All elvish translations are in a seperate story titled The ElvenPrincess Characters and Phrases.

I looked down at the small human critically. "What is your name?" I demanded harshly.

"Thrandruil, be kind to her." Aran said. "I like this little one and she is in my care." I stare at him indifferently for a moment before turning my eyes back to the girl.

"I asked you something, can you not answer?" It was not as harsh this time, but Aran snorted warningly. The girl pressed closer to him and shook her head.

"You cannot answer?" I ask in disbelief.

She shook her head again.


She shrugged and shook her head. Then she gave a half-hearted coughed. It sounded deep and raspy. It was quite heartbreaking to think how much it must have hurt. I clasps my hands behind my back and studied her.

She was pale and rather thin. Her hair dark brown hair was braided into two braids, reaching about mid-back. She had a simple white dress with a purple overcoat. On her feet were two small black shoes. Peeking out from under her dress was a small gold chain that undoubtedly held a beautiful pendant. Her eyes were the most interesting though. They were a deep, vibrant blue, like a pure forest lake in the summertime. And despite her smallness, they held the brilliant spark of an intelligent mind.

I decided I was interested in this little human.

"Would you like to return to my home with me? You cannot stay here it is too open to the elements, you would become ill."

She studied me for a minute, her bright eyes soft and kind. Then she looked up at Aran. He looked back at her and nodded. She turned back to me, smiled softly and nodded.

I quiet liked her smile, it was like a small ray of light on a rainy day.

I turned and headed off in the direction of the palace. She waved to Aran before skipping along beside me. "She will want you to visit her. Send word when you wish and I shall bring her." I say offhandedly over my shoulder. Aran snorted and bound away deep into the forest to wherever his herd awaited him.

Before long the palace came into view. The guard at the gate bowed to me as I neared but open awe flashed across their faces as the little human bound up to them. She smiled at them and the two exchanged baffled looks. She pointed to Urúvion and beckoned him to bend down to her. He looked at me and I nodded, he bent. The girl rubbed his pale hair in her fingers and pointed at him. She made a strange gesture, sweeping her hand in an elegant circle around her face, but not touching it.

"I apologize, little human, I don't understand." He answered, pity in his eyes.

A perplexed flashed across her face. She pointed to him and then to me and to Bellrauthien. She pointed to his ears, hair, eyes, and patted his cheeks with a beautiful smile on her face. Then pointed at her own ears, hair, eyes, and cheeks. She sighed in a disappointed fashion. Then pointed to us once again and did the gesture again.

Urúvion looked up at me perplexed and a little more than confused as to who she was, what she was trying to say, why she was not using words, and why in Arda was she with me.

"She cannot speak." I clarified only a fraction of what may be going on in his head. "I believe she is trying to point out that we are elves and she is not."

The girl nodded excitedly. Then she ran to me and pulled my arm so I knelt at her level. She touched my ears gently and smiled, then touched her own and made a face, sticking out her tongue, crossing her eyes, and frowning. She pointed to my hair and face and repeated. I let out a chuckle as I understood what she was really trying to saying.

"Thank you, penneth. But just because you are not an elf, does not mean you are not beautiful."

She considered this for a moment before shrugging and waving my words away. She turned to go back to the two guards, before in a sudden spur-of-the-moment decision, she turned back and kissed my cheek, her face lite with the vibrant smile she carried.

Then ran off back to the guards. The guards tried to keep their faces straight as she played with them, trying to hide their surprise at the child's brash actions, and their smiles at her sweetness. I just smiled.

"Come, penneth. There is work to be done, we must move on."

She nodded and pulled Urúvion down and kissed his cheek, then repeated the gesture with Bellrauthien. They bowed to me again as I passed, but their faces were now bright with smiles as they watched the girl go along.

I did not have any idea who this child was or even her name. I did not know how Aran came by her or why he cared so much. I did know, however, that if I was not careful, this little human could steal the heart of every creature she meets.

Although, whether that would be a bad thing or not, remained to be seen.