Hi! I'm back! Idk if it was a long wait but the sooner the better right? Anyways please comment and like and favorite this story came it means the world to me.

Also I'm looking into colleges already even though I'm a junior and I can't wait to live in the dorms!

Anyways, onto the story!

(Laura's POV)

Stacy tugged on my chains, a smirk on her lips. "What, can't get out of these?" she looked at me and I only did the thing I'm capable of right now. I spit on her face.

She reeled back, a look of disgust on her face as she wiped my spit off of her face.

"You bitch!," as she came to me with anger clearly on her face. She raised her hand and struck me which and feel backwards. The chains on my wrist tugged harshly and I heard a crack. I looked up and she raised her foot and brought it down to my stomach, I gasped for air when Tyler came in and told her to stop.

She did it once again and then she left. I leaned against the wall, breathing harshly and pain all over. Stacy hexed the chains by disarming my magic, so I was completely helpless. I couldn't snap anyones necks, couldn't control the elements and couldn't talk to Kim.

Nothing, and it was making me frustrated.

Tyler kept continuing at staring at me until he spoke, "Why?"

I looked at him, seeing a broken boy in a man's body.

"I can't," I whisper, unable to look at his face. I know his angry, more like pissed off, I could feel it from miles which I only keep my head down. How can I explain to an old friend of mine of why I killed his mother.

Because my father forbade me to do so.

And it makes my blood boil.

"Why can't you tell me why you killed my mother!" he yelled at my face, his hand wrapped around throat. I gasp out for air, "I can't."

He squeezes harder, but I am not scared of death. Instead, I want to embrace it.

"Maybe, I'll just kill you the same way you killed her," he threatened, amber eyes glowing, "I could avenge my mother and get revenge on Klaus. He seems to have a liking to you though I have no reason why he could be interested into you. Though you do smell delicious." I see his despair, rings under his bloodshot eyes while his whole body trembles with depression and anger.

I could totally relate to him now.

"Go ahead," I say, not struggling in his grip though my vision is starting to get fuzzy. And what I do surprises him.

I grab his hand that's one my throat and make him squeeze harder. He wildly stares at me, definitely questioning my sanity.

"Go ahead, do it," I say, looking at him, "Do it!" I scream and he snaps out of his questioning stares.

He starts squeezing more tightly and I draw in rugged breaths. This is it. The day I ever dreamed of. My heart is pounding and black spots start dancing around in my vision until everything turns dark.

(Kim's POV)

I run into the mansion, calling for Klaus. His hybrid come in to see who was there which they notice me and point out that he's in his art room.

I take another step, which Klaus speeds in front of me. "You called?" he asks, blue eyes searching why I was such in distress.

"Tyler, Damon, and Katherine took Laura. I don't know where she is but she needs help. I can't communicate with her which means that someone's bocking her magic," I say out in one breath. I immediately see Klaus' face contort into anger with his amber eyes glowing.

"Then we'll have to ask around then," with that he carries me bridal style and speeds out of the mansion.

We drop by the Mystic Grill which Klaus is in a muderous mood. Good for saving Laura, bu terrible for the innocents.

He stalks in there, seeing Elena and Matt talking. Klaus comes up to Matt, grabs the back of his neck and squeezes slightly. I see Elena scared and confused as to why I was here but when Matt grunts in pain, her focus is back to the hybrid. Klaus smirks his original devious smirk that sends chills to Elena and me.

I would not like to be in her shoes now. "Well, afternoon. I heard that your doppelganger, your boyfriend, and my first hybrid took something precious of mine," he says as he adds more pressure to Matt.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Elena says, I look at her to see if she's telling the truth. I look at Klaus and point to my ear, indicating him to listen to her heartbeat.

After a few moments, he nods and looks to Elena, "Think of this as a warning love. You better tell me where they are or else this kid is what I'll feed to my hybrids." With that, Klaus shoves Matt ahead of him and yells back to Elena, "You have one hour to tell me or else!"

With that I turn to Elena, who looks like she's gonna cry in front of everyone, and walk out the place. I have no problem with Klaus threatening people, just so that Laura is safe and sound at the end of the day.

We take Matt to the mansion, which Klaus orders two hybrids to look after Matt. I feel sorry for him since he is a really nice guy but when Laura's life is on the line, I honestly don't care about anything.

The thing about our bond is too protect each other, since Purebloods are born to protect and serve nature, nature protects Purebloods. And Laura and I have been friends ever since.

Me and Klaus get into his truck, about to drive to the boarding house when we get a call from Elena.

"Elena, what a surprise cause I was about to collect Bonnie to do some witchy location spells," he says into the phone.

"Laura is in a few towns over, I'll send you the locations," she says, "I helped you so please let go of Matt." I snort, grabbing Klaus' phone and put it on speaker, "The only way you'll be getting Matt Donovan is when we have Laura safe and sound. If not, then I will personally kill him myself and trust me, it will be painful." With thatm I hang up and wait for Elena to send us the locations. Once she does, I tel Klaus and speeds off to the place.

