AN: okay, i still own no one. And sorry for any mistake.
Forgive me for writing abt a cartoon, bt srsly it's the best cartoon series ever xD the story starts off after the Volpina episode, and will end... well, read on! :D (i know the title is horrible)
(and as usual i'll update every 2-3 day at most, and everyday at the least)
Chapter 1
When Ladybug made sure Adrien was fine, she went back home, slumping on her bed as she released the transformation. She was really angry at Lila, but more at herself. She was also extremely exhausted, because her fight with Volpina wasn't a light one. Mentally, that is. Her illusions were really confusing and powerful - that is untill you touch it.
"Marinette? Are you fine?" Tikki pried gently. Her chosen had her face planted in the pillowand she laid there, unmoving. "Marinette?"
"I-I'm fine," she said unsurely, looking up to her kwami. "I just got scared there."
"I can understand," Tikki agreed, concerned. She was taken aback as suddenly tears spilled off her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. "M-Marinette?"
"I-I could've l-lost him, Tikki," she sobbed. "A-and y-you too, if C-Chat hadn't k-known it was j-just an ill-illusion..." she couldn't even finish her sentence. Even the thought was depressing enough. She started sobbing again and Tikki flew to her cheek, nuzzling it comfortingly.
"It'll be fine, Marinette," the God said supportively. "None of it happened, so don't worry."
"B-But I would've given you to Hawk Moth! For Adrien's sake who wasn't even there physically!" She burst out, more tears spilling. "I'm terrible!"
"Marinette, I fully understand why you did it - or were about to do it," Tikki said. "And if I were in your place I would've done it too."
"But I'm still terrible! I would've betrayed you - a true friend - for... for-"
"For true love, Marinette," Tikki interrupted gently.
"But I love you too, Tikki! Not only Adrien!" She burst out again, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. "And I don't even know if my l-love for him is t-true!"
"I love you too, Marinette, but your love for Adrien is different. It is true," the kwami said with a sweet smile. She knew that feeling. She would've done the same for Plagg. Marinette sniffed, then spoke again.
"It still comes down to the fact that I'm unworthy of being Ladybug. I - Ladybug was the cause that Lila got akumatised. It's all my fault."
"It's not your fault that Lila was akumatised. Well, maybe you triggered it, but... She should've known that lies don't have a future and only bring trouble," Tikki chided. "And don't ever think of yourself being unworthy to be Ladybug! You are the sweetest, the kindest, the most selfless Ladybug I've ever met! Lila's akumatization is mainly her fault."
"But I should've told her off in a kinder way!" Sighing, Tikki kept comforting Marinette while she cried till her tears stopped completely. It took Marinette another hour to fully calm down, and by that point Tikki was nearly fainting due to hunger.
"T-thanks, Tikki," the girl said sitting up with a wobbly smile. She facepalmed as a realisation hit him, seeing the weekly smiling kwami. "I didn't even feed you cookies! Oh my God, I'm so so so sorry! Brb, Tikki!" She dashed down, leaving a confused kwami on her chaise and in mere seconds she was back with a plate of triple chocolate chip cookies.
"Thank you, Marinette," Tikki smiled nibbling a cookie.
"No, thank you Tikki. I really do love you," Marinette smiled kissing the kwami, who in turn giggled and nuzzled her cheeks.
"I love you too," the kwami chuckled. They went up to the roof, Marinette bringing the book Adrien had with her as Tikki ate. Tikki explained her the possible importance of the book, and they decided to meet the Great Guardian in order to attain information.
Meanwhile, not too far away, Adrien was having a crisis. A double crisis, to be precise. Plagg nibbled on a roll of camambert as he amusedly watched the blonde super-model freak out. The double crisis was none other than the question of his father's book, and the question of Ladybug being so worried for Adrien - him.
"Where the hell is that freaking book?! And why was Ladybug so worried about Adrien - me?! She looked like she knew me from close! I know we have met a few times as Adrien and LB but - oh and the freaking book! Father's gonna kill me! And why did LB look like she was in love with Adrien?! Does that mean she's in love with me - me as in Chat?! Ugghh I have no idea where that book dissappeared! And does she seriously know me? Do I know her in my civilian form?! I can't remember where I put the book last time! Is she close by?! And where is the damned book! And if she's close to me who is she?! And the book! I'll be skinned by Father for sure!" Plagg blinked, barely able to contain his amused laughter as Adrien stomped around his room, rambling about his two current problems, pulling his hear frustratedly. "I already have my suspitions on who LB can be but can it really be her?! Oh, God if Father get's to know I lost his book... And if LB us seriously who I think she is..."
"Chill, kid-"
"How can I chill?!" Adrien snapped, chest heaving, looking like a madman. He really didn't want to be skinned alive by his father. And he really wanted to know why his Buginette was so preoccupied of Adrien - him. If she really was who he thought her to be.
"Because I think you'll have the answers to your questions soon," Plagg said flatly.
"How are you so sure about it?!" Adrien exclaimed.
"Because I just had a telepathic conversation with Tikki, and she said that she and Ladybug are at the Guardian's house."
"Ladybug's kwami," Plagg nodded.
"Oh..." Adrien blinked. Suddenly another bunch of questions araised and he zoomed onto Plagg, making the poor kwami yelp in surprise. "You know LB's kwami? Can you sense her if she's close by? Will you alert me if she's near?!"
"Umm..." Shoot it. Plagg shouldn't have mentioned Tikki. "As a matter of fact I can..."
"Will you alert me, please?" Adrien inquired. He really needed to know if Ladybug was who he suspected.
"A-amm... I-I'm not s-sure-"
"Please, please, please, pretty pleeeeaaaase?" He gave Plagg his best kitty eyes, making the God groan.
"...Mnnh, kid, I don't know..." Plagg had a weak spot for kitty eyes.
"I'll give you more camambert everyday, and double after an akuma fight!" Adrien added. Plagg's eyes widen as a small blush appeared on his face, as he thought of his dear camambert.
"W-Wait I'll ask Tikki, just don't give me that look." Plagg turned his face, blushing more. He asked Tikki via ther telepathic connection what to do, and was relieved when she answered immediately.
"So?" Adrien asked hopefully. He was anxious to know if his suspition was right or not.
"She said she will sign for her chosen, so I won't sign. She's looking for you too, so you'll definitely meet. I'll only sign in case she can't find you, but is nearby. And she'll find you tomorrow, most probably."
"Yaaasss!" Adrien jumped up with a wide grin and a shriek of joy. He hugged the kwami close to his face and nuzzled him. "Love ya, Plagg!" Plagg blushed, his heart melting at the boy's sweetness and innocence.
"I-I l-love you too..." Plagg silently grumbled under his breath blushing more, making Adrien's face light up.
"Didn't quite catch that~" he teased.
"I l-love you too," Plagg repeated slightly louder.
"Come again~?"
"I love you too, kid!" Plagg groaned out, not wanting to be teased for long, and secretly melted at the joyful beam his chosen gave him. Yeah, he definitely had a soft spor for Adrien. The kid was a good person with a good heart and had a sweet and (mainly) innocent personality.