Hello everyone, AgentZwolf here.

So, this has been in the back of my head for a long time, and i'm faced with a choice. Let it rot, or share it with your guys? Since this is up you can probably guess my choice.

but don't worry guys, i am still working on both "Two Immortals" and "The Origin", it just takes time to do so.

So, without further ado. enjoy


The Einzbern Familia

Chapter 1: My wish is…

Illya's POV

How did we even manage to pull this off?

A young girl stood in front of a golden chalice in an underground cave. Several bodies lay lifeless around her as the girl continued to wonder how they managed to get this far.

Illyasviel von Einzbern came to Fuyuki city for a simple purpose, to win the 5th Holy Grail war and kill Emiya Shirou, who took her father away from her. That was the plan, until she actualy met Shirou. She thought he was a selfish mage who hypnotizd her father to leave her for him, instead she saw a kind-hearted boy who just wanted her to be happy after knowing who she was. A simple act of kindness blinsided her and de-railed her plans entirely, now she's been helping him win the grail war.

She was quickly notified of Shirou's disgusting amounts of bad luck. First, they discover that the holy grail is corrupted by the heroic spirit Angra Mainyu, who's been in the grail since the 3rd Holy Grail war. Next, they discover Gilgamesh, an Archer from the 4th Holy Grail war, resurrected thanks to the tainted grail. Now, they had to destroy the holy grail or Angra Mainyu in order to prevent someone from making a wish on it, which thanks to the tainted state of the grail kills as much of the human populace it can in order to grant said wish.

A few epic battles, and a bit of drama here and there, and now they find themselves in their current situation. Somehow, the party of four – consisting of Rin Tohsaka, Sakura Matou, Shirou Emiya and Illyasviel von Einzbern (Their respective servants died while fighting Gilgamesh) – managed to kill Angra Mainyu, at a very large cost. Sakura died after using herself as a catalyst to draw out Angra Mainyu, Rin died when Angra Mainyu used Verg Avesta to transfer the wound inflicted upon himself onto her, and Shirou died of prana exhaustion shortly after killing Angra Mainyu using Unlimited Blade Works. Now free from the corruption of Angra Mainyu, and filled with all seven heroic spirits of the 5th Holy Grail wars, plus two more with Angra Mainyu and Gilgamesh. The holy grail was primed and ready to make a wish.

"Child, victor of the 5th Holy Grail war. What is your wish? The grail spoke telepathically to her.

Wish? She had much to wish for, she wanted Shirou to cook for her again, she wanted her parents to play with her again, she wanted Berserker back, but more importantly.

She wanted her family back.

She didn't want just her family back, this wretched world wouldn't let her keep her family for very long, soner or later the world will take them away from her, and she'll be alone all over again. Whether by the hands of Alaya or Gaia herself, she didn't want to risk losing them all over again.

So she made her choice.

"I wish to be sent with my family to another world, someplace where we can all be happy!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. The grail seemed to acknowledge the wish, and light filled the cave, obscuring Illya's vision. Then she knew no more.


When Illya opened her eyes, she found herself in somekind of room in a house, the first thing she noticed was that she was on the floor, not even on a tatami mat. She could already feel her body aching from sleeping on the floor.

"Did onii-chan forget to put down the tatami mat?" Then she realized. "Shirou!" She yelled aloud as she scanned the room, seeing a number of people in the room, before finding a mop of red hair.

Honestly she could spot that hair a mile away.

"Ilya, not so loud in the morning. Eh? Illya?!" Shirou awoke with a start before being tackled by a small, white haired comet.

"Onii-chan!" Illya dug her face into his chest. She couldn't believe it, her wish came true.

"I-Ilya? H-how are you here? I thought you were dead."

"I made a wish on the grail, and now your here."

"Wh-what? Illya, the grail was corrupted." He stammered, didn't that mean she brought him back at the cost of hundreds of lives?

"Don't you remember onii-chan? We beat Angra Mainyu, you died fighting him remember?" Ilya asked, a little bit concerned. Didn't he remember?

"I did?" Illya was about to ask more when they heard a depp growl and the sound of someone waking up.

The two half-siblings turned to see Berserker and Saber, their respective servants both had just woken up.

"Saber!" "Berserker!"

The two masters ran over to their servants, one hugged theirs by the neck (Illya) while the other simply ran over to make sure their servant was okay (Shirou). While their reunion was touching, the moment was ruined when a gun was pointed at Shirou's head.

"One of you is going to tell me where i am, and what's going on." A cold calculating voice spoke as the man pressed the gun further on shirou's skull. Saber was about to make a move, but couldn't due to the danger her master was in. She idly wondered if the man was of the Assassin class due to the fact she did not detect him until he pointed the gun at her masters head.

Shirou managed to turn and look at the man. The man wore some type of armor, black with orange streaks here and there, and covering his face. There were an assortment of knives on his person, but what really caught his attention was a gun. Even without tracing shirou immediately recognized the gun, because it wasn't just any gun.

It was a Thompson Contender.

