A/N Hey guys this is my first fanfic so please don't flame me if you do OK but please try to make it

constructive criticism. This takes place 2 years before the first movie so Hiccup and all the other teens

are 13. OK now that that's out of the way let's get on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train Your Dragon

Hiccup was just about to test one of his newest inventions, an object that can help you see far distance

away, sort of like a spyglass but much bigger and a little harder to use. He had hoped that it could help

warn them if a dragon raid was coming or not. He was just reaching for the last piece when suddenly he

saws bright light and fell. When he got back up he looked around and noticed that the entire village was


"Dad?" he said, "what's going on?" He heard others mumbling the same question.

"I don't know son." Stoick replied.

"Greetings!" came a voice. Everyone looked around trying to find out where it had come from.

"Who are you! What have you done with us!" shouted Stoick.

"Jeez…someone needs to take a chill pill." They heard the voice mumble, "to answer your question I am

Hannah and you are all here to watch the future of someone in your tribe."

"I bet its me!" exclaimed Snotlout.

"You wish," said Hannah.

"Well then who's it about?" asked Hiccup.

Hannah replied mysteriously with," you shall see, you shall all see."

"But before we get started I'm going to bring some guests in, ok? You cannot harm them and they

cannot harm you, and if either company tries I will make sure you can't move. Am I understood?"

Several "yesses" were the reply.

"Good." Suddenly all of their weapons disappeared.

"HEY!" everyone yelled.

"Ah ah ah," reprimanded Hannah, " I said no harming and you all may have said yes but I still don't trust

you." Grumbles and complaints where heard. "Ready to meet our guests? I hope so!" Right after she

said that dragons appeared out of nowhere.

"Ahhh!" screamed the villagers. Then they tried to attack but remembered that they don't have their


"See I told you so." Hannah said. Everyone grumbled while Hiccup laughed, they all looked at him like he

turned into a dragon.

"What? She was right." He said in answer to all the stares.

"Ok now that that's over with we can get started. Oh, wait I forgot something!" chairs appeared and

everyone scrambled to get away from the dragons. Stoick, Gobber, Hiccup and the rest of the teens

all ended up in the front row. A wall lit up and they all turned to face it.

A/N OK that was my story so far. I will try not to leave at cliffhangers because I find that annoying

so I will try not to annoy you. A special thanks to .dragons she inspired this and helped me

get started. Please review, follow, favorite I don't really care what you do but please give me some

input. Thanks! Have a great day!