Merlin Season 6

Episode 8: The Birth of Albion

Merlin's world slowed and his vision blackened as he felt his body fall back and continue to fall. The ground disappeared beneath him, like he was falling off a cliff. And then he hit the cool, wet earth with a THUD! His head, heavy and solid, felt like it had become detached as it smacked the ground. Sharp, pain erupted in his chest as the air exploded from his lungs. He sucked in a long raspy breath, and then let it out slowly. He repeated the process several times.

"Merlin?" he heard a familiar voice say.

It was an old man's voice, someone he cared about. He turned his head to the side and opened his eyes. His vision was blurry at first, but then he saw Gaius crawling toward him. "Gaius," he coughed.

Gaius lowered his head, "I was afraid it was you."

"What happened?" Merlin asked, startled when he didn't recognize his own voice.

"The dagger Mordred had was enchanted," Gaius explained. He was leaning over Merlin and examining where the dagger was sticking out of Merlin's side. "I can only guess how the enchantment worked, but it seems when you stabbed him with the dagger using magic, Mordred was able to create a connection, and through some spell I've never heard of, was able to switch bodies with you."

"I'm," Merlin huffed, "I'm in Mordred's body?"


Merlin covered his face with his hands, but as soon as the unfamiliar skin touched his face he pulled them away. Everything felt wrong; the size of his hands, the roughness, the shape. He examined them, and as he did his heart started to race. Not his heart! Mordred's heart.

Gaius sat quietly beside him as Merlin struggled to fully come to terms with what just happened to him.

"We have to warn Arthur," was the only clear thought Merlin had at the moment.

"Agreed," Gaius said. "But you are suffering from a soon to be fatal wound, and it will be important to treat that now, before you die in Mordred's body."

The thought of dying in the body of his mortal enemy sent chills through every vein. "Let's do that first."

Gaius, though old and bruised, was quick to gather a few herbs he found in the forest around them. They were close enough to the castle so he knew were a few select herbs he needed grew. Some herbs would stop the bleeding and some would stop any infection. Once he had what he wanted, he swiftly made his way back to Merlin's side.

He tore open Mordred's shirt around the dagger and then ripped another part of the shirt completely off and got it wet in the river. Kneeling back down, he placed his hands on the dagger's hilt and said, "Brace yourself."

Merlin, with Mordred's head, nodded.

With a quick and skillful pull, he yanked the dagger in one smooth motion out of Mordred's body. Merlin gave a yelp and then grit his teeth.

Gaius started to clean the wound with the wet shirt rag. He mixed the herbs together, using a rock to crush them and some water to create a paste and then placed them over the wound. "I do not have the tools here to stitch you up, but this should be enough until I can get you home." Then he tore off the hem of his robe and wrapped it tightly around the wound.

When all was done, Gaius helped Merlin to his feet.

"Thank you," Merlin said, hating the way this voice sounded. "We need to get to Arthur quickly."

"Yes," Gaius said, he placed one of Mordred's arms over his shoulders, "but keep in mind that if you exert yourself and lose consciousness, I can not carry you."

Merlin nodded, and with a fast, yet steady pace, they made their way back to Camelot.

Arthur took one last bite of his sausage, and stood, slamming his hands on the table as he did. The absence of Merlin that morning had not gone unnoticed by the occupants of the castle as it might have been before.

"Where's Merlin?" asked Gareth, Sir Leon, Sir Percival, a few guards, and some other servants who normally wouldn't dare to speak to the king unless spoken to first. After Merlin revealed himself to be a powerful sorcerer he no longer walked the halls of the castle being invisible. It was made clear that the kingdom needed him if they had any hope in defeating Mordred and his army.

Merlin had not come home last night, Arthur had already check early that morning, and if it wasn't for the fact that the druids had just arrived, he'd be out looking for him now. The druids had gathered a small number of men, and a few women, willing to fight for Camelot, a lot sooner than been expected. So there arrival that morning at the borders of the city had come as a surprise. As soon as Arthur heard about it, he ordered Sir Leon and a few knights to see them safely to the castle. The people, though accepting of Merlin, thanks to his fame from saving them, in the war against the Saxons, as Emrys, were still in fear of those with magic. He didn't want an incident that would affect the, already uneasy, relationship he had with the druids.

"Tell Sir Leon that I will meet with the druids before lunch in the council room," he told Gwen, who was still working on finishing her breakfast. "I am going to see if I can find Merlin."

"That's a good idea," Gwen said.

Arthur left his chamber and headed to Gaius's home again. He really needed to find Merlin, he did not want to meet with the druids alone, without "Emrys" whom they revered. On the way to Gaius's home, he checked with the front gate guards and asked if they'd seen Merlin, they said they hadn't. Arthur didn't miss the nervous look that passed between them.

Great! He muttered to himself. How could Merlin choose to be so stubborn and sensitive at this moment?

Gaius's home was quiet and empty just as it had been early that morning. There was no sign that Merlin had come back. He turned to leave but stopped with his hand on the door handle, there was a faint squeak, like the sound of old wood rubbing against each other. Arthur narrowed his eyes at Merlin's bedroom door. If he was sleeping, Arthur shook his head slowly, he was in a world of pain. He didn't care how powerful of a sorcerer Merlin was, he would feel Arthur's wrath.

Quietly, Arthur made his way to Merlin's bedroom. Once at the door, he flung it open and had just caught sight of black, unruly hair before it disappeared behind the worn covers.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled. "Do you have any idea what time it is? I know I was upset last night and told you not to follow me back, but I never said don't come back at all. And even if I did, you picked a hell of a good time to start obeying me."

Arthur stepped closer to the bed, "Are you listening to me? Don't even pretend to be asleep."

The blanket moved. "Not feeling well," Merlin said in an exaggerated, raspy voice. "Come back later," he coughed.

Arthur growled and grabbed the blanket and pulled. To his astonishment, Merlin had the nerve to pull back. "Merlin!"

"Go away, please," the raspy voice cried.

In one final huff, Arthur pulled with all his might. Either the blanket was coming off or it was going to tear. It came off. Arthur jumped back, his body tense and ready for action. Merlin was not under the blanket, Mordred was.

Mordred winced when the blanket was ripped from his fingers, he grabbed at his side.

"Mordred," Arthur said through clenched teeth. In one swift action he drew Excalibur and placed the sharp point at the base of Mordred's throat. "What have you done with Merlin?"

"It's me," Mordred said, he pulled a hand away from his side revealing a freshly stitched stab wound that was seen through the tear in his gray shirt.

"What do you mean, it's you?" Arthur asked. Mordred was lucky Arthur had a steady handle on his sword or he would be drawing blood from Mordred's neck.

"I'm Merlin."

Arthur scoffed, "I don't believe you."

"I don't blame you," Mordred said, laying his head back down on the pillow.

Arthur stepped closer, keeping his blade on Mordred's throat. Whether it was Mordred or Merlin laying before him, Arthur could tell he was too weak to even sit up.

"Mordred lured me out using Gaius as bait. I fought him and stabbed him with that dagger," Mordred gestured to the dagger on a chair, "here," he pointed to his side. "I don't know what spell he did, but the next moment I was the one with the dagger in my side. I saw my body, with Mordred in control of it, disappear. Gaius and I sneaked back into the castle so he could stitch me up. Now he's out trying to find you, to tell you and warn you about what has happened."

