Chapter 1

Read this message before you read this chapter!

Fair Warning! This first chapter is very dark as fuck! I will be holding very little back, also I will be making a fully unrestrained version of my Ao3 account soon enough if you want to read the full, uncensored story. I just hope that this story doesn't get deleted by some numbnuts who is a bit too sensitive for their own good. I do not support anything of the horrors you will read in this chapter and beyond it. This a Dark Harry Potter, he will have several redeeming qualities but he is fully dark. This chapter contains mentions of sexual abuse and physical abuse, hard labor, and cursing. Remember people, it is just a story and if you don't want to read it, the back button is on the upper left-hand corner, please use it instead of bitching at me. It is just a story...Anyways, on to the rest of the chapter! Remember I gave you all a fair Warning!

On July 31st, 1980, two children were born, just minutes after each other, the firstborn was named Harry James Potter and the other was named Charles Sirius Potter.

The two parents loved their sons and the happiness they brought the parents and their friends were astronomical in this bleak period of time, but unfortunately for them, the peace was not meant to last.

15 months later, the Potters' family life turned upside down.

October 31st, 1981 [Godric's Hallow]

A pounding on their door shocked all the occupants of the living room and James turned to his wife, saying, "Lily! Take Harry and Charlie and run! I'll hold him off!"

"But James!" Lily said, but she was cut off but a serious James

"No arguing Lily. I would never forgive myself if you died, leave and take our children with you. Just remember I love you and will always love you."

Lily sniffed and kissed him before jumping over the couch and said, "I love you too, James Potter."

Lily made it upstairs, just as the front door blew off its hinges and James armed himself to give his wife enough to leave with their children as he made peace with himself.

Voldemort said, "James Potter, you could have been one of my greatest Death eaters, but instead you choose to sully yourself with a mudblood. Will you continue to stand in my way or will you honor your pureblood ancestors and join me?"

"They would skin me alive if I even fancied the thought of joining a bastard like you, go to hell," He spat, getting into a dueling position

"Very well, you sealed your fate," Voldemort said, firing several spells all of them lethal to end the Lord of the Potter line.

James dodged them and made to return the attack with several other spells but the Dark Lord dodged James' attacks as he felt the material Lily gave him underneath his shirt and hoped that it would work.

"Don't worry, Potter. You will meet your family soon enough," Voldemort said, sending a dark green spell into the chest of James, sending him into the wall with a hard slam, the force breaking and cracking several ribs as he slumped to the ground.

Voldemort then slowly made his way upstairs to find the children's room.

Lily was preparing the two children for portkey and took a hold of the both of them, but when she tried to activated it, the portkey wouldn't work and then she sensed a barrier surrounding the house preventing her from apparating or using a portkey as she silently let tears fall from her eyes in horror, before cleaning herself up and armed herself with her wand.

She whispered sweet words to her children who were confused at the scared but defensive look on their mother's face.

Lily let out a few tears for her husband as she heard Voldemort's most common curse and a loud thumping noise to which she assumed that her husband passed on to the next world.

Then the door slowly creaked open and Voldemort stood in the entryway of the door in all of his horrifying glory.

He walked in and stood in front of Lily Potter with her magic wand raised as her two children sat in their crib behind her.

"Stand aside mudblood and I will let you live," He ordered

"Never!" She said, sending out a spell that blasted a hole in the wall, but Voldemort avoided it and used a levitation charm and tossed her out of the room, locking the door behind him.

He heard a loud thump of when her body hit the opposing wall and as she fell down the steps in a series of tumbles.

She tried to get up, but she felt her consciousness slip away from her as she whispered, "Harry...Charlie...," before completely passing out.

Voldemort turned to the two boys, taking in their features, the two boys were beside each other, the red hair of the other twin annoyed him as it reminded him of the mudblood he was going to enjoy making miserable later and dark hazel eyes of failure of a pureblood Lord who tainted his pure line. He then turned his gaze towards the other twin with ebony black hair and startling green eyes.

