This is a new story I have been working on for a while. Expect the first few chapters to set the scene for the rest of the story. This is rated M for language and possibly triggering content. Be sure to review to let me know what you think.

"Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it."

J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

To anyone looking in on the guild Fairy Tail, it appeared to be a normal day. Well… normal for Fairy Tail. It started just like any other day with various guild members going about their business as usual. Then, just like any ordinary day, a brawl broke out and again just like any ordinary day it got a little out of hand.

"Why are we stuck here again?" The resident fire dragon slayer asked to anyone who was willing to listen.

"Because you almost destroyed the guild hall again, don't you remember this morning Natsu?" A blue flying feline replied as he flew in circles around his best buddy. "You called Gray a name and then Gray called you a name, then you punched Gray and he fell back into Gajeel, and then…" the exceed continued before being interrupted by the pink haired dragon slayer.

"That's not what I meant, Happy. I mean, why are we here, in the library of all places?"

"Not that I would ever agree with flame-brain, but he has a point. What does nearly destroying the guild hall have to do with the library?" The question came from a man with short and shaggy dark hair. He stood in the middle of the library, arms crossed over chest, which was bare except for a sword pendant attached to a silver chain around his neck. His dark eyes and stern expression added to his angst-filled demeanor.

"That is because Mira has entrusted your punishment to me," replied the scarlet haired warrior leaning up against the doorway to the library. Her arms were crossed in front of her armored chest piece. Her blue skirt shifted slightly as she lifted one leg to allow her foot to rest against the wall behind her. "…And Levy had mentioned she needed assistance in the library. I decided that helping Levy would be a good method of keeping you boys preoccupied."

Gray rolled his eyes and continued to put back the books Levy had finished with. The pile was shrinking slowly because Levy and Lucy had insisted that the books be returned to the shelf in the proper order. Lucy was sitting on one of the library tables, legs crossed and pointing Gray in the right direction to put the books back. She appeared to be thoroughly enjoying herself and occasionally played with her blonde hair.

"Not too much longer right, Levy-chan?" Lucy asked, but the bluenette didn't hear her. Levy's blue curls could be seen over a book much larger than her head and the only thing keeping her hair out of her eyes was an orange bandana that matched her bright orange dress. Her eyes were fixed on the text as she furiously wrote down her notes.

Behind the script mage stood a tall, dark, and brooding man. The man, dressed in all black, looked like he belonged at a sketchy dive bar in Bosco and not a mage in a guild like Fairy Tail. But Gajeel didn't look like he cared much about what anyone thought about his appearance as evident by his long mane of black hair and the piercings adorning his face and limbs. Although the iron dragon slayer looked like he wasn't paying attention to anything in the library, his concentration was solely on Levy. When she didn't respond to her friend, Gajeel poked her forehead lightly to get her attention. With a scrunched up brow, Levy gave the iron dragon slayer a questioning look. The large man just smirked and replied, "Blondie was talkin' to ya."

"Oh! I'm sorry Lu-chan." The girl squealed with embarrassment. "I was so focused, I didn't hear you…"

"No worries, I just want to make sure we still had time for our sleep over." Lucy replied with a smile. She was enjoying the sleep overs with her best friend at Fairy Hills. It gave her time to talk about the year away from each other while Fairy Tail had been disbanded.

"Wait you're gonna have a sleep over at Fairy Hills again?" Natsu asked with a pout on his face.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that?!" Lucy questioned, almost daring for the pink haired man to say something. Everyone in the room turned to look at Natsu.

"…no?" Natsu muttered and scratched the back of his head. He wasn't about to admit that it bothered him. It wasn't that Lucy couldn't go and have a sleep over with Levy. In fact, Natsu was glad that Lucy had such a good friend in Levy. The problem was that Natsu couldn't go to Fairy Hills, well, not unless he wanted to incur the wrath of Erza. But, that meant that he couldn't hang out with Lucy when she was over there. Even more annoying for the dragon slayer was that these sleep overs were happening more and more often. In fact, it seemed that since the guild got back together that he never got to spend a lot of time with his best friend anymore. Any time he asked her to go on a mission with him, Lucy would invite Gray and Erza, and sometimes Wendy. She made a bunch of excuses to not go fishing with him and Happy. Whenever he would go to her house to try and sneak into her soft bed, she would be awake and would kick him out right away or she would let him sleep in her bed and she would go to her desk and start to write. It was enough to make Natsu think that maybe Lucy was avoiding him and Natsu really tried to not think, ever.

"Wait! A sleep over at Fairy Hills?" Happy shouted and flew straight to Natsu grabbing on to his face. "Oh no, I don't have a fish for Carla! I gotta go!" He cried and zoomed out of the library, leaving the door open as he went.