Still hesitant, Arthur demanded, "Prove to me that you're Merlin."

"I once fed you rat stew, which you then forced me to eat. You always make me muck out the stables when you are irritated. I stole sausages from your breakfast plate once and told you it was because I was trying to keep you in shape. And when we first met, I called you a royal…"

"All right," Arthur put up a hand. "I believe you." He sheathed Excalibur again.

Arthur picked up the dagger from the chair and sat down. He looked at Merlin who wore a dopey, tired expression that didn't look right on Mordred's face, and then put a hand over his eyes. "This is just great, through some miracle we managed to convince the people they can trust Merlin and now…" he gestured to Mordred's body lying on Merlin's bed. He shook his head. "And then there's the druids who showed up this morning. What am I supposed to tell them?"

"We need to find Gaius," Merlin said, trying to sit up. "We need to figure out a plan, we need to…" Merlin winced at the pain. The dagger had gone deep but Merlin knew there was something more wrong with this body.

"I'll find Gaius," Arthur said, standing. "You stay here."

The front door swung open just as Arthur was descended the small stairs. Gaius entered, with Gwen behind him, and stopped when he saw Arthur coming out of Merlin's room. "Don't hurt him," Gaius said. "It's Merlin!"

"Yes, I am aware of Merlin's latest catastrophe," Arthur responded. "I was just about to leave to find you."

"So it's true?" Gwen asked. "Merlin's in Mordred's body."

"Yep," Merlin said, slouching against his door, holding on to his side.

Gwen covered her mouth at the sight of Mordred.

"Merlin," Gaius scolded. "What are you doing out of bed? You'll tear your stitches."

"We don't have time to worry about that right now. Mordred will be making his move any moment."

Arthur frowned, "According to my scouts, he's still days away."

"No, he's closer than that."

"How do you know?"

"I can feel him when he's near. Mordred and I have always had a connection, ever since he was a boy." Merlin winced as his knees buckled from the strain of standing. His body began to slide down the door but Arthur caught him.

"I told you, you need to be in bed," Gaius said.

Arthur helped Merlin into a chair. Gaius came over and placed a hand on his head.

"You look terribly pale, and worse, you are cold to the touch. The stab wound should have brought a fever. There is something else, isn't there?" Gaius asked, looking down at Merlin gravely.

Merlin lowered his head, "Mordred's body is dying. I can feel it. Whatever magic the spirits used to bring him back from the dead, it is wearing off."

"No wonder why he needed to switch bodies with you," Arthur said.

Gwen touched Merlin's shoulder, "You need to rest."

"Rest is not what I need, we need to figure out how to stop him before I die in this body."

"How did you manage not to be possessed?" Gwen asked, turning to Gaius.

Gaius looked passed her as he thought. "I recited a simple purification spell that works when you need clean water. As soon as I did, the vengeful spirit left my body. It didn't come back."

"Then that's the answer, isn't it?" Merlin said. They all looked at him. "I have been pouring over these books trying to find some complicated spell that would expel the spirits, when all we needed was a simple purification spell."

"Sounds easy," Arthur said.

Just then, the bell tower warning rang out, signaling to all war was upon them.

Looking from one to another, they all turned to leave. Merlin stood to follow but Arthur pushed him back down. "You can't go out looking like that, the people will become hysterical, if they aren't already. Besides that, you look close to death."

"Thanks for putting that delicately," Merlin grimaced. "I have to go," he argued. "Give me a cloak to hide myself under."

Gaius brought him a long, gray cloak and helped him put it on. Merlin pulled the hood far over his face.

They all left Gaius's home, Arthur leading the way with Gwen closely behind, and Gaius supporting Merlin as they followed as swiftly as they could. The citadel was a bustle of soldiers and knights making their way to their posts. "What is happening?" Arthur demanded from a soldier who passed.

"Mordred's army is in sight."

"Impossible," Arthur said. "We have been tracking their progress for days."

"Perhaps they used a spell to travel here so fast," Gwen said. "We've seen it before."

"If they could do that, than why spend all those days marching toward Camelot, instead of just magically appearing?"

Merlin frowned, wondering what Mordred was planning when a dark shadow passed over them. They all looked up to the sky to see black clouds rolling in from all directions, blocking out the late morning sun, until not a spot of blue sky was left. The air turned cold. Flashes of lightning lit the sky in green and blue hues. The deep rumble of thunder grew louder and louder, shaking the earth beneath them. Torrential rain fell and the wind picked up violent speed in a matter of moments.

"This is Mordred," Merlin whispered loudly to Gaius over the roar of wind and thunder. "He is using my magic to do this."

"I'm not sure that's true," Gaius said back.

A white streak flew overhead and a dragon's roar was heard.

"The dragon?" Arthur growled. "Not again! Get everybody inside the castle, every soul outside the walls of the city of Camelot, as well as within."

"That's a lot of people, Sire."

"I don't care," Arthur shouted. "Fill every room, every hallway, just get everyone inside. There is no place safe from that dragon, except behind stone walls."

The knight bowed and took off running.

Arthur, and the rest of them, entered the main entrance to the castle and found the druids and Sir Leon and Sir Percival there.

"I apologize," Arthur said to the Breton, the druid leader, "that I have not yet been able to receive you. As you can see, Camelot is in a state of chaos."

Breton uncovered his head. "I am just glad we arrived when we did."

Arthur nodded. "There's not much time for a plan of defense, so how can you help?"

Breton looked to his fellow druids, "We will set up a barrier, in hopes of giving us more time."


"Before that," Breton said, "there are two among us who wish to express remorse for past transgressions."

Arthur watched, looking confused, as two druids, one short and petite, and the other one tall, came forward. They uncovered their heads and Arthur stepped back. It was the brother and sister who had tried to kill him with plants.

Merlin tensed at the sight of them, but Gaius, who was holding him up, held him back.

In a most humbled tone, the brother, Tray, spoke, "We are sorry for our actions. We were angry, and blinded by the loss of our parents. We understand if you don't want to trust us, and wish to have us executed. But if you can forgive us, we would like to help save Camelot in anyway we can."

Illia, Tray's sister, bowed her head along with her brother.

Arthur remained still, saying nothing, but then his eyes softened and he spoke. "I would be most grateful for your help this day."

Tray and Illia first seemed surprised and then they stepped back into the group of druids with smiles on their faces.

The moment was interrupted by an old man with a long beard, who was extravagantly dressed. He came down the stairs as fast as his wrinkled body could carry him. His name was Aldon, and he was a long time member of the royal council. "Sire," he addressed Arthur alone, ignoring everyone else, and making his way straight to the king. "Do you know that your knights are allowing all sorts of peasants, and ruffians alike, into the castle? They are swarming and being placed in rooms where some of Camelot's most valued treasure are."

Merlin, who was always annoyed by Aldon's pompous attitude, smiled at the way Arthur's nostrils flared at the man.

"You are wrong," Arthur told him. "The most valuable treasures in Camelot are its people. So I will fill every room with what should be protected and cared for most."

That shut Aldon up, and he quickly spurred from the room.

This pleased the druids and Breton spoke with more conviction as he said, "We will do all we can to protect Camelot."