"You... you are the one prophesized to beat me. It's a shame you have to die for you would have become a powerful asset to me. Regardless, Avada Kedavra!"

The darkest curse of wizarding history shot from Voldemort's wand, heading straight for Harry's head, but instead of dropping dead, like so many others, a golden glow surrounded the 15-month-old infant causing the curse to rebound into the shocked Voldemort who whispered, "How is this possible?!" As the curse hit his chest and his magic exploded from the curse, his body crumbling to dust.

The explosion destroying the twin's bedroom and a piece of loose wood from the ceiling and cut 'LV' into Charlie's cheek as a red mark of lightning settled into Harry's forehead.

Voldemort's disintegrated body along with his dark robe and magic wand fell to the floor as Harry and Charlie fell asleep in their shared crib as the night was silent.

20 minutes later, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin apparated at Godric's Hallow and found the body of James in the living room, Sirius let tears run down his face as he thought of his dead best friend, but than a pain-filled groan came from James as slightly shifted his body made his tears turn to joy.

Sirius rushed towards James as Remus caught the sight of the fallen form of Lily, her head bleeding, but he could still hear her faint heartbeat as he rushed to help her.

Remus took out his wand and called out, 'Rennervate!'

Lily shifted and groaned in pain as she slowly blinked to clear her vision as she saw Remus' happy face staring down at her.

"Lily," He whispered, feeling overjoyed that both of his friends were safe

"Remus...Where's James?" She croaked

"Lils?" A male voice came from the other side of the room and Lily had Remus help her up as she saw her husband give her a cocky grin as she let tears run down her face as he was still alive.

"James..." She whispered as she moved towards James and hugged him.

"It worked, Lils! Your vest really worked!" He said, staring at his happy wife.

Lily sniffed as she basked in the warmth of her husband until the thought of Charlie and Harry.

"The kids!" She yelled, tearing herself away from his grip as she rushed upstairs ignoring her splitting headache as Sirius, Remus, and James moved seconds later and she opened the door and saw the destroyed nursery and when she walked up to the crib she saw the both of her babies were sleeping and alive.

She sobbed in relief as grabbed them and pressed them against her chest as she turned to face her two friends and her husband who started to cry as she whispered in relief, "They're alive! They're alive!"

James then went to hug her and their children as their friends let them enjoy their moment of peace until Remus broke the silence.

"What happened here?" He asked

Sirius paled as she looked at the ground and saw the familiar wand of the darkest Lord of the century as he whispered, "Guys."

"What?" James asked

Sirius pointed down and they looked down and found that Lily and James were standing on top of a black familiar robe and the bastard's magic wand.

"Sirius, we can figure it out later, we need to get them to the hospital," Remus said, shaking off the fear of seeing Voldemort's wand.

"Yeah, you're right," Sirius said, nodding

The group then apparated away and then less than half a minute later, Albus appeared and prepared to make his speech of sadness, until he sensed that nobody was inside the house.

He searched the entire house and saw the destroyed nursery, but no babies and the old man gritted his teeth.

'This wasn't supposed to happen...No, don't tell me that mudblood actually made something that enhanced the perfect protection vest!' He gritted out, his magic flaring in his anger.


The two Potter children were immediately taken to the hospital where they were placed under the care of the best healers as James and Lily got healed as reporters stormed the hospital for a story, but thankfully Amelia was able to get a group of aurors to push back the vultures.

The twin's scars were healed, but there was something unsettling in Harry's scar, but the Potters were released early on Dumbledore's word. The Potters were bombarded with attention and rewards, as Lily was given an award of Merlin, First Class for creating the first killing curse proof vest that protected James from Voldemort's killing curse.

James was given an award of Merlin, First Class for confronting the Dark Lord head on to give his wife enough time to escape with their children.

Dumbledore then announced the child of prophecy, during the award ceremony for the Potter family and when he announced that Charlie is the Boy-who-lived, it caused an uproar of applause and cheers as the two parents cuddled their strong young son in his little baby suit.