It was only about 30 minutes of a drive, and we don't say anything. I'm scared of what we would find the situation that Laura is in. I know of Adam's abuse but Laura told me not to tell, maybe I'll kill him but then that would kill Laura as well.

I sigh when I feel light headed. Uh-oh. I grab my throat, knowing that Laura is being strangled to death. I try to beathe deeply, which Klaus looks at me in alarm.

"What's happening?" he asks with one hand on the wheel and the other on my shoulder. "Laura, some- someone is choking her," I breathe out. I know that one of Laura's weakness is being choked and I could somewhat feel that emotion but there's something there as well.

Hopelessness. Is she giving up? I grab onto Klaus' hand, needing support until the pain fades and the pressure is lifted.

"The pain, it's gone," I mutter out. I knew that she wasn't dead since if she was, then I would be so someone must of stopped the attack.

"Hurry!" I yell at Klaus who looks at me with a death warning glare stating Don't try to command me I just ignore him and urge him. He huffs and surprisingly increases the speed of the car that's definitely breaking laws.

Like we care about that.

We come to a home in a urban area, nice little homes with children happily running about like there are no evils in the world. SO naiive. We run to the door, which Klaus needs permission to enter so when he breaks down the door, I speed in and grab the woman cooking in the kitchen.

She screams but I end up quickly snapping her neck when Kluas speeds next to me, listening for Laura. "Basement," he whispers and he speeds down, me trailing after him.

By the time I get there, I see Klaus fighting Tyler, Katherine, and Damon. I see Laura, all bloodied and bruised, curled in the corner with chains wrapping around her wrists and neck.

How. Dare. They. Do. This.

I feel my anger boiling and my fangs growing out. But my familiar is much important so I grab the chains and break her free of it which she whimpers.

I look over and see Katherine lying with her neck snapped while Damon and Tyler losing to Klaus. They all have fangs extended and moving at lightening speed. I huff, inspecting her injuries.

Shr has a few broken bones, busted lip, black eyes, and everywhere on her body are vampire bites. I know that I should heal her but we won't have time to get her out of here before the now dead vampires wake up again.

Klaus comes to my side and I see an emotion that Klaus is not known for to have. Adoration and protectiveness over a human.

He clears his throat when he notices me staring and carefully grabs Laura bridal style. She whimpers from the pain and Klaus whispers to her, "It's okay, love. You're safe now, just relax."

And she does. Laura never trusts people besides myself and she didn't even hesitate. What is going on with them?

Are they falling in love with each other? No, that can't be possible. Laura wouldn't do that, I've seen her look at couples that are madly in love and never to have any regrets or anything.

Klaus walks out of the basement which Laura also fears. And I look to the three sons of bitches that I want to kill badly. Instead, I lift my heels and smash it into Katherine's throat. I do the same to the others, though they have no affect. So I decide to tie them up in chairs, and slice their throats open and leave a knife in their necks to prevent them from healing. I tie them to the chairs with verain soaked ropes and I also put it around their mouths.

Katherine is the first to wake up which she notices what I'm doing and struggles against her bounds until I walk up and get out a knife and shove it into her head, killing her temporarily.

I finish off with putting fans up and putting vervain and wolfsbane in front of it, I inhale the scents and smile as I make my way to the car. Once I get ther, I see Klaus holding Laura in the backseat with her back facing him. Before I scream out to tell him to stop, he's already feeding her his blood. I run to the car, the damage already done.

"What have you done?!" I yell at him as he take his wrist out of Laura's mouth. I see blood drip off her mouth which disgusts me. He looks at me in confusion, "What are you talking about? I healing her since she could barely breathe with broken ribs and other bones."

I shake my head, "No, you don't understand Klaus. Vampire blood is impure whereas Purebloods are pure beings. WHy do you think that she didn't want your blood the other day?" I notice some adults coming to the car, asking what was going on with all the screaming. I look to Klaus which he hands Laura to me, the man sees this and starts to get his phone out about to call the police.

"You don't remember anything that you just saw, just pretend that you wanted to take a walk where you think of how your life went to ruins," with that Klaus takes the wheel and starts to drive towards Mystic Falls.

I hold Laura's head in my lap at the back of the truck. I move the hair out of her face and try to talk to her mentally even though she's not conscious yet. I tell her how sorry I am and how I want to fix all of this. I want to save her from her father.

"How long?" Klaus whispers to me, I look at him, understanding his quesiton. I answer with, "Ever since her mother died. He blames her for her death."

"And you don't do anything to stop him?" he looks at me through the mirrow. I look at him, "I would have done it years ago if Laura allowed me too. I would have painfully killed that monster since the first day that I saw him."

"Then why haven't you," he asks, curiousity in his voice. He stares in front of him to focus on driving though I know that he wants to sit next to Laura.

I was about to answer when I feel Laura stirring in her sleep, "What's going on?" She asks, confusion and pain clear in her eyes. I only hush her, "Everything's okay, just get some sleep okay?"