"What do you need to set up this barrier?" Arthur asked.

"A high place for us to see all of Camelot."

"Sir Leon," Arthur said, "lead the way for them."

"Yes, Sire."

"Sir Percival, once everyone is inside, make sure every knight and every soldier is dressed and ready for battle."

Sir Percival nodded and then disappeared.

Arthur turned to Merlin, and said quietly, "What can you do about that dragon?"

Merlin looked up, but still made sure that Mordred's face was hidden from view, "I don't know, not in this body. But I can try to gain control over him."

"Do it!"

They all separated, Arthur and Gwen helped the people to safety, while Gaius helped Merlin make his way up the stairs to a high enough spot in the castle where the White Dragon could hear him. It was slow going up the stairs, with every step Merlin felt Mordred's body weaken.

"Has your wound opened up?" Gaius asked.

Merlin shook his head. "No, but I'm not," Merlin huffed, "sure how much longer I can last."

Gaius frowned, and they quietly made their way up the stairs. Then he asked, "Are you absolutely certain that Mordred stole your body as well as your magic?"

"Why do you think otherwise?"

"Magic, from what I have always believed, is more tied to the soul than the body. He took your body, but you have your soul."

At Gaius's words, Merlin turned inward. This body was so foreign to him, nothing felt right. It was weak, and he could barely feel the magic within him. The magic was faint, and felt like it was disappearing as fast as this body was dying. "I can't tell. How could I have let this happen?"

Gaius could not think of anything that would console him, so he said nothing.

Outside the castle, people dashed about gathering children and what provisions they could, and made their way to the castle in droves. The White Dragon roared overhead, lighting the dark, stormy sky in bright red, hot fire. The dragon was young and agile, it twisted and twirled avoiding all arrows and long spears shot at him. With every pass the dragon made overhead, it forced the knights to hurry the people to move faster.

Mordred, in Merlin's body, watched the people of Camelot atop a tall hill. He smiled, making Merlin's features look devilish. Then he said, "It's time."

Behind him stood all his small, yet powerful army. The whole army had gold eyes, which glowed bright in the darkness of the forest. They began to disappear, their bodies looking like they were being torn apart, flesh by flesh, bone by bone, as if they were being sucked into an invisible hole above. Only to reappear around the perimeter of the city of Camelot. There, they watched and waited.

It took time, and a great deal of effort, but Merlin and Gaius finally made it to the tallest wall, between the two tallest towers of the castle. Merlin's breathing was labored, far more than Gaius, who was an old man. Heavy rain and gusting wind beat their faces as they stood between the two towers. Merlin leaned on one of the battlements looking into the sky. The White Dragon was almost overhead, he summoned all his strength and, in the dragon tongue, commanded the flying serpent to cease his attack, but to no avail. The White Dragon flew past as if Merlin hadn't uttered a word.

"I can't," Merlin breathed out. "I don't think I have the strength or the power to." He slid down the battlement and rested his head against the wet stones.

Gaius leaned down next to him. He paused, and then said, "I am not sure if Mordred stole your magic or your confidence."

Merlin looked up, frowning. "What if he took both?"

"Only you can know that," Gaius said.

The large castle doors closed with a loud BOOM! cutting off the sound of the terrible storm that was raging outside. Sir Percival informed Arthur that all the people were inside, wet, but safe.

"Good," Arthur said, "Assemble the knights in the throne room."

Sir Percival nodded and left.

Arthur found the druids atop the wall he told Sir Leon to lead them to. "All are inside," he told Sir Leon and Breton.

Breton nodded and he and the rest of the druids stepped forward. Together, with their arms raised and eyes glowing, they started to raise a barrier. The barrier started from the ground. The barrier was transparent but visible, like it was made of water, it rose high above the castle and closed, creating a large dome.

Arthur and Sir Leon looked at each other doubtfully. Breton, as if knowing of their doubtful expression made behind him, said, "Water has powerful magical properties."

Just as the barrier was complete, lightning struck multiple times only to be absorbed into the barrier and shot back out. The White Dragon blew out a gush of fire, which turned to steam on the water barrier's surface.

Sir Leon clamped a hand on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur smiled, "Thank you," he said gesturing to the druids. "You have bought us some time to figure out how to fight back. How long will the barrier hold?"

Breton looked to his fellow druids, who all were still concentrating on keeping the barrier up. "I can only guarantee a day, no more."

Arthur nodded.

Mordred, with Merlin's wide, gleeful eyes, watched the barrier form over the castle. He smiled hungerly, "All of Camelot so neatly tucked away inside the castle. Now, it will become their tomb." His eyes burned gold and he raised one arm and slowly curled his fingers. The walls of Camelot began to crack and break.

The sight of the wall breaking was seen by all the sorcerers that surrounded the castle. They all smiled wickedly and raised their arms with their eyes still flaming gold. In unison, they spoke a spell that echoed through the space between them.

The stone beneath Arthur moved, he felt it shake and then he felt his stomach rise and fall, similar to the feeling he got when he fell off something. He looked up and found he was not the only one that experienced this. Sir Leon had grabbed on to the wall nearest him, and the druids and leaned forward grabbing onto the battlements. Inside, Arthur could hear hundreds of people let out a scream

"What...was...that?" Arthur asked.

Without waiting for a response, he ran back inside and up the stairs, taking them two at a time, until he made his way to the tallest wall of the castle where Merlin and Gaius were. He stepped out on to the wall to see Merlin, still under the gray cloak, sitting down, leaning against the wall. Gaius was looking out with wide eyes full of dread. Arthur followed his gaze and saw why Gaius looked that way. From this vantage point, Arthur could see a gap in the ground all around the castle. Sir Leon and Breton, only moments behind, joined him at his side. They too appeared horrified at the sight. The castle was sinking into the earth.

Gaius was the first to speak what they all knew, "Mordred intends to bury Camelot."

The stone again shifted beneath their feet, and another cry of hundreds of voices rang out as they all felt the castle drop. The crack was wider, more visible now.

"I will see what we can do to stop this," Breton said, and he quickly left.

The ground again dropped.

"Sire," Sir Leon said, "What do we do?"

Arthur said nothing at first, being too stunned to speak and then he shook it off. "Get everyone out of the castle."

The White Dragon flew overhead just then and blew out a long stream of fire. The fire made a blazing hot ring around the castle, making any escape futile.

Arthur grind his teeth, and made a fist. With fury, he slammed the fist down on to the wall. "NO!" he cried. "This was Mordred's plan. This was why he lead his army to march, driving all those who lived in the north to Camelot. He wanted everyone in the castle, as many of the citizens of Camelot he could cram into it. He doesn't want the kingdom, he wants to destroy it."

Gaius agreed, "With the king, all the knights, and so many of Camelot's people gone, along with the castle, the rest of the four kingdoms will fight a bloody and ferocious war to claim the land. This will throw all of Albion into chaos."

Breton ran down the stone steps, staying close to the wall for support. People covered every inch of the castle, the stairs, hallways, rooms; huddling together with white stricken faces, all looking bewildered as the castle shook. With every lurch the ground gave, another candle stand, tapestry, vase, or other object would topple to the floor, and a cry of panic would follow.