"Kiritsugu?" Shirou asked, what he received was a closer inspection of the Thompson Contender as it pressed harder against his skull. His question raised alarms in everyone's head except Berserker.

"Now i have a new question, how do you know my name?"

"W-wait, dad. It's me Shirou, Shirou Emiya. You adopted me in Fuyuki city ten years ago."

"I've never been to Fuyuki, and i don't remember adopting anyone." It was clear that Kiritsugu was ready to pull the trigger.

"Then you must remember me." Ilya jumped in between them.

"Illya what are you doing?" Saber protested.

"Don't you remember? Papa? It's me, Ilya. Your daughter." She pleaded, her voice nearly broke, tears welling up in her eyes. She was only met with cold indifference.

"I don't have a daughter." Kiritsugu's eyes narrowed. But just before he could pull the trigger, metal wires wraped around his hands and tied him in various places.

"Why don't we all calm down for a second?" The people in the rom turned to see a gorgeous woman with white hair wearing an elegat dress.

"Irisviel?" Saber asked in shock.

"Oh, hello Saber. It's been a while hasn't it?" Irisviel asked happily.

"M-mama, what's going on? Why does papa not remember me?" Illya asked the one person who might be able to answer.

"Oh? I believe you have the wrong person. I don't have a daughter." Ilya couldn't take it anymore. She ran out the door as fast as her legs could taker her.

"Illya! Wait!" Shirou ran out the door after her, with Berserker following behind.

"Umm, did i do something wrong?" She asked Saber aloud. Saber sighed, this was going to be a long story. All the while Kiritsugu is trying to break free and to figure out what the heck is going on.


Illya ran out of the building she was in, ignoring the fact that the streets loked like it was the middle ages, or the fact that a gigantic tower looms in the distance. She ran as much as her legs would take her, and when her legs couldn't, she sat down and curled up, sobbing into her legs.

After a few minutes of crying she noticed a shadow cast over her and saw Berserker looking at her corncerned.

"I'm fine Berserker. I-i just..." She started crying again, but was interrupted when Berserker spoke for the first time, in a long time.

"Not... the ones... you... knew..." his voice was deep and raspy, just how she remembereed it when she remembered it when she first summoned him. She was about to speak when she heard someone else.

"Illya!" She heard in the distance. "Where are you?" The voice came closer, and appearing just around the corner was Shirou, looking all tired and sweaty from looking for her.

"Ilya! I've been looking everywhere for you." His voice showed fatigue, but there was no mistaking the relief behind it.

"Sorry onii-chan. I just... needed some time to myself." Shirou sat down beside her.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I just... i remembered when i was little, the times i spent with my parents. Those were the happiest days of my life. Then, the 4th Grail war started, and everything just fell apart. Mama is dead, and i believed that papa left me behind. Since then i've dedicated myself to fight in the 5th Grail war so i can look for him and ask why he left, before killing him. But he's dead when i got there, so i took it out on you. And again, everything i knew fell apart. You're not the evil person i thought you'd be. Heck, you didn't even know me. Then i found papa's notes. How he's been trying to get me away from the Einzbern." Tears started streaming down her eyes as Shirou listened.

"When we finally purified the grail of Angra Mainyu's influence, i thought i could finally have a complete family. Now look where that got us, neither papa or mama remember me. Or you for that matter. I shouldn't have made that stupid wish."

"Hey, come on now Ilya. It's not all that bad. Saber's here, Berserker's here, and i'm here. If our parents don't remember us, then we'll just have to make them remember." Illya sniffed and wiped some tears out of her eyes.

"This is coming from the adopted son?" Shirou stood up.

"Hey, i may be adopted, but i am still family right? After all, if home is where the heart is, then so is family." Ilya giggled a bit before standing up.

"Alright then, let's go back. Berserker." Illya snapped her fingers and Berserker roared before picking the up onto his shoulder before jumping back to the house they woke up in.



Back at the house, Saber briefed both Irisviel and Kiritsugu on who both Shirou and Ilya are, and how they are connected to the two.

"So, to recap. I'm married to Kiritsugu Emiya, and had a child named Illyasviel. I died in the 4th Grail war and Kiritsugu had his magic circuits crippled by Angra Mainyu, a servant fropm the 3rd war who's been corrupting the grail? In which afterwards he's been taking care of a boy he saved and adopted during the aftermath of the 4th war named Shirou while simultaniously trying to bring our daughter away from the Einzbern's influence. Did I miss anything?" Irisviel asked.

"No, I believe you have it all surmised quite well." Saber answered.

"Well, I think I can categorize this as one of my… stranger days. I mean it's not every day you find out you had a daughter with a man you've never met."

"Do you truly not remember, Irisviel. What about the 4th Holy Grail War?"

"It was just the two of us."

"You mean the Einzbern's didn't recruit Kiritsugu to fight on their behalf?"

"No, of course not. Old man Acht would keel over before that ever happened. He's way too prideful to be okay with that."