The only one asleep was Harry resting on the lap of Remus who was cheering and cuddling Harry as the baby boy remained unaware of what was going to become of him.

After that, Charlie was practically worshiped and Harry slowly faded into the background as people were clamoring to meet with Charlie, interviews, presents, and all lavish things were dropped at his feet and the Potters soaked up all the attention.

Months later, it was decided that Harry for the protection of both themselves and Charlie that would be given to the Dursleys and they would be well-paid for to take care of their son. They would pick him up when he was ten so he could enjoy his eleventh birthday with his parents.

February 21, 1982 [Pivet Drive #4]

The Potters arrive in a car with their oldest son in a crib and Lily rang the doorbell and when Petunia answered the door and saw that it was Lily and her freak of a husband, she sneered and was about to slammed the door in their faces until she saw the next door neighbor from the corner of her eye and invited them with extreme reluctance. was about to slam the door shut in their faces, but allowed them in, seeing the next door neighbor was watching.

Petunia sneered at the two of them, "At the table...Don't touch anything."

Petunia then left to get her husband and four adults sat at the dining table and stared at each other for a short while until Petunia cut the silence by saying, "Why are you here?"

"We need you to watch our son," Lily said

"What?" Petunia asked, no sure if she heard Lily correctly

"We need you to watch our son," Lily repeated

"No, take your freakiness with you," Petunia spat, wondering what the hell was going on with Lily.

"We need you to take care of him, there is a madman and his supporters would do everything in their power to kill him."

"And you want to shove him on us?"

"Just until he is ten, then you never have to see him again. Tell me would you actually condone the death of a child?"

Petunia sat in silence, but Vernon answered, "Take your freaky child and your asses out of here, we want no part of your world. You freaks are unnatural and-"

"We will pay you to take care of our child, money to take care of all of his expenses until he is ten," James offered

"We have no need for your freaky money," Vernon spat

"So, you don't want 2,000 pounds a month to take care of Harry?" Lily replied coldly

The amount of money made the Dursley's jaw drop as they looked at each other and then finally said, "Never mind, we will raise him. However, we don't want your kind around us."

"Fine, but you just have to sign this," Lily said, taking out a contract

"I'm not touching-"

"It is on computer paper and you need to sign it with a pen," Lily interrupted, inwardly thanking herself for making a contract on computer paper that would translate to parchment when they reached the magical world.

However, her mistake was that parchment was soaked in magic which would enforce good behavior in order to not violate the will of the contract but muggle computer paper didn't do that, so... bad move.

Harry was sadly watching his parents sign him away to people he didn't know and felt like crying, but held it in as he stared at his parents.

"Thank you Petunia, you will have your check at the beginning of every month and it will be delivered in your mailbox."

"Good, now leave," Vernon said, sneering at them

Lily then cooed at Harry and said, "Be a good boy, Harry. Don't trouble your Aunt and Uncle, okay? It's for the greater good."

Harry just stared at her with sad green eyes, but then James called out to her saying, "Lily we need to go, Charlie is waiting."

"Yes!" She said, standing up and turned around and left.

Harry watched as his two parents left and a single tear fell down his chubby cheek as Petunia shut the door closed with a napkin.

For a good five minutes, the entire house was silent as both Vernon and Petunia stared at him as Harry looked at the ground, not wanting to see such cold gazes directed at him until he was startled by Petunia's harsh and cold voice.

"Vernon please place... him inside the cupboard, we decided what to do with him from there."

Vernon then did what she asked and roughly took Harry's baby carrier and placed him in the cupboard and slammed it shut, not minding that the darkness or stuffiness of the cupboard would scare the child.

And that was the start of Harry's life at the Dursleys.

Harry was fed barely edible milk and wore Dudley's dirty castoffs, he was forced to bathe with the water hose and for a time limit of only 3 minutes. As he grew older, he was forced to do all the chores and forced to do everything to keep the house spotless and he would receive scraps.