The druids turned to Breton just as he reached them. They were still maintaining a barrier around the castle, which seemed pointless since the castle was soon going to be buried in the earth. "Bring down the barrier," he told them. "Mordred is trying to bury the castle and all of us in it. We need to stop it."

The druids looked to one another. Tray and Illia were the first to step forward.

"We can keep the castle from going under," Illia said in a soft, but determined voice. "Can't we?" she turned to Tray.

Tray nodded. "Not indefinitely, but we will do all we can."

The brother and sister went to the edge of the tower. Together they chanted words of the Old Religion and then simultaneously their eyes snapped opened.

Thick, powerful, brown roots broke the grassy surface all around the castle and grabbed hold of the earth above, driving into the ground, anchoring the castle. The ground shifted again, but this time there was no lurching drop.

Breton turned to the other druids, "We need to find away to get these people out of here."

High in the sky, the White Dragon circled the castle. With every attempt the people below made to escape their castle tomb, he blew scorching fire, blocking all exits. On the top of three towers, soldiers tried desperately to bring the White Dragon down with spears throwers. The long spears cut threw the rain as they soared toward the dragon. With graceful twists and quick turns, the dragon continued to evade them.

The White Dragon flew straight up disappearing in the black clouds. The soldier squinted through the rain, trying to see their target and when they did, it was too late. The White Dragon came barreling straight down, a high pitch sound resonated with his decent. He blew out three, large balls of fire. The soldiers jumped out of the way just as the fire exploded the wooden spear throwers.

Beads of sweat were rolling down Tray and Illia's faces as they struggled desperately to keep Camelot's Castle from sinking into the earth. The vengeful sorcerers all around Camelot continued their powerful dark spell, chanting the same phrase over and over again in unison. A few roots cracked and ripped out of the ground above losing their hold. The castle again dropped a few feet.

Inside the castle, Gareth stayed close to the queen, knowing it was his first duty to protect her, but with the castle shaking violently, and things toppling over, he wasn't sure if there was a safe place.

Before the earthquakes, Gwen had been busy trying to make room for the people, helping them to get comfortable and calming their fears. And even though she wore a brave face now, her color had visibly paled. She held a crying girl, who was lost from her family, in her arms. The girl's face was buried against Gwen, but Gwen kept her eyes upward, looking at a large crack in the ceiling. She was hoping the same thing Gareth was, that the castle would hold strong.

A stone from the ceiling started to give way. Gareth shouted," GET OUT OF THE WAY!" he told the people underneath. The people ran in every direction, except for an old beggar man, who was too slow. With quick, long strides, Gareth launched himself toward the wrinkly old man, barely shoving him out of the way. The stone slab smashed Gareth's left leg, and he cried out in pain.

Gwen released the girl and ran to him. "Gareth!" she exclaimed. She shoved the stone with all her might but it didn't budge.

Gareth continued to cry in agony.

"Help me!" she demanded of the people.

Five or six men came to her aid and helped her roll the stone off Gareth's leg. Gwen dropped to her knees. Blood covered Gareth's leg. Not knowing what else to do, she ripped the bottom of her dress and wrapped it tightly around his upper thigh. He winced but was able to grit his teeth and bare it.

With help, Gwen pulled him closer to the wall where it was safer.

"That was very selfless and brave," she told him, "saving that man's life while risking your own."

Gareth grinned, "What can I say? I'm a knight." Then he closed his eyes and let his head rest against the cold stone wall.

The earth moved again and the crack in the ceiling widened, threaten to drop its full, solid weight upon the panicked people below. Just as it began to fall, and the people scurried to get out of the way, a druid stepped out from among them. He had dark skin and broad, burly shoulders. In a booming voice he spoke the Old Religion. The stone ceiling held firm.

The crowd of people looked to the druid with deep gratitude and relief.

Arthur watched helplessly as the top of a tall, narrow tower on the eastern part of the castle broke off and tumbled to the ground making a loud crash. The large puffs of gray dust that followed the crash quickly disappeared in the endless downpour of cold rain or was blown away in the fierce wind. It was as if the world was coming to an end; and in a way, Arthur's world, all he knew; his home, his people, his kingdom, was coming to an end, unless he found a way to stop it.

Through all the chaos, Mordred's body lay still against the battlement. Arthur knelt down next to Merlin, "Merlin," he had to practically shout over all the splatter of rain and thunderous clouds. "If you can hear me, I need you to do something. You said you are the last Dragonlord. You need to control that dragon so the people can escape." There was no response. "Merlin, do you hear me?"


Gaius knelt down and placed his ear over Merlin's mouth, then he placed his head on Merlin's chest. He looked up at Arthur, his face confirmed Arthur's fear.

Arthur shook his head. How could this be happening? "No," Arthur cried. His eyes stung as they gathered moisture. "Merlin, you may be a worthless servant, but you have always been a great friend. You cannot leave like this. You were the one who said it was your destiny to help me unite the land of Albion. We have not achieved that yet, so you can't leave, you can't die." Arthur pounded on Merlin chest, "I order you not to die! Please...please."

Bright, warm light touched Merlin's face. He heard the sweet melody of birds chirping in the trees and smelled the sweet scent of flowers being carried on a cool, soft breeze. Blinking his eyes open, he found himself in an open meadow. The grass was a deep shade of green and was as soft as cat fur. He stretched his arms out and stroked the grass, enjoying the feel on his open palms. After a minute, he sat up. Where was he?

"Hello, Merlin."

Merlin twisted around when he heard the familiar sweet voice. A voice he hadn't heard in years, a voice he believed he would never hear again.

Morgana came out of the forest around the meadow and sat down beside him. Her face was calm with a hint of a kind smile. She wore a long white dress, with long sleeves that opened wide at the wrists. Her hair was smooth and straight. She hadn't worn her hair like that since before she turned evil.


Her smile widened.

"Where am I?"

"At peace," was all she said, as if that answered everything.

"I like it."

"Good," she beamed, "because you don't have to leave."

Merlin smiled back at her.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Why should I not be here?" she countered.

Merlin frowned, "I don't know."

"I guess you can say, I found peace, too."

Merlin nodded to himself, that made sense. He laid back down and took in a big breath of fresh air. Morgana laid next to him. He was about to doze off when he heard Arthur's voice. "Merlin!" Arthur said.

Merlin sat up straight, breathing heavily.

"What is it?" Morgana asked.

He turned to her, "I can't be here."

"Why not?"

"There is something I left unfinished. Something only I can do."

Morgana sat up and placed a slender hand on his shoulder. "Merlin," she said softly, "you have done all you were meant to do. It is time for you to rest."

As Morgana said the word rest, Merlin felt his eyes become heavy. Rest sounded so good. "No!" he shouted, forcing himself to be wide awake. "I have to go! There is something I have to do. Something that is not yet finished."

He stood up, but Morgana grabbed his wrist. "Please, don't leave me!"

"I have to."

"You don't. You only think you do." Morgana frowned. "We have been fighting a war for so long to free the people of magic, and now they are free. We have done our part. Stay with me, be my friend again, as we once were. We used to enjoy each other company, remember?"

"I'm sorry," Merlin said, and he truly meant it. "But I have to go."