Saber ponders on Irisviel's statement, if the Einzbern never recruited Kiritsugu to fight for them in the holy grail war, then Kiritsugu and Irisviel never met. Thus, they never married, and never had Illyasviel. There's also the fact that since Kiritsugu was never recruited by the Einzbern, he never went to Fuyuki and never saved Shirou during the Great Fuyuki Fire. Heck, there might not be a Fuyuki Fire at all.

"This is so confusing." Saber started massaging her temples.

"I guess the concept of multiverses are overwhelming for normal people." Irisviel said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by that Irisviel?"

"Well, I guess you remember a different timeline. In my timeline, I became one with the grail when we won the war. Making me somewhat of a pseudo-goddess. I became a manifestation of the greater grail while also keeping most of the aspect of my original self before I fused with the grail."

"I see. So, in short you have transcended into godhood?"

"Somewhat, my personal skill Divine Goddess Core is a skill that is exclusive to divine spirits. Since I'm not a proper divine spirit, the skill is only C rank, but it still trumps the Divinity skill below A rank."

"Something more to think about." Thought Saber, before realizing someone is strangely quiet - well, not exactly strange. "Where's Kiritsugu?" She looked around to notice he had disappeared.

"Oh, I let him out after you told us about the whole 'Illya is our daughter' story."

"Wait what? Why'd you let him leave?!"

"He seemed just as shaken as I was, so I let him out so he could think about it. He also took his mask off. And now that I think about it, other me must have a great taste in men." There was slight change in tone from carefree to seductive, but if Saber noticed she didn't comment on it.

"Saber! I'm back with Illya." Shirou yelled as he entered the house.

"Well, I guess that's my cue. I'm getting a bit hungry anyway, I wonder what Shirou will make?" There was a faraway look in her eyes, followed by drooling and the rumbling of her stomach. Irisviel giggled, it was the most carefree she has seen her - former - servant.

The two walked out of the room they were in, they were too busy talking to each other to notice the décor, it wasn't minimalistic as it was just barren. No wallpaper, no decorations, there were only the essentials.

"It would seem that this place needs some sprucing up." Saber looked around, there was truly nothing more than the bare essentials in this house.

"You're right, it hardly feels homely at all. I wonder if we can get a job to earn money?" The two spotted Illya and Berserker on the couch, a simple, white couch.

"Illya, where's Shirou?" Saber inquired.

"Onii-chan left to the kitchen, said he wanted to make my favorite."

"And what is your favorite, dear?" Irisviel was curious to know more of her daughter.

"Omelets. Papa used to make them while we were in the Einzbern castle. Though he almost burned down the whole castle down trying." Illya giggled reminiscing that particular memory. It took a while for the homunculi maids to put out the fire.

Irisviel saw the longing expression on Ilya's face. It was clear to her that Illya missed her real parents, she went so far as to risk her own life in the Holy Grail war just to get them back. And to see them be so different than what she remembered must be heartbreaking for her. Irisviel sat down next to Illya and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Illya, I may not be your real mother, but I'll try my best to be here for you. Okay?" Illya nodded, tears welling up in her eyes before giving her mother a big hug. Saber really didn't want to ruin the moment, but something was really othering her.

"Umm, Irisviel?"

"Yes? What is it Saber?"

"Umm, I don't mean to ruin the moment. But might I ask, what are you wearing?" She gestured to Irisviel choice of attire.

"Oh, This? This is the dress of heaven. It's a mystic code specifically made to utilize the third magic, Heaven's Feel. It's original purpose was to serve as a control over the Holy Grail. Perhaps that's why, since I was manifested as an incarnation of the Holy Grail, it naturally fits me."

"oh, I-I see. N-nevermind."

Irisviel was slightly confused at Saber attitude when Shirou came in carrying several plates in hand. All while looking pretty happy with himself.

"Dinner is served everyone." Shirou put the plates down on the dining table. "Come to the dining room if you want to eat." Saber seemed to disappear from the couch and reappear in the dining room.

"Come now Illya. Wouldn't want to let your brother's food go to waste, now would we?"


A few hours later

It was late at night, Shirou had gone to sleep, Saber and berserker are patrolling the premises, and Illya and Irisviel are on the porch, stargazing. The two thought it would be nice to watch the stars after a somewhat… stressful day. The peaceful silence was interrupted by footstep, the two turned to see Kiritsugu, without his mask, revealing the white hair and tanned skin, coupled with the constantly tired look he would always seem to wear.

To be honest, Illya thought he looked like Archer when she first saw him.

"Illya…" He started to speak. "I've been thinking on a few revelations saber told me earlier, and at the same time I thought back to when I saved people without sacrificing others, when I saved who I wanted to save." He turned to Illya. "Illya, I may not be the father you knew, but I'll… try my best." Illya moved closer to him.

"Then, can I sit on your lap? Papa used to let me do it all the time."

"Okay." he gestured for her, and she sat down on his lap, while moving his hands to wrap around her body.

"This is nice." Illy smiled as she leans back into his chest. Kiritsugu smiled, for the first time in years.

"Yeah, yeah it does." Irisviel looked on from the side, and not wanting to be outdone, laid her head on his shoulder.