
A/N:This is my first story ever please review if you (if you want) This is going to start with Tori's POV for his chapter and this is in first you ever want this to be in third person feel free to let me know you want more I will try to keep going!Besides summer break IS around the corner 1 month and I'm free until September So yea thanks for reading STAY CHILL AND KEEP READING!

Tori's POV

This was my first day at Hollywood Arts it was nerve-racking! "Tori!Hey,you listening!"My annoying sister,Trina said.

I groaned."Yes."sounding very annoyed.I had to deal with her every day.I still felt like I didn't belong there.I groaned,"I don't belong here,I mean,look at this place!"

"Don't worry there's nothing wrong with being average!"Trina said in an enthusiastic mood,"Besides I'm here with you!You won't be alone!"

That's reassuring. I thought.

The next thing I know she's gone the second I looked back at her.

I yelled hoping she heard me,"I'M ALONE NOW!"Anyways I found my first class for the day,after asking a girl named "Cat"that didn't help but recognize me and then leave.I found a "boy" with a puppet told me where "Sikowitz's "class was.I was in Sikowitz's classroom when I wasn't looking I accidently bumped into someone and spilled coffee on him.
I tried to rub it off him and say sorry but we just sat into our teacher's name fit him was a bit,psycho.And that was my day.I couldn't stop looking at the boy I accidently bumped into.I got to kiss him in improv.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this I know don't be mad at me It was too short blah blah blah,and the episode doesn't go like that (maybe) but this is BORI!Stay tuned for more chapters!Update to you later!