The light grip Morgana had on his wrist, tightened painfully and felt icy cold. Merlin watched as her smooth, fair hand turned gray and bony. Her fingernails lengthened and sharply dug into his skin. Her youthful face changed. becoming sallow and her cheeks caved in and her eyes sunk deep. Her hair grew and turned coarse and wild.

She rose to her feet and then even higher, hovering over him. "You will not save Camelot!" she shrilled. "It was doomed from the moment Uther condemned those of the Old Religion! You cannot stop what is happening!"

Merlin struggled to free himself from her grasps. She laughed hysterically as Merlin continued his futile attempt to escape. Then he felt it, the pulse behind his eyes.

He stopped struggling. "The Drop of Decay," he said to himself.

"What?" Morgana asked,

"I thought that when Mordred stole my body, he took my magic too. But if the Drop of Decay is tied to my magic, and I still have the Drop of Decay, then I still have my magic."

Merlin didn't know where he was at, what kind of magical illusion he was in, but he knew that if he had his magic, Morgana was going to regret crossing him once again. He turned to face her, his eyes blazing gold. If it was possible, her face turned a few shades paler. She must be a spirit, but if she could grab him, then he was a spirit too, and that meant he could hurt her. With a simple quirk of his brow, Morgana's whole body erupted into white flames. She howled in pain. Her body twisted and contorted until she was forced to let him go. As soon as she did the illusion disappeared and so did Morgana.

Merlin was back in Camelot on the highest tower. Before him, Gaius and Arthur huddled over Mordred's lifeless body.

"I order you not to die. Please...please," Arthur said.

Merlin rolled his eyes, the arrogance of his friend, thinking he could command anyone not to die. He looked out from atop the tower at all the destruction around him. The castle was sinking into the earth and it was beginning to crumble like dried out clay. It was time he put a stop to this, in his own body.

Once the thought of his own body entered his head, he felt himself being pulled, like there was a large hook in his chest. He flew through the sky, heading directly toward his body. He saw it standing on top of a cliff, smiling triumphantly as it gazed upon the destruction below. With great force, he collided with himself and tumbled backwards, rolling a few times and then stopping sprawled out on his stomach.

Merlin sucked in a deep breath, then choked as mud caught in his throat. Pushing himself off of the cold muddy ground, he spat the mud back out. His breathing slowed as he sat back on his heels. He felt his face, his chest, he looked at his hands. He could feel no trace of Mordred. He was back!

Coming to his feet, he made his way to the edge of the cliff. The White Dragon circled the castle blowing out long streams of fire. With a deep, powerful, loud voice, Merlin spoke the tongue of the dragon's and commanded the White Dragon to obey, and stop.

The White Dragon opened his wings and hovered in one spot as he flapped. He turned in Merlin's direction and flew toward him, landing in a earth shattering THOMP! Once the dragon was subdued, Merlin turned his attention to the sky. He uttered a few choice words of magic, the dark clouds spread apart, allowing bright sunlight to shine down. The rain and wind ceased.

Then the earth again shook beneath him, and he saw that the castle was still sinking into the earth. He forgot about the sorcerers. How could he stop the sorcerers inside the people's body without harming the innocent people?

An idea came to him, something he learned when he burned Morgana in white flames. It hurt her, she was a spirit, but the flames hurt her. Never before had he conjured a fire spell that caused white flames. The white fire didn't hurt him even though he was so close to her. The flames felt cool on his face. They had undone her evil spell, purified it. Just as Gaius, with a simple water purification spell, had cast out the sorcerer spirit inside him, perhaps white fire could purify the people?

Merlin turned to the White Dragon. He eased closer and placed his hands on the White Dragon's forehead. The dragon flinched and then became calm. "Those of dark magic have used you for their evil purposes. You were not born to be a weapon of destruction but a symbol of hope."

The White Dragon's large, round, glossy eyes kept their focus on Merlin as he spoke.

"Trust me. I will show you what you are destined to be."

The dragon bowed his giant scaly head.

Merlin spoke new words of the Old Religion, and then he stepped back. He looked straight into the dragon's eyes and commanded him to breath fire. The White Dragon opened his mouth and white fire burst from his throat and covered Merlin. Merlin turned around, allowing the cool flame to bathe him. When the White Dragon closed his mouth again, Merlin smiled triumphantly.

He jumped on the dragon's back, held tight to one of the spikes in the dragon's neck and commanded him to fly.

Arthur watched amazed as the stormy, dark clouds disappeared as fast as they appeared. He brushed his matted wet, blonde hair off his forehead, closed his eyes and turned toward the sun. Whatever was happening now, he hoped it was a good thing.

With the rain gone it was a lot easier to see out. In the distance, Arthur could make out the White Dragon sitting on top of a small cliff. Then the dragon took off, leaping off the cliff, diving down, and with a powerful beat of his wings, flew straight up into the sky.

"Oh no," Arthur mumbled.

The White Dragon plunged to the earth, opened his mouth, and white fire came out. He flew close to the ground, gliding on Camelot's perimeter. What was strange was that the white fire did not leaving a burning trail. It seemed not to touch the ground at all.

"Gaius, what is happening?"

"Merlin," he responded with confidence.

Arthur's brow creased as he looked to Mordred's lifeless body beside him and then at the White Dragon again.

Merlin held on tight as the White Dragon banked right. The dragon was flying fast and low as he continued to blow white fire. Merlin did not want a single spirit to escaped. With each possessed person they swallowed in the white flames, a dark spirit would emerge, shrieking in pain and then disappearing into the sky. The people left in the dragon's wake laid unconscious but undamaged by the flames. It was working.

Once every last soul had been cleansed, Merlin turned the dragon back toward the castle. As he flew overhead, many people had gathered below outside the castle. Their eyes squinted up into the bright sky, gazing in awe as Merlin glided over them.

Merlin commanded the White Dragon to fly by the tower where Arthur was. He waved at a very stunned looking king, and signaled that all was safe. Then he turned the White Dragon around and landed in an open field just outside the city walls. He slid of the White Dragon's back and walked to the dragon's head. The White Dragon bowed his head to Merlin and touched him on the forehead. "You did a good job."

Obviously pleased with himself, the White Dragon laid down, closing his eyes.

It wasn't five minutes later before Arthur, Sir Percival, and Sir Leon joined him, riding out on horses. The White Dragon perked his head up in alarm but Merlin stroked his cheek, "It's okay. They are friends."

Arthur was the first to dismount his horse. He came straight at Merlin, wrapped him in a strong bear hug. The White Dragon growled and Arthur dropped Merlin back on his feet again.

"You did it!" he exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "How did you get your body back?"

Sir Percival and Sir Leon frowned at one another, clearly missing something.

"When Mordred's body died," Merlin began to explain, "I was released from it. Then it was only a matter of reclaiming my own."

Arthur nodded, like that made complete sense, "What about all the possessed people, and that white fire."

"It was purifying fire. It only hurt the dark sorcerers inside the people."

"Of course," Arthur laughed. He wrapped an arm around Merlin's shoulder, "Once we celebrate, and everything settles down again, I am going to need a lot more detail."

Merlin only smiled back.

"So does that mean it's finally over?" Sir Percival asked. "Mordred's gone for good this time?"

