Jack sprinted through the forest, breaking branches and stomping foliage as he searched for his lost team mate. He'd been forced to hide with Mac for too long, Matty insisting that they wait for back up and help to arrive before taking on any more of Marco's men. Jack had been furious but knew that he didn't have any other options.

Of course, imminent danger and logic could never stop Jack Dalton from doing what he thought he needed to so he'd tried to sneak past the mobsters, only to get caught and have to freeze while some idiot pointed a gun at him and Mac.

He'd managed to stall long enough for help to arrive, hearing gunshots as back up took out the rest of the bad guys, which gave Jack the distraction he needed to take down the one in front of him, with the gun he'd given Mac earlier.

Tires screeched and dust flew around them as more help came, including a med evac team. There were still bullets flying around and Mac could barely stand so Jack gently placed a hand on the small of his back and lead him towards the waiting medics.

"I'll go find our girl, you need to get taken care of."

The kid protested, insisting he was fine even as he stumbled, broken arm held tightly to his chest.

"I wanna help."

Jack handed him off to the waiting paramedics and leant down to meet his eyes.

"You can help me by staying here and doing what you're told, I don't need anyone else to worry about. I'll find Riley and be right back."

Mac hadn't been happy about it but relented and allowed himself to be checked over, watching Jack disappear into the tree's as he called out for help to find their missing team member.

"Spread out and keep your eyes peeled, she could be anywhere and she'd injured. She was taken hostage and we don't know where Marco is but he should be considered armed and dangerous."

He knew the protocols for this sort of situation, and he knew he should stay calm, but this was Riley and he would stop at nothing to protect that kid.

His heart thumped wildly in his chest, the high of adrenaline making him jumpy and impatient to find her. Images flashed through his head, making it harder to concentrate; The look of terror on Riley's face when she was pulled from the van, the way she'd cried as she'd been dragged into the forest. His thoughts were interrupted, but he was far from grateful.

"I got blood here!"

Jack looked up, sprinting towards the agent that had called out, praying that it didn't belong to his little girl.

He almost tripped over an exposed root in his haste to look at the blood smeared on the ground, and his eyes quickly followed the spatter towards a slumped form laying in the grass.

His lungs seized and he fought to breathe, only able to suck in air after he saw who the blood belonged to. Marco laid still in the grass, eyes open as if in shock, knife still sticking out from his neck. Blood was soaked through his entire shirt, and covered the dirt and leaves in the sticky red.

Riley had killed him, but where was she?

"Riley!" Jack called out, more panicked now than he had been before. If she'd killed him, why hadn't she been able to answer their calls?

Another shout came through the air, only a little further away, as an agent crouched down to look at something beneath the fallen leaves.

"I got her! We need paramedics now!"

Images crashed through Jack's head as he sprinted over, unable to stop himself from imagining the worst possible scenario. He saw a bloodied hand first, outstretched and laying amongst the grass. Those curled fingers were unmoving and cold, and Jack could barely breathe as he surged towards her.

Hands tried to hold him back as he came to drop down to his knees beside still form of Riley Davis. She was covered in blood, shirt soaked through with it, neck and face splattered, her face pale and her eyes closed. Her broken leg was secured with a handmade splint and lay awkwardly on the ground, but Jack couldn't take his eyes off her face, smeared in red and dirt with tear tracks trailing down her face.

She didn't move as Jack called out to her, hands hovering over her form as voices behind him told him not to move her.

"Riley? I'm here, I found you. Everything's okay now, just open your eyes for me."

His shaking fingers found her throat to feel the slow pulse, before hovering above her slightly parted lips to feel her soft breath. She was alive, but he wouldn't properly breathe until she opened her eyes and said something, so he tried again, gently taking one of her hands in his and squeezing, as paramedics crowded over and started talking.

He knew they needed room to work but he couldn't leave her, he needed her to know that she was safe, that he hadn't left her.

Hands came down on her, checking vitals and pressing gauze to the cuts over her head, and Riley finally moved.

Her forehead creased minutely, and she let out a huff of breath as someone moved her broken leg. Jack immediately leant over her, much to the annoyance of the paramedics, calling her name and gently stroking her hair back.

"Riley? Can you hear me? Open your eyes darlin."

She sucked in a shuddering breath and moaned in pain, her face scrunching before her eyelids flickered, blinking up at Jack.

He let out a sigh of relief as she let out a sob, shaking hands reaching for him as she cried.

"Jack, you found me! You came back!"

The various medical professionals around them didn't want their patient to move but Jack couldn't stand seeing her so heartbroken. Her clumsy hands gripped at his shirt, trying desperately to pull him closer and he couldn't deny her the comfort she so dearly needed. He scooped her into his arms as carefully as he could, cradling her against his chest and hugging her tight as he whispered to her.

"I would never, ever leave you Riley. It's okay, you're okay, I'm here. Everything's okay now, I won't ever leave you again, okay? I promise."

Tears slipped from his eyes as he felt her shudder against him, voice broken.

"You left me. You left and I was so scared."

Jack shook his head and carefully rubbed a hand over her heaving back.

"I would never leave you, kid. Not ever. I'm sorry it took so long to find you, I never gave up for a second. You're gonna be okay."

The medics wanted her on a stretcher but she was so shaken, she wouldn't let go of Jack. He nodded at them, letting them know they could treat her while he held her. They placed IV's and wrapped a blanket around her before deeming her safe to move. Jack held her to him and carried her out of the forest, while Riley hung on tight and tried to stay awake with her head against his shoulder.

By the time, they got her back to the ambulance, she was mostly out of it. She didn't notice the change in scenery, or the stretcher she was placed in. All she was aware of was Mac's gentle lips on her forehead and Jack's quiet voice letting her know she was safe. Hands squeezed hers and she drifted once again.


Jack sipped coffee from his chair in the hospital room, keeping careful watch over his two charges. Mac was sleeping off his concussion, with his casted arm laying on raised pillows, his restless fingers twitching as he dreamed. While, Riley lay in a bed beside him, bandaged and drugged into a comfortable sleep, her own casted leg raised on pillows similar to those MacGyver had. She would take a little longer to heal, with a bad concussion and mild case of shock, taking a toll on her slim frame.

He was just so glad they were both safe, he'd hardly had enough time to worry about himself. Matty had bullied him into getting checked out and escaped with only a couple of butterfly bandages to hold some cuts over his face closed.

Bozer had lost it when he'd heard what happened, and was currently sitting between his two injured friends, fast asleep in his chair. Matty came back in as Bozer let out an unhappy mutter, and handed a sandwhich to Jack as she looked at their sleeping agents.

"They'll be okay, Jack. Doc said they'll be fine in a couple of weeks, and you'll get to watch over them the whole time."

He nodded and lay the offered food on the table beside him, not feeling hungry although he knew he needed to eat.

"She thought we left her, she thought I left her. Again. I'd never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to that little girl. Mac and Bozer too. But I've left her before and for her to think I'd ever be able to do it again?"

Matty sighed and lay a hand over his shoulder. "She knows you love her, they all do. You know, for someone who kills people almost every day, you're pretty soft. Good thing we like you that way."

Jack let out a small laugh. Don't tell anyone. I'm turning into a regular Steve McGarrett."

Matty frowned, but it had a hint of a smile and Jack felt a little better. "I don't know who that is."

"He's a Navy SEAL and a water baby."

The Director laughed at Jacks gruff and proud tone. "I'll take your word for it."

Jack knew that they'd be likely to get hurt again, with their line of work it was inevitable, but he swore to do everything he could to protect those kids no matter what. Because as smart as they were, they were just kids. His kids.