(Frisk is an orphan who had been raised by monster parents. Now thirty, Frisk is at the end of her rope. Being harassed at work, on the way home, at her home, and on her, everyday commute from people and their emotions is about to drive her crazy. Not to mention the embarrassing urges that are growing harder to ignore. How can she get help? Who would help her?)

Sans x (Female) Frisk, emotions, sex, pregnancy, marriage, might think of more things later,

(Hi guys! It's been a long while, but here I am...again, with a new story! Now understand a few things, please. One: This story probably will not be as good as the last one. Two: I'm literally making everything up from here on out. I have a concept and a few ideas but the overall...I'm just winging it. Three: Please enjoy the story as I'm trying to do what I can to make it decent and fun! Okay well. Enjoy! Weee!)

(Characters belong to Toby Fox, story by me)

Chapter one

Meeting the Therapist

The waiting room was like any other waiting room...except that it was run by, well...you know... monsters. The room was ridiculously small, but it also looked brand new, well cared for, and looked and smelled clean. The sparse furnishing, however, made it feel very empty. It only had a few brown couches for patients to sit, a singular lamp in the corner, a bookcase, and a carpet. The floor was a darker shade of gray than the walls and the few bits of color that could be seen came from the rooms large stack of magazines that were crammed in a bookcase in the far corner. Two white doors were the only other contrasting color in the entire room, seeming to glow among the drab colors around them. And the singular window in the room was actually where the clinic's receptionist sat. A purple cat-like monster who spent much of her time reading magazines and popping gum loudly as she listened to music.

I shook at the sight of her, nervous, but not scared. You see, I like monsters, heck my adopted parents were monsters...but people...people sometimes make you regret saying things like that. Here in the good old U.S of A, monsters had finally been allowed to settle here and call it their home. They had fought through years of hell to even be excepted on American soil, let alone live and work on it. However, many of the other humans had made it very clear that they were still not welcome.

Monsters got the ass end of every nasty job you could think of. They were treated horribly and if that didn't make matters worse, they were refused care of any type. My own mother worked as a teacher's assistant and the children loved her. But the teachers and staff treated her like shit. She was never noticed by her peers, never had a pay raise after the ten years she has worked there, and worst off, if they ever had a problem they would blame her and the few monsters that worked there. Namely the two of them.

Father worked at a motor shop. He rigged engines and was used to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Dad was a proud monster and he was basically doing grunt work for his coworkers. They treated my father like a dumb ass not knowing how intelligent he actually was. But his kindness kept his mouth shut. It infuriated me to see him treated so and to allow himself to be pushed around by those smelly baboons.

Monsters, however, were anything if not hardy. They worked hard to prove they could scrape a living alongside their abusive human neighbors. They were resourceful and found ways around dumb anti-monster laws. Many groups of humans, known as the 'United' helped the monsters push their way through the crap that they had been given and tried to ensure they got the equality they deserved.

This very clinic, where I sat, was one such place that found its way around the system thanks to the help of the organization and the monsters who fought to have it so. It was the only clinic in town that helped monsters in multiple cases. Mental, physical, dental, you name it, they have a monster specialist here for you. However, the spacing was ridiculous. The monsters were able to buy out a single floor for themselves to set up this clinic section and it had to be used wisely. So... assuming how small the waiting room was, the offices had to be far tinier.

Sighing I sit back and rub my tired eyes. It had been a long...long week at work and my nerves were shot to all hell. I could not wait to see this therapist and hope that he would be kinder than the last few I had seen over the years.

"Frisk! Frisk Dreemurr?" a low voice called out.

Sitting up, I look toward the white door next to the receptionist's window and see a tall skeleton in a doctor's coat. I blinked as I stared at him and took in his appearance. He was quite tall and cleanly put togeather. He wore a dark red scrub under his coat with a name tag. Clean white sneakers peeked from under his scrub pants. His face, was, of course, that of a skeleton. It held a friendly expression as he looked at me and said, "Excuse me miss, are you, Frisk?"

I blinked and nodded. His voice was soft and I felt myself blush under his gaze. My body began to purr and I squashed it mentally.

' . That's a bad missy!'

He grins at me and steps back as he said, "Shall we then?"

Nodding mutely again I rise from my chair and make my way to the awaiting skeleton. After I reach his side he lets me through and I find myself walking down a very narrow hallway.

The skeleton says, "My name is Papyrus Skeleton. The therapist you will be seeing today is Sans Skeleton. He's the only monster who is fully trained in several different fields of mental health. He's the best around for your needs Ms. Dreemurr." His voice held pride and confidence and I found myself smiling at him.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Skeleton. I appreciate that. You're far nicer to me than the other...places...I..." I grew silent as I remembered the other clinics that I tried to go to. They had all turned me away or barely treated me at all because I was adopted by monsters.