Merlin looked up at him and was about to say yes, but his eyes fixed on something behind him. Seeing Merlin sudden change of expression, they all turned to see what he was looking at. Above the castle, over the highest tower, a small, black tornado hovered in the air, standing out against the azure sky. It funneled down, getting smaller and smaller, until it was no longer visible.

"What was that?" Sir Leon asked.

The White Dragon growled

They all kept their eyes fixed on the spot. Nothing happened for a moment and then a dark, misshapen figure flew up and disappeared.

"Mordred," Merlin barely whispered before the misshapen figure materialized twenty feet away.

The figure began to take his solid shape, until Mordred stood before them. His sallow cheeks wrinkled into a wide, malicious grin, making his cheekbones sharper. His black hair stuck out like a lion's mane, and his eyes had dark circles around them that made the burning gold of his irises stand out. A burble of laughter started from his throat until it burst between his lips, and filled the air.

Merlin's veins turned to ice when he heard not one, but many voices laughing hysterically.

"Did you think we would leave" Mordred began to say with a collective of vicious voices echoing his words, "before we took our vengeance?"

Mordred took a swaying step closer. Arthur drew his sword. The White Dragon came to his feet and growled deep. Sir Leon and Sir Percival were on both sides of their king.

"WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL ALL OF CAMELOT IS BURIED DEEP IN THE EARTH," Mordred opened his arms wide and a ring of black clouds circled above Camelot, "AND THE PENDRAGONS ARE WIPED FROM EXISTENCE!" Lightning shot out of the black clouds breaking the earth around Camelot.

"Camelot is sinking again," Sir Leon said horrified.

"Help the people," Arthur yelled.

Sir Leon and Sir Percival took off on their horses.

Mordred laughed, it was the kind of laugh that made blood curdle. He placed his hands on the ground. "No one lives today." Mud oozed out of the ground all around them. It pulled together into hundreds of mounds. The mounds of dark mud grew taller, taking more solid form, until they took a deformed human shape. The mud creatures had short, stubby legs; long, slender arms that hung to the ground; and only a small flat heads. Without warning, they charged, slithering fast on the grass. Their arms flayed loosely beside them, whipping back and forth.

Leon and Percival were the first to engage in battle against the monstrous mud creatures. With great skill, the knights swung at the mud creature from atop their horses, cutting off the creature's' arms.

A few more mud creature bubbled up to the surface closer to Merlin and Arthur.

Merlin growled and roared deep in his throat commanding the White Dragon to burn Mordred in red, hot flames. As the dragon opened his mouth, a long sharp spear came from the direction of the castle and shot him through his front foot. The dragon howled and fell back. He violently thrashed around trying to get the spear out.

Merlin had no time to help the dragon before he was surrounded by the mud creatures. He raised his arms, and with every flick of his wrist, two or three mud creatures would explode. Arthur fought at Merlin's back. With Excalibur, he sliced the mud creatures at their legs, they would crumple back into mounds of mud again. But whether the mud creatures exploded or were cut in pieces, they always morphed back, and attacked again.

"Get down!" Merlin yelled.

Arthur did as Merlin said. Merlin spread his arms out and fire spun around him in a spiral form. It hit the mud creatures, drying them up. The mud creatures became immobile as they harden, and then they broke up, turning into nothing but dirt.

Leon and Percival continued to slice their way through the mud creatures. Hundreds still blocked their path. Percival was almost pulled off his horse when an arrow shot off the mud creature's arm. He looked up to see Gareth on the outer wall of the castle. Gareth shot another arrow and another. A few druids stood at Gareth's side, using magic to destroy the mud creatures. An army of Camelot's knights, and soldiers climbed up and out of the enormous hole the castle was in. They charged with might, coming to Leon and Percival's aid.

Lightning continued to rain down all around the castle forcing it to slowly sink deeper into the earth. Powerful roots, that were still attached to the above ground, were all that kept the castle up.

When Arthur left to go meet Merlin, Gaius had stayed in the castle, helping all those he could, along with Gwen. The west wing of the castle was not going to hold up much longer, and if the druids failed to hold it up, it was going to crush them.

Another stone slab fell from the ceiling, creating another wave of screams.

"We need to get them out of here," Gwen said.

As Gaius looked around for the best exit to escape, Breton stormed into the crowded room. He placed his hands on the outer wall, and it exploded out, making a giant hole. "THIS WAY!" he yelled.

In a mad rush, the people ran toward the new opening.

Gaius got on his feet, "Go, your Majesty!"

Gwen nodded, but before she left, she helped a mother with five children escape with her. She held two of the smaller children in her arms as she ran.

Breton ran ahead of them, when he got to the mud wall that now surrounded the entire castle, he shoved it back with magic. The mud wall gave way and made a ramp that the people could climb to get to safety.

"Where are you going?" Gwen asked as Breton ran back toward the castle.

"I need to help hold up the castle as long as possible."

Gwen gave him a thank you smile, and then hoisted the children more securely in her grasp and followed the crowd up the ramp.

Merlin and Arthur turned to face Mordred once all the mud creatures were gone. Arthur charged but Merlin thrust out his hand, and with magic lifted Arthur off his feet.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled furiously.

"Sorry, Arthur," Merlin said. "This fight is between him and me." Merlin dropped Arthur to the ground yards away.

"Yes," Mordred said. "Let's see how the great Emrys fair against all of us."

Even before Mordred finished speaking, the ground beneath Merlin opened up, like a giant's mouth, and swallowed him in one gulp and then closed. Only dirt remained where Merlin once stood.

"Is that all!" Mordred laughed maniacally along with all the other voices.

Arthur froze, he couldn't believe what he had just seen. Merlin was gone! His thoughts didn't go beyond that before two hands shot out of the ground and the dirt exploded leaving Merlin crouched low in a small crater.

Arthur stepped closer. Merlin turned to him. His glowing gold eyes were fixed on Arthur, and then his eyes started to glow brighter and brighter until they appeared almost white. A power had come over Arthur's man servant, something that made his usual bumbling friend look like an entirely different person. Arthur stopped, and for the first time he saw the power in Merlin that the Druids and Gaius had told him about. He now knew why they believed that he was the most powerful sorcerer to ever exist.

Merlin turned away, and stood facing Mordred once again. He could sense the magic all around him, how it moved, how it spoke to him. He didn't need to utter one word for the magic to obey him. With a thought, sharp, thorny vines shot out of the dirt and took hold of Mordred's wrists and ankles. The vines yanked him to the ground, pinning him.

"Go," Merlin told Arthur. "Help the White Dragon."

Arthur didn't hesitate and ran toward the dragon.

Mordred struggled for a time and then spoke the Old Religion. The vines around his wrists and ankles withered away. He rose to his feet once again, and sent a bolt of lightning at Merlin. Merlin rolled to one side avoiding a strike. Even as he moved out of the way, the power of the lightning knocked him off his feet. His muscles contracted painfully. With a healing spell, his body recovered quickly.

Mordred sent multiple bolts of lightning this time. Merlin made a scooping motion with his arms and a barrier of water formed all around him. The lightning hit the water and spread in every directions. The ball of water around Merlin glowed bright with energy. He threw it at Mordred who made a swiping motion with his arms and the water ball burst and splattered to the ground, sending out lightning in every direction.