Ever since he was left on the doorstep, he was never told his name, he was called either freak, boy, bastard, or an 'it', but never his name and he would not find out until he was five when the woman who watches over him would call him by his name.

They would beat him, starve him, and leave him for days under the threat that they would make his treatment worse if he did anything out of their command.

He was their slave, in everything but name as they did things to him purely for their own amusement. They would burn his hand on a stove and make him count to ten if he missed any chores by the time they got home and they would give him bandages for. However, he had to drop his pants and let them do what they wanted for three minutes until the time started to grow longer until Harry didn't want the bandages anymore, he would pick at the skin of his hand, peeling off the dead skin before they could become infected.

Any freezing night, he was ordered to stay in the shed, any rain he was forced to protect Petunia's flower beds or she could do what she wanted with him for an hour and he already experienced it once when he was six...He didn't want to do it again.

During the winter his treatment was much worse as the cold made the two very irritable and they took out their frustrations on him and what made the abuse take an even worse turn.

[Harry's first runaway]

Harry (age 5) had one of his eyes swollen shut as he scrubbed the floor with a brush and Petunia came up behind from the kitchen and slammed his head on the tile, saying, "Look at the floor, you think this is clean? Clean the entire floor again!"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia..." Harry replied softly

She slowly removed her foot from his head and left with a huff as Harry scrubbed the floor, thankful that he managed to avoid having his nose broken and started to scrub at the floor making it sparkling and moved to the side to allow Petunia to inspect it.

"Go back into your cupboard, boy," She said, slowly

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," He said as he sat on the rags of old blankets and Dudley's baby clothes that managed as his bed.

Hours later...

Harry was startled awake when Vernon slammed open his cupboard door and dragged him by his hair upstairs, while Petunia stayed down and said to her son, "Dudley, dearest, turn up the volume to the highest volume. We are punishing the freak."

"Okay, Mommy!" Dudley said, raising the volume high as Petunia trudged upstairs, she opened the door to find Harry on the ground with Vernon whipping his back with his special studded belt.

He stopped when Petunia came into the room and picked up Harry by his hair and said, "This is only natural for a freak like you, boy. Nobody will care what happens to you if you want anyone to blame, blame your pathetic parents."

'...Pathetic parents...pathetic parents...' Those two words echoed inside Harry's mind as his muscles tensed

"Vernon..." Petunia said,

Vernon then threw Harry on the semi-comfortable bed, but before either of them could restrain him, his magic lashed out and yelled out for the first time with a powerful, "No!"

His magic slammed the two Dursleys against the wall, knocking them unconscious as the magic unlocked the door.

Harry panted and saw the two of them unconscious and decided he would not get another chance like this ran like hell, opened the door wincing at the freezing winds of the dead winter in front of him and took off like a bat from hell.

He ran until he couldn't anymore, his feet were numb with the cold, he was shivering as he wrapped his bony arms against his small frame as he saw an abandoned building he could take refuge in for the night.

After a month and a half, the weather started to warm up and Harry thought he found a place where he could rest in peace. He trained his stomach not to growl and he didn't feel any hunger pains, he just felt very tired and would sleep for most of the day.

He cried a bit at the thought of his parents giving him to the Dursleys, but they stopped soon enough, it was just a waste as he thought he could just pass away in his sleep. He would have peace, he would have dreams of weeping, but not of him weeping, of several others who were weeping for him.

Harry felt bad but didn't know what to do about it. He actually felt one who told him to call her grandma hugged him and he cried as she did, but before he could get a good look at her face, he woke up.

'I wonder if I could meet her soon, I don't like it here...It's painful,' Harry thought as he slept on the hard floor.

However, that wasn't meant to be, because Harry was found a month later by a police officer who was on the payroll of Albus Dumbledore. He was ordered to keep Harry under the Dursleys' roof until the age of ten, no matter what happens to him.