Stupid and illogical you say?

Yes, I would agree with you on that. It was very stupid, but...that's what happened.

Papyrus nods in understanding, " I read your report. I'm so sorry for the struggle you're going through right now Ms. Dreemurr. It's hard for all of us at this time. But we need to just keep looking straight ahead! We can't give up now and quit! Up and out as my brother once said!"

I giggled and asked, "Who's your brother?"

Papyrus stops by the last door in the hall and looks at me with a proud smile on his face. "Why Dr. Sans of course!"

I mentally rolled my eyes and smile up at him as I continued to follow him to the last door in the small hallway. 'Of course.'

Papyrus opens the door and holds it open for me. I blush at his consideration before bowing lightly to him and step inside. Stopping a few feet from the door I stared in shock at the fairly decent sized room. It wasn't huge, but it was bigger than I had expected. The room sported a gentle color scheme with golds, browns, and tans. A spicy smell drifted through the air and the sound of gentle music filled the space. Two large windows let in light through yellow blinds that changed their color to something softer. There was a wooden desk that was kept neat and tidy. A long sofa to lay down on, and a chair next to it. Off to the far corner next to one of the windows was a massage table. I cocked my head at the sight.

'What were they doing with a message table?' I then noticed other oddities in the room such as a small area that looked like a hot bath and another section where there where there was a large bed situated in a corner.

I blushed at the view of the bed and noticed that Papyrus had just placed his clipboard on the desk before heading to the message table, I watched as he began to wipe it down until he noticed me staring. He smiles and says softly, "Would you like to sit down in one of our chairs while you wait, Ms. Dreemurrr?"

I jumped and blushed at his offer before quickly taking a seat near the desk.

'Oh, how embarrassing!'

My body shook and I hugged myself as I waited for the therapist.

Breathing steadily I tried to think of something else other than my raging hormones. They had grown worse as I had gotten older. Now at the ripe age of 30, they had seemed to have reached their peak. I only recently told my mom about it after she caught me staring at a passing male monster in open hunger.

She was the one that suggested that I came here after I told her the other clinics would not take me in.

I jumped out of my daydream to see Papyrus yelling at something underneath the desk. He had pulled the chair back and was now glaring, with hands on his hips, at something that was making odd sounds under the desk itself.

I tilted my head and was then started as a short skeleton man peeks up from under the desk and up at Papyrus.

"Sup bro? Just taking a bit of a rug nap. Didn't mean to sleep on the job, but it does tend to put me under the desk." The shorter skeleton punned at Papyrus as he gingerly rises from under the desk and onto a plush desk chair.

Papyrus huffs and opens his mouth to say more before the shorter skeleton looks at me and says, "And who might we have here today?"

I blinked as he scrutinized me with his eyes. So, in turn, I did the same.

He was shorter than Papyrus, only coming to his chest, and had a cheeky grin on his face. His dress was very casual as he had on a blue robe, white slippers, gray slacks, and a tee shirt. His white, glowing eyes looked at me closely and did not seem to judge me for the fact that I was human. His gaze was observant, open, and curious.

I relaxed a bit and tried to feel calm, even though his gaze was doing weird things to my insides.

'Stupid hormones...'

I heard him clear his throat and I turned back to look at him as he picks up the papers Papyrus placed on the desk earlier and looked them over. Papyrus grunts at him before returning to the massage bed and seemingly prepping it. Probably for his next patient.

"Frisk Dreemurr, huh?" Sans said as he looked at the papers and then back at me. I nodded and he sets the papers down and adjusts himself on the large plush chair. He leans forward and says, "It's a pleasure to meet with you Ms. Dreemurr, or do you mind if I call you Frisk?" I indicate that I didn't mind and he continues, "So Frisk...it says here that you're having issues with... stress, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, shifting emotions, and even manic sexual urges." He looks up at me and his expression is calm as he said, "Sounds to me like a serious case Ms. Dreemurr. If you don't mind me asking, have you tried human therapists before you came here?" He leaned back and waited for my answer.

I breathed out and steadied myself. I knew he would ask that. I understood why too. Why would a human come all the way here to a monsters clinic when human clinics were better and had...humans.

I answered him as clearly as I could, "Well Mr. Skeleton, I...I couldn't go to any of the other clinics, or therapists. They either...turned me away because I was...adopted by monster parents, or treated me half-assed and sent me away with nothing more than a fake smile as they held my weeks worth of a check in their hands."

