I know the TARDIS hates Jack but just let her allow him to pilot her enough to get to her Doctor. This is a pretty short chapter but I thought I'd just get one out there. It's not the shortest ever. I'll try to make up for it later. Sorry for not updating. School as been hell.

"Oh, my bad." Jack said, drawing everyone's attention. "I'm meant to bring him his TARDIS. I'd be with him in the TARDIS so he wouldn't land where I already am. He has a thing about paradoxes; he's really protective. Anyway, I should be going to Vegas now. I'll probably get sidetracked while I'm there. I should start walking, unless someone can provide me with a faster means of travel."

"I'll drive you." Morgan offered surprisingly. He knew Hotch wouldn't let a stranger, charming though he was and strange the circumstances were, use a government issued private jet. He felt like he owed it to his best friend, alien or human, for his earlier anger. Sure he had lied about so many things about himself, but everyone had secrets and everyone had their reasons. Just because Morgan learned about his secret past, it didn't change everything they had actually done together.

"Nevada is a long way from here. Are you sure?" Hotch asked. "There's always commercial airlines."

"I don't have a cent, so unless you want to pay for me." Jack shrugged. He didn't really care how he got there, as long as he did.

"Yes, I'm sure. Come on, Captain. I hope this time machine can get me back in time for anything important." Jack followed Morgan out the door and down the elevator.

There was a strange silence left in the room. Nothing could really be the same now that they knew what they did. Nevertheless, they knew what had to be done. It wasn't anything otherworldly or magical. They just had paperwork, which seemed like such a horrible and insignificant thing to be doing right now, but it was necessary. They had lives and duties. They all knew that. With Morgan and Jack out of the equation, those remaining slowly filed back to their desks to do whatever it is that needed to be done. It was wordlessly agreed that everyone grab some work from both Morgan's and Reid's desks to help out with what they could.

They only started to get nervous - somewhat collectively - when three hours had passed and there was no sign of any time travelers.


The Doctor tried to help, but whenever he got close enough to touch the controls, River shooed him away with the excuse that this was "women's work". He couldn't disagree. He wouldn't have much of an idea what he was doing if left alone to figure it out. It wasn't like he could just sonic it, so he had to settle for watching. He could only hope he looked as cool as she did when he was messing around with controls.

"You don't have to stare," She glanced back at him flirtatiously.

"What else would I..." There it was. That beautiful, familiar sound.

"Best go take care of that." River dismissed him. "Tell me if there's two of you. It's nearly my birthday and never too early to celebrate."

The Doctor blushed slightly but took off to follow the noise. It was strange to be on this side of the event. This must be what his companions felt like when they heard him arriving in his TARDIS, chasing desperately after the sound, ready for an adventure.

He turned a corner and was struck still with awe. His TARDIS, that perfect machine, was standing in her own light in the middle of a small room where she dominated the dull greys around her with stunning blue. He was snapped out of admiration when the door opened, revealing none other than Jack.

The Doctor closed the distance between himself and his TARDIS, "I would complain about the five minutes, but I doubt I could get any closer."

Jack raised his eyebrows, "Modest? Never seen that on you before. Not sure I like it."

"I can't imagine him not being modest." Morgan emerged from behind Jack, "Nice... box."

"TARDIS." The Doctor corrected, "Thanks." He turned to Jack. "Why did you bring him?"

"He was my ride to that boiling dust pit called Las Vegas." Jack explained.

"What's the matter with me tagging along?"

"I just like to be there when they see the TARDIS for the first time." The Doctor pouted. "Did he say the thing?"

"He said the thing." Jack confirmed.

"Good, good." The Doctor nodded and entered his TARDIS. She looked exactly as he'd left her. She had a knack for not ageing.

Immediately upon entry, nothing else mattered. The Doctor ran for her control's and gave them a hug. "Oh, it's been so long! I am so sorry, I will never leave you like that again. I missed you."

Morgan shared a strange glance with Jack before focusing back on their friend's reunion with his machine.

"I have a surprise for you. I know you love it when River flies you. I hope that'll make up for lost time. And Jack. I know you hate Jack. Don't sorry, you're not alone."

"Speaking of not alone." Jack reminded the Doctor of his presence. He flipped his head to see the two staring at him.

"Oh, right, yes, sorry. I- OH! I'll be right back." He darted out of the TARDIS he had been caressing before.

"Is he always like this when he's 'the Doctor?'" Morgan watched him disappear into the darkness of the ship.

"Pretty much." Jack nodded.