Harry, when he was found, was screaming and kicking, even though he was very weak had to be knocked unconscious to be taken back to the Dursleys who with an award-winning performance thanking the officer for bringing back Harry. But then they threw him on the floor and slapped him awake.

When all the observers were gone, they tossed him on the floor and started to beat on him as they growled, "Wake up!"

Harry felt pain and instantly knew he was back in hell as he felt a harsh slap sting his cheek as Petunia hissed at him to wake up.

"Think that you can run away from your masters, you freak!" Vernon spat as he stomped on his stomach.

They beat him until they were Sati fasted and tossed him in the cupboard.

"You are going to make up for the things you missed, you little bastard," Vernon smirked, twisting his features as he slammed the door shut, leaving Harry alone in the darkness of his cupboard.

[End of flashback]

Ever since then, Harry would run, only to be brought back to his current hell, to be repeatedly tortured and molested and Harry hated it. He wanted to die, he pondered the thought of death every day since the police brought him back from his first attempt at escaping. After his third failed escape attempt, he began to feel something he never felt before, a tightening in his chest and throat and the feel of something burning in the bottom of his stomach. He began to feel the emotions of hate and rage.

Along with those emotions came satisfaction at seeing negative events happen to his tormentors, his magic would subconsciously let out an aura of bad luck, but it started with little things, such as the neighbor's dog shitting on Petunia's flowerbeds, Dudley's video games not working, the television exploding while Vernon was watching it giving him a heart attack to which he was rushed to the hospital for.

However, Harry still wanted to die to live in peace, but that changed one day when he was once again being chased by Ripper, Aunt Marge's pet bulldog as the Dursleys laughed at him and when he crossed the street and was about to start to run again until he saw an incoming car and it hit Ripper.

Harry's eyes widened as he watched the car run over Marge's dog as if in slow motion, the bones crunching underneath the wheels, blood spurting out and the total shock and pain on the dog's face as it whimpered and howled in pain as Marge screamed in horror.

Harry's face was in complete and total shock but in his mind he was smirking up a storm and he was taken inside to be beaten while they were saying it should have been him who was hit by the car, as he curled up in a ball as they were stomping on him, his mouth was set in a large grin that his arms hid.

He was shoved into his cupboard for a month with only two cans of food, but Harry shrugged off the pain as he spent most of the time contemplating about death and found out as he thought back on Ripper's death, that he liked, no he loved what he thought.

Then when he thought about the Dursleys dying a large feeling of elation ran shocks through his thin frame he thought he was going into shock.

'Their deaths...Their miserable, pathetic, bloody deaths filled with so much torment and pain that it would make them shit themselves in fear even in hell...' Harry tilted his head as he imagined it as he felt his heart pound in his chest as a smile of content settled on his face.

A year and a half later, Harry was now seven years old and he was on the run again, this time he picked the lock on the door as he made his escape through the backyard in the early cold morning as made his way into town. He memorized most of the alleyways on his frequent escape attempts, however this one time, he was dragged into the shadows and pressed up against a wall by a wild-eyed old man.

The man had a scraggly beard with rotten yellow teeth, dirty tan skin with wild sunken black eyes.

Something hard was pressed against his stomach as Harry looked to be sick and started to struggle to break free, however, the man growled at his prey's defiance and smashed Harry's head against the wall and Harry groaned in slight pain and disorientation.

The awful breath of the man clutching his neck made him want to gag as the man fiddled with his pants and said, "Nobody cares about you, you snot-nosed little shit! Just raise that ass in the air for me and I'll take good care of you."

Harry felt the same feeling he did when he was in Vernon and Petunia's special room and wanted the man off of him. Right now. His magic obeyed his order and lashed out at his the man forcing hard against the hard wall of the alley, a sickening crack rang out in the silence of afternoon as the man slid to the floor.

His eyes glassy as they stared at Harry who fell on his butt as he stared at his attempted rapist's cooling body in shock.