He nods and rises from his chair. He says as he walks around, "Frisk would you like to sit on the sofa where it's more comfortable?"

I nod and stand and make my way to the sofa. Glancing at him a few times, my blush seemed to darken harshly on my cheeks. My hormones seemed to almost purr at the sight of him. I didn't know why. He wasn't what I would usually call handsome.

I mean...hes a skeleton!

But...I felt that he had a type of charm that seemed to really resound in me and... I stopped half way to the couch and shook my head harshly.

'Get a hold of yourself you twit! He's here to help you not bone you! Geez!'

I could feel his eyes on my every move as I woodenly move to the plush couch and sit down stiffly. He breaths softly and says in a low calming voice.

"You don't have to be nervous Ms. Dreemurr. I'm here to help you. There is no judgment here, no scorn. So please don't feel pressured in telling me anything your to uncomfortable with at this moment okay?"

Maybe it was because he had fraised it as a question. Maybe it was his deep, calm voice that had an effect on me. But I found myself growing calmer and my body loosen as I lay back into the cushions of the couch. A sigh escapes my lips as I stared up at the ceiling. My eyes heavy and my soul tired.

Sans hums and I hear a squeak as he stands from his chair and walks over to the blush recliner next to the couch. Sitting down with a huff he shifts some papers on his clipboard before he says, "Okay Ms. Dreemurr, how about we start simple today with, why you came here. Or if you don't want to start with that you can just talk about anything that you need to get off your chest today. Remember everything you say here stays in this room."

I nod and smile at that. Breathing in the spiced scent of the room I begin slowly.

"I came here because...because I'm tired of allot of the shit that happens around me." I squeeze my hands into fists as I continue. "Every day it's 'Hey monster lover! Where are you going?' 'Hey, monster fucker! Wanna know what it's like with a real man?'" I snarl. " Years. I spent years of this harassing shit and I've about had it." The last of my words came out as a half sob and I stopped and tried to control myself.

Sans watched me for a moment with consideration before saying, " I see. If you don't mind me asking, where do they harass you?"

I snorted, "Where don't they. It seems like it's everywhere I turn. Even at home, I'm not safe from it. I have a neighbor, this old guy, who likes to pound on my wall whenever I make a sound louder than a sigh. I can't even mas...um...ah.." I blush and fidget for a millisecond before redirecting my words, "I...uh...massage...yeah...massage my...um..you know what never mind. He's just an ass."

My eyes jerk away and notice Papyrus chuckling quietly as he adjusts something near the massage bed and my face heats even worse.

Sans clears his throat.

" And anywhere else?"

I lean back and look at the ceiling again and say, "Work is worst. People trip you, throw things at you, and you can't seem to say anything. My manager is a bitch, but..." I shake and thrash my head around as I try to clear it of the anger gathering in my mind.

"You don't have to finish if you don't want to Frisk. Today it's about you. Remember you can talk about anything." Sans deep voice seemed to be like a hot knife. It slid through my anger and severed it all at once. I felt myself settling and took a moment to reflect.

'Maybe I should talk about something a bit...different, Something like...'

An idea struck me and I nod to myself. The safest discussion.

With a deep breath, I started over. "Since I was five, I only knew the insides and cruelty, of living inside the system. As an orphan, you see the unfairness of the world in a different kind of light. Your keepers stand there and parade you about in front of strangers as they stare at you, produce you, and see if you would be good enough to be their child."

He hums as he writes something down but says nothing as he waits for me to continue.

Breathing in deeply I do so.

"It was always humiliating. To have adults stare down at you and see your squinty eyes, short stature, light brown skin, messy long hair." I snort, " They quickly look on to someone who looked better. Prettier and whiter mostly. It always made me sick to my stomach when children were favored for their skin color and looks." A slight sniffle escapes me and I stop with wide eyes. I never thought that it still bothered me that deeply. With everything going on right now...it was so long ago...

"It's okay Ms. Dreemurr. Some things are hard to forgive. Things like favoritism are not forgotten by children, and it follows them into adulthood. But please continue."

Sighing I said, " It sometimes became too much. The knowledge that I would never have a family grew every day. That was until I met...them."

A smile grew softly on my face as I continued.

"I was playing by myself on the swings. The other children were doing some stupid games on the other end of the playground. Being alone sucked, but I at least had a small friend to keep me company." I held out my hands to form the small figure in the air. My eyes growing wistful as I talked. " It was a little Halloween skeleton who I called Mr. Giggily. When he worked properly, he would laugh, cackle, and shake. I thought it was always awesome how happy he was for a pile of plastic bones. The children laughed at me for stealing and keeping Mr. Giggily for myself. But I didn't care. To me, Mr. Giggly was the only sustainable thing in that place."