"Do you think you can best us?" Mordred asked with the echo of many voices. "We are a legion of sorcerers united against a common enemy. Even you, Emrys," he spat out Merlin's other name, "You can not hope to defeat us." Mordred smiled and a tall, circle of fire shot up from the ground all around Merlin.

Merlin's body instantly began to burn from the flames. The flames moved in closer, tightening the circle. His brown jacket caught fire and he pulled it off and flung it to the ground. He had to think fast. He grabbed his jacket and started twirling it around. He cast a spell and powerful wind spread the fire out away from Merlin. He continued to swirl his jacket around catching the fire in a tunnel. The fire rose up. Merlin caused the tunnel to bend and aimed it at Mordred. The tunnel of fire came down on Mordred, engulfing him in his own flames.

Before the fire could touch him, Mordred clenched his hands and the fire was gone, leaving only heavy smoke. Mordred coughed, and looked at Merlin with mad eyes.

Merlin stepped forward, ready to throw another spell at Mordred, but a giant, stone wall came up straight out of the ground. The wall was over twenty feet high, and two hundred feet long. Another wall, the same size burst from the ground behind him. Merlin froze, amazed at the amount a magic, creating such a wall instantaneously, would take. He didn't have time to wonder long before the walls began moving together, threatening to crush Merlin between. Merlin began to run toward one of the openings at each end. He wasn't going to make it! Merlin guessed that was the point.

Looking up at the stormy clouds, he called down a stream of lightning. The lightning fell on the wall, and in seconds the stone walls broke in hundreds of pieces. The explosions of rubble burst into the air.

Mordred growled, yelling out curses as a few pieces of rubble hit him in the chest and shoulder, knocking him back. "No more games!" he shouted. He knelt down, placing his hands on the grass.

All the blades of grass turned needle sharp. Merlin had no time to react before the grass was stabbing through his boots. He yelped, but there was no where to step. The wind picked up violently. Merlin looked up and was horrified to see a tornado forming overhead, the tornado fell on him. The sharp grass ripped out of the ground and started making thousands of small cuts on his body.

Merlin cried out in pain.

Gareth spotted many of the people making their way out of the giant hole. He sighed in relief that a few, so far, were safe.

The battle below was dirty, and on going, with no end in sight. The mud creatures were relentless in their attack. He continued to shoot as many arrows as the men would bring him, and his fellow archers. Doing his best to help out with his broken leg.

He paused as he was about to release another arrow, a few mud creatures were veering off in the direction of the people who were escaping. They were going to attack them!

Gareth limped to another part of the wall. "Don't let them get to the people!" he yelled.

The archers saw what Gareth was talking about, and ran over to help. They shot at the mud creatures, slowing them down, but more only followed. They would not be able to stop them from reaching the people much longer.

It was hard for Arthur not to constantly turn around to see how Merlin was faring against Mordred. He could hear the battle rage loudly in his ears, but he knew he must reach where the White Dragon flew off. Merlin needed the White Dragon's help, and no matter what Arthur felt about the dragon, he would do what it took to save his people.

When Arthur was a few feet away, he stopped. The dragon was licking its foot where the spear was sticking out.

Arthur lifted his hands. "Easy," he said in a soothing voice. "I only want to help."

The dragon growled when Arthur stepped closer. He blew out a string of fire. Arthur rolled to the side.

"Listen you stupid dragon, I am here to help. I am a friend of Merlin. You know Merlin."

The White Dragon raised a scaly brow.

"Yes," Arthur said with a small smile, "Merlin."

Still the White Dragon growled when Arthur tried to get closer.

Arthur sighed and then pulled out Excalibur and threw it. The dragon stopped growling and laid its large scaly head on the ground, whimpering.

Arthur took that as a sign that he could move in closer. He cautiously came to the dragon's foot and examined how far the spear was in. "You are going to need to trust me," he told the dragon.

The White Dragon made an expression like he understood, which surprised Arthur. He always assumed dragons were like all other animals.

Arthur knelt down. He grabbed the spear and broke it, careful not to move it too much. When the spear was broken off, he gently grabbed the pointed end that was sticking out the other side of the dragon's foot, and in a quick motion yanked it out. The White Dragon roared. Arthur leapt out of the way as the dragon stomped the ground.

Arthur picked up his sword and turned back to the White Dragon. "Merlin needs you now."

The White Dragon spread his powerful wings and took off into the sky. Arthur ran after him.

Merlin crouched low trying to protect himself the best he could from the sharp grass. He could feel trickles of blood oozing out from many of the deeper cuts. The air was thin in the center of the tornado, and Merlin struggled to breath. He needed to do something fast before he lost consciousness, and Camelot was doomed.

A small drop of blood ran down his face, and he wiped at it before it could reach his eyes. Through all the howling wind, he could still hear all the sorcerers laughing, echoing Mordred's own hysterics.

Merlin grit his teeth. He could feel the pulse in his eyes, but this time he did not feel like insanity was coming on. This pulse was different, it made him feel calm and in control. Merlin uncurled his body. He ignored the blades of grass, that continued to cut him, and stood. Magic filled him. He forced himself to look up into the tornado. He raised an arm and commanded the tornado to cease.

The tornado's wide tunnel collapsed into a long, thin one, and then disappeared into the sky. The sharp grass fell listless to the ground.

"It's over, Mordred," Merlin said confidently, despite the fact that he was the one covered in thousands of cuts.

Mordred gave a short chuckle, "It will never be over. WE WILL NEVER STOP!"

Before Mordred could say another word, white flames fell down from the sky, bathing Mordred. The White Dragon landed with a THUD! next to Merlin.

Mordred held up one hand, holding off the white flames. "Do you think this will work again? We are more powerful than anything you can throw at us."

A high pitched sound came out of the sky. Merlin looked up. The Great Dragon was descending. He opened his mouth, and red flames came out.

Mordred screamed as the red flames started to burn him. He looked up and his body started to break apart. Merlin knew he was trying to escape, he quickly called forth vines to tie him down. The vines burned in the fire so Merlin had to keep them continually coming.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled from behind.

Arthur came and stood beside him.


"No," Merlin said. "You won't." He turned to Arthur. "Throw Excalibur."

Arthur looked like he was about to question, but instead he unsheathed Excalibur and, with accuracy, threw it at Mordred's heart. As it soared through the air, Merlin enchanted it. The silver blade turned white just before it pierced Mordred's chest.

Mordred fell to his knees. One by one, dark spirits rose out of him and burned in the white fire. Once all the spirits were gone, both of the dragons closed their mouths. Mordred's charcoaled body remained upright for a moment and then tumbled back and broke a part. Only the bright sword of Excalibur was left amidst his ashes.

The lightning storm ended and the mud creatures melted back into the ground. All was quiet. Time seemed to slow on the field where Mordred had finally been defeated.

Arthur and Merlin stood over the ashes of Mordred's body.

"Is it finally over?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. I don't sense the sorcerers magic anymore."

"Good." Arthur reached down and picked up Excalibur.

Merlin turned to the Great Dragon. "You came."

The Great Dragon raised his giant head. "I found I had enough strength to help you rid the world once and for all of that evil warlock."

Smiling, Merlin said in the most reverent voice, "Thank you, Old friend."

Arthur took a small step toward the Great Dragon. The Great Dragon turned to him and smiled.