The bastard's head was drooping at a weird angle, his glassy eyes, his slumped over still body, Harry looked at his hands and then back at the body as felt warmth, comfort, and satisfaction.

"How did I...?" Harry whispered as he stared at his attempted rapist.

He raised his arms out in front of him and used the same feeling he felt before and pushed the man back against the wall, his head hitting the wall with a thump as the head settled down waving side to side.

Harry then thought, 'I want to crush his head,' as he subconsciously clenched his hands and his attacker's head exploded, much the delighted surprise of Harry who stared at his fist in shock.

The head exploded into a mixture of blood, brain matter, and fragments of skull and teeth. The blood staining the wall, his clothes, and the dripping onto the floor.

As Harry stared at the headless corpse he was overcome with a memory, it was a young man who strangely reminded Harry of himself as he was surrounded by a group of boys, who were threatening him and calling him a freak. However, the boy didn't look scared, instead, he rather looked bored. He taunted them and the all the boys charged intending to beat on the lone boy as their target. However, instead of being beaten, one of the boys got cut in half, shock forever frozen on his face. Then another was burned alive, another was skinned and left to die and the last one had just pissed and shit himself.

The lead bully backed away, promising to never bully him again and would leave him alone, but the lone boy shook his head and with a wave of his hand, he started to break the boy's bones, one by one until all of them were broken, then castrated him, and then finally snapped his neck.

If that wasn't enough, the boy then turned to see Harry who was in shock of being noticed as his eyes widen as he didn't move as the boy came up to him and just smiled as if he was holding a secret, before the memory faded away.

Harry smirked as he stood up and saw the spell that the boy from his memory used to cut the boy in half and replicated the movement with his own hand and after several tries, the body of his attacker, split in half, slumping to the ground.

Harry let a massive smile settle on his face as he started to laugh and laugh as he felt good defending himself, it felt elation doing what he did and he didn't regret it one bit. His laughter continued even as the clouds poured rain on him, the rain continued that entire week almost as if the heavens were saddened at the state of the young boy and of what he could have been.

As Harry was placed once again in his cupboard after his welcome home beating, a large smirk twisted his features as he whispered to the darkness of his cupboard, "They want a freak!? They've got one... Count your days, Dursley family, because I will have my day to kill every single one of you and I will enjoy every second of it."

Harry then spent the next two years learning everything he could about his powers and found out that it was magic and saw everything through the eyes of Tom Marvolo Riddle and made to learn everything under the cover of night. He got shadows under his eyes and a couple extra slaps for it, but he didn't care, it would all be worth it in the end.

He would practice day after day when he wasn't under the eyes of the Dursleys until he could do it automatically with barely any thought.

Harry waited and waited patiently for the day that he could exact his revenge on his tormentors until finally, it came...

June 10, 1990, Early Morning [Dursley Home]

Harry James Potter is now nine years old and was preparing breakfast and got a bunch of sleeping pills into all of their food as Petunia got up to watch him make breakfast and he placed it on the table and placed the list of chores on the door of his cupboard.

However, as they ate his food they started to feel tired and then Dudley fell asleep first, fall asleep with a mouthful of eggs in his mouth and next with Vernon would fell asleep with piece of bacon in his mustache and Petunia tried to fight to stay awake, but before she searched for Harry and saw him staring at her with a large, malevolent grin.

The last thing Petunia felt before fall asleep was a horrible sense of fear.

Harry then placed a notice-me-not spell over the house and summoned three chairs and restrained the Dursleys and gagged them so they wouldn't make any noise.

Along with that, his stomach growled and considering that they were all restrained and couldn't do anything, Harry decided to treat himself.

A large meal just for him and they could do anything about it as they were knocked unconscious and would be for a long time. He ate his fill and then made his way towards the shed where Vernon kept all of his tools and Petunia kept her gardening tools, along with a rusty hacksaw that Vernon threaten with him more times than he could count.

