Ughhhh I know I keep saying this a hundred got a million other stories to update but I keep making new ones TADA yada blah blah...But I had a dream about this plot and I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SUCH A LONG TIME to actually write this anyway,here we go!

P.s I might not update regularly,but I'll try :)



Just my luck that I get a crush on Goode High School's most popular and hottest girl.

Aaaand she doesn't know I exist. I think.

My name is Apollo Solace. I've got a twin sister and a little brother. I usually get average grades and...yeah that's about it. Oh,and my dad left my mom when me and my sister where born. Idiot much? Yeah,I know.

I opened my locker door and stuffed my English books inside,when I felt someone slap me on my shoulder.

"Ow! Wha-dude!" I exclaimed,rubbing my shoulder and turning towards Leo giving him a meaningful expression. He grinned crazily at me,as usual.

Leo Valdez,a scrawny Latino guy who looks like he had 20 cups of coffee mixed with vodka. He's annoying,but a good friend and always knows how to make you laugh. He only lives with his dad,cause his mom died in an accident when he was a kid. He doesn't talk about it,but he's learnt to live with it.

"Hey man! Think you could get me a coffee?" He asked,wriggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"You're high enough Valdez." I said,slamming my locker door. I turned towards him when something caught my eye behind him,about ten feet away. She was standing over there,talking to a few girls. Cute. Okay,now suddenly her douche bag boyfriend is shoving his tongue down hers. So not cute.

"Dude?" He asked. He turned around,and once he saw what I was staring at,he put an arm around my shoulders (which was hard,because I was WAY taller than him) and grinned.

"Ooooh someone's jealous!" He cooed. I rolled my eyes again,peeling my eyes away from the 'Eat her face' show. It was way to painful. How can someone kiss that deeply? Ew,plain gross.

"Ugh,disgusting." A voice gagged behind me. I turned to see Jason and Percy halting to a stop,also looking at the eating-face duo.

"Does your mom even know about them?" Jason asked. Percy nodded,shouldering her bag.

"Yeah. Mom won't admit that she doesn't like him though. She wanted to spend more time with her ever since she moved back in with us,but after she met her dumb boyfriend over there,well things aren't good."

Oh,sorry. Did I forget to mention that my crush is Percy's twin sister? Well you must be thinking 'Hey can't this guy just ask Percy to hook both of them up?' Well apparently no,I can't do that,because the Jackson twins hate each other's guts. And she's a total play girl.

"Is she even a virgin?" Leo asked.

"Leo!" Jason said at once.

"I was just wondering..."

"Yeah she's still a virgin." Percy said sourly,still staring at his sister and her boyfriend. Oh sorry,forgot to introduce her idiotic boyfriend.

Dylan Venti,a handsome but a huge pain in the ass. He has brown eyes,tanned skin,brown hair,a huge built muscle body and teeth which is damn white. I honestly don't know what's he sees in that doofus.

Okay okay,you guys think I'm jealous,and I am. I don't disagree with it. But how can someone as hot as Penny Jackson date someone as dumb as Dylan Venti? That's ain't cute,that's a lab expirament gone wrong.

Oh yeah,about Penny Jackson. She's more of a tomboy but believe me,she's the last person anyone would think would get a boyfriend. Sure she has a lot of stalkers,(Okay,I'm one of them) but believe me. She doesn't bully people,and doesn't socialize that much,but everyone knows her. She's got fair skin,long black hair that curls at the bottom with blue streaks and bangs that cover her left eye. (okay okay..I am kind of observant) And like her brother,she's got sea green eyes. I've never spoken to her though.

"Anyway,let's just go home. I think my appetite is gunna run away just looking at them." Percy said,scowling and turning away.

"You're appetite is never gunna leave you." I pointed out. He opened his mouth to say something,but then closed it again.

Jason nodded.

"True. Anyway,mind if we camp over?"

"Oh yeah,sure. Hope she doesn't bring him along too." He grunted.

"Da-yum dude,I know I've said this a hundred times,but your sister is drop dead gorgeous." Leo whistled. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Believe me dude,you don't wanna hook up with my sister unless you want to get your heart ripped out,stomped on and thrown down the drain."

Oh,and another piece of information. Penny Jackson has been living at her dad's back in Paris ever since she was born until she was fourteen,when she moved here. Yeah,the Jackson's were split up most of their lives. And also,it's so damn obvious that Dylan and Penny cheat on each other. I've seen Dylan hook up with other girls right under Penny's face. And I admit that I've never seen her hook with other guys,but she talks to a lot of guys whenever Dylan isn't around. Not in a really close way,just a friend way.

Okay,I also admit I am an extra huge stalker on her.

"Right..." I muttered,trying not to look down. I turned towards Percy,who was raising an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I asked. He patted me on the shoulder.

"Dude,my sister may be hot,but don't get your heart broken. You've got a couple of lady fans yourself. Go for one of them."

"Right. Yeah. Okay." I said,hardly even listening.

"He's gunna do it anyway." Leo said calmly. I nudged him in the ribs.

"Just shut up dude. There's no way she would even look at me. Now let's go." I said. They nodded,and we walked out the corridors,and down the steps of the school,not talking about his sister again.