"Do you still have him now?" Sans asked quietly.

Chuckling I say, "Of course! I could not dream of getting rid of him. He is everything to me, and even now I keep him with me before I go to bed. It might sound dumb for a grown woman to keep a toy like that but...It keeps me somewhat...sain." My words become slow as I looked at him. I expected rolling of the ey...eye sock...um...eye lights? Disdain or just indifference.

Instead, he looked at me with a calm understanding that reminded me so much of my parents. Blinking he sits up a bit and says quietly, " But he brings you peace of mind doesn't he?"

I smile softly and brushed a sudden tear and cleared my throat as I responded. "Yeah..he does." Breathing deeply I continue my story. "The staff members allowed me to keep him but took the batteries so he would never laugh again and 'bother' everyone else. I thought it was cruel of them to take Mr. Giggilies laughter." I sneered and said, "Got batteries in him now and he laughs like crazy."

Sans chuckles, "I bet."

"Yeah. You know, before him, things orphanage were always hectic for me. The emotions always rising and falling like waves. It was sometimes...stifling."

"Emotions?" Sans asked curiously.

I froze having forgotten myself. It was a little secret that I tried to hide. That I said it so readily to him frightened me suddenly.

"N..nothing...Anyway." I coughed and tried to continue.

"Things changed when they came. You know, my parents. The day I was swinging with Mr. Giggiliy. I never noticed anyone approaching. Guess it was because I was deep in my own thoughts at the time. That was until I heard a throat clear. I looked up and saw two giant figures. Massive next to me. I admit I froze in shock, but fear...fear wasn't what I felt when I first saw them."

Smiling I was about to continue when a loud obnoxious ring tone screamed from my phone.


Sans eyes had gone out as the sound reverberated out into the room and I shot up and struggled to find the offending item.

Papyrus had stopped what he was doing to look up at the noise as I finally pulled out the phone and answered.

The ringtone I had set to this particular person gave me a clear idea who it was.


"And where are you today missy?!" said the angered tone of the woman on the other end.

My manager.

"What? I had today off. I have a doctors appointment scheduled and..."

"Are you think!?" she roared. I pulled the phone from my ears. They rang as she continued.

"I don't care if your teeth are falling out of your head. When I need you, you come!"

Rubbing my offended ear I said, "Miss, that's not exactly..."

"Now get your ass over here now! Or you're fired!"

The phone went silent and I glare at it hotly. My emotions throbbed through me and my head began pounding with pain. Hands shaking I gently lower the phone and place it back into my backpack. Breathing a harsh breath of air I composed myself and turned back to Sans. His eyes still vacant of his...um...eye lights... I said, "Well that's my job. I guess I have to cover for someone..." Under my breath, I said, "Again." aloud I said, "Anyway so I'm afraid I have to cut this short. I'm so very sorry."

I turn to leave and say, "I'll make a call in the morning to reschedule." before I reached the door I skidded to a stop and almost smacked my face as I forgot something. Turning back around I approached Sans, who was still sitting still in his chair and reach into my bag for his pay.

"I'm so sorry I'm such an idiot. Here's the payment I owe you. It's not much but I hope it will do for now." I handed him a bag of groceries. Mostly fruits, and bags of ramen and spaghetti. This was monster money in the human world. They could not use their own currency here and money was precious. So goods where the currency monsters used to pay one another for favors.

Sans looks at the bag and seemed torn to take it or not. I felt a rejection coming so I placed it gently into his hands and looked him in the eye...sockets...and said, " It's fine. I work at the grocery store and get plenty of this stuff on discount. Please take it." He excepts and his eyes pop back on. His expression worried.

Turning back around I walk back to the door when his voice stopped me.

"Does she do that often?" he asked softly.

Turning with a tired look I answered blankly, "Yeah...she does."

"Why don't you leave? That can't be..."

"It's the only job that has excepted me so far. Trust me I'm still looking...I just...have to wait until I get another interview."

He nods, his face fading back to a grim understanding. It was hard enough for monsters to get jobs...and harder still for humans affiliated with them.

As I opened the door and prepared to walk through I felt my body throb...the ache in me wanted to go back. It wanted...

I shook my head and continued through the door, out of the building, and into the street.

This was going to be a ruff night.

For my mind...and my hormones.

(Well guys there ya go. Another story that I hope you'll become interested in. Now even I don't know where this might lead, so lets walk this path together and see where it takes us! WEEEEEEEeeee!)