He spent the rest of the day planning on how to torture the Dursley family as he cleaned out their fridge of all food as he ate his fill and soon he sat on Vernon's comfortable chair as he watched as the Dursleys wake up from their sleep.

[Warning: Torture and Death :Warning]

Petunia woke up first as she looked at surroundings and how her limbs were restrained and of her husband and son still asleep as she slowly looked forward and saw Harry with a large smile on his face and on the table in front of him was an array of tools.

Dudley then woke up and started to cry which woke up Vernon as he screamed and tried to move as he glared at Harry, but he was gagged and could only glare at Harry.

Harry smirked at them and took a kitchen knife from the kitchen as he ignored Petunia's pale face and Vernon's red boarding on-purple face as he made his way in front of Dudley.

Dudley pissed himself in fear as he stared wide-eyed at Harry's smile. He shook his head, not wanting to get hurt and looked at his parents, and saw that they were in the same state he was and started to cry. His screams were muffled by his gag until Harry removed it and he screamed for help.

However, nobody came shocking him and both of his parents.

'How can nobody hear us?' They all thought with shock.

"You are probably wondering why nobody can hear your miserable screams, correct? Well, you thank what makes me a freak to you fuckers and let's leave it at that."

"Now, Dudley, shame on you for taking after your father, look at how fat you are? How about we cut off a couple pounds, huh?" Harry said, tilting his head as the gleam on the knife made his eyes glow in a poisonous light.

Harry then stabbed into Dudley's face, enjoying his screams, not minding him emptying his bowels on the floor as he took to carving into Dudley's face as Petunia screamed muffled curses at him along with Vernon.

Dudley had his cheeks carved off like pieces of ham, then his chin and Harry took off his shirt and started to stab into Dudley's stomach with a smile until Dudley's screams started to get annoying and Harry let out a punch that broke his jaw, making him whimper.

"Shut up, Duds. I want to carve out that massive stomach you have in that cesspool you have for as a gut."

Harry then finally pulled out Dudley's stomach making him finally die from the shock of blood loss, and pain.

Harry started at the slouched Dudley and said, "Huh, thought he would be dead much sooner and the stomach is smaller than what I expected. Oh well," He said, throwing the stomach against the wall as he went to carve out Dudley's eyes and rip out his annoying tongue.

Dudley's mangled corpse made Harry smile as he turned towards Petunia's messy form as he removed her gag as she raspily said, "I should have drowned you when your pathetic parents first brought you to us!"

Harry let the statement sink in as he said, "They brought me to you?"

"They were a pair of drug dealers and a whore who sold you for a bit of money to feed their habits and they died in a car crash," She said, smugly

"You're lying to me, Petunia," Harry stated, blankly

Harry then grabbed her head and forced her still as he said, "I'm going to pry everything out of that empty head of yours..."

Before she could even struggle, Harry slammed his mind probe into her head as she screamed in pain as Harry messily dug around her head, finding out the truth that was hidden from him all this time.

Harry pulled himself out of Petunia's head as she stared blankly up at the ceiling her mouth open as drool came out from her lips as her glassy eyes showed that she was no longer there. She was now a vegetable as Harry snarled his outrage as he didn't bother looking at Vernon.

He could have been raised by a good family but they threw him away to live a perfectly happy life with his other brother?

'They're next,' Harry swore

Harry then turned to Vernon who was struggling in his chair as Harry grabbed the hacksaw and took to cutting off all of Vernon limbs and burning the ends so he wouldn't bleed to death as Vernon looked a bean bag chair, making Harry laugh as Vernon glared at him.

Vernon then watched with horror as Harry ripped tore away his pants and saw such a tiny pickle that stood straight up much to Harry's disgust, but Harry smirked and sliced it off with a clean flick of his finger as he didn't want to be anywhere near Vernon's shaft.

Harry then let his magic flow around him like a blanket and then made his split into a series of long thin whips which he used to whip at Vernon for as long as he could turning Vernon into a pile of meat that was finally given to death when Harry used a saw to cut through his stomach, his guts spilling out on the floor.

