" Mou, this is all your fault…"

" How do you figure?"

" First of all, stop playing tic tac toe on my stomach. Second, everyone's going to look at me funny because I'm walking with a limp and I can't sit down. They will especially notice your smug expression Pharaoh."

" I can't help it koi. You're so sexy and beautiful. You do this to me and you don't even know it. I just can't control myself sometimes. You're so amazing…"

" You're going to make me blush…"

" You are blushing Seph…"

" …Kuso. I hate you…"

" I guess I'll have to change your mind, ne? Maybe there's a way to make you scream 'Aishiteru'…?"

" Oi!! Don't put your hand…there…Ah…"

" Wonder what'll happen if I do this?"

" Ah!! Bastard!!"

" Close, but not the right words…Wonder what this does to you?"

" Ah…!"

Seto shot up in his little sleeping bag in a cold sweat. That dream, it had to be one of the ones that Yami was talking about. Memories he called them?

" Some memories…Hentai little Pharaoh couldn't keep his hands to himself and out of my pants…"

He calmed down and looked around. He wasn't in his room and everything seemed a little different somehow. He looked around at all the pictures and things in the room. Games and pictures and…Egyptian hieroglyphs? Where WAS he?

He was about to get up and examine them when something shiny in front of him got his attention. He looked down. He swallowed a gasp as he realized that the shiny thing was his body and the moonlight reflecting off of his scales. That's when everything came back to him.

He was a pint-sized Blue Eyes White Dragon and Yami no Yugi was taking care of him until they could change him back.

Note to self: bite the Pharaoh really hard just for being there.

 He looked down at his BEWD sleeping bag and turned face down into it looking for something inside it. He returned to his upright position with his flashlight in hand.

Switching it on with a click, he looked around the room. He decided that if he were going to stay here he was going to have to look around it and explore his environment, ne?

Carefully climbing down out of the bed, he dropped to the ground and looked around. A lot of things were shoved under Yugi's bed. He could see some board games and some other toys like Bop It and Twister and Perfection. The boy really needed a hobby, his little game obsession was borderline cult like Tea and her little friendship cult.

After climbing out from under the bed and coughing a little from the dust under there, he looked around for something else he could get into. He really should have gone back to sleep, but he really didn't have anywhere to go the next day and he really had this urge to look around and find out everything he could about.

He flashed his light in the corner when he heard a noise. A pair of yellow eyes glared back at him. Seto gasped as he recognized what those eyes belonged too.

A cat.

Seto was about as big as a cat, but this one was really big.  And it was looking at him like he was the Blue Eyes White plate special. He yelped as he made a break for the door when the cat made a lunge for him. He jumped over a stuffed animal and slid under the bed before claws could close around him. The cat tried to follow after him, but it couldn't get around the boxes.

Seto stuck his head out from around a box and stuck his tongue out at the cat and pulled on his eye; taunting it. " Nyah! Nyah!"

The cat got angry and swiped at him. " Reeoow!!"

" Yipe!" Seto ducked back under the box.

That wasn't a very good idea. He was panting hard. He rested his head on the box of a game and tried to think, but he could hear the cat trying to move the boxes to get to him. It was not comforting. He had to get out of there and get to Yami. The Pharaoh could protect him from that large carnivore.

He slowed his breathing and listened for the cat still trying to get to him from one side of the bed. He decided that he should run out of the other side and try to make it to the bed, jump off it, hopefully get his wings to work and make it to the door without ending up in a kitty litter box somewhere.

He peeked around at the cat once, then decided to make a break for it. Seto climbed up on the bed silently and made his way across. He was almost there when his movements across the bed made a spring squeak. The cat was up on the bed with him in a second.  Seto didn't waste any time being scared. He ran to the edge and made a Hail Mary jump.

His wings spread and Seto glided towards the door. He would have made it if the cat didn't pounce on him from behind. Seto cried out and hit the ground hard. The cat towered over him. Seto glared up at him and opened his mouth to attack, but nothing came out but a fizzle and smoke. He was too tired and had used most of his energy getting away to attack with his White Lightning. He would need to rest before he could do it anymore and he didn't have that kind of time to rest since the cat was looking ready to eat him.

