AN: Yes, another wacky story plaguing me but I am going to try very hard to keep it short.

"Try" being the highlighted word…XD




It was the beginning of summer in the coastal city of Cape Mary.

In a two story, vine covered house with one large magnolia tree in the front rushed one twenty four year old with a mess of streamers. Sophie Oswald muttered under her breath as she frantically searched for the ending of the white streamer with her right hand while trying to find the ending of the blue streamer with her left hand.

One twenty seven year old carrot top stepped up to take the blue streamers.

"Too bad no one's here to help you."

Sophie didn't take her eyes off of her task. "Today has to be perfect."

Nearly two years ago her brother had a divorce. He had met his ex-wife Alice at a charity dinner, finding her to be very posh and having been born in France as well. Leon had been a teenager when their family made the decision to move to the USA.

Alice was cultured, controlled, and had excellent tastes. Sophie had bonded with her over their mutual love of modern art. Then, after one family dinner during some dessert wine Alice got up and declared that she wasn't as happy as she could be. From her brother's expression, Sophie had taken that the declaration wasn't just new to her.

The divorce had been messy, to say the least.

Ken Robbins sighed. "I'm sure he had a nice France trip."

"Well," she tilted her head, her long silver braid going over her shoulder. "It was six months. That's like years for a workaholic."

"And he's coming back now for a reason."

She smiled at that. "Our wedding."

Ken kissed her cheek. "Someone has to be best man, right?"

"Thanks again for that."

"Jerry understands." He grabbed some tape and started working on the window decoration. "But he'll throw the bachelor party."

"No strippers."

"Same goes for you."

"Darn." She grinned at him. "I'll just invite Yuri then."

At the mention of Leon's charming thirty year old business partner Yuri Killian, Ken couldn't help the scowl on his face.

"Especially not Yuri."

"Are you still sore about that?"

"He was clearing hitting on you."

"It was New Year's."

"Right after we announced our engagement."

"He is a flirt," Sophie allowed, "But completely harmless."

"Bet he's not happy about Leon coming back."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course he's happy. It must be exhausting for just one person to handle a company that busy."

"Or to have all those perks."

"Enough, grumpy." She tossed the rest of her streamer at him. "You need to be in a good mood."

"I am."

"Lies," she pointed right in his face. "You need to get the cheesecake."


"Yeah the raspberry and white chocolate one. You said you ordered it."

"I did. But it's just…cake."

"Ken! My brother doesn't like regular cake!"

"I'll just go get a cheesecake from the store."

Sophie groaned as she tugged her braid. "He was born in France! They practically breathe fine cuisine."

"Ok, ok! I'll go to the bakery itself."

Her face sweetened. "With fresh fruit."

He shook his head. She was just as picky.

"Be back in half an hour."


Their mutual friends and family were arriving.

Sophie switched to a breezy off white dress. She was having a conversation with Jerry's wife Kate when the doorbell rang. She quickly excused herself, thinking it was Ken. She blinked as May's soured face greeted her.

"You gonna hover in the doorway all night?"

Sophie shook her head. Leon's legal consultant was as pleasant as always.

"May. What a revealing dress."

She shrugged, pulling up her black strapless dress a little.

"Your brother's still on the market."

"And I still don't want you as a sister-in-law."

"Oh loosen up. I just want to bed him, not wed him."

Sophie was left wide eyed as May stepped around her.

"You still have no filter," Sophie sighed to herself before closing the door.

May crossed her arms, having heard her comment. "And you still get flustered over sex." She walked off towards the alcohol, throwing over her shoulder, "I wouldn't go outside if I was you."


The doorbell rang out several times. Sophie wrenched the door open.

"Seriously Ken?"

Her fiancé's face was completely red. "Thank God."

He rushed across the room with two boxes. Sophie followed him out of curiosity.

"What's wrong?"

He leaned over to whisper. "There's a couple doing it in their car."

"Why'd you look?" she said with a blush.

"They parked in front of our house," Ken defended.

"In the driveway?!"

"Out in the street."

"Oh." The last thing she needed was for Leon to see that. PDA was an extreme no-no in her brother's book - he most definitely was not the French stereotype in that way. She cleared her throat. A change in subject was in order. "So what did you get?"

"I brought the cake that I ordered and this."

Sophie frowned as she peered inside the box. "It's strawberry cheesecake."

"Everybody likes strawberries."

"Not my brother. He doesn't like all the little seeds."

Ken looked up at the ceiling. "Of course he doesn't. Everything I do is just wrong."

"That's not true."

"Christmas Eve 2015. My award winning eggnog. He literally choked on it before dumping his cup in the sink."

"He's just not a fan of eggnog."

"Your last birthday."

Sophie thought about it. "The ponies were a little much."

"But you loved it."

"I did," she smiled.

"He was scowling the whole time."

"Well, one of them stepped on his toes."

"But it was your birthday."

Sarah came into the kitchen for some ice. The couple waved and then went back to talking when she left.

"What's your point?"

Ken frowned. "You do so much for him and yet he can't be bothered to just relax at your birthday because, hey, it was your birthday."

"Ken, he's been having a rough time lately-"

"Ever since I've met him."

"-a rough couple of years," Sophie stressed. She cut the cheesecake while Ken did the cake. "I'm sure this trip allowed him to unwind. Just wait and see."

"If anything, it probably wound him up more."


The doorbell rang out. Sophie dropped the knife.

"That's probably him."

Ken followed behind her as she practically ran over. The guests saw their hostess' excitement and felt smiles on their faces. It was no secret how much Sophie admired her older brother. She opened the door with a flourish.

"Welcome ba-"

Sophie paused in the middle of her greeting as a red haired woman smiled back.


Ken was coughing on his drink. Sophie ignored it in favor of the stranger.

"I think you're at the wrong –" She choked on her words as a man with short silver hair stepped up behind the red head. "You cut your hair!"

Leon looked down at the red head. "I told you she'd be shocked."

"You did," the red head giggled.

Sophie stammered as her brother stepped up to half embrace her. Her mind was trying to process many things at the same time. First, the fact that her older brother – thirteen years older than her – was involved with a young woman that had to be around her age. Secondly, there were two times he ever hugged her in public and one of those times was at their parents' funeral.

"I'm Sora." The red head then bear hugged her. "Nice to finally meet you Sophie."

"Uh likewise...?"

Ken shook hands with Leon.

"Welcome back Leon."


The carrot top sighed to himself at the neutral greeting. And then grew red as Sora hugged him.

"You must be Sophie's Ken!"

"Ah, y-yeah."

May came up behind Sophie as the group greeted the new arrivals.

"It was them."

Sophie looked away from Sora's super high heels. "What?"

"The couple having sex in a car."

"My brother would never -"

"The red head was riding him like a cowboy on a bull."

Just as May told her that last tidbit did Sophie see the double piercings on her brother's ears.





AN: I think this will be the first time Sophie's alive in one of my stories. Though I'm sure she's about ready to drop dead. XD Poor thing.

So I borrowed the title from a movie called 'Why Him?' But it's not really based on it. The idea of a relative questioning someone's chosen partner I am borrowing. But other than that, not really.