The young ten-year-old panted as he looked at his work as he looked at what he had done.

Harry then spat on the floor in front of Vernon where he snarled at all of them, "Disgusting freaks..."

Harry was covered in blood, but he paid it no mind as he walked outside and released the notice-me-not spell on the house and saw that it was dark.

'Did I spend that long torturing them?' Harry thought to himself

He then shrugged and tossed the saw inside was about to close the door until an echoing clap made him flinch as he looked to where the clapping was coming from and then he saw a man wearing a tan overcoat and a simple hat.

"Why, hello there," He said, not disturbed at seeing Harry being covered in blood

"Who are you?" Harry asked

The man lifted his hat for Harry to see his face and he stiffened, recognizing his face.

"I see you recognize me, even in Britain. Good to know my reputation precedes me."

"The Bloodhound..." Harry whispered, causing the man to smirk with a wide smile

"That's me," He smirked

"Why are you here?"

The man tilted his head and said, "It's funny. Most people who see me would either attack me or scream for help."

"Can't really do that, considering they will think its a blessing to get rid of the problem child."

"Oh? Is that why you murdered your family?"

"Those fuckers aren't my family."

"I can see that considering how you tortured them and I have to say, good job for a rookie."

"" Harry said, softly

He snorted and made his way towards the window and mentally cut the gas line under the house.

Harry's eyes widen as he knew what he was doing as he said, "So kid, are willing to die yet?"

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

"I would've but you have potential and you killed my main targets and I was taking a break from America to strike fear into the heart of Britain, but you apparently got there first. I just want to add on to it."

"What do plan on doing set the entire neighborhood on fire?" Harry snarked until he caught a look at the man's face.

"Not a bad idea, kid. So you have a choice."

"I have a choice?"

"Yes, I can either kill you right now with a simple throat slit, you wait here to be burned alive, or you can come with me and decide what to do from there," He said

Harry let out a chuckle, "You haven't given me much of a choice, go with a serial killer that strikes fear into the hearts of men or die along side with my abusers and those who ignored my abuse."

"So you're coming?" He said with a smile

"Yeah, I'm coming with you," Harry said with his own smile as he left side by side with the infamous serial killer.

As they walked around the neighborhood, Harry watched as he mentally rigged all the gas pumps in each house on the street, filling the air with gas.

He then summoned a sniper as he laid on the ground and took aim at the Dursley home and said, "Bang!"


The single gunshot rang into the night air and what came after was silence as the man told Harry, "Wait for it..."

And then.


All the neighborhood house, one by one went off, each house exploding into pieces as Harry and the man watched with glee as the screams and cries of the people down below cried out in agony as they tried to escape but couldn't.

The man was brought out of his amusement by a chuckle from the boy beside him, enjoying himself as much as he was.

'Very interesting, kid. Let's see how you pan out in the future,' He thought

"Come on, kid. I like the smell of blood as much as the next fucker, but it gets sticky and hard after awhile."

"Yeah, but where are we going?"

"A secret place..." The man said, with his finger to his lips

"Very well," Harry said, ending the conversation

'Even if I die after this, at least the Dursleys and the rest of those ignorant bastards get to rot in hell first,' Harry inwardly shrugged

And with that, the two of them left the area as Harry made his way out of Dumbledore's control.

Ending it! I am ending it! I am so sorry, but this chapter needed to be done! I am so sorry for the long wait on all my other chapters, but this one had to be done, especially since most of you who read 'Sadistic Bastard' like the Harry Potter +D.C. Villain one, I just had to make it. Over 7,000 words, the longest I've written that wasn't a rewrite or a oneshot. Anyways, the next chapter will be the aftermath of the fire, all the deaths, the background of the Bloodhound and his true name. Along with the reactions of the magical world where they find out the truth, maybe later... Regardless, I hope you all like this chapter and I will see all of you in the next one!


~Kourtney Uzu Yato