"Hehehe, I guess we should have mentioned it was just you and me, right Lu-chan?" Levy giggled and Lucy let out a chuckle.

"Everything alright in here?" A female voice came from the doorway of the library. The beautiful silver haired barmaid poked her head through checking on the group of mages.

"Hey Mira," Lucy greeted and waved at the sweet woman.

"Yes, everything is fine Mira." Erza replied. "Happy just had a sudden need for a fish."

"Oh," Mira giggled. "I see. Well I didn't know how much longer you would be. Erza, would you mind locking up when you are done?"

"Of course," Erza said and took a set of keys from the silver haired woman. "I will be sure to drop by your room when we return to Fairy Hills."

"Alrighty." Mira smiled. "Don't have too much fun guys!" The demon soul mage giggled and waved to the group before leaving the mages to their business.

Levy took the opportunity to stretch her arms and let out a yawn. "I'm sorry guys, I didn't know how late it was, why don't we stop for today and I can pick up on this tomorrow."

The three men in the room let out a sigh of relief. Sure this stuff may have been fun for the girls, but for them it was close to torture. Their instant relief made Lucy and Levy giggle.

"Finally, we can get out of here!" Gray huffed and swung his arms back and forth to stretch out his shoulders.

"Before you get too carried away, you should help Levy return the books she has finished with before leaving for the night." Erza ordered. It didn't sound like such a difficult task, until you saw the giant pile books the petite script mage had gone through during the day.

"What? How many books could you possibly go through in a day, Levy?" Natsu whined and shuffled his feet as he moved to put a book back on the shelf.

"If you boys hadn't been causing problems in the guild hall earlier, you could have been home by now." Erza chided the two as they moved sluggishly to put the books back. Gajeel grumbled something that was mostly inaudible as he grabbed a couple of books to move them to the library shelves.

"Don't tell me to shut-up metal head." Natsu responded to the iron dragon slayer. "It's not my fault that ice princess can't take a joke."

"I'd be able to take a joke, if you could tell a joke, hothead." Gray sneered back.

"Here we go again," Lucy mumbled and closed her eyes as she brought her fingers to massage her temples as if feeling the headache coming on from the inevitable fight. Levy had grabbed Gajeel by the ear, preventing him from going to engage in the developing tussle. Erza had moved from her spot on the wall and was walking towards the two bickering mages.

"Just 'cause you don't have a sense of humor, snow-man, doesn't mean that I can't tell a joke." Natsu said as he crossed the room to stand in Gray's space.

"I have a sense of humor, ash-tray. That's what makes your face so hilarious." Gray retorted, giving Natsu a slight shove as he walked past to retrieve more books from the table. Without hesitation, Natsu turned and shoved Gray who hit the table as he landed. Gray grunted and used the table to get enough leverage to lunge at Natsu. Just as Gray pulled back his fist to hit the fire dragon slayer, he felt a hand grasp his hair. The next thing he knew, there was a pain coming from his forehead. He opened his eyes to find himself sitting across from Natsu, who was also holding on to his forehead.

"I have had enough from you two today. Pick up these books and put them away so that we can go home." Erza commanded as she stood above the two males sitting in the middle of the library floor. She pointed to the table Gray had run into, which once had a neat pile of books on it. The pile of books had toppled and were now haphazardly scattered around the table. The two mages grumbled and got up to do as Erza asked without question.

Levy giggled at the sight and went to go stand next to Lucy. Lucy opened her eyes and gave Levy a sweet smile, when a book caught her eyes. Lucy jumped down off of the table and went to the pile of books on the ground. Levy followed her to see what had caught her friend's attention.

The book was slightly worn down and had a couple of spots where it looked like it may have caught on fire. Knowing this guild, it probably has, Lucy thought to herself. The book appeared to have a partial map of Fiore on the cover. The title was written in plain block letters and read: "Location and Tracking Magic."

"I didn't know that we had a book of location spells." Lucy mumbled to the group.

"I haven't seen that book in a long time." Levy said with a smile. "I had bought the book back when we were kids. I thought that we could try some spells to help Natsu find Igneel. Of course we tried every spell in the book and nothing worked, so I figured that it would still be a good book to keep on hand if anyone wanted to use it."

"I wonder," Lucy said with a smile and ran her hands over the cover. Her mind instantly went to Aquarius. Maybe she would be able to find her key again using one of these spells. Her fingers went to the edge of the cover and she lifted it up to open the book to the first pages.

Before anyone could do or say anything, a blinding light came from the book forcing Lucy to shut her eyes. It was the last thing she saw before losing consciousness. Lucy, and everyone else in the library, hit the floor with a resounding thud.