Clearing his throat, Arthur said, "I can not overlook the revenge you took against my father by attacking Camelot, but...I do offer my deepest apologies for what my father has done to your kind. I offer further apologies for my ignorance in the matter, and my eternal gratitude for what you have done today."

This speech greatly pleased the Great Dragon. "Spoken like a true king," he said in his deep, resonating voice, as he bowed his head. "I am afraid it is time for me to go."

Merlin watched as the Great Dragon spread his large wings for the last time. "I will miss you."

"And I you, young warlock."

The Great Dragon beat his wings and took off into the sky, disappearing into the late afternoon sun. The White Dragon let out a mournful howl, for he was now the last.

As soon as the Great Dragon was gone, Merlin felt his body give out, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Merlin!" Arthur cried in alarm. He knelt down next to him. "Are you all right?"

"I need," Merlin started to say, "I need…"

"What? Water, food, Gaius...what?"

Merlin took in a long, dramatic breath, "Two weeks off, with pay?"

"Merlin," Arthur growled, hitting his friend in the shoulder.

"Ouch," Merlin whined. "I really am hurt, you know."

Arthur shook his head and laughed, until the White Dragon's large scaly head nuzzled in next to him. He jumped and now it was Merlin's turn to laugh.

Later that evening, though parts of the castle were destroyed, many people were wounded, and all of Camelot was now in a giant hole, the citizens of Camelot gathered to celebrate. Even the druids were welcome in the celebration, in fact, they were honored guests. There was food for all, and music and dancing. Magic was what the people feared would destroy them, but that day, magic, or more specifically, the people that wielded magic, saved them.

In the Citadel, all the knights gathered. Arthur called Gareth forth. Gareth, with a splint on his leg, and a crutch to help him walk, limped his way toward Arthur, attempted to kneel but gave up because of the pain. Arthur signaled him to remain standing.

"Today," Arthur began, "you have proven yourself worthy to be a Knight of the Round Table. Do you know why?"

Gareth smirked, "You finally recognized my amazing archery skills, and incredible bravery, and couldn't stand to be without them anymore?"

"Well, It's certainly not because of your humility," Arthur countered, "but no. Today you risked your life to save a man. You have proven to me, that despite your cocky, arrogant ways, you'd give your life for another, without thought of reward or praise. This a quality not many possess, this is what being a Knight of the Round Table is all about."

For the first time, Gareth looked truly touched by Arthur words. He was solemn as Arthur knighted him, and gave him his sword. Gareth then joined his fellow knights.

Arthur looked out at the people, "I now call my servant, Merlin, to come forth."

The crowd hushed as Merlin stepped out from among them.

Merlin knelt before Arthur. Smiling, he said, "I don't really fancy being a knight."

Gaius, who was standing off to the side, shook his head and covered his face.

"I would never allow you to be one," Arthur said. "I've seen you with a sword, you're terrible."

Merlin did not disagree.

"However," Arthur continued, "as of this day, you are no longer my manservant."

Merlin frowned, wondering where this was going.

"From now on and forevermore," Arthur smiled, "you are the Royal Advisor. All of Camelot, including myself, will look to you for guidance as we unite all of Albion in peace."

The crowd cheered louder than ever before as Merlin stood. He looked over all the smiling faces, and then back to Arthur. Arthur's brow rose, he gestured for Merlin to take the place at his right, as Gwen came and stood at Arthur's left. Merlin did, standing no longer behind Arthur, but at his side.

Merlin did not sleep that night. He spent most of the night on one of the more stable castle walls, looking up into the stars. The White Dragon had curled up and gone to sleep on top of the tower nearest Merlin. As dawn approached, Merlin saw Arthur coming toward him out of the corner of his eye.

"Can't sleep?"


"Me neither," Arthur said.

The White Dragon let out a loud snore.

Arthur looked at the White Dragon and then back down at Merlin. "We need to talk about that dragon."

"What about him?"

"He can't stay here."

"Why not?" Merlin asked. "He's harmless."

"Harmless?" Arthur's brows rose high. "He's large, he flies, he has sharp claws and teeth, and...that's right, he breaths fire."

"I'm a Dragonlord, remember? As long as I'm around, he will do no harm."

"What about that times you're not around?"

"He's a good dragon, he's just been manipulated by Morgana and Mordred. But they're dead."

"Merlin," Arthur sounded more serious. "No dragons."

"Well, as your newly appointed Royal Advisor, I advise you to make friends with him. He will be a great asset for Camelot."

Gwen appeared then, "What are you two arguing about so early in the morning?" She came to her husband's side.

Merlin spoke first, "I am advising Arthur to make friends with the dragon."

"And I am ignoring his advice and I want the dragon gone," Arthur said.

"You see?" Merlin shook his head. "He made me Royal Advisor just a few hours ago, and he is already ignoring the first advice I give him."

"Perhaps, if your first advice wasn't stupid, I would listen."

Merlin scrunched up his face, grimacing. "I don't think it's a good idea to call your Royal Advisor stupid, it doesn't say much for your intelligence, since you appointed me this position."

With clenched teeth, Arthur said, "I didn't call you stupid, I said your advice is stupid."

"I don't see the difference," Merlin frowned. "And either way, it's rude."

Gwen swooped in between them and took both of them by the arm. "How about we compromise. Let the dragon stay on a trial period, say a month?"

"A week," Arthur countered.

"A week?" Merlin said. "That's hardly enough time."

At that exact moment, the White Dragon must have woken from a bad dream, for he raised his head, roaring loudly as he blew out hot fire, lighting up the dark sky. The warning bell rang, and the sound of clanking metal armor of soldiers on duty filled the air.

"A week," Merlin agreed. "That's fair."

The White Dragon stayed much longer than a week. Camelot became his home and he became its symbol of hope. Merlin and Arthur united Albion as they were destined to do. And though there were still battles, and other challenges to face, there was never a happier time in all of Camelot than when King Arthur reigned with the greatest wizard of all time at his side, Merlin.

The End

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ALSO, if you haven't yet...

Check out my first published novel, A GRIM AWAKENING: THE FOREST OF HOLLOW. It is now up for sale. If you are interested, search it up on Barnes and Noble, or Amazon. Also, there is a book trailer on Youtube!

Here is a synopsis -

Awaken to a grim world once hidden before your eyes.

There must be something wrong with 13-year-old, Ian Grim. Why else would Mitchel Trent, who everyone believes to be the nicest guy in school, bully him? Why did everyone at school give him nasty looks and whisper about him in spiteful gossip? Even teachers didn't like him. They always made him sit in the far corner of their classrooms where it was easy to ignore him. Even more hurtful, was the fact that Ian's own father blatantly ignored him. If it wasn't for his loving mother; his fun, yet psycho, younger brother; and his own sparkling sarcastic personality; Ian might think his life was a bit difficult. That is, until his mother goes missing one night.

In a twist of cruel irony, his father finally pays Ian's some attention only to threaten his life and force him on the run. Desperate for answers, Ian is compelled to accept help from Mitchel, the "nice" bully from school. That's when Ian learns that his mother was taken by the Reaper

If Ian wishes to save his mother, he must first survive his father. And in order to do that, he will need to learn of the spirit world, discover his own power, and embrace his role in an ongoing shadow war, before the Reaper tears his world apart.