She sees Klaus, "Klaus-" Klaus smirks into the mirror and tells her thesame thing. She looks at me and I tell her mentally to go to sleep. She searches my eyes for anything, but she finally nods and lays her head on my lap and drifts off to sleep after a few moments.

I sigh, running my hands through her tangled and dirtied hair but I don't mind. Ii feel complete with her beside me and I relish in that. I look out the window, seeing kids and happy families with pets running around their legs.

If only Laura could of had that, though the world came to stab her in the back. I look to Klaus and sees that he's about to speak when I cut him off with,"We could talk later after Laura's all healed up and better."

He nods and we stay silent for the rest of the drive. We walk in, Laura being carried by Klaus and she looks thinner than normal. I make a mental note of that ashe laces her onto the bed gently. I watch Klaus' every move, including where he strokes his thumb across her cheek as if he's mesmerized by her. I clear my throat and point to the door. He walks out but when I was about to close the door, he sticks his foot between the door, "Take care of her."

I look at his blue eyes and see genuine worry and concern. Interesting. I nod, "Of course I would, she's my family." Klaus nods and allows me to close the door.

I turn around and walk to the bathroom where I prepare a warm bath with shampoos in their, filling the air with a strawberry scent. I get her some of my clothes with eould be grey sweatpants and a loose black tshirt. I walk into the room, and stand next to Laura, "Laura, wake up. Time for bath time."

Her eyes flutter with a groan coming out. When she opens her eyes, I see blue eyes that remind me of Klaus' haunted eyes, and she looks to me, "What happened?"

"Me and Klaus went to get you," I tell her as I help her sit up. I know that she still has her injuries which I try to be extra careful. "Do you need help bathing" I ask her when we get to the bathroom. She shakes her head no, and I tell her seriously, "If you need help, just yell for my name kay?"

She nods and gives me a small smile though I know it pains her to do so, she closes the door and I culd practically taste the raw emotions coming from her. I know that she needs a shoulder to lean on but she is taking a shower so I decide to cook her a healthy meal to get her back on track.

I walk downstairs when I see Matt in the parlor, between two hybrids. I take out my phone, dialing Elena's number, "Hey you could come pick up Matt or I'll send some of the hybrids to drop him off."

She answers that she'll get him and I hang up. I walk to Matt, "Hey sorry about this happeneing to you. It's just that we needed to have Laura have so hopefully you'll understand."

He looks at me, nodding in understanding, "I get what you mean. But try not to choose me next time?" He smirks when he sees me chuckle and I hear a knock on the door. I open it and there stands Elena.

"Well, hello Elena," I greet her, "Matt is safe, no harm done." She looks like she's about to say something snarky when Klaus comes down, talking about threatening the Salvatores and whatnot. I took that as my cue toleave which I headed striaght to the kitchen to make chicken alfredo for Laura.

An hour later, I finished making the food aand bring the try to Laura's room. I knock, and see Laura sitting on the bed, staring blankly at the window.

"Hey," I softly say, she turns to me and notices my tray and that's when I hear her stomach rumble. I chuckle and hand her her food which she starts eating. I star brushing her hair, and then braiding it into a French braid.

Once I'm done, I take the tray away from her and lift her chin to make her look at me, "Do you wanna talk?" She shakes her head no and I just hug her which she hugs me back and starts crying.

I comfort her, rubbing her back and soothe her with my wordds, telling her that life will get better. We both know that that's a lie but none of us have the courage to say anything.

After awhile, she falls asleep in my arms and I lay her down and cover her up. I know that I'm her only motherly/best friend figure now which scares me that I would make mistakes but after watching humans when I was in snake form, I learned that humans always made mistakes but always got up and became stronger.

I see that Laura's wound are all healed up but I worry about her sanity. The things that she has gone through is so traumatizing that I knew that no one could heal from. Another thing that Laura and Klaus have in common.

I hate these things have happened to such a frail yet powerful creature. She and Klaus are like that, they try to act tough but behind closed doors, thye are as raw as one can be.

I feel my fangs extending which I breathe in deeply to retract my fangs. I head out of the room, closing the door silently which I then head downstairs. I heard Kalus talking but with another male.

I walk in the library and see Elijah standing there, looking as handsome as ever.

"Hello Kimberly"

Hello! So what did you think? Laura is finally safe! And Elijah is back! I feel as if its kind of a filler chapter but don't worry, I'm planning on Elijah waking his family next chapter so yay! Any suggestions? Any worries, concerns, hopes, dreams? Please let me know! I love and appreciate each and every single comment!

Okay, so if you haven't noticed, I wrote a better version of I Hate You But I Love You story which I'm happy about but it's going to be a one shot...for now. I want to finish this before starting other stories but I only wrote this so that I don't forget my ideas.

I have a few more ideas which I hope to get ASAP.

Thanks for all of the support! Make sure to comment, like, favorite this story!