Seto closed his eyes. Well, shit. He was going to be eaten by a cat. What a way to go. Of all the things he thought he might actually die in a plane crash, but this was just humiliating. He waited for the strike to come with calm blue eyes closed.

But it never came.

Instead he heard a howl. A howl like an animal. A wolf to be precise, but he couldn't tell which type because the cry was so different. He'd never heard it before, but it seemed pretty close and apparently the cat had heard it too.

Light flooded the room as the door was opened. Seto gasped as he saw the source of the noise in the hallway. There, standing tall and looking as fierce as a wild animal was a Silver Fang. A Duel Monster was standing over him. It glared down at the cat that was holding Seto down.

It backed off a little and moved away from Seto in fear. Seto scrambled away and ran out the door; barely ducking as the Silver Fang lunged for the cat. Seto tore down the hallway at top speed until someone scooped him up from the ground.

He started to fight, his instincts kicking in and his fight or flight response activating. But then there was something different about whoever was holding him. They were warm and he somehow recognized those arms that where holding him tightly.

He looked up hesitantly, not wanting something else to happen to him that night. He'd had quite enough of adventure and things trying to kill him for one night, thank you.

It was Yami. He was holding him tightly and he looked to be a little worried about him from his facial expression. Seto blushed at the amount of concern that was intended for in him from Yami's eyes.

" Are you alright? I heard a noise in the room and a cat. I thought you might be in danger so I summoned the Silver Fang to take care of the cat."

Seto nodded a little. " I'm fine. I've got a few scratches I suppose. But otherwise I'm fine. What are you doing up?"

" I was helping Solomon-san with research but that boring quick. I spent the rest of the time thinking about you."

If his cheeks weren't already red, they were now. Seto couldn't decide whether or not Yami was flirting or being concerned. " What do you mean?"

" I was trying to think of something that would help you. Maybe an old spell or an artifact that might help you get back to normal."

" I don't know what scares me more, the fact that this actually happened or the fact that there's a spell for it."

" I said might be. We'd have a lot of spell books to look through to find out what we need to do."

Seto nodded absently as he listen to Yami talk. It was soothing and calming for some reason and he found himself starting to slip away. He snuggled in close to Yami's chest and listened to his heartbeat as he listened to the Game King explain something or other.

Yami was so deep in his explanation that he didn't realize that Seto had fallen asleep until he heard him murmur his old name.

The tiny dragon shifted a little and snuggled in again. " Yagami…"

The red-eyed Kaiser chuckled lightly at the cute sight. He decided it might not be best to have Seto sleep in Yugi's room. He walked by and surveyed the damage. It wasn't too bad actually; the Silver Fang had chased the cat away but good and was lounging in Yugi's bed.

Yami rolled his eyes and called him back. Then he went downstairs to the couch. He carefully sat down, so as not to wake Seto and lay off to the side. Seto changed his position and curled up on the center of his chest like a cat with his tail wrapped around him and his head down.

The Pharaoh smiled warmly at the reincarnated priest. Seph had liked to lie there on his chest. He would tell him everything, what he did that day and about his duels and of course his dragon. Yami listened intently, or tried too but those pink lips hypnotized him and sooner or later he claimed them in a bruising kiss and ravished his priest for the rest of the evening; unless he had to go somewhere, in that case they would just pick up where they left off in some convenient dark corner. 

/ Seph…I miss you…You're so beautiful…You're reincarnation is so tempting…Heaven help me…/

OGE: Sorry, about the wait, but you know, girl's gotta life you know?

Seto: You? Who cares about you? I want my presents!!"

OGE: Well, seeing as there are so many presents and I've only got so much space and I'm so tired, I've decided on something that will make this easy on both of us.

Seto: Ne?

*OGE walks over to the wall and pulls on a red lever*

Seto: Nani? What does that do?

OGE: You'll see…

*Millions of presents fall down on Seto, Yami and Jou*

Seto: Ack…X_X

Yami: Itai…X_X

Jou: My burned body…

OGE: Hee hee!! Authoress powers are a wonderful thing, ne?

Youji: You're evil…

OGE: Hey! Evil is sexy! Just ask Sesshoumaru-sama!! *Drools* Sesshou-sama no bishonen desu ne! He's all I want for Christmas…

Youji: You're starting to scare me…