.

Lancer only upped Danny's grade from a D to a C, despite the fact that it was a major scientific find. Thankfully, the Box Ghost decided to make an appearance before their next class so Danny could work off some aggression about the unfair new grade.

I know it's been forever since I updated